void CL_EntityParticles (const entity_t *ent);
void CL_ParticleExplosion (const vec3_t org);
void CL_ParticleExplosion2 (const vec3_t org, int colorStart, int colorLength);
-void R_NewExplosion(const vec3_t org);
#include "cl_screen.h"
extern qbool sb_showscores;
-float RSurf_FogVertex(const vec3_t p);
-float RSurf_FogPoint(const vec3_t p);
-typedef enum r_viewport_type_e
-typedef struct r_viewport_s
- matrix4x4_t cameramatrix; // from entity (transforms from camera entity to world)
- matrix4x4_t viewmatrix; // actual matrix for rendering (transforms to viewspace)
- matrix4x4_t projectmatrix; // actual projection matrix (transforms from viewspace to screen)
- int x;
- int y;
- int z;
- int width;
- int height;
- int depth;
- r_viewport_type_t type;
- float screentodepth[2]; // used by deferred renderer to calculate linear depth from device depth coordinates
-typedef struct r_refdef_view_s
- // view information (changes multiple times per frame)
- // if any of these variables change then r_refdef.viewcache must be regenerated
- // by calling R_View_Update
- // (which also updates viewport, scissor, colormask)
- // it is safe and expected to copy this into a structure on the stack and
- // call the renderer recursively, then restore from the stack afterward
- // (as long as R_View_Update is called)
- // eye position information
- matrix4x4_t matrix, inverse_matrix;
- vec3_t origin;
- vec3_t forward;
- vec3_t left;
- vec3_t right;
- vec3_t up;
- int numfrustumplanes;
- mplane_t frustum[6];
- qbool useclipplane;
- qbool usecustompvs; // uses r_refdef.viewcache.pvsbits as-is rather than computing it
- mplane_t clipplane;
- float frustum_x, frustum_y;
- vec3_t frustumcorner[4];
- // if turned off it renders an ortho view
- int useperspective;
- // allows visibility culling based on the view origin (e.g. pvs and R_CanSeeBox)
- // this is turned off by:
- // r_trippy
- // !r_refdef.view.useperspective
- // (sometimes) r_refdef.view.useclipplane
- int usevieworiginculling;
- float ortho_x, ortho_y;
- // screen area to render in
- int x;
- int y;
- int z;
- int width;
- int height;
- int depth;
- r_viewport_t viewport; // note: if r_viewscale is used, the viewport.width and viewport.height may be less than width and height
- // which color components to allow (for anaglyph glasses)
- int colormask[4];
- // global RGB color multiplier for rendering
- float colorscale;
- // whether to call R_ClearScreen before rendering stuff
- qbool clear;
- // if true, don't clear or do any post process effects (bloom, etc)
- qbool isoverlay;
- // if true, this is the MAIN view (which is, after CSQC, copied into the scene for use e.g. by r_speeds 1, showtex, prydon cursor)
- qbool ismain;
- // whether to draw r_showtris and such, this is only true for the main
- // view render, all secondary renders (mirrors, portals, cameras,
- // distortion effects, etc) omit such debugging information
- qbool showdebug;
- // these define which values to use in GL_CullFace calls to request frontface or backface culling
- int cullface_front;
- int cullface_back;
- // render quality (0 to 1) - affects r_drawparticles_drawdistance and others
- float quality;
-typedef struct r_refdef_viewcache_s
- // updated by gl_main_newmap()
- int maxentities;
- int world_numclusters;
- int world_numclusterbytes;
- int world_numleafs;
- int world_numsurfaces;
- // these properties are generated by R_View_Update()
- // which entities are currently visible for this viewpoint
- // (the used range is 0...r_refdef.scene.numentities)
- unsigned char *entityvisible;
- // flag arrays used for visibility checking on world model
- // (all other entities have no per-surface/per-leaf visibility checks)
- unsigned char *world_pvsbits;
- unsigned char *world_leafvisible;
- unsigned char *world_surfacevisible;
- // if true, the view is currently in a leaf without pvs data
- qbool world_novis;
-// TODO: really think about which fields should go into scene and which one should stay in refdef [1/7/2008 Black]
-// maybe also refactor some of the functions to support different setting sources (ie. fogenabled, etc.) for different scenes
-typedef struct r_refdef_scene_s {
- // whether to call S_ExtraUpdate during render to reduce sound chop
- qbool extraupdate;
- // (client gameworld) time for rendering time based effects
- double time;
- // the world
- entity_render_t *worldentity;
- // same as worldentity->model
- dp_model_t *worldmodel;
- // renderable entities (excluding world)
- entity_render_t **entities;
- int numentities;
- int maxentities;
- // field of temporary entities that is reset each (client) frame
- entity_render_t *tempentities;
- int numtempentities;
- int maxtempentities;
- qbool expandtempentities;
- // renderable dynamic lights
- rtlight_t *lights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
- rtlight_t templights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
- int numlights;
- // intensities for light styles right now, controls rtlights
- float rtlightstylevalue[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; // float fraction of base light value
- // 8.8bit fixed point intensities for light styles
- // controls intensity lightmap layers
- unsigned short lightstylevalue[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; // 8.8 fraction of base light value
- // adds brightness to the whole scene, separate from lightmapintensity
- // see CL_UpdateEntityShading
- float ambientintensity;
- // brightness of lightmap and modellight lighting on materials
- // see CL_UpdateEntityShading
- float lightmapintensity;
- qbool rtworld;
- qbool rtworldshadows;
- qbool rtdlight;
- qbool rtdlightshadows;
-} r_refdef_scene_t;
-typedef struct r_refdef_s
- // these fields define the basic rendering information for the world
- // but not the view, which could change multiple times in one rendered
- // frame (for example when rendering textures for certain effects)
- // these are set for water warping before
- // frustum_x/frustum_y are calculated
- float frustumscale_x, frustumscale_y;
- // current view settings (these get reset a few times during rendering because of water rendering, reflections, etc)
- r_refdef_view_t view;
- r_refdef_viewcache_t viewcache;
- // minimum visible distance (pixels closer than this disappear)
- double nearclip;
- // maximum visible distance (pixels further than this disappear in 16bpp modes,
- // in 32bpp an infinite-farclip matrix is used instead)
- double farclip;
- // fullscreen color blend
- float viewblend[4];
- r_refdef_scene_t scene;
- float fogplane[4];
- float fogplaneviewdist;
- qbool fogplaneviewabove;
- float fogheightfade;
- float fogcolor[3];
- float fogrange;
- float fograngerecip;
- float fogmasktabledistmultiplier;
- float fogmasktable[FOGMASKTABLEWIDTH];
- float fogmasktable_start, fogmasktable_alpha, fogmasktable_range, fogmasktable_density;
- float fog_density;
- float fog_red;
- float fog_green;
- float fog_blue;
- float fog_alpha;
- float fog_start;
- float fog_end;
- float fog_height;
- float fog_fadedepth;
- qbool fogenabled;
- qbool oldgl_fogenable;
- // new flexible texture height fog (overrides normal fog)
- char fog_height_texturename[64]; // note: must be 64 for the sscanf code
- unsigned char *fog_height_table1d;
- unsigned char *fog_height_table2d;
- int fog_height_tablesize; // enable
- float fog_height_tablescale;
- float fog_height_texcoordscale;
- char fogheighttexturename[64]; // detects changes to active fog height texture
- int draw2dstage; // 0 = no, 1 = yes, other value = needs setting up again
- // true during envmap command capture
- qbool envmap;
- // whether to draw world lights realtime, dlights realtime, and their shadows
- float polygonfactor;
- float polygonoffset;
- // how long R_RenderView took on the previous frame
- double lastdrawscreentime;
- // rendering stats for r_speeds display
- // (these are incremented in many places)
- int stats[r_stat_count];
-extern r_refdef_t r_refdef;
typedef enum waterlevel_e
extern cvar_t r_wateralpha;
extern cvar_t r_dynamic;
+void R_NewExplosion(const vec3_t org);
void R_UpdateVariables(void); // must call after setting up most of r_refdef, but before calling R_RenderView
void R_RenderView(int fbo, rtexture_t *depthtexture, rtexture_t *colortexture, int x, int y, int width, int height); // must set r_refdef and call R_UpdateVariables and CL_UpdateEntityShading first
void R_RenderView_UpdateViewVectors(void); // just updates r_refdef.view.{forward,left,up,origin,right,inverse_matrix}
+float RSurf_FogVertex(const vec3_t p);
+float RSurf_FogPoint(const vec3_t p);
typedef enum r_refdef_scene_type_s {
} r_refdef_scene_type_t;
+typedef enum r_viewport_type_e
+typedef struct r_viewport_s
+ matrix4x4_t cameramatrix; // from entity (transforms from camera entity to world)
+ matrix4x4_t viewmatrix; // actual matrix for rendering (transforms to viewspace)
+ matrix4x4_t projectmatrix; // actual projection matrix (transforms from viewspace to screen)
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ int z;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int depth;
+ r_viewport_type_t type;
+ float screentodepth[2]; // used by deferred renderer to calculate linear depth from device depth coordinates
+typedef struct r_refdef_view_s
+ // view information (changes multiple times per frame)
+ // if any of these variables change then r_refdef.viewcache must be regenerated
+ // by calling R_View_Update
+ // (which also updates viewport, scissor, colormask)
+ // it is safe and expected to copy this into a structure on the stack and
+ // call the renderer recursively, then restore from the stack afterward
+ // (as long as R_View_Update is called)
+ // eye position information
+ matrix4x4_t matrix, inverse_matrix;
+ vec3_t origin;
+ vec3_t forward;
+ vec3_t left;
+ vec3_t right;
+ vec3_t up;
+ int numfrustumplanes;
+ mplane_t frustum[6];
+ qbool useclipplane;
+ qbool usecustompvs; // uses r_refdef.viewcache.pvsbits as-is rather than computing it
+ mplane_t clipplane;
+ float frustum_x, frustum_y;
+ vec3_t frustumcorner[4];
+ // if turned off it renders an ortho view
+ int useperspective;
+ // allows visibility culling based on the view origin (e.g. pvs and R_CanSeeBox)
+ // this is turned off by:
+ // r_trippy
+ // !r_refdef.view.useperspective
+ // (sometimes) r_refdef.view.useclipplane
+ int usevieworiginculling;
+ float ortho_x, ortho_y;
+ // screen area to render in
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ int z;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int depth;
+ r_viewport_t viewport; // note: if r_viewscale is used, the viewport.width and viewport.height may be less than width and height
+ // which color components to allow (for anaglyph glasses)
+ int colormask[4];
+ // global RGB color multiplier for rendering
+ float colorscale;
+ // whether to call R_ClearScreen before rendering stuff
+ qbool clear;
+ // if true, don't clear or do any post process effects (bloom, etc)
+ qbool isoverlay;
+ // if true, this is the MAIN view (which is, after CSQC, copied into the scene for use e.g. by r_speeds 1, showtex, prydon cursor)
+ qbool ismain;
+ // whether to draw r_showtris and such, this is only true for the main
+ // view render, all secondary renders (mirrors, portals, cameras,
+ // distortion effects, etc) omit such debugging information
+ qbool showdebug;
+ // these define which values to use in GL_CullFace calls to request frontface or backface culling
+ int cullface_front;
+ int cullface_back;
+ // render quality (0 to 1) - affects r_drawparticles_drawdistance and others
+ float quality;
+typedef struct r_refdef_viewcache_s
+ // updated by gl_main_newmap()
+ int maxentities;
+ int world_numclusters;
+ int world_numclusterbytes;
+ int world_numleafs;
+ int world_numsurfaces;
+ // these properties are generated by R_View_Update()
+ // which entities are currently visible for this viewpoint
+ // (the used range is 0...r_refdef.scene.numentities)
+ unsigned char *entityvisible;
+ // flag arrays used for visibility checking on world model
+ // (all other entities have no per-surface/per-leaf visibility checks)
+ unsigned char *world_pvsbits;
+ unsigned char *world_leafvisible;
+ unsigned char *world_surfacevisible;
+ // if true, the view is currently in a leaf without pvs data
+ qbool world_novis;
+// TODO: really think about which fields should go into scene and which one should stay in refdef [1/7/2008 Black]
+// maybe also refactor some of the functions to support different setting sources (ie. fogenabled, etc.) for different scenes
+typedef struct r_refdef_scene_s {
+ // whether to call S_ExtraUpdate during render to reduce sound chop
+ qbool extraupdate;
+ // (client gameworld) time for rendering time based effects
+ double time;
+ // the world
+ entity_render_t *worldentity;
+ // same as worldentity->model
+ dp_model_t *worldmodel;
+ // renderable entities (excluding world)
+ entity_render_t **entities;
+ int numentities;
+ int maxentities;
+ // field of temporary entities that is reset each (client) frame
+ entity_render_t *tempentities;
+ int numtempentities;
+ int maxtempentities;
+ qbool expandtempentities;
+ // renderable dynamic lights
+ rtlight_t *lights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
+ rtlight_t templights[MAX_DLIGHTS];
+ int numlights;
+ // intensities for light styles right now, controls rtlights
+ float rtlightstylevalue[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; // float fraction of base light value
+ // 8.8bit fixed point intensities for light styles
+ // controls intensity lightmap layers
+ unsigned short lightstylevalue[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES]; // 8.8 fraction of base light value
+ // adds brightness to the whole scene, separate from lightmapintensity
+ // see CL_UpdateEntityShading
+ float ambientintensity;
+ // brightness of lightmap and modellight lighting on materials
+ // see CL_UpdateEntityShading
+ float lightmapintensity;
+ qbool rtworld;
+ qbool rtworldshadows;
+ qbool rtdlight;
+ qbool rtdlightshadows;
+} r_refdef_scene_t;
+typedef struct r_refdef_s
+ // these fields define the basic rendering information for the world
+ // but not the view, which could change multiple times in one rendered
+ // frame (for example when rendering textures for certain effects)
+ // these are set for water warping before
+ // frustum_x/frustum_y are calculated
+ float frustumscale_x, frustumscale_y;
+ // current view settings (these get reset a few times during rendering because of water rendering, reflections, etc)
+ r_refdef_view_t view;
+ r_refdef_viewcache_t viewcache;
+ // minimum visible distance (pixels closer than this disappear)
+ double nearclip;
+ // maximum visible distance (pixels further than this disappear in 16bpp modes,
+ // in 32bpp an infinite-farclip matrix is used instead)
+ double farclip;
+ // fullscreen color blend
+ float viewblend[4];
+ r_refdef_scene_t scene;
+ float fogplane[4];
+ float fogplaneviewdist;
+ qbool fogplaneviewabove;
+ float fogheightfade;
+ float fogcolor[3];
+ float fogrange;
+ float fograngerecip;
+ float fogmasktabledistmultiplier;
+ float fogmasktable[FOGMASKTABLEWIDTH];
+ float fogmasktable_start, fogmasktable_alpha, fogmasktable_range, fogmasktable_density;
+ float fog_density;
+ float fog_red;
+ float fog_green;
+ float fog_blue;
+ float fog_alpha;
+ float fog_start;
+ float fog_end;
+ float fog_height;
+ float fog_fadedepth;
+ qbool fogenabled;
+ qbool oldgl_fogenable;
+ // new flexible texture height fog (overrides normal fog)
+ char fog_height_texturename[64]; // note: must be 64 for the sscanf code
+ unsigned char *fog_height_table1d;
+ unsigned char *fog_height_table2d;
+ int fog_height_tablesize; // enable
+ float fog_height_tablescale;
+ float fog_height_texcoordscale;
+ char fogheighttexturename[64]; // detects changes to active fog height texture
+ int draw2dstage; // 0 = no, 1 = yes, other value = needs setting up again
+ // true during envmap command capture
+ qbool envmap;
+ // whether to draw world lights realtime, dlights realtime, and their shadows
+ float polygonfactor;
+ float polygonoffset;
+ // how long R_RenderView took on the previous frame
+ double lastdrawscreentime;
+ // rendering stats for r_speeds display
+ // (these are incremented in many places)
+ int stats[r_stat_count];
+extern r_refdef_t r_refdef;
void R_SelectScene( r_refdef_scene_type_t scenetype );
r_refdef_scene_t * R_GetScenePointer( r_refdef_scene_type_t scenetype );