set g_ctf_stalemate_endcondition 1 "condition for stalemate mode to be finished: 1 = If ONE flag is no longer stale, 2 = If BOTH flags are no longer stale"
set g_ctf_stalemate_time 60 "time for each flag until stalemate mode is activated"
set g_ctf_flagcarrier_waypointforenemy_spotting 1 "show the enemy flagcarrier location if a team mate presses +use to spot them"
-set g_ctf_dropped_capture_delay 1.5 "autocapture delay when flag is thrown onto the base - counted from throw, not landing"
+set g_ctf_dropped_capture_delay 1 "autocapture delay when flag is thrown onto the base - counted from throw, not landing"
set g_ctf_dropped_capture_radius 100 "allow dropped flags to be automatically captured by base flags if the dropped flag is within this radius of it"
set g_ctf_flag_damageforcescale 2
set g_ctf_portalteleport 0 "allow flag carriers to go through portals made in portal gun without dropping the flag"