if (msg_badread) Con_Printf("SV_ReadClientMessage: badread at %s:%i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
move->receivetime = (float)sv.time;
+ Con_Printf("%s move%i #%i %ims (%ims) %i %i '%i %i %i' '%i %i %i'\n", move->time > move->receivetime ? "^3read future" : "^4read normal", sv_numreadmoves + 1, move->sequence, (int)floor((move->time - host_client->cmd.time) * 1000.0 + 0.5), (int)floor(move->time * 1000.0 + 0.5), move->impulse, move->buttons, (int)move->viewangles[0], (int)move->viewangles[1], (int)move->viewangles[2], (int)move->forwardmove, (int)move->sidemove, (int)move->upmove);
// limit reported time to current time
// (incase the client is trying to cheat)
move->time = min(move->time, move->receivetime + sv.frametime);
// disable clientside movement prediction in some cases
- if (ceil((move->receivetime - move->time) * 1000.0) < sv_clmovement_minping.integer)
+ if (ceil(max(move->receivetime - move->time, 0) * 1000.0) < sv_clmovement_minping.integer)
host_client->clmovement_disabletimeout = realtime + sv_clmovement_minping_disabletime.value / 1000.0;
if (!sv_clmovement_enable.integer || host_client->clmovement_disabletimeout > realtime)
move->sequence = 0;
// only start accepting input once the player is spawned
if (!host_client->spawned)
+ Con_Printf("SV_ExecuteClientMoves: read %i moves at sv.time %f\n", sv_numreadmoves, (float)sv.time);
if (sv_readmoves[sv_numreadmoves-1].sequence && sv_clmovement_enable.integer && sv_clmovement_waitforinput.integer > 0)
// process the moves in order and ignore old ones
usercmd_t *move = sv_readmoves + moveindex;
if (host_client->cmd.sequence < move->sequence || moveindex == sv_numreadmoves - 1)
+ Con_Printf("%smove #%i %ims (%ims) %i %i '%i %i %i' '%i %i %i'\n", (move->time - host_client->cmd.time) > sv.frametime ? "^1" : "^2", move->sequence, (int)floor((move->time - host_client->cmd.time) * 1000.0 + 0.5), (int)floor(move->time * 1000.0 + 0.5), move->impulse, move->buttons, (int)move->viewangles[0], (int)move->viewangles[1], (int)move->viewangles[2], (int)move->forwardmove, (int)move->sidemove, (int)move->upmove);
// this is a new move
moveframetime = bound(0, move->time - host_client->cmd.time, 0.1);
//Con_Printf("movesequence = %i (%i lost), moveframetime = %f\n", move->sequence, move->sequence ? move->sequence - host_client->movesequence - 1 : 0, moveframetime);