UpdateFrags(attacker, f);
-/*string Obituary_ExtraFragInfo(entity player) // Extra fragmessage information
- string health_output = string_null;
- string ping_output = string_null;
- string handicap_output = string_null;
- string output = string_null;
- if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo && ((autocvar_sv_fraginfo == 2) || inWarmupStage))
- {
- // health/armor of attacker (person who killed you)
- if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo_stats && (player.health >= 1))
- health_output = strcat("^7(Health ^1", ftos(rint(player.health)), "^7 / Armor ^2", ftos(rint(player.armorvalue)), "^7)");
- // ping display
- if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo_ping)
- ping_output = ((clienttype(player) == CLIENTTYPE_BOT) ? "^2Bot" : strcat("Ping ", ((player.ping >= 150) ? "^1" : "^2"), ftos(rint(player.ping)), "ms"));
- // handicap display
- if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo_handicap)
- {
- if(autocvar_sv_fraginfo_handicap == 2)
- handicap_output = strcat(output, strcat("Handicap ^2", ((player.cvar_cl_handicap <= 1) ? "Off" : ftos(rint(player.cvar_cl_handicap)))));
- else if(player.cvar_cl_handicap) // with _handicap 1, only show this if there actually is a handicap enabled.
- handicap_output = strcat("Handicap ^2", ftos(rint(player.cvar_cl_handicap)));
- }
- // format the string
- output = strcat(health_output, (health_output ? ((ping_output || handicap_output) ? " ^7(" : "") : ((ping_output || handicap_output) ? "^7(" : "")),
- ping_output, (handicap_output ? "^7 / " : ""),
- handicap_output, ((ping_output || handicap_output) ? "^7)" : ""));
- // add new line to the beginning if there is a message
- if(output) { output = strcat("\n", output); }
- }
- return output;
string AppendItemcodes(string s, entity player)
float w;
// Declarations
float notif_firstblood = FALSE;
- string deathlocation = NearestLocation(targ.origin);
+ float kill_count_to_attacker, kill_count_to_target;
- //dprint(sprintf("Obituary(): Deathtype = %s (%d), Attacker = %s, Inflictor = %s, Target = %s...\n", Deathtype_Name(deathtype), deathtype, attacker.netname, inflictor.netname, targ.netname));
+ // Set final information for the death
+ targ.death_origin = targ.origin;
+ if(targ != attacker) { targ.killer_origin = attacker.origin; }
+ string deathlocation = NearestLocation(targ.death_origin);
+ dprint(sprintf("Obituary(): Deathtype = %s (%d), Attacker = %s, Inflictor = %s, Target = %s...\n", Deathtype_Name(deathtype), deathtype, attacker.netname, inflictor.netname, targ.netname));
+ #endif
// =======
// =======
notif_firstblood = TRUE; // modify the current messages so that they too show firstblood information
- }
- float kill_count_to_attacker;
- float kill_count_to_target;
- if(notif_firstblood)
- {
+ // tell spree_inf and spree_cen that this is a first-blood and first-victim event
kill_count_to_attacker = -1;
kill_count_to_target = -2;
- // Set final information for the death
- targ.death_origin = targ.origin;
- if(targ != attacker) { targ.killer_origin = attacker.origin; }
+ // reset target kill count
if(targ.killcount) { targ.killcount = 0; }