for (i = 0;i < 6;i++)
prevbuffer = texturebuffer;
- texturebuffer += width * height * depth * glt->textype->inputbytesperpixel;
+ texturebuffer += glt->width * glt->height * glt->depth * glt->textype->inputbytesperpixel;
if (glt->width != width || glt->height != height || glt->depth != depth)
Image_Resample(prevbuffer, glt->width, glt->height, glt->depth, resizebuffer, width, height, depth, glt->image->bytesperpixel, r_lerpimages.integer);
d darkplaces: cleaned up rtlight handling, merging most code between world rtlights and dlights
d darkplaces: safety checked lightmap access in Mod_Q1BSP_RecursiveLightPoint as one map Sajt uses was crashing (Sajt)
-n darkplaces: upgrade network protocol to send precise angles, and make EF_LOWPRECISION downgrade both origin and angles (-Urre, -Wazat for Battlemech, FrikaC, -mashakos, RenegadeC, Sajt)
-0 darkplaces: figure out why cubemap upload scaling crashes (Urre)
+-n darkplaces: fix cubemap upload scaling crashes (Urre)
0 darkplaces: make screenshots save to screenshots/fniggium%04i.tga in GAME_FNIGGIUM (Sajt)
0 darkplaces: make screenshots save to screenshots directory (Sajt)
2 darkplaces: make corona occlusion testing use GL_ARB_occlusion_query instead of a CL_TraceLine (Riot)