seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower_health 50 "at which health we start lowering pain_threshold"\r
seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_min 0.6 "minimum value when calculating the pulse: max(pulsating_min, fabs(sin(PI * time / period))"\r
seta hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_period 0.8 "one pulse every X seconds"\r
-seta hud_powerup 0.5 "power of the sharpen effect when owning the shield or strength powerups"\r
+seta hud_powerup 0 "power of the sharpen effect when owning the shield or strength powerups"\r
seta hud_stomach 0.65 "displays a splash on the screen when inside the stomach, value specifies alpha"\r
seta hud_stomach_color "0.75 1 0" "color of the stomach screen splash"\r
seta hud_stomach_fade_out 0.03 "how quickly the stomach splash disappears when you are regurgitated"\r
seta hud_postprocessing 1 "enables the ability for effects such as hud_damage_blur and hud_contents to apply a postprocessing method upon the screen - enabling this disables manual editing of the postprocess cvars"\r
-seta hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha 0.5 "maximum alpha which the blur postprocess can be"\r
+seta hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha 0 "maximum alpha which the blur postprocess can be"\r
seta hud_postprocessing_maxblurradius 8 "maximum radius which the blur postprocess can be"\r
seta hud_contents 1 "an improved version of gl_polyblend for liquids such as water/lava/slime, draw a filler when inside the liquid"\r