cvar_t r_shadow_polygonoffset = {0, "r_shadow_polygonoffset", "1", "how much to push shadow volumes into the distance when rendering, to reduce chances of zfighting artifacts (should not be less than 0)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_texture3d = {0, "r_shadow_texture3d", "1", "use 3D voxel textures for spherical attenuation rather than cylindrical (does not affect OpenGL 2.0 render path)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid", "0", "perform particle tracing for indirect lighting (Global Illumination / radiosity) using a 3D texture covering the scene, only active on levels with realtime lights active (r_shadow_realtime_world is usually required for these)"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_blur = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_blur", "1", "apply a 1-radius blur on bouncegrid to denoise it and deal with boundary issues with surfaces"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_blur = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_blur", "0", "apply a 1-radius blur on bouncegrid to denoise it and deal with boundary issues with surfaces"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_bounceanglediffuse = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_bounceanglediffuse", "0", "use random bounce direction rather than true reflection, makes some corner areas dark"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_bounceminimumintensity = { CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_bounceminimumintensity", "0.01", "stop bouncing once intensity drops below this fraction of the original particle color" };
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_bounceminimumintensity = { CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_bounceminimumintensity", "0.05", "stop bouncing once intensity drops below this fraction of the original particle color" };
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_culllightpaths = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_culllightpaths", "1", "skip accumulating light in the bouncegrid texture where the light paths are out of view (dynamic mode only)"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_dlightparticlemultiplier = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_dlightparticlemultiplier", "1", "if set to a high value like 16 this can make dlights look great, but 0 is recommended for performance reasons"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_directionalshading = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_directionalshading", "0", "use diffuse shading rather than ambient, 3D texture becomes 8x as many pixels to hold the additional data"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_dlightparticlemultiplier = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_dlightparticlemultiplier", "1", "if set to a high value like 16 this can make dlights look great, but 0 is recommended for performance reasons"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_hitmodels = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_hitmodels", "0", "enables hitting character model geometry (SLOW)"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_energyperphoton = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_energyperphoton", "10000", "amount of light that one photon should represent"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_lightradiusscale = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_lightradiusscale", "10", "particles stop at this fraction of light radius (can be more than 1)"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_maxbounce = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_maxbounce", "5", "maximum number of bounces for a particle (minimum is 0)"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_lightradiusscale = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_lightradiusscale", "2", "particles stop at this fraction of light radius (can be more than 1)"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_maxbounce = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_maxbounce", "2", "maximum number of bounces for a particle (minimum is 0)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_maxphotons = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_maxphotons", "25000", "upper bound on photons to shoot per update, divided proportionately between lights - normally the number of photons is calculated by energyperphoton"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_quality = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_quality", "1", "amount of photons that should be fired (this is multiplied by spacing^2 to make it adaptive with spacing changes)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_spacing = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_spacing", "64", "unit size of bouncegrid pixel"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_stablerandom = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_stablerandom", "1", "make particle distribution consistent from frame to frame"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_updateinterval = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_updateinterval", "0", "update bouncegrid texture once per this many seconds, useful values are 0, 0.05, or 1000000"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_x = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_x", "64", "maximum texture size of bouncegrid on X axis"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_y = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_y", "64", "maximum texture size of bouncegrid on Y axis"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_floatcolors = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_floatcolors", "1", "upload texture as RGBA16F (or RGBA32F when set to 2) rather than RGBA8 format - this gives more dynamic range and accuracy"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_includedirectlighting = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_includedirectlighting", "0", "allows direct lighting to be recorded, not just indirect (gives an effect somewhat like r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_intensity = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_intensity", "4", "overall brightness of bouncegrid texture"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize_conespread = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize_conespread", "0.015625", "increase lightpathsize over distance at this rate per grid cell"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize_initial = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize_initial", "0.5", "width (in grid cells) of the light path for accumulation of light in the bouncegrid texture"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_normalizevectors = { CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_normalizevectors", "1", "normalize random vectors (otherwise their length can vary, which dims the lighting further from the light)" };
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_particlebounceintensity = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_particlebounceintensity", "2", "amount of energy carried over after each bounce, this is a multiplier of texture color and the result is clamped to 1 or less, to prevent adding energy on each bounce"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_particleintensity = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_particleintensity", "0.25", "brightness of particles contributing to bouncegrid texture"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_rng_seed = { CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_rng_seed", "0", "0+ = use this number as RNG seed, -1 = use time instead for disco-like craziness in dynamic mode" };
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_rng_type = { CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_rng_type", "0", "0 = Lehmer 128bit RNG (slow but high quality), 1 = lhcheeserand 32bit RNG (quick)" };
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_sortlightpaths = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_sortlightpaths", "1", "sort light paths before accumulating them into the bouncegrid texture, this reduces cpu cache misses"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize", "1", "width of the light path for accumulation of light in the bouncegrid texture"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_normalizevectors = { CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_normalizevectors", "1", "normalize random vectors (otherwise their length can vary, which dims the lighting further from the light)" };
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_static = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_static", "1", "use static radiosity solution (high quality) rather than dynamic (splotchy)"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_bounceminimumintensity = { CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_bounceminimumintensity", "0.01", "stop bouncing once intensity drops below this fraction of the original particle color" };
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_directionalshading = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_directionalshading", "1", "whether to use directionalshading when in static mode"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_energyperphoton = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_energyperphoton", "10000", "amount of light that one photon should represent in static mode"};
-cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_lightradiusscale = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_lightradiusscale", "10", "particles stop at this fraction of light radius (can be more than 1) when in static mode"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_lightradiusscale = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_lightradiusscale", "2", "particles stop at this fraction of light radius (can be more than 1) when in static mode"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_maxbounce = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_maxbounce", "5", "maximum number of bounces for a particle (minimum is 0) in static mode"};
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_maxphotons = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_maxphotons", "250000", "upper bound on photons in static mode"};
+cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_quality = { CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_quality", "16", "amount of photons that should be fired (this is multiplied by spacing^2 to make it adaptive with spacing changes)" };
cvar_t r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_spacing = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_spacing", "64", "unit size of bouncegrid pixel when in static mode"};
cvar_t r_coronas = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_coronas", "0", "brightness of corona flare effects around certain lights, 0 disables corona effects"};
cvar_t r_coronas_occlusionsizescale = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_coronas_occlusionsizescale", "0.1", "size of light source for corona occlusion checksum the proportion of hidden pixels controls corona intensity"};
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_energyperphoton);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_quality);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_stablerandom);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize_conespread);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize_initial);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_rng_seed);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_rng_type);
- Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_energyperphoton);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_quality);
vec3_t splatcolor;
vec3_t splatdir;
vec_t splatintensity;
+ vec_t splatsize_current;
+ vec_t splatsize_perstep;
int remainingsplats;
-static void R_Shadow_BounceGrid_AddSplatPath(vec3_t originalstart, vec3_t originalend, vec3_t color)
+static void R_Shadow_BounceGrid_AddSplatPath(vec3_t originalstart, vec3_t originalend, vec3_t color, vec_t distancetraveled)
int bestaxis;
int numsplats;
VectorScale(diff, ilen, path->step);
VectorCopy(color, path->splatcolor);
VectorCopy(originaldir, path->splatdir);
+ path->splatsize_current = r_shadow_bouncegrid_state.settings.lightpathsize_initial + r_shadow_bouncegrid_state.settings.lightpathsize_conespread * distancetraveled * r_shadow_bouncegrid_state.ispacing[0];
+ path->splatsize_perstep = r_shadow_bouncegrid_state.settings.lightpathsize_conespread;
path->splatintensity = VectorLength(color);
path->remainingsplats = numsplats;
static void R_Shadow_BounceGrid_GenerateSettings(r_shadow_bouncegrid_settings_t *settings)
qboolean s = r_shadow_bouncegrid_static.integer != 0;
- float spacing = s ? r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_spacing.value : r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_spacing.value;
+ float spacing = bound(1.0f, s ? r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_spacing.value : r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_spacing.value, 1024.0f);
+ float quality = bound(0.0001f, (s ? r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_quality.value : r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_quality.value), 1024.0f);
float bounceminimumintensity = s ? r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_bounceminimumintensity.value : r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_bounceminimumintensity.value;
// prevent any garbage in alignment padded areas as we'll be using memcmp
settings->staticmode = s;
settings->blur = r_shadow_bouncegrid_blur.integer != 0;
settings->floatcolors = bound(0, r_shadow_bouncegrid_floatcolors.integer, 2);
- settings->lightpathsize = bound(1, r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize.integer, MAXBOUNCEGRIDSPLATSIZE);
+ settings->lightpathsize_initial = bound(0.0f, r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize_initial.value, 1024.0f);
+ settings->lightpathsize_conespread = bound(0.0f, r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightpathsize_conespread.value, 1024.0f);
settings->bounceanglediffuse = r_shadow_bouncegrid_bounceanglediffuse.integer != 0;
settings->directionalshading = (s ? r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_directionalshading.integer != 0 : r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_directionalshading.integer != 0) && r_shadow_bouncegrid_state.allowdirectionalshading;
settings->dlightparticlemultiplier = s ? 0 : r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_dlightparticlemultiplier.value;
settings->particlebounceintensity = r_shadow_bouncegrid_particlebounceintensity.value;
settings->particleintensity = r_shadow_bouncegrid_particleintensity.value * (settings->directionalshading ? 4.0f : 1.0f) * 16384 / (spacing * spacing) / 262144.0f;
settings->maxphotons = s ? r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_maxphotons.integer : r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_maxphotons.integer;
- settings->energyperphoton = s ? r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_energyperphoton.value : r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_energyperphoton.value;
+ settings->energyperphoton = spacing * spacing / quality;
settings->spacing[0] = spacing;
settings->spacing[1] = spacing;
settings->spacing[2] = spacing;
- settings->stablerandom = r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_stablerandom.integer;
+ settings->rng_type = r_shadow_bouncegrid_rng_type.integer;
+ settings->rng_seed = r_shadow_bouncegrid_rng_seed.integer;
+ settings->bounceminimumintensity2 = bounceminimumintensity * bounceminimumintensity;
settings->bounceminimumintensity2 = bounceminimumintensity * bounceminimumintensity;
settings->normalizevectors = r_shadow_bouncegrid_normalizevectors.integer != 0;
settings->spacing[0] = bound(1, settings->spacing[0], 512);
settings->spacing[1] = bound(1, settings->spacing[1], 512);
settings->spacing[2] = bound(1, settings->spacing[2], 512);
- // check if the ram requirements for blur would be excessive and disable it (increase lightpathsize to compensate)
- if (spacing < 32 && settings->blur)
- {
- settings->blur = false;
- settings->lightpathsize += 2;
- }
static void R_Shadow_BounceGrid_UpdateSpacing(void)
static void R_Shadow_BounceGrid_PerformSplats(void)
- int splatsize = r_shadow_bouncegrid_state.settings.lightpathsize;
- int splatsize1 = splatsize + 1;
r_shadow_bouncegrid_splatpath_t *splatpaths = r_shadow_bouncegrid_state.splatpaths;
r_shadow_bouncegrid_splatpath_t *splatpath;
float *highpixels = r_shadow_bouncegrid_state.highpixels;
vec3_t steppos;
vec3_t stepdelta;
vec3_t dir;
- float texcorner[3];
- float texlerp[MAXBOUNCEGRIDSPLATSIZE1][3];
+ vec_t lightpathsize_current;
+ vec_t lightpathsize_perstep;
float splatcolor[32];
- float boxweight = 1.0f / (splatsize * splatsize * splatsize);
int resolution[3];
- int tex[3];
int pixelsperband = r_shadow_bouncegrid_state.pixelsperband;
int pixelbands = r_shadow_bouncegrid_state.pixelbands;
int numsteps;
if (r_shadow_bouncegrid_sortlightpaths.integer)
qsort(splatpaths, numsplatpaths, sizeof(*splatpaths), R_Shadow_BounceGrid_SplatPathCompare);
- // the middle row/column/layer of each splat are full intensity
- for (step = 1;step < splatsize;step++)
- VectorSet(texlerp[step], 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
splatpath = splatpaths;
for (splatindex = 0;splatindex < numsplatpaths;splatindex++, splatpath++)
VectorCopy(splatpath->point, steppos);
VectorCopy(splatpath->step, stepdelta);
numsteps = splatpath->remainingsplats;
+ lightpathsize_current = splatpath->splatsize_current + 1.0f; // add 1.0 for the gradient fade around the sphere
+ lightpathsize_perstep = splatpath->splatsize_perstep;
for (step = 0;step < numsteps;step++)
- r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bouncegrid_splats]++;
- // figure out the min corner of the pixels we'll need to update
- texcorner[0] = steppos[0] - (splatsize1 * 0.5f);
- texcorner[1] = steppos[1] - (splatsize1 * 0.5f);
- texcorner[2] = steppos[2] - (splatsize1 * 0.5f);
- tex[0] = (int)floor(texcorner[0]);
- tex[1] = (int)floor(texcorner[1]);
- tex[2] = (int)floor(texcorner[2]);
- // only update if it is within reasonable bounds
- if (tex[0] >= 1
- && tex[1] >= 1
- && tex[2] >= 1
- && tex[0] < resolution[0] - splatsize1
- && tex[1] < resolution[1] - splatsize1
- && tex[2] < resolution[2] - splatsize1)
+ // the middle row/column/layer of each splat are full intensity
+ float splatmins[3];
+ float splatmaxs[3];
+ if (lightpathsize_current > MAXBOUNCEGRIDSPLATSIZE)
+ lightpathsize_current = MAXBOUNCEGRIDSPLATSIZE;
+ splatmins[0] = max(1.0f, steppos[0] - lightpathsize_current * 0.5f);
+ splatmins[1] = max(1.0f, steppos[1] - lightpathsize_current * 0.5f);
+ splatmins[2] = max(1.0f, steppos[2] - lightpathsize_current * 0.5f);
+ splatmaxs[0] = min(steppos[0] + lightpathsize_current * 0.5f, resolution[0] - 1.0f);
+ splatmaxs[1] = min(steppos[1] + lightpathsize_current * 0.5f, resolution[1] - 1.0f);
+ splatmaxs[2] = min(steppos[2] + lightpathsize_current * 0.5f, resolution[2] - 1.0f);
+ if (splatmaxs[0] > splatmins[0] && splatmaxs[1] > splatmins[1] && splatmaxs[2] > splatmins[2])
// it is within bounds... do the real work now
- int xi, yi, zi;
- // calculate the antialiased box edges
- texlerp[splatsize][0] = texcorner[0] - tex[0];
- texlerp[splatsize][1] = texcorner[1] - tex[1];
- texlerp[splatsize][2] = texcorner[2] - tex[2];
- texlerp[0][0] = 1.0f - texlerp[splatsize][0];
- texlerp[0][1] = 1.0f - texlerp[splatsize][1];
- texlerp[0][2] = 1.0f - texlerp[splatsize][2];
+ int xi, yi, zi, band, row;
+ float pixelpos[3];
+ float w;
+ float *p;
+ float colorscale = 1.0f / lightpathsize_current;
+ r_refdef.stats[r_stat_bouncegrid_splats]++;
// accumulate light onto the pixels
- for (zi = 0;zi < splatsize1;zi++)
+ for (zi = (int)floor(splatmins[2]);zi < splatmaxs[2];zi++)
- for (yi = 0;yi < splatsize1;yi++)
+ pixelpos[2] = zi + 0.5f;
+ for (yi = (int)floor(splatmins[1]); yi < splatmaxs[1]; yi++)
- int index = ((tex[2]+zi)*resolution[1]+tex[1]+yi)*resolution[0]+tex[0];
- for (xi = 0;xi < splatsize1;xi++, index++)
+ pixelpos[1] = yi + 0.5f;
+ row = (zi*resolution[1] + yi)*resolution[0];
+ for (xi = (int)floor(splatmins[0]); xi < splatmaxs[0]; xi++)
- float w = texlerp[xi][0]*texlerp[yi][1]*texlerp[zi][2] * boxweight;
- int band = 0;
- float *p = highpixels + 4 * index + band * pixelsperband * 4;
- for (;band < pixelbands;band++, p += pixelsperband * 4)
+ pixelpos[0] = xi + 0.5f;
+ // simple radial antialiased sphere - linear gradient fade over 1 pixel from the edge
+ w = lightpathsize_current - VectorDistance(pixelpos, steppos);
+ if (w > 0.0f)
- // add to the pixel color
- p[0] += splatcolor[band*4+0] * w;
- p[1] += splatcolor[band*4+1] * w;
- p[2] += splatcolor[band*4+2] * w;
- p[3] += splatcolor[band*4+3] * w;
+ if (w > 1.0f)
+ w = 1.0f;
+ w *= colorscale;
+ p = highpixels + 4 * (row + xi);
+ for (band = 0; band < pixelbands; band++, p += pixelsperband * 4)
+ {
+ // add to the pixel color
+ p[0] += splatcolor[band * 4 + 0] * w;
+ p[1] += splatcolor[band * 4 + 1] * w;
+ p[2] += splatcolor[band * 4 + 2] * w;
+ p[3] += splatcolor[band * 4 + 3] * w;
+ }
VectorAdd(steppos, stepdelta, steppos);
+ lightpathsize_current += lightpathsize_perstep;
vec3_t clipstart;
vec3_t clipdiff;
vec_t radius;
+ vec_t distancetraveled;
vec_t s;
rtlight_t *rtlight;
- union
- {
- unsigned int s[4];
- double d;
- }
- rseed;
// compute a seed for the unstable random modes
- memset(&rseed, 0, sizeof(rseed));
- rseed.d = realtime;
- Math_RandomSeed_FromInts(&randomseed, rseed.s[0], rseed.s[1], rseed.s[2], rseed.s[3]);
- seed = rseed.s[0] ^ rseed.s[1] ^ rseed.s[2] ^ rseed.s[3];
+ Math_RandomSeed_FromInts(&randomseed, 0, 0, 0, realtime * 1000.0);
+ seed = realtime * 1000.0;
r_shadow_bouncegrid_state.numsplatpaths = 0;
// we stop caring about bounces once the brightness goes below this fraction of the original intensity
bounceminimumintensity2 = VectorLength(baseshotcolor) * settings.bounceminimumintensity2;
- // for stablerandom we start the RNG with the position of the light
- if (settings.stablerandom > 0)
+ // for seeded random we start the RNG with the position of the light
+ if (settings.rng_seed >= 0)
u.f[1] = rtlight->shadoworigin[1];
u.f[2] = rtlight->shadoworigin[2];
u.f[3] = 1;
- switch (settings.stablerandom)
+ switch (settings.rng_type)
+ case 0:
+ // we have to shift the seed provided by the user because the result must be odd
+ Math_RandomSeed_FromInts(&randomseed, u.i[0], u.i[1], u.i[2], u.i[3] ^ (settings.rng_seed << 1));
case 1:
- seed = u.i[0] ^ u.i[1] ^ u.i[2] ^ u.i[3];
- break;
- case 2:
- Math_RandomSeed_FromInts(&randomseed, u.i[0], u.i[1], u.i[2], u.i[3]);
+ seed = u.i[0] ^ u.i[1] ^ u.i[2] ^ u.i[3] ^ settings.rng_seed;
VectorCopy(baseshotcolor, shotcolor);
VectorCopy(rtlight->shadoworigin, clipstart);
- switch (settings.stablerandom)
+ switch (settings.rng_type)
case 0:
- VectorRandom(clipend);
+ VectorLehmerRandom(&randomseed, clipend);
if (settings.bounceanglediffuse)
// we want random to be stable, so we still have to do all the random we would have done
for (bouncecount = 0; bouncecount < maxbounce; bouncecount++)
- VectorRandom(bouncerandom[bouncecount]);
+ VectorLehmerRandom(&randomseed, bouncerandom[bouncecount]);
- case -1:
case 1:
VectorCheeseRandom(seed, clipend);
if (settings.bounceanglediffuse)
VectorCheeseRandom(seed, bouncerandom[bouncecount]);
- case -2:
- case 2:
- VectorLehmerRandom(&randomseed, clipend);
- if (settings.bounceanglediffuse)
- {
- // we want random to be stable, so we still have to do all the random we would have done
- for (bouncecount = 0; bouncecount < maxbounce; bouncecount++)
- VectorLehmerRandom(&randomseed, bouncerandom[bouncecount]);
- }
- break;
// we want a uniform distribution spherically, not merely within the sphere
VectorMA(clipstart, radius, clipend, clipend);
+ distancetraveled = 0.0f;
for (bouncecount = 0;;bouncecount++)
//r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->TraceLineAgainstSurfaces(r_refdef.scene.worldmodel, NULL, NULL, &cliptrace, clipstart, clipend, hitsupercontentsmask);
//r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->TraceLine(r_refdef.scene.worldmodel, NULL, NULL, &cliptrace2, clipstart, clipend, hitsupercontentsmask);
- if (settings.staticmode || settings.stablerandom <= 0)
+ if (settings.staticmode || settings.rng_seed < 0)
// static mode fires a LOT of rays but none of them are identical, so they are not cached
// non-stable random in dynamic mode also never reuses a direction, so there's no reason to cache it
vec3_t hitpos;
VectorCopy(cliptrace.endpos, hitpos);
- R_Shadow_BounceGrid_AddSplatPath(clipstart, hitpos, shotcolor);
+ R_Shadow_BounceGrid_AddSplatPath(clipstart, hitpos, shotcolor, distancetraveled);
+ distancetraveled += VectorDistance(clipstart, cliptrace.endpos);
s = VectorDistance(rtlight->shadoworigin, cliptrace.endpos);
if (rtlight->bouncegrid_effectiveradius < s)
rtlight->bouncegrid_effectiveradius = s;