set g_powerup_strength 1 "if set to 0 the strength powerup will not spawn on the map"
set g_powerup_shield 1 "if set to 0 the shield (invincibility) powerup will not spawn on the map"
set g_balance_powerup_timer 1 "if set to 0 the powerups dont wear off"
-set g_use_ammunition 1 "if set to 0 all weapons you pick up have unlimited ammunition"
+set g_use_ammunition 1 "if set to 0 all weapons you start with have unlimited ammunition"
set g_pickup_items 1 "if set to 0 all items (health, armor, ammo, weapons...) are removed from the map"
set g_minstagib 0 "enable minstagib"
set g_minstagib_extralives 2 "how many extra lives you will get per powerup"