WriteString(msg, speedaward_alltimebest_holder);
-string GetMapname(void);
-float speedaward_lastupdate;
-float speedaward_lastsent;
-void SV_PlayerPhysics()
+float PM_check_keepaway(void)
- vector wishvel, wishdir, v;
- float wishspeed, f, maxspd_mod, spd, maxairspd, airaccel, swampspd_mod, buttons;
- string temps;
- float buttons_prev;
- float not_allowed_to_move;
- string c;
- WarpZone_PlayerPhysics_FixVAngle();
- maxspd_mod = 1;
- if(self.ballcarried)
- if(g_keepaway)
- maxspd_mod *= autocvar_g_keepaway_ballcarrier_highspeed;
- maxspd_mod *= autocvar_g_movement_highspeed;
- // fix physics stats for g_movement_highspeed
- // TODO maybe rather use maxairspeed? needs testing
- self.stat_sv_airaccel_qw = AdjustAirAccelQW(autocvar_sv_airaccel_qw, maxspd_mod);
- if(autocvar_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw)
- self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw = AdjustAirAccelQW(autocvar_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw, maxspd_mod);
- else
- self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw = 0;
- self.stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw = autocvar_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw * maxspd_mod;
- self.stat_sv_maxspeed = autocvar_sv_maxspeed * maxspd_mod; // also slow walking
- if(self.PlayerPhysplug)
- if(self.PlayerPhysplug())
- return;
- self.race_movetime_frac += frametime;
- f = floor(self.race_movetime_frac);
- self.race_movetime_frac -= f;
- self.race_movetime_count += f;
- self.race_movetime = self.race_movetime_frac + self.race_movetime_count;
- anticheat_physics();
- buttons = self.BUTTON_ATCK + 2 * self.BUTTON_JUMP + 4 * self.BUTTON_ATCK2 + 8 * self.BUTTON_ZOOM + 16 * self.BUTTON_CROUCH + 32 * self.BUTTON_HOOK + 64 * self.BUTTON_USE + 128 * (self.movement_x < 0) + 256 * (self.movement_x > 0) + 512 * (self.movement_y < 0) + 1024 * (self.movement_y > 0);
+ return (self.ballcarried && g_keepaway) ? autocvar_g_keepaway_ballcarrier_highspeed : 1;
+float PM_check_specialcommand(float buttons)
+ string c;
c = "x";
else if(buttons == 1)
self.specialcommand_pos = 0;
- return;
+ return TRUE;
else if(self.specialcommand_pos && (c != substring(specialcommand, self.specialcommand_pos - 1, 1)))
self.specialcommand_pos = 0;
+ return FALSE;
- if(sv_maxidle > 0)
- {
- if(buttons != self.buttons_old || self.movement != self.movement_old || self.v_angle != self.v_angle_old)
- self.parm_idlesince = time;
- }
- buttons_prev = self.buttons_old;
- self.buttons_old = buttons;
- self.movement_old = self.movement;
- self.v_angle_old = self.v_angle;
- if(time < self.nickspamtime)
- if(self.nickspamcount >= autocvar_g_nick_flood_penalty_yellow)
+void PM_check_nickspam(void)
+ if (time >= self.nickspamtime)
+ return;
+ if (self.nickspamcount >= autocvar_g_nick_flood_penalty_yellow)
// slight annoyance for nick change scripts
self.movement = -1 * self.movement;
- if(self.nickspamcount >= autocvar_g_nick_flood_penalty_red) // if you are persistent and the slight annoyance above does not stop you, I'll show you!
+ if (self.nickspamcount >= autocvar_g_nick_flood_penalty_red) // if you are persistent and the slight annoyance above does not stop you, I'll show you!
self.angles_x = random() * 360;
self.angles_y = random() * 360;
self.fixangle = TRUE;
+float PM_check_punch(float f)
if (self.punchangle != '0 0 0')
f = vlen(self.punchangle) - 10 * frametime;
self.punchvector = '0 0 0';
+ return f;
+void PM_check_spider(void)
+ if(time < self.spider_slowness)
+ {
+ self.stat_sv_maxspeed *= 0.5; // half speed while slow from spider
+ self.stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw *= 0.5;
+ }
+void PM_check_frozen(void)
+ if(!self.frozen)
+ return;
+ if(autocvar_sv_dodging_frozen && IS_REAL_CLIENT(self))
+ {
+ self.movement_x = bound(-5, self.movement_x, 5);
+ self.movement_y = bound(-5, self.movement_y, 5);
+ self.movement_z = bound(-5, self.movement_z, 5);
+ }
+ else
+ self.movement = '0 0 0';
+ self.disableclientprediction = 1;
+ vector midpoint = ((self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5);
+ if(pointcontents(midpoint) == CONTENT_WATER)
+ {
+ self.velocity = self.velocity * 0.5;
+ if(pointcontents(midpoint + '0 0 16') == CONTENT_WATER)
+ self.velocity_z = 200;
+ }
+void PM_check_blocked(void)
+ if(self.player_blocked)
+ {
+ self.movement = '0 0 0';
+ self.disableclientprediction = 1;
+ }
+float speedaward_lastupdate;
+float speedaward_lastsent;
+void PM_check_race(void)
+ if not(g_cts || g_race)
+ return;
+ if(vlen(self.velocity - self.velocity_z * '0 0 1') > speedaward_speed)
+ {
+ speedaward_speed = vlen(self.velocity - self.velocity_z * '0 0 1');
+ speedaward_holder = self.netname;
+ speedaward_uid = self.crypto_idfp;
+ speedaward_lastupdate = time;
+ }
+ if(speedaward_speed > speedaward_lastsent && time - speedaward_lastupdate > 1)
+ {
+ string rr = (g_cts) ? CTS_RECORD : RACE_RECORD;
+ race_send_speedaward(MSG_ALL);
+ speedaward_lastsent = speedaward_speed;
+ if (speedaward_speed > speedaward_alltimebest && speedaward_uid != "")
+ {
+ speedaward_alltimebest = speedaward_speed;
+ speedaward_alltimebest_holder = speedaward_holder;
+ speedaward_alltimebest_uid = speedaward_uid;
+ db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), rr, "speed/speed"), ftos(speedaward_alltimebest));
+ db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), rr, "speed/crypto_idfp"), speedaward_alltimebest_uid);
+ race_send_speedaward_alltimebest(MSG_ALL);
+ }
+ }
+void PM_check_vortex(void)
+ float xyspeed;
+ xyspeed = vlen('1 0 0' * self.velocity_x + '0 1 0' * self.velocity_y);
+ if(self.weapon == WEP_NEX && autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge && autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_velocity_rate && xyspeed > autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_minspeed)
+ {
+ // add a maximum of charge_velocity_rate when going fast (f = 1), gradually increasing from minspeed (f = 0) to maxspeed
+ xyspeed = min(xyspeed, autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_maxspeed);
+ float f = (xyspeed - autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_minspeed) / (autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_maxspeed - autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_minspeed);
+ // add the extra charge
+ self.nex_charge = min(1, self.nex_charge + autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_velocity_rate * f * frametime);
+ }
+void PM_fly(float maxspd_mod)
+ // noclipping or flying
+ self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
+ self.velocity = self.velocity * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction);
+ makevectors(self.v_angle);
+ //wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + v_up * self.movement_z;
+ vector wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + '0 0 1' * self.movement_z;
+ // acceleration
+ vector wishdir = normalize(wishvel);
+ float wishspeed = vlen(wishvel);
+ if (wishspeed > self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod)
+ wishspeed = self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod;
+ if (time >= self.teleport_time)
+ PM_Accelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed, wishspeed, autocvar_sv_accelerate*maxspd_mod, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+void PM_swim(float maxspd_mod)
+ // swimming
+ self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
+ makevectors(self.v_angle);
+ //wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + v_up * self.movement_z;
+ vector wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + '0 0 1' * self.movement_z;
+ if (wishvel == '0 0 0')
+ wishvel = '0 0 -60'; // drift towards bottom
+ vector wishdir = normalize(wishvel);
+ float wishspeed = vlen(wishvel);
+ if (wishspeed > self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod)
+ wishspeed = self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod;
+ wishspeed = wishspeed * 0.7;
+ // water friction
+ self.velocity = self.velocity * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction);
+ // water acceleration
+ PM_Accelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed, wishspeed, autocvar_sv_accelerate*maxspd_mod, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+void PM_ladder(float maxspd_mod)
+ // on a spawnfunc_func_ladder or swimming in spawnfunc_func_water
+ self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
+ float g;
+ g = autocvar_sv_gravity * frametime;
+ if(self.gravity)
+ g *= self.gravity;
+ if(autocvar_sv_gameplayfix_gravityunaffectedbyticrate)
+ {
+ g *= 0.5;
+ self.velocity_z += g;
+ }
+ self.velocity = self.velocity * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction);
+ makevectors(self.v_angle);
+ //wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + v_up * self.movement_z;
+ vector wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + '0 0 1' * self.movement_z;
+ self.velocity_z += g;
+ if (self.ladder_entity.classname == "func_water")
+ {
+ float f = vlen(wishvel);
+ if (f > self.ladder_entity.speed)
+ wishvel = wishvel * (self.ladder_entity.speed / f);
+ self.watertype = self.ladder_entity.skin;
+ f = self.ladder_entity.origin_z + self.ladder_entity.maxs_z;
+ if ((self.origin_z + self.view_ofs_z) < f)
+ self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_SUBMERGED;
+ else if ((self.origin_z + (self.mins_z + self.maxs_z) * 0.5) < f)
+ self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING;
+ else if ((self.origin_z + self.mins_z + 1) < f)
+ self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_WETFEET;
+ else
+ {
+ self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_NONE;
+ self.watertype = CONTENT_EMPTY;
+ }
+ }
+ // acceleration
+ vector wishdir = normalize(wishvel);
+ float wishspeed = vlen(wishvel);
+ if (wishspeed > self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod)
+ wishspeed = self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod;
+ if (time >= self.teleport_time)
+ {
+ // water acceleration
+ PM_Accelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed, wishspeed, autocvar_sv_accelerate*maxspd_mod, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+void PM_jetpack(float maxspd_mod)
+ //makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0');
+ makevectors(self.v_angle);
+ vector wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y;
+ // add remaining speed as Z component
+ float maxairspd = autocvar_sv_maxairspeed*max(1, maxspd_mod);
+ // fix speedhacks :P
+ wishvel = normalize(wishvel) * min(vlen(wishvel) / maxairspd, 1);
+ // add the unused velocity as up component
+ wishvel_z = 0;
+ // if(self.BUTTON_JUMP)
+ wishvel_z = sqrt(max(0, 1 - wishvel * wishvel));
+ // it is now normalized, so...
+ float a_side, a_up, a_add, a_diff;
+ a_side = autocvar_g_jetpack_acceleration_side;
+ a_up = autocvar_g_jetpack_acceleration_up;
+ a_add = autocvar_g_jetpack_antigravity * autocvar_sv_gravity;
+ wishvel_x *= a_side;
+ wishvel_y *= a_side;
+ wishvel_z *= a_up;
+ wishvel_z += a_add;
+ float best;
+ best = 0;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // finding the maximum over all vectors of above form
+ // with wishvel having an absolute value of 1
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // we're finding the maximum over
+ // f(a_side, a_up, a_add, z) := a_side * (1 - z^2) + (a_add + a_up * z)^2;
+ // for z in the range from -1 to 1
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // maximum is EITHER attained at the single extreme point:
+ a_diff = a_side * a_side - a_up * a_up;
+ float f;
+ if(a_diff != 0)
+ {
+ f = a_add * a_up / a_diff; // this is the zero of diff(f(a_side, a_up, a_add, z), z)
+ if(f > -1 && f < 1) // can it be attained?
+ {
+ best = (a_diff + a_add * a_add) * (a_diff + a_up * a_up) / a_diff;
+ //print("middle\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // OR attained at z = 1:
+ f = (a_up + a_add) * (a_up + a_add);
+ if(f > best)
+ {
+ best = f;
+ //print("top\n");
+ }
+ // OR attained at z = -1:
+ f = (a_up - a_add) * (a_up - a_add);
+ if(f > best)
+ {
+ best = f;
+ //print("bottom\n");
+ }
+ best = sqrt(best);
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //print("best possible acceleration: ", ftos(best), "\n");
+ float fxy, fz;
+ fxy = bound(0, 1 - (self.velocity * normalize(wishvel_x * '1 0 0' + wishvel_y * '0 1 0')) / autocvar_g_jetpack_maxspeed_side, 1);
+ if(wishvel_z - autocvar_sv_gravity > 0)
+ fz = bound(0, 1 - self.velocity_z / autocvar_g_jetpack_maxspeed_up, 1);
+ else
+ fz = bound(0, 1 + self.velocity_z / autocvar_g_jetpack_maxspeed_up, 1);
+ float fvel;
+ fvel = vlen(wishvel);
+ wishvel_x *= fxy;
+ wishvel_y *= fxy;
+ wishvel_z = (wishvel_z - autocvar_sv_gravity) * fz + autocvar_sv_gravity;
+ fvel = min(1, vlen(wishvel) / best);
+ if(autocvar_g_jetpack_fuel && !(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO))
+ f = min(1, self.ammo_fuel / (autocvar_g_jetpack_fuel * frametime * fvel));
+ else
+ f = 1;
+ //print("this acceleration: ", ftos(vlen(wishvel) * f), "\n");
+ if (f > 0 && wishvel != '0 0 0')
+ {
+ self.velocity = self.velocity + wishvel * f * frametime;
+ if (!(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO))
+ self.ammo_fuel -= autocvar_g_jetpack_fuel * frametime * fvel * f;
+ self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
+ self.items |= IT_USING_JETPACK;
+ // jetpack also inhibits health regeneration, but only for 1 second
+ self.pauseregen_finished = max(self.pauseregen_finished, time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_fuel_regen);
+ }
+void PM_walk(float buttons_prev, float maxspd_mod)
+ // we get here if we ran out of ammo
+ if((self.items & IT_JETPACK) && self.BUTTON_HOOK && !(buttons_prev & 32) && self.ammo_fuel < 0.01)
+ sprint(self, "You don't have any fuel for the ^2Jetpack\n");
+ // walking
+ makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0');
+ vector wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y;
+ if(!(self.lastflags & FL_ONGROUND))
+ {
+ if(autocvar_speedmeter)
+ dprint(strcat("landing velocity: ", vtos(self.velocity), " (abs: ", ftos(vlen(self.velocity)), ")\n"));
+ if(self.lastground < time - 0.3)
+ self.velocity = self.velocity * (1 - autocvar_sv_friction_on_land);
+ if(self.jumppadcount > 1)
+ dprint(strcat(ftos(self.jumppadcount), "x jumppad combo\n"));
+ self.jumppadcount = 0;
+ }
+ if(self.velocity_x || self.velocity_y)
+ {
+ // good
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(self.velocity_x)
+ checkclient();
+ if(self.velocity_y)
+ checkclient();
+ }
+ vector v = self.velocity;
+ v_z = 0;
+ float f = vlen(v);
+ if(f > 0)
+ {
+ if (f < autocvar_sv_stopspeed)
+ f = 1 - frametime * (autocvar_sv_stopspeed / f) * autocvar_sv_friction;
+ else
+ f = 1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction;
+ if (f > 0)
+ self.velocity = self.velocity * f;
+ else
+ self.velocity = '0 0 0';
+ /*
+ Mathematical analysis time!
+ Our goal is to invert this mess.
+ For the two cases we get:
+ v = v0 * (1 - frametime * (autocvar_sv_stopspeed / v0) * autocvar_sv_friction)
+ = v0 - frametime * autocvar_sv_stopspeed * autocvar_sv_friction
+ v0 = v + frametime * autocvar_sv_stopspeed * autocvar_sv_friction
+ and
+ v = v0 * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
+ v0 = v / (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
+ These cases would be chosen ONLY if:
+ v0 < autocvar_sv_stopspeed
+ v + frametime * autocvar_sv_stopspeed * autocvar_sv_friction < autocvar_sv_stopspeed
+ v < autocvar_sv_stopspeed * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
+ and, respectively:
+ v0 >= autocvar_sv_stopspeed
+ v / (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction) >= autocvar_sv_stopspeed
+ v >= autocvar_sv_stopspeed * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
+ */
+ }
+ // acceleration
+ vector wishdir = normalize(wishvel);
+ float wishspeed = vlen(wishvel);
+ if (wishspeed > self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod)
+ wishspeed = self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod;
+ if (self.crouch)
+ wishspeed = wishspeed * 0.5;
+ if (time >= self.teleport_time)
+ PM_Accelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed, wishspeed, autocvar_sv_accelerate*maxspd_mod, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+void PM_air(float buttons_prev, float maxspd_mod)
+ float wishspeed0;
+ // we get here if we ran out of ammo
+ if((self.items & IT_JETPACK) && self.BUTTON_HOOK && !(buttons_prev & 32) && self.ammo_fuel < 0.01)
+ sprint(self, "You don't have any fuel for the ^2Jetpack\n");
+ float maxairspd, airaccel;
+ if(maxspd_mod < 1)
+ {
+ maxairspd = autocvar_sv_maxairspeed*maxspd_mod;
+ airaccel = autocvar_sv_airaccelerate*maxspd_mod;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ maxairspd = autocvar_sv_maxairspeed;
+ airaccel = autocvar_sv_airaccelerate;
+ }
+ // airborn
+ makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0');
+ vector wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y;
+ // acceleration
+ vector wishdir = normalize(wishvel);
+ float wishspeed = wishspeed0 = vlen(wishvel);
+ if (wishspeed0 > self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod)
+ wishspeed0 = self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod;
+ if (wishspeed > maxairspd)
+ wishspeed = maxairspd;
+ if (self.crouch)
+ wishspeed = wishspeed * 0.5;
+ if (time >= self.teleport_time)
+ {
+ float accelerating;
+ float wishspeed2;
+ float airaccelqw;
+ float strafity;
+ airaccelqw = self.stat_sv_airaccel_qw;
+ accelerating = (self.velocity * wishdir > 0);
+ wishspeed2 = wishspeed;
+ // CPM
+ if(autocvar_sv_airstopaccelerate)
+ {
+ vector curdir;
+ curdir = self.velocity;
+ curdir_z = 0;
+ curdir = normalize(curdir);
+ airaccel = airaccel + (autocvar_sv_airstopaccelerate*maxspd_mod - airaccel) * max(0, -(curdir * wishdir));
+ }
+ // note that for straight forward jumping:
+ // step = accel * frametime * wishspeed0;
+ // accel = bound(0, wishspeed - vel_xy_current, step) * accelqw + step * (1 - accelqw);
+ // -->
+ // dv/dt = accel * maxspeed (when slow)
+ // dv/dt = accel * maxspeed * (1 - accelqw) (when fast)
+ // log dv/dt = logaccel + logmaxspeed (when slow)
+ // log dv/dt = logaccel + logmaxspeed + log(1 - accelqw) (when fast)
+ strafity = IsMoveInDirection(self.movement, -90) + IsMoveInDirection(self.movement, +90); // if one is nonzero, other is always zero
+ if(autocvar_sv_maxairstrafespeed)
+ wishspeed = min(wishspeed, GeomLerp(autocvar_sv_maxairspeed*maxspd_mod, strafity, autocvar_sv_maxairstrafespeed*maxspd_mod));
+ if(autocvar_sv_airstrafeaccelerate)
+ airaccel = GeomLerp(airaccel, strafity, autocvar_sv_airstrafeaccelerate*maxspd_mod);
+ if(self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw)
+ airaccelqw = copysign(1-GeomLerp(1-fabs(self.stat_sv_airaccel_qw), strafity, 1-fabs(self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw)), ((strafity > 0.5) ? self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw : self.stat_sv_airaccel_qw));
+ // !CPM
+ if(autocvar_sv_warsowbunny_turnaccel && accelerating && self.movement_y == 0 && self.movement_x != 0)
+ PM_AirAccelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed);
+ else
+ PM_Accelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed, wishspeed0, airaccel, airaccelqw, autocvar_sv_airaccel_qw_stretchfactor, autocvar_sv_airaccel_sideways_friction / maxairspd, self.stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw);
+ if(autocvar_sv_aircontrol)
+ CPM_PM_Aircontrol(self, wishdir, wishspeed2);
+ }
+string GetMapname(void);
+void SV_PlayerPhysics(void)
+ float maxspd_mod, spd, buttons;
+ string temps;
+ float buttons_prev;
+ float not_allowed_to_move;
+ WarpZone_PlayerPhysics_FixVAngle();
+ maxspd_mod = 1;
+ maxspd_mod *= PM_check_keepaway();
+ maxspd_mod *= autocvar_g_movement_highspeed;
+ // fix physics stats for g_movement_highspeed
+ // TODO maybe rather use maxairspeed? needs testing
+ self.stat_sv_airaccel_qw = AdjustAirAccelQW(autocvar_sv_airaccel_qw, maxspd_mod);
+ if(autocvar_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw)
+ self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw = AdjustAirAccelQW(autocvar_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw, maxspd_mod);
+ else
+ self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw = 0;
+ self.stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw = autocvar_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw * maxspd_mod;
+ self.stat_sv_maxspeed = autocvar_sv_maxspeed * maxspd_mod; // also slow walking
+ if(self.PlayerPhysplug)
+ if(self.PlayerPhysplug())
+ return;
+ self.race_movetime_frac += frametime;
+ float f = floor(self.race_movetime_frac);
+ self.race_movetime_frac -= f;
+ self.race_movetime_count += f;
+ self.race_movetime = self.race_movetime_frac + self.race_movetime_count;
+ anticheat_physics();
+ buttons = self.BUTTON_ATCK + 2 * self.BUTTON_JUMP + 4 * self.BUTTON_ATCK2 + 8 * self.BUTTON_ZOOM + 16 * self.BUTTON_CROUCH + 32 * self.BUTTON_HOOK + 64 * self.BUTTON_USE + 128 * (self.movement_x < 0) + 256 * (self.movement_x > 0) + 512 * (self.movement_y < 0) + 1024 * (self.movement_y > 0);
+ if (PM_check_specialcommand(buttons))
+ return;
+ if(sv_maxidle > 0)
+ {
+ if(buttons != self.buttons_old || self.movement != self.movement_old || self.v_angle != self.v_angle_old)
+ self.parm_idlesince = time;
+ }
+ buttons_prev = self.buttons_old;
+ self.buttons_old = buttons;
+ self.movement_old = self.movement;
+ self.v_angle_old = self.v_angle;
+ PM_check_nickspam();
+ f = PM_check_punch(f);
if (IS_BOT_CLIENT(self))
if(time < self.ladder_time)
self.disableclientprediction = 1;
- if(time < self.spider_slowness)
- {
- self.stat_sv_maxspeed *= 0.5; // half speed while slow from spider
- self.stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw *= 0.5;
- }
+ PM_check_spider();
- if(self.frozen)
- {
- if(autocvar_sv_dodging_frozen && IS_REAL_CLIENT(self))
- {
- self.movement_x = bound(-5, self.movement_x, 5);
- self.movement_y = bound(-5, self.movement_y, 5);
- self.movement_z = bound(-5, self.movement_z, 5);
- }
- else
- self.movement = '0 0 0';
- self.disableclientprediction = 1;
- vector midpoint = ((self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5);
- if(pointcontents(midpoint) == CONTENT_WATER)
- {
- self.velocity = self.velocity * 0.5;
- if(pointcontents(midpoint + '0 0 16') == CONTENT_WATER)
- { self.velocity_z = 200; }
- }
- }
+ PM_check_frozen();
- if(self.player_blocked)
- {
- self.movement = '0 0 0';
- self.disableclientprediction = 1;
- }
+ PM_check_blocked();
maxspd_mod = 1;
- swampspd_mod = 1;
if(self.in_swamp) {
- swampspd_mod = self.swamp_slowdown; //cvar("g_balance_swamp_moverate");
+ maxspd_mod *= self.swamp_slowdown; //cvar("g_balance_swamp_moverate");
// conveyors: first fix velocity
if (!IS_PLAYER(self))
- maxspd_mod = autocvar_sv_spectator_speed_multiplier;
+ maxspd_mod *= autocvar_sv_spectator_speed_multiplier;
self.spectatorspeed = maxspd_mod;
if(self.impulse && self.impulse <= 19 || (self.impulse >= 200 && self.impulse <= 209) || (self.impulse >= 220 && self.impulse <= 229))
} // otherwise just clear
self.impulse = 0;
- maxspd_mod = self.spectatorspeed;
+ maxspd_mod *= self.spectatorspeed;
- spd = max(self.stat_sv_maxspeed, autocvar_sv_maxairspeed) * maxspd_mod * swampspd_mod;
+ spd = max(self.stat_sv_maxspeed, autocvar_sv_maxairspeed) * maxspd_mod;
if(self.speed != spd)
self.speed = spd;
stuffcmd(self, strcat("cl_upspeed ", temps, "\n"));
- maxspd_mod *= swampspd_mod; // only one common speed modder please!
- swampspd_mod = 1;
// if dead, behave differently
if (self.deadflag)
goto end;
else if (self.movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP || self.movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY || self.movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY_WORLDONLY)
- // noclipping or flying
- self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
- self.velocity = self.velocity * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction);
- makevectors(self.v_angle);
- //wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + v_up * self.movement_z;
- wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + '0 0 1' * self.movement_z;
- // acceleration
- wishdir = normalize(wishvel);
- wishspeed = vlen(wishvel);
- if (wishspeed > self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod)
- wishspeed = self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod;
- if (time >= self.teleport_time)
- PM_Accelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed, wishspeed, autocvar_sv_accelerate*maxspd_mod, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+ PM_fly(maxspd_mod);
else if (self.waterlevel >= WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING)
- // swimming
- self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
- makevectors(self.v_angle);
- //wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + v_up * self.movement_z;
- wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + '0 0 1' * self.movement_z;
- if (wishvel == '0 0 0')
- wishvel = '0 0 -60'; // drift towards bottom
- wishdir = normalize(wishvel);
- wishspeed = vlen(wishvel);
- if (wishspeed > self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod)
- wishspeed = self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod;
- wishspeed = wishspeed * 0.7;
- // water friction
- self.velocity = self.velocity * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction);
- // water acceleration
- PM_Accelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed, wishspeed, autocvar_sv_accelerate*maxspd_mod, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+ PM_swim(maxspd_mod);
else if (time < self.ladder_time)
- // on a spawnfunc_func_ladder or swimming in spawnfunc_func_water
- self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
- float g;
- g = autocvar_sv_gravity * frametime;
- if(self.gravity)
- g *= self.gravity;
- if(autocvar_sv_gameplayfix_gravityunaffectedbyticrate)
- {
- g *= 0.5;
- self.velocity_z += g;
- }
- self.velocity = self.velocity * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction);
- makevectors(self.v_angle);
- //wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + v_up * self.movement_z;
- wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y + '0 0 1' * self.movement_z;
- self.velocity_z += g;
- if (self.ladder_entity.classname == "func_water")
- {
- f = vlen(wishvel);
- if (f > self.ladder_entity.speed)
- wishvel = wishvel * (self.ladder_entity.speed / f);
- self.watertype = self.ladder_entity.skin;
- f = self.ladder_entity.origin_z + self.ladder_entity.maxs_z;
- if ((self.origin_z + self.view_ofs_z) < f)
- self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_SUBMERGED;
- else if ((self.origin_z + (self.mins_z + self.maxs_z) * 0.5) < f)
- self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING;
- else if ((self.origin_z + self.mins_z + 1) < f)
- self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_WETFEET;
- else
- {
- self.waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_NONE;
- self.watertype = CONTENT_EMPTY;
- }
- }
- // acceleration
- wishdir = normalize(wishvel);
- wishspeed = vlen(wishvel);
- if (wishspeed > self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod)
- wishspeed = self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod;
- if (time >= self.teleport_time)
- {
- // water acceleration
- PM_Accelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed, wishspeed, autocvar_sv_accelerate*maxspd_mod, 1, 0, 0, 0);
- }
+ PM_ladder(maxspd_mod);
else if ((self.items & IT_JETPACK) && self.BUTTON_HOOK && (!autocvar_g_jetpack_fuel || self.ammo_fuel >= 0.01 || self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) && !self.frozen)
- //makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0');
- makevectors(self.v_angle);
- wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y;
- // add remaining speed as Z component
- maxairspd = autocvar_sv_maxairspeed*max(1, maxspd_mod);
- // fix speedhacks :P
- wishvel = normalize(wishvel) * min(vlen(wishvel) / maxairspd, 1);
- // add the unused velocity as up component
- wishvel_z = 0;
- // if(self.BUTTON_JUMP)
- wishvel_z = sqrt(max(0, 1 - wishvel * wishvel));
- // it is now normalized, so...
- float a_side, a_up, a_add, a_diff;
- a_side = autocvar_g_jetpack_acceleration_side;
- a_up = autocvar_g_jetpack_acceleration_up;
- a_add = autocvar_g_jetpack_antigravity * autocvar_sv_gravity;
- wishvel_x *= a_side;
- wishvel_y *= a_side;
- wishvel_z *= a_up;
- wishvel_z += a_add;
- float best;
- best = 0;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // finding the maximum over all vectors of above form
- // with wishvel having an absolute value of 1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // we're finding the maximum over
- // f(a_side, a_up, a_add, z) := a_side * (1 - z^2) + (a_add + a_up * z)^2;
- // for z in the range from -1 to 1
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // maximum is EITHER attained at the single extreme point:
- a_diff = a_side * a_side - a_up * a_up;
- if(a_diff != 0)
- {
- f = a_add * a_up / a_diff; // this is the zero of diff(f(a_side, a_up, a_add, z), z)
- if(f > -1 && f < 1) // can it be attained?
- {
- best = (a_diff + a_add * a_add) * (a_diff + a_up * a_up) / a_diff;
- //print("middle\n");
- }
- }
- // OR attained at z = 1:
- f = (a_up + a_add) * (a_up + a_add);
- if(f > best)
- {
- best = f;
- //print("top\n");
- }
- // OR attained at z = -1:
- f = (a_up - a_add) * (a_up - a_add);
- if(f > best)
- {
- best = f;
- //print("bottom\n");
- }
- best = sqrt(best);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //print("best possible acceleration: ", ftos(best), "\n");
- float fxy, fz;
- fxy = bound(0, 1 - (self.velocity * normalize(wishvel_x * '1 0 0' + wishvel_y * '0 1 0')) / autocvar_g_jetpack_maxspeed_side, 1);
- if(wishvel_z - autocvar_sv_gravity > 0)
- fz = bound(0, 1 - self.velocity_z / autocvar_g_jetpack_maxspeed_up, 1);
- else
- fz = bound(0, 1 + self.velocity_z / autocvar_g_jetpack_maxspeed_up, 1);
- float fvel;
- fvel = vlen(wishvel);
- wishvel_x *= fxy;
- wishvel_y *= fxy;
- wishvel_z = (wishvel_z - autocvar_sv_gravity) * fz + autocvar_sv_gravity;
- fvel = min(1, vlen(wishvel) / best);
- if(autocvar_g_jetpack_fuel && !(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO))
- f = min(1, self.ammo_fuel / (autocvar_g_jetpack_fuel * frametime * fvel));
- else
- f = 1;
- //print("this acceleration: ", ftos(vlen(wishvel) * f), "\n");
- if (f > 0 && wishvel != '0 0 0')
- {
- self.velocity = self.velocity + wishvel * f * frametime;
- if (!(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO))
- self.ammo_fuel -= autocvar_g_jetpack_fuel * frametime * fvel * f;
- self.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
- self.items |= IT_USING_JETPACK;
- // jetpack also inhibits health regeneration, but only for 1 second
- self.pauseregen_finished = max(self.pauseregen_finished, time + autocvar_g_balance_pause_fuel_regen);
- }
+ PM_jetpack(maxspd_mod);
else if (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)
- // we get here if we ran out of ammo
- if((self.items & IT_JETPACK) && self.BUTTON_HOOK && !(buttons_prev & 32) && self.ammo_fuel < 0.01)
- sprint(self, "You don't have any fuel for the ^2Jetpack\n");
- // walking
- makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0');
- wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y;
- if(!(self.lastflags & FL_ONGROUND))
- {
- if(autocvar_speedmeter)
- dprint(strcat("landing velocity: ", vtos(self.velocity), " (abs: ", ftos(vlen(self.velocity)), ")\n"));
- if(self.lastground < time - 0.3)
- self.velocity = self.velocity * (1 - autocvar_sv_friction_on_land);
- if(self.jumppadcount > 1)
- dprint(strcat(ftos(self.jumppadcount), "x jumppad combo\n"));
- self.jumppadcount = 0;
- }
- if(self.velocity_x || self.velocity_y)
- {
- // good
- }
- else
- {
- if(self.velocity_x)
- checkclient();
- if(self.velocity_y)
- checkclient();
- }
- v = self.velocity;
- v_z = 0;
- f = vlen(v);
- if(f > 0)
- {
- if (f < autocvar_sv_stopspeed)
- f = 1 - frametime * (autocvar_sv_stopspeed / f) * autocvar_sv_friction;
- else
- f = 1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction;
- if (f > 0)
- self.velocity = self.velocity * f;
- else
- self.velocity = '0 0 0';
- /*
- Mathematical analysis time!
- Our goal is to invert this mess.
- For the two cases we get:
- v = v0 * (1 - frametime * (autocvar_sv_stopspeed / v0) * autocvar_sv_friction)
- = v0 - frametime * autocvar_sv_stopspeed * autocvar_sv_friction
- v0 = v + frametime * autocvar_sv_stopspeed * autocvar_sv_friction
- and
- v = v0 * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
- v0 = v / (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
- These cases would be chosen ONLY if:
- v0 < autocvar_sv_stopspeed
- v + frametime * autocvar_sv_stopspeed * autocvar_sv_friction < autocvar_sv_stopspeed
- v < autocvar_sv_stopspeed * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
- and, respectively:
- v0 >= autocvar_sv_stopspeed
- v / (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction) >= autocvar_sv_stopspeed
- v >= autocvar_sv_stopspeed * (1 - frametime * autocvar_sv_friction)
- */
- }
- // acceleration
- wishdir = normalize(wishvel);
- wishspeed = vlen(wishvel);
- if (wishspeed > self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod)
- wishspeed = self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod;
- if (self.crouch)
- wishspeed = wishspeed * 0.5;
- if (time >= self.teleport_time)
- PM_Accelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed, wishspeed, autocvar_sv_accelerate*maxspd_mod, 1, 0, 0, 0);
+ PM_walk(buttons_prev, maxspd_mod);
- float wishspeed0;
- // we get here if we ran out of ammo
- if((self.items & IT_JETPACK) && self.BUTTON_HOOK && !(buttons_prev & 32) && self.ammo_fuel < 0.01)
- sprint(self, "You don't have any fuel for the ^2Jetpack\n");
- if(maxspd_mod < 1)
- {
- maxairspd = autocvar_sv_maxairspeed*maxspd_mod;
- airaccel = autocvar_sv_airaccelerate*maxspd_mod;
- }
- else
- {
- maxairspd = autocvar_sv_maxairspeed;
- airaccel = autocvar_sv_airaccelerate;
- }
- // airborn
- makevectors(self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0');
- wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y;
- // acceleration
- wishdir = normalize(wishvel);
- wishspeed = wishspeed0 = vlen(wishvel);
- if (wishspeed0 > self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod)
- wishspeed0 = self.stat_sv_maxspeed*maxspd_mod;
- if (wishspeed > maxairspd)
- wishspeed = maxairspd;
- if (self.crouch)
- wishspeed = wishspeed * 0.5;
- if (time >= self.teleport_time)
- {
- float accelerating;
- float wishspeed2;
- float airaccelqw;
- float strafity;
- airaccelqw = self.stat_sv_airaccel_qw;
- accelerating = (self.velocity * wishdir > 0);
- wishspeed2 = wishspeed;
- // CPM
- if(autocvar_sv_airstopaccelerate)
- {
- vector curdir;
- curdir = self.velocity;
- curdir_z = 0;
- curdir = normalize(curdir);
- airaccel = airaccel + (autocvar_sv_airstopaccelerate*maxspd_mod - airaccel) * max(0, -(curdir * wishdir));
- }
- // note that for straight forward jumping:
- // step = accel * frametime * wishspeed0;
- // accel = bound(0, wishspeed - vel_xy_current, step) * accelqw + step * (1 - accelqw);
- // -->
- // dv/dt = accel * maxspeed (when slow)
- // dv/dt = accel * maxspeed * (1 - accelqw) (when fast)
- // log dv/dt = logaccel + logmaxspeed (when slow)
- // log dv/dt = logaccel + logmaxspeed + log(1 - accelqw) (when fast)
- strafity = IsMoveInDirection(self.movement, -90) + IsMoveInDirection(self.movement, +90); // if one is nonzero, other is always zero
- if(autocvar_sv_maxairstrafespeed)
- wishspeed = min(wishspeed, GeomLerp(autocvar_sv_maxairspeed*maxspd_mod, strafity, autocvar_sv_maxairstrafespeed*maxspd_mod));
- if(autocvar_sv_airstrafeaccelerate)
- airaccel = GeomLerp(airaccel, strafity, autocvar_sv_airstrafeaccelerate*maxspd_mod);
- if(self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw)
- airaccelqw = copysign(1-GeomLerp(1-fabs(self.stat_sv_airaccel_qw), strafity, 1-fabs(self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw)), ((strafity > 0.5) ? self.stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw : self.stat_sv_airaccel_qw));
- // !CPM
- if(autocvar_sv_warsowbunny_turnaccel && accelerating && self.movement_y == 0 && self.movement_x != 0)
- PM_AirAccelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed);
- else
- PM_Accelerate(self, wishdir, wishspeed, wishspeed0, airaccel, airaccelqw, autocvar_sv_airaccel_qw_stretchfactor, autocvar_sv_airaccel_sideways_friction / maxairspd, self.stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw);
- if(autocvar_sv_aircontrol)
- CPM_PM_Aircontrol(self, wishdir, wishspeed2);
- }
- }
- if((g_cts || g_race) && !IS_OBSERVER(self))
- {
- if(vlen(self.velocity - self.velocity_z * '0 0 1') > speedaward_speed)
- {
- speedaward_speed = vlen(self.velocity - self.velocity_z * '0 0 1');
- speedaward_holder = self.netname;
- speedaward_uid = self.crypto_idfp;
- speedaward_lastupdate = time;
- }
- if(speedaward_speed > speedaward_lastsent && time - speedaward_lastupdate > 1)
- {
- string rr = (g_cts) ? CTS_RECORD : RACE_RECORD;
- race_send_speedaward(MSG_ALL);
- speedaward_lastsent = speedaward_speed;
- if (speedaward_speed > speedaward_alltimebest && speedaward_uid != "")
- {
- speedaward_alltimebest = speedaward_speed;
- speedaward_alltimebest_holder = speedaward_holder;
- speedaward_alltimebest_uid = speedaward_uid;
- db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), rr, "speed/speed"), ftos(speedaward_alltimebest));
- db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), rr, "speed/crypto_idfp"), speedaward_alltimebest_uid);
- race_send_speedaward_alltimebest(MSG_ALL);
- }
- }
+ PM_air(buttons_prev, maxspd_mod);
+ if(!IS_OBSERVER(self))
+ PM_check_race();
- float xyspeed;
- xyspeed = vlen('1 0 0' * self.velocity_x + '0 1 0' * self.velocity_y);
- if(self.weapon == WEP_NEX && autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge && autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_velocity_rate && xyspeed > autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_minspeed)
- {
- // add a maximum of charge_velocity_rate when going fast (f = 1), gradually increasing from minspeed (f = 0) to maxspeed
- xyspeed = min(xyspeed, autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_maxspeed);
- f = (xyspeed - autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_minspeed) / (autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_maxspeed - autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_minspeed);
- // add the extra charge
- self.nex_charge = min(1, self.nex_charge + autocvar_g_balance_nex_charge_velocity_rate * f * frametime);
- }
+ PM_check_vortex();
if(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)
self.lastground = time;
self.lastflags = self.flags;
self.lastclassname = self.classname;
\ No newline at end of file