if (cvar("g_multijump_add") == 0) // in this case we make the z velocity == jumpvelocity
self.velocity_z = 0;
+ float curspeed;
+ curspeed = vlen(self.velocity);
local vector wishvel, wishdir;
wishvel = v_forward * self.movement_x + v_right * self.movement_y;
wishdir = normalize(wishvel);
if(wishdir_x != 0 && wishdir_y != 0) // don't remove all speed if player isnt pressing any movement keys
- self.velocity = ('1 0 0' * wishdir_x + '0 1 0' * wishdir_y) * self.prevtopspeed; // allow "dodging" at a multijump
+ {
+ self.velocity_x = wishdir_x * max(curspeed, self.prevtopspeed); // allow "dodging" at a multijump
+ self.velocity_y = wishdir_y * max(curspeed, self.prevtopspeed);
+ }
self.multijump_count += 1;
self.multijump_ready = FALSE; // require releasing and pressing the jump button again for the next jump