* Plays the 1minute or 5 minutes (of maptime) remaining sound, if client wants it
void maptimeAnnouncer() {
- float timelimit;
- timelimit = getstatf(STAT_TIMELIMIT);
- float timeleft;
- timeleft = max(0, timelimit * 60 + getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time);
- float warmuplimit;
- float warmuptimeleft;
- if(warmup_stage) {
- warmuplimit = cvar("g_warmup_limit");
- if(warmuplimit > 0) {
- warmuptimeleft = max(0, warmuplimit + getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time);
- }
- }
- //5 minute check
- if (cvar("cl_sound_maptime_warning") >= 2) {
- //make sure that after connect (and e.g. 4 minutes left) we will not get a wrong sound
- if(announcer_5min)
- {
+ float timelimit;
+ timelimit = getstatf(STAT_TIMELIMIT);
+ float timeleft;
+ timeleft = max(0, timelimit * 60 + getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time);
+ float warmuplimit;
+ float warmuptimeleft;
+ if(warmup_stage) {
+ warmuplimit = cvar("g_warmup_limit");
+ if(warmuplimit > 0) {
+ warmuptimeleft = max(0, warmuplimit + getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time);
+ }
+ }
+ //5 minute check
+ if (cvar("cl_sound_maptime_warning") >= 2) {
+ //make sure that after connect (and e.g. 4 minutes left) we will not get a wrong sound
+ if(announcer_5min)
+ {
if(((!warmup_stage || warmuplimit == 0) && timeleft > 300) || (warmup_stage && warmuplimit > 0 && warmuptimeleft > 300))
announcer_5min = FALSE;
- }
- else if (((!warmup_stage || warmuplimit == 0) && timelimit > 0 && timeleft < 300 && timeleft > 299) || (warmup_stage && warmuplimit > 0 && warmuptimeleft < 300 && warmuptimeleft > 299))
- //if we're in warmup mode, check whether there's a warmup timelimit
- if not (warmuplimit == -1 && warmup_stage) {
- announcer_5min = TRUE;
- //dprint("i will play the sound, I promise!\n");
- sound(self, CHAN_VOICE, strcat("announcer/", cvar_string("cl_announcer"), "/5minutesremain.wav"), VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE);
- }
+ else if (((!warmup_stage || warmuplimit == 0) && timelimit > 0 && timeleft < 300 && timeleft > 299) || (warmup_stage && warmuplimit > 0 && warmuptimeleft < 300 && warmuptimeleft > 299))
+ //if we're in warmup mode, check whether there's a warmup timelimit
+ if not (warmuplimit == -1 && warmup_stage) {
+ announcer_5min = TRUE;
+ //dprint("i will play the sound, I promise!\n");
+ sound(self, CHAN_VOICE, strcat("announcer/", cvar_string("cl_announcer"), "/5minutesremain.wav"), VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE);
+ }
+ }
- //1 minute check
- if (cvar("cl_sound_maptime_warning") == 1 || cvar("cl_sound_maptime_warning") == 3) {
- if (announcer_1min)
- {
+ //1 minute check
+ if (cvar("cl_sound_maptime_warning") == 1 || cvar("cl_sound_maptime_warning") == 3) {
+ if (announcer_1min)
+ {
if(((!warmup_stage || warmuplimit == 0) && timeleft > 60) || (warmup_stage && warmuplimit > 0 && warmuptimeleft > 60))
announcer_1min = FALSE;
- }
- else if (((!warmup_stage || warmuplimit == 0) && timelimit > 0 && timeleft < 60) || (warmup_stage && warmuplimit > 0 && warmuptimeleft < 60))
- //if we're in warmup mode, check whether there's a warmup timelimit
- if not (warmuplimit == -1 && warmup_stage) {
- announcer_1min = TRUE;
- sound(self, CHAN_VOICE, strcat("announcer/", cvar_string("cl_announcer"), "/1minuteremains.wav"), VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE);
- }
+ }
+ else if (((!warmup_stage || warmuplimit == 0) && timelimit > 0 && timeleft < 60) || (warmup_stage && warmuplimit > 0 && warmuptimeleft < 60))
+ //if we're in warmup mode, check whether there's a warmup timelimit
+ if not (warmuplimit == -1 && warmup_stage) {
+ announcer_1min = TRUE;
+ sound(self, CHAN_VOICE, strcat("announcer/", cvar_string("cl_announcer"), "/1minuteremains.wav"), VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE);
+ }
- /**
* Announce carried items (e.g. flags in CTF).
float redflag_prev;
precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", cvar_string("cl_announcer"), "/lastsecond.wav"));
precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", cvar_string("cl_announcer"), "/narrowly.wav"));
+ precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", cvar_string("cl_announcer"), "/voteaccept.wav"));
+ precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", cvar_string("cl_announcer"), "/votecall.wav"));
+ precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", cvar_string("cl_announcer"), "/votefail.wav"));
void AuditLists()
var float imgaspect;
var float aspect;
#define drawpic_aspect(pos,pic,mySize,color,alpha,drawflag)\
-do {\
- vector imgsize;\
- imgsize = drawgetimagesize(pic);\
- imgaspect = imgsize_x/imgsize_y;\
- vector oldsz, sz;\
- oldsz = sz = mySize;\
- aspect = sz_x/sz_y;\
- if(aspect > imgaspect) {\
- sz_x = sz_y * imgaspect;\
- drawpic(pos + eX * (oldsz_x - sz_x) * 0.5, pic, sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\
- } else {\
- sz_y = sz_x / imgaspect;\
- drawpic(pos + eY * (oldsz_y - sz_y) * 0.5, pic, sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\
- }\
-} while(0)
+ do {\
+ vector imgsize;\
+ imgsize = drawgetimagesize(pic);\
+ imgaspect = imgsize_x/imgsize_y;\
+ vector oldsz, sz;\
+ oldsz = sz = mySize;\
+ aspect = sz_x/sz_y;\
+ if(aspect > imgaspect) {\
+ sz_x = sz_y * imgaspect;\
+ drawpic(pos + eX * (oldsz_x - sz_x) * 0.5, pic, sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\
+ } else {\
+ sz_y = sz_x / imgaspect;\
+ drawpic(pos + eY * (oldsz_y - sz_y) * 0.5, pic, sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\
+ }\
+ } while(0)
// draw HUD element with image from gfx/hud/hud_skin/foo.tga if it exists, otherwise gfx/hud/default/foo.tga
#define drawpic_aspect_skin(pos,pic,sz,color,alpha,drawflag)\
- picpath = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", pic);\
- if(precache_pic(picpath) == "") {\
- picpath = strcat("gfx/hud/default/", pic);\
- }\
- drawpic_aspect(pos, picpath, sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\
-} while(0)
+ do{\
+ picpath = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", pic);\
+ if(precache_pic(picpath) == "") {\
+ picpath = strcat("gfx/hud/default/", pic);\
+ }\
+ drawpic_aspect(pos, picpath, sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\
+ } while(0)
// draw HUD element with image from gfx/hud/hud_skin/foo.tga if it exists, otherwise gfx/hud/default/foo.tga
#define drawpic_skin(pos,pic,sz,color,alpha,drawflag)\
- picpath = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", pic);\
- if(precache_pic(picpath) == "") {\
- picpath = strcat("gfx/hud/default/", pic);\
- }\
- drawpic(pos, picpath, sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\
-} while(0)
+ do{\
+ picpath = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", pic);\
+ if(precache_pic(picpath) == "") {\
+ picpath = strcat("gfx/hud/default/", pic);\
+ }\
+ drawpic(pos, picpath, sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\
+ } while(0)
void drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding(vector position, string pic, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag, float fadelerp)
void drawstring_aspect(vector pos, string text, vector sz, vector color, float alpha, float drawflag) {
vector textsize;
textsize = eX * stringwidth(text, FALSE, '1 1 1' * sz_y) + eY * sz_y;
float textaspect;
textaspect = textsize_x/textsize_y;
void drawcolorcodedstring_aspect(vector pos, string text, vector sz, float alpha, float drawflag) {
vector textsize;
textsize = eX * stringwidth(text, TRUE, '1 1 1' * sz_y) + eY * sz_y;
float textaspect;
textaspect = textsize_x/textsize_y;
drawfontscale = sz * '1 1 0';
dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- drawstring(position + expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(sz, scale, stringwidth(text, FALSE, scale * (sz / drawfontscale_x)) / (scale_x * sz)), text, scale * (sz / drawfontscale_x), rgb, alpha * (1 - fadelerp), flag);
+ drawstring(position + expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(sz, scale, stringwidth(text, FALSE, scale * (sz / drawfontscale_x)) / (scale_x * sz)), text, scale * (sz / drawfontscale_x), rgb, alpha * (1 - fadelerp), flag);
// width parameter:
// (scale_x * sz / drawfontscale_x) * drawfontscale_x * SIZE1 / (scale_x * sz)
// SIZE1
void drawstring_aspect_expanding(vector pos, string text, vector sz, vector color, float alpha, float drawflag, float fadelerp) {
vector textsize;
textsize = eX * stringwidth(text, FALSE, '1 1 1' * sz_y) + eY * sz_y;
float textaspect;
textaspect = textsize_x/textsize_y;