else if(type == RACE_NEW_TIME) {
HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, s2, 1, RACE_NEW_TIME);
+ else if(type == RACE_FAIL) {
+ HUD_KillNotify_Push(s1, s2, 1, RACE_FAIL);
+ }
s = "race_newtime";
+ else if(killnotify_deathtype[j] == RACE_FAIL)
+ {
+ s = "race_newfail";
+ }
if(s != "" && a)
drawpic_aspect_skin(weap_pos, s, '2 1 0' * height, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha * a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
float RACE_SERVER_RECORD = 10400;
float RACE_NEW_TIME = 10401;
float RACE_NEW_RANK = 10402;
+float RACE_FAIL = 10403;
// weapon requests
float WR_SETUP = 1; // (SVQC) setup weapon data
recorddifference = strcat(" ^1[+", TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t - oldrec), "]");
bprint(mynetname, "^7 couldn't break their ", race_placeName(player_prevpos), " place record of ", TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(oldrec), recorddifference, "\n");
race_SendStatus(0, e); // "fail"
+ Send_KillNotification(e.netname, TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t), "", RACE_FAIL, MSG_RACE);
} else if (!newpos) { // no ranking, time worse than the worst ranked
recorddifference = strcat(" ^1[+", TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t - race_readTime(GetMapname(), RANKINGS_CNT)), "]");
bprint(mynetname, "^7 couldn't break the ", race_placeName(RANKINGS_CNT), " place record of ", TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(race_readTime(GetMapname(), RANKINGS_CNT)), recorddifference, "\n");
race_SendStatus(0, e); // "fail"
+ Send_KillNotification(e.netname, TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(t), "", RACE_FAIL, MSG_RACE);