static void Cmd_PreprocessString( const char *intext, char *outtext, unsigned maxoutlen, cmdalias_t *alias ) {
const char *in;
- char *out;
unsigned outlen;
int inquote;
- // HACK?
+ // don't crash if there's no room in the outtext buffer
if( maxoutlen == 0 ) {
maxoutlen--; // because of \0
in = intext;
- out = outtext;
outlen = 0;
inquote = 0;
while( *in && outlen < maxoutlen ) {
if( *in == '$' && !inquote ) {
- // read over the $
+ // this is some kind of expansion, see what comes after the $
- // $* is replaced with all formal parameters, $num is parsed as an argument (or as $num if there arent enough parameters), $bla becomes $bla and $$bla becomes $$bla
- if( *in == '*' && alias ) {
+ // replacements that can always be used:
+ // $$ is replaced with $, to allow escaping $
+ // $<cvarname> is replaced with the contents of the cvar
+ //
+ // the following can be used in aliases only:
+ // $* is replaced with all formal parameters (including name of the alias - this probably is not desirable)
+ // $0 is replaced with the name of this alias
+ // $<number> is replaced with an argument to this alias (or copied as-is if no such parameter exists), can be multiple digits
+ if( *in == '$' ) {
+ outtext[outlen++] = *in++;
+ } else if( *in == '*' && alias ) {
const char *linein = Cmd_Args();
// include all params
if (linein) {
while( *linein && outlen < maxoutlen ) {
- *out++ = *linein++;
- outlen++;
+ outtext[outlen++] = *linein++;
argnum = strtol( in, &nexttoken, 10 );
- if( 0 < argnum && argnum < Cmd_Argc() ) {
+ if( 0 <= argnum && argnum < Cmd_Argc() ) {
const char *param = Cmd_Argv( argnum );
while( *param && outlen < maxoutlen ) {
- *out++ = *param++;
- outlen++;
+ outtext[outlen++] = *param++;
in = nexttoken;
} else if( argnum >= Cmd_Argc() ) {
Con_Printf( "Warning: Not enough parameters passed to alias '%s', at least %i expected:\n %s\n", alias->name, argnum, alias->value );
- *out++ = '$';
- outlen++;
+ outtext[outlen++] = '$';
} else {
cvar_t *cvar;
const char *tempin = in;
COM_ParseTokenConsole( &tempin );
- cvar = Cvar_FindVar(&com_token[0]);
- if (cvar) {
+ if ((cvar = Cvar_FindVar(&com_token[0]))) {
const char *cvarcontent = cvar->string;
while( *cvarcontent && outlen < maxoutlen ) {
- *out++ = *cvarcontent++;
- outlen++;
- }
- in = tempin;
- } else if( com_token[0] == '$' ) {
- // remove the first $
- char *pos = com_token;
- while( *pos && outlen < maxoutlen ) {
- *out++ = *pos++;
- outlen++;
+ outtext[outlen++] = *cvarcontent++;
in = tempin;
+ } else {
+ Con_Printf( "Warning: could not find cvar %s when expanding alias %s\n %s\n", com_token, alias->name, alias->value );
+ outtext[outlen++] = '$';
} else {
if( *in == '"' ) {
inquote ^= 1;
- }
- *out++ = *in++;
- outlen++;
+ }
+ outtext[outlen++] = *in++;
- *out = 0;
+ outtext[outlen] = 0;
static void Cmd_ExecuteAlias (cmdalias_t *alias)
- /*
-#define ALIAS_BUFFER 1024
- static char buffer[ ALIAS_BUFFER + 2 ];
- const char *in;
- char *out;
- unsigned outlen;
- int inquote;
- in = alias->value;
- out = buffer;
- outlen = 0;
- inquote = 0;
- while( *in && outlen < ALIAS_BUFFER )
- {
- if( *in == '"' )
- {
- inquote ^= 1;
- }
- else if( *in == '$' && !inquote )
- {
- // $* is replaced with all formal parameters, $num is parsed as an argument (or as $num if there arent enough parameters), $bla becomes $bla and $$bla becomes $$bla
- // read over the $
- in++;
- if( *in == '*' )
- {
- const char *linein = Cmd_Args();
- // include all params
- if (linein) {
- while( *linein && outlen < ALIAS_BUFFER ) {
- *out++ = *linein++;
- outlen++;
- }
- }
- in++;
- } else {
- char *nexttoken;
- int argnum;
- argnum = strtol( in, &nexttoken, 10 );
- if( 0 < argnum && argnum < Cmd_Argc() )
- {
- const char *param = Cmd_Argv( argnum );
- while( *param && outlen < ALIAS_BUFFER ) {
- *out++ = *param++;
- outlen++;
- }
- in = nexttoken;
- }
- else if( argnum >= Cmd_Argc() )
- {
- Con_Printf( "Warning: Not enough parameters passed to alias '%s', at least %i expected:\n %s\n", alias->name, argnum, alias->value );
- *out++ = '$';
- outlen++;
- }
- // not a number
- else if( argnum == 0 )
- {
- *out++ = '$';
- outlen++;
- }
- }
- } else {
- *out++ = *in++;
- outlen++;
- }
- }
- *out++ = '\n';
- *out++ = 0;*/
#define ALIAS_BUFFER 1024
static char buffer[ ALIAS_BUFFER + 2 ];
Cmd_PreprocessString( alias->value, buffer, ALIAS_BUFFER, alias );