sv_gameplayfix_stepmultipletimes 1
// delay for "kill" to prevent abuse
-set g_balance_kill_delay 0
+set g_balance_kill_delay 2
set g_balance_kill_antispam 5
// this feature is currently buggy in the engine (it appears to PREVENT any dropping in lots of maps, leading to weirdly aligned entities, and in some cases even CAUSES them to drop through solid, like in facing worlds nex)
JoinBestTeam( self, FALSE, FALSE );
else if(self.killindicator_teamchange == -2)
+ {
+ if(g_ca)
+ self.caplayer = 0;
+ if(blockSpectators)
+ sprint(self, strcat("^7You have to become a player within the next ", ftos(autocvar_g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime), " seconds, otherwise you will be kicked, because spectators aren't allowed at this time!\n"));
+ }
SV_ChangeTeam(self.killindicator_teamchange - 1);
} else {
self.version = stof(argv(1));
- if(self.version != autocvar_gameversion)
+ if(self.version < autocvar_gameversion_min || self.version > autocvar_gameversion_max)
- self.classname = "observer";
self.version_mismatch = 1;
- PutClientInServer();
+ ClientKill_TeamChange(-2); // observe
} else if(autocvar_g_campaign || autocvar_g_balance_teams || autocvar_g_balance_teams_force) {
//JoinBestTeam(self, FALSE, TRUE);
} else if(teams_matter && !autocvar_sv_spectate && !(self.team_forced > 0)) {
if(self.classname == "player" && autocvar_sv_spectate == 1) {
- if(self.flagcarried)
- DropFlag(self.flagcarried, world, world);
- if(self.ballcarried && g_nexball)
- DropBall(self.ballcarried, self.origin, self.velocity);
- WaypointSprite_PlayerDead();
- self.classname = "observer";
- if(g_ca)
- self.caplayer = 0;
- if(blockSpectators)
- sprint(self, strcat("^7You have to become a player within the next ", ftos(autocvar_g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime), " seconds, otherwise you will be kicked, because spectators aren't allowed at this time!\n"));
- PutClientInServer();
+ ClientKill_TeamChange(-2); // observe
} else if(cmd == "join") {
if not(self.flags & FL_CLIENT)
} else if(lockteams) {
sprint( self, "^7The game has already begun, you must wait until the next map to be able to join a team.\n");
} else if( argv(1) == "red" ) {
- DoTeamChange(COLOR_TEAM1);
+ ClientKill_TeamChange(COLOR_TEAM1);
} else if( argv(1) == "blue" ) {
- DoTeamChange(COLOR_TEAM2);
+ ClientKill_TeamChange(COLOR_TEAM2);
} else if( argv(1) == "yellow" ) {
- DoTeamChange(COLOR_TEAM3);
+ ClientKill_TeamChange(COLOR_TEAM3);
} else if( argv(1) == "pink" ) {
- DoTeamChange(COLOR_TEAM4);
+ ClientKill_TeamChange(COLOR_TEAM4);
} else if( argv(1) == "auto" ) {
- DoTeamChange(-1);
+ ClientKill_TeamChange(-1);
} else {
sprint( self, strcat( "selectteam none/red/blue/yellow/pink/auto - \"", argv(1), "\" not recognised\n" ) );