set g_balance_vore_digestion_limit -100 "prey can be digested down to this amount of health"\r
set g_balance_vore_digestion_limit_regurgitate 1 "the predator automatically regurgitates prey that has reached the digestion limit"\r
set g_balance_vore_digestion_limit_blockrespawn 1 "dead prey cannot respawn if it's still being digested"\r
-set g_balance_vore_digestion_vampire 0.2 "amount of health you gain from digestion off the damage you deal"\r
+set g_balance_vore_digestion_vampire 0.15 "amount of health you gain from digestion off the damage you deal"\r
set g_balance_vore_digestion_vampire_stable 150 "maximum amount of health you can gain from digestion (best kept equal or less than g_balance_health_rotstable)"\r
set g_balance_vore_digestion_distribute 1 "if enabled, digestion is reduced by the amount of prey you have. eg: having 2 prey will reduce digestion strength by 2"\r
set g_balance_vore_digestion_scalediff 0.5 "if enabled, digestion damage is affected by the size of the predator compared to the size of the prey by this amount"\r
set g_respawn_ghosts_speed 5 "the speed with which respawn ghosts float and rotate"\r
set g_respawn_ghosts_maxtime 6 "maximum amount of time a respawn ghost can last, minimum time is half this value. 0 disables and ghosts fade when the body would"\r
-set sv_gibhealth -75 "Amount of health a dead body must have in order to get gibbed"\r
+set sv_gibhealth -100 "Amount of health a dead body must have in order to get gibbed"\r
// fragmessage: This allows extra information to be displayed with the frag centerprints. \r
set sv_fragmessage_information_ping 0 "Enable ping display information, 0 = Never display; 1 = Always display (If the player is a bot, it will say bot instead of the ping.)"\r