prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; \
tm = Sys_DirtyTime(); \
prog->xfunction->profile += (st - startst); \
- prog->xfunction->tprofile += (tm - starttm >= 0 && tm - starttm < 1800) ? (tm - starttm) : 0;
+ prog->xfunction->tprofile += (tm - starttm >= 0 && tm - starttm < 1800) ? (tm - starttm) : 0; \
+ startst = st; \
+ starttm = tm
#define PreError() \
prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements; \
- prog->xfunction->profile += (st - startst);
+ prog->xfunction->profile += (st - startst); \
+ startst = st
// This code isn't #ifdef/#define protectable, don't try.
if (developer.integer)
- prog->xfunction->profile += (st - startst);
- startst = st;
- prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements;
+ PreError();
VM_Warning(prog, "Attempted division by zero in %s\n", prog->name );
OPC->_float = 0.0f;
if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int < cached_entityfields && !cached_allowworldwrites)
- prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements;
+ PreError();
VM_Warning(prog, "assignment to world.%s (field %i) in %s\n", PRVM_GetString(prog, PRVM_ED_FieldAtOfs(prog, OPB->_int)->s_name), (int)OPB->_int, prog->name);
if ((prvm_uint_t)OPB->_int < cached_entityfields && !cached_allowworldwrites)
- prog->xstatement = st - cached_statements;
+ PreError();
VM_Warning(prog, "assignment to world.%s (field %i) in %s\n", PRVM_GetString(prog, PRVM_ED_FieldAtOfs(prog, OPB->_int)->s_name), (int)OPB->_int, prog->name);