ATTRIB(Buff, m_prettyName, string, "Buff")
ATTRIB(Buff, m_skin, int, 0)
ATTRIB(Buff, m_sprite, string, "")
- METHOD(Buff, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns))
- void Buff_display(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns) {
++ METHOD(Buff, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns)) {
+ returns(this.m_prettyName, sprintf("/gfx/hud/%s/buff_%s", cvar_string("menu_skin"), this.m_name));
+ }
#ifdef SVQC
- METHOD(Buff, m_time, float(entity))
+ METHOD(Buff, m_time, float(entity));
float Buff_m_time(entity this) { return cvar(strcat("g_buffs_", this.netname, "_time")); }
/** If you register a new item, make sure to add it to */
CLASS(GameItem, Object)
ATTRIB(GameItem, m_id, int, 0)
- METHOD(GameItem, show, void(entity this));
- void GameItem_show(entity this) { print("A game item\n"); }
+ ATTRIB(GameItem, m_name, string, string_null)
+ ATTRIB(GameItem, m_icon, string, string_null)
- METHOD(GameItem, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns))
- void GameItem_display(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns) {
++ METHOD(GameItem, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns)) {
+ returns(this.m_name, this.m_icon ? sprintf("/gfx/hud/%s/%s", cvar_string("menu_skin"), this.m_icon) : string_null);
+ }
- METHOD(GameItem, show, void(entity this))
- void GameItem_show(entity this) { print("A game item\n"); }
++ METHOD(GameItem, show, void(entity this)) { print("A game item\n"); }
void ITEM_HANDLE(Show, entity this) {; }
ATTRIB(Gametype, model2, string, string_null)
/** game type description */
ATTRIB(Gametype, gametype_description, string, string_null)
- METHOD(Gametype, describe, string(entity this))
- string Gametype_describe(entity this) { return this.gametype_description; }
- METHOD(Gametype, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns))
- void Gametype_display(entity this, void(string, string) returns) { returns(this.message, strcat("gametype_", this.mdl)); }
++ METHOD(Gametype, describe, string(entity this)) { return this.gametype_description; }
++ METHOD(Gametype, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns)) {
++ returns(this.message, strcat("gametype_", this.mdl));
++ }
CONSTRUCTOR(Gametype, string hname, string sname, string g_name, bool gteamplay, string defaults, string gdescription)
ATTRIB(Nade, m_icon, string, "nade_normal")
ATTRIBARRAY(Nade, m_projectile, int, 2)
ATTRIBARRAY(Nade, m_trail, string, 2)
- METHOD(Nade, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns))
- void Nade_display(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns) {
++ METHOD(Nade, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns)) {
+ returns(this.m_name, sprintf("/gfx/hud/%s/%s", cvar_string("menu_skin"), this.m_icon));
+ }
#define spawn_static(this)
#define spawn_1(this)
#define _vtbl NULL
-CLASS(Object, ); ENDCLASS(Object)
+CLASS(Object, );
- METHOD(Object, describe, string(entity this))
- string Object_describe(entity this) {
++ METHOD(Object, describe, string(entity this)) {
+ string s = _("No description");
+ if (cvar("developer")) {
+ for (int i = 0, n = numentityfields(); i < n; ++i) {
+ string value = getentityfieldstring(i, this);
+ if (value != "") s = sprintf("%s\n%s = %s", s, entityfieldname(i), value);
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
- METHOD(Object, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns))
- void Object_display(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns) { returns(sprintf("entity %i", this), "nopreview_map"); }
++ METHOD(Object, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns)) {
++ returns(sprintf("entity %i", this), "nopreview_map");
++ }
#undef spawn_static
#undef spawn_1
#undef _vtbl
/** M: wepname : human readable name */
ATTRIB(Weapon, message, string, "AOL CD Thrower");
- METHOD(Weapon, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns))
- void Weapon_display(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns) {
++ METHOD(Weapon, display, void(entity this, void(string name, string icon) returns)) {
+ returns(this.message, this.model2 ? sprintf("/gfx/hud/%s/%s", cvar_string("menu_skin"), this.model2) : string_null);
+ }
bool(int) function,
.int ammotype,
--- /dev/null
- METHOD(DataSource, getEntry, entity(int i, void(string name, string icon) returns))
+CLASS(DataSource, Object)
+ /**
+ * get entry `i` passing `name` and `icon` through `returns` if it is not null
+ * returns `DataSource_false` if out of bounds
+ * otherwise returns an entity or `DataSource_true`
+ */
- METHOD(DataSource, indexOf, int(string find))
++ METHOD(DataSource, getEntry, entity(int i, void(string name, string icon) returns));
+ /** return the index of the first match for `find`. optional */
- METHOD(DataSource, reload, int(string filter))
++ METHOD(DataSource, indexOf, int(string find));
+ /** reload all entries matching `filter` returning how many matches were found */
- METHOD(DataSource, destroy, void(entity))
++ METHOD(DataSource, reload, int(string filter));
+ /** cleanup on shutdown. optional */
++ METHOD(DataSource, destroy, void(entity));
+ entity DataSource_true;
+ entity DataSource_false;
+ INIT_STATIC(DataSource) {
+ DataSource_true = NEW(Object);
+ DataSource_false = NULL;
+ }
--- /dev/null
- METHOD(TopicSource, getEntry, entity(int, void(string, string)))
- entity TopicSource_getEntry(int i, void(string, string) returns) {
+#include "datasource.qc"
+#define TOPICS(X) \
+ X(NEW(GametypeSource), _("Gametypes"), "gametype_dm") \
+ X(NEW(WeaponSource), _("Weapons"), "gametype_ka") \
+ X(NEW(ItemSource), _("Items"), "gametype_kh") \
+ X(NEW(BuffSource), _("Buffs"), "gametype_dom") \
+ X(NEW(NadeSource), _("Nades"), "gametype_ft") \
+ X(NEW(MapSource), _("Maps"), "gametype_ctf") \
+ if (cvar("developer")) X(NEW(DebugSource), _("Debug"), "gametype_ons") \
+ /**/
+CLASS(TopicSource, DataSource)
- METHOD(TopicSource, reload, int(string))
- int TopicSource_reload(string filter) {
++ METHOD(TopicSource, getEntry, entity(int i, void(string, string) returns)) {
+ int idx = 0;
+ #define TOPIC(src, name, icon) if (idx++ == i) { if (returns) returns(name, icon); return DataSource_true; }
+ #undef TOPIC
+ if (returns) returns("undefined", "undefined");
+ return DataSource_false;
+ }
- METHOD(DebugSource, getEntry, entity(int, void(string, string)))
- entity DebugSource_getEntry(int i, void(string, string) returns) {
++ METHOD(TopicSource, reload, int(string filter)) {
+ int n = 0;
+ #define TOPIC(src, name, icon) n++;
+ #undef TOPIC
+ return n;
+ }
+CLASS(DebugSource, DataSource)
+ .entity nextdebug;
+ entity find_debug() {
+ entity head = NULL, tail = NULL;
+ for (entity it = NULL; (it = nextent(it)); ) {
+ if (!it.instanceOfObject) continue;
+ if (it.instanceOfItem) continue;
+ if (it.classname == "Object") continue;
+ if (it.classname == "vtbl") continue;
+ if (!tail) {
+ tail = head = it;
+ } else {
+ tail.nextdebug = it;
+ tail = it;
+ }
+ }
+ return head;
+ }
+ string DebugSource_activeFilter = "";
- METHOD(DebugSource, reload, int(string))
- int DebugSource_reload(string filter) {
++ METHOD(DebugSource, getEntry, entity(int i, void(string, string) returns)) {
+ int idx = 0;
+ entity e;
+ for (e = find_debug(); e; e = e.nextdebug) {
+ if (strstrofs(sprintf("entity %i", e), DebugSource_activeFilter, 0) < 0) continue;
+ if (idx++ == i) break;
+ }
+ if (returns) e.display(e, returns);
+ return e;
+ }
- METHOD(GametypeSource, getEntry, entity(int, void(string, string)))
- entity GametypeSource_getEntry(int i, void(string, string) returns) {
++ METHOD(DebugSource, reload, int(string filter)) {
+ DebugSource_activeFilter = filter;
+ int idx = 0;
+ entity e;
+ for (e = find_debug(); e; e = e.nextdebug) {
+ if (strstrofs(sprintf("entity %i", e), DebugSource_activeFilter, 0) < 0) continue;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ return idx;
+ }
+#include "../../common/mapinfo.qh"
+CLASS(GametypeSource, DataSource)
- METHOD(GametypeSource, reload, int(string))
- int GametypeSource_reload(string filter) { return MAPINFO_TYPE_COUNT; }
++ METHOD(GametypeSource, getEntry, entity(int i, void(string, string) returns)) {
+ entity e = MAPINFO_TYPES[i];
+ if (returns) e.display(e, returns);
+ return e;
+ }
- METHOD(ItemSource, getEntry, entity(int, void(string, string)))
- entity ItemSource_getEntry(int i, void(string, string) returns) {
++ METHOD(GametypeSource, reload, int(string filter)) { return MAPINFO_TYPE_COUNT; }
+#include "../../common/items/all.qh"
+CLASS(ItemSource, DataSource)
- METHOD(ItemSource, reload, int(string))
- int ItemSource_reload(string filter) { return ITEM_COUNT; }
++ METHOD(ItemSource, getEntry, entity(int i, void(string, string) returns)) {
+ entity e = ITEMS[i];
+ if (returns) e.display(e, returns);
+ return e;
+ }
- METHOD(BuffSource, getEntry, entity(int, void(string, string)))
- entity BuffSource_getEntry(int i, void(string, string) returns) {
++ METHOD(ItemSource, reload, int(string filter)) { return ITEM_COUNT; }
+#include "../../common/buffs.qh"
+CLASS(BuffSource, DataSource)
- METHOD(BuffSource, reload, int(string))
- int BuffSource_reload(string filter) { return BUFFS_COUNT; }
++ METHOD(BuffSource, getEntry, entity(int i, void(string, string) returns)) {
+ entity e = BUFFS[i];
+ if (returns) e.display(e, returns);
+ return e;
+ }
- METHOD(NadeSource, getEntry, entity(int, void(string, string)))
- entity NadeSource_getEntry(int i, void(string, string) returns) {
++ METHOD(BuffSource, reload, int(string filter)) { return BUFFS_COUNT; }
+#include "../../common/nades.qh"
+CLASS(NadeSource, DataSource)
- METHOD(NadeSource, reload, int(string))
- int NadeSource_reload(string filter) { return NADES_COUNT; }
++ METHOD(NadeSource, getEntry, entity(int i, void(string, string) returns)) {
+ entity e = NADES[i];
+ if (returns) e.display(e, returns);
+ return e;
+ }
- METHOD(WeaponSource, getEntry, entity(int, void(string, string)))
- entity WeaponSource_getEntry(int i, void(string, string) returns) {
++ METHOD(NadeSource, reload, int(string filter)) { return NADES_COUNT; }
+#include "../../common/weapons/all.qh"
+CLASS(WeaponSource, DataSource)
- METHOD(WeaponSource, reload, int(string))
- int WeaponSource_reload(string filter) { return WEP_COUNT; }
++ METHOD(WeaponSource, getEntry, entity(int i, void(string, string) returns)) {
+ entity e = weapon_info[i];
+ if (returns) e.display(e, returns);
+ return e;
+ }
- METHOD(MapSource, getEntry, entity(int, void(string, string)))
- entity MapSource_getEntry(int i, void(string, string) returns)
- {
++ METHOD(WeaponSource, reload, int(string filter)) { return WEP_COUNT; }
+CLASS(MapSource, DataSource)
- METHOD(MapSource, indexOf, int(string))
- int MapSource_indexOf(string s)
- {
++ METHOD(MapSource, getEntry, entity(int i, void(string, string) returns)) {
+ if (!MapInfo_Get_ByID(i)) return DataSource_false;
+ string path = strcat("/maps/", MapInfo_Map_bspname);
+ string img = draw_PictureSize(path) ? path : "nopreview_map";
+ if (returns) returns(MapInfo_Map_titlestring, img);
+ MapInfo_ClearTemps();
+ return DataSource_true;
+ }
- METHOD(MapSource, reload, int(string))
- int MapSource_reload(string s)
- {
++ METHOD(MapSource, indexOf, int(string s)) {
+ MapInfo_FindName(s);
+ return MapInfo_FindName_firstResult;
+ }
- METHOD(MapSource, destroy, void(entity))
- void MapSource_destroy(entity this) { MapInfo_Shutdown(); }
++ METHOD(MapSource, reload, int(string s)) {
+ MapInfo_FilterGametype(MAPINFO_TYPE_ALL, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (s) MapInfo_FilterString(s);
+ return MapInfo_count;
+ }
- METHOD(XonoticGuideTab, fill, void(entity))
- METHOD(XonoticGuideTab, topicChangeNotify, void(entity, entity))
- METHOD(XonoticGuideTab, entryChangeNotify, void(entity, entity))
++ METHOD(MapSource, destroy, void(entity this)) { MapInfo_Shutdown(); }
+#include "dialog_media_guide_topics.qc"
+#include "dialog_media_guide_entries.qc"
+#include "dialog_media_guide_description.qc"
+#include "tab.qc"
+CLASS(XonoticGuideTab, XonoticTab)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticGuideTab, rows, float, 21)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticGuideTab, columns, float, 6)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticGuideTab, intendedWidth, float, 1)
++ METHOD(XonoticGuideTab, fill, void(entity));
++ METHOD(XonoticGuideTab, topicChangeNotify, void(entity, entity));
++ METHOD(XonoticGuideTab, entryChangeNotify, void(entity, entity));
+ ATTRIB(XonoticGuideTab, topicList, entity, NEW(XonoticTopicList, NEW(TopicSource)))
+ ATTRIB(XonoticGuideTab, entryList, entity, NEW(XonoticEntryList, NULL))
+ ATTRIB(XonoticGuideTab, descriptionPane, entity, NEW(XonoticGuideDescription))
+ INIT(XonoticGuideTab) {
+ this.configureDialog(this);
+ }
+void XonoticGuideTab_fill(entity this)
+ entity topics = this.topicList;
+ topics.onChange = XonoticGuideTab_topicChangeNotify;
+ topics.onChangeEntity = this;
+ entity entries = this.entryList;
+ entries.onChange = XonoticGuideTab_entryChangeNotify;
+ entries.onChangeEntity = this;
+ entity filter = entries.stringFilterBox = makeXonoticInputBox(false, string_null);
+ filter.keyDown = MapList_StringFilterBox_keyDown;
+ filter.onChange = MapList_StringFilterBox_Change;
+ filter.onChangeEntity = entries;
+ entries.controlledTextbox = filter;
+ entity description = this.descriptionPane;
+ int
+ col = 0, width = 1.5;
+ this.gotoRC(this, 0, col);
+ this.TD(this, 1, width, makeXonoticHeaderLabel(_("Topic")));
+ this.TR(this);
+ this.TD(this, this.rows - 1, width, topics);
+ col += width, width = 2;
+ this.gotoRC(this, 0, col); this.setFirstColumn(this, this.currentColumn);
+ this.TD(this, 1, width, makeXonoticHeaderLabel(_("Entry")));
+ this.TR(this);
+ this.TD(this, this.rows - 1 - 1, width, entries);
+ this.gotoRC(this, this.rows - 1, col);
+ this.TD(this, 1, 0.3, makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Filter:")));
+ this.TD(this, 1, width - 0.3, filter);
+ col += width, width = 2.5;
+ this.gotoRC(this, 0, col); this.setFirstColumn(this, this.currentColumn);
+ this.TD(this, 1, width, makeXonoticHeaderLabel(_("Description")));
+ this.TR(this);
+ this.TD(this, this.rows - 1, width, description);
+ this.topicChangeNotify(topics, this);
+void XonoticGuideTab_topicChangeNotify(entity, entity this)
+ entity topics = this.topicList;
+ entity entries = this.entryList;
+ int i = topics.selectedItem;
+ int idx = 0;
+ entity found = NULL;
+ #define TOPIC(src, name, icon) if (idx++ == i) { static entity e; if (!e) e = src; found = e; break; }
+ do { TOPICS(TOPIC); } while (0);
+ #undef TOPIC
+ entries.source = found;
+ entries.refilter(entries);
+ entries.setSelected(entries, 0);
+void XonoticGuideTab_entryChangeNotify(entity, entity this)
+ entity desc = this.descriptionPane;
+ entity entries = this.entryList;
+ entity e = entries.source.getEntry(entries.selectedItem, func_null);
+ string s = e.describe(e);
+ if (cvar("developer")) { s = sprintf("entity %i\n%s", e, s); }
+ desc.setDescription(desc, s);
--- /dev/null
- METHOD(XonoticGuideDescription, setDescription, void(entity, string))
+#include "credits.qc"
+CLASS(XonoticGuideDescription, XonoticListBox)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticGuideDescription, rowsPerItem, float, 1)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticGuideDescription, selectionDoesntMatter, bool, true)
- METHOD(XonoticGuideDescription, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector))
- void XonoticGuideDescription_resizeNotify(entity this, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize)
- {
++ METHOD(XonoticGuideDescription, setDescription, void(entity, string));
+ ATTRIB(XonoticGuideDescription, description, string, string_null)
- METHOD(XonoticGuideDescription, drawListBoxItem, void(entity, int, vector, bool, bool))
- void XonoticGuideDescription_drawListBoxItem(entity this, int i, vector absSize, bool isSelected, bool isFocused)
- {
++ METHOD(XonoticGuideDescription, resizeNotify, void(entity this, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize)) {
+ super.resizeNotify(this, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize);
+ this.realFontSize_y = this.fontSize / (absSize.y * this.itemHeight);
+ this.realFontSize_x = this.fontSize / (absSize.x * (1 - this.controlWidth));
+ this.realUpperMargin = 0.5 * (1 - this.realFontSize.y);
+ this.setDescription(this, this.description);
+ }
+ INIT(XonoticGuideDescription) {
+ this.configureXonoticListBox(this);
+ }
+ ATTRIB(XonoticGuideDescription, descriptionWrapped, string, string_null)
+ void XonoticGuideDescription_setDescription(entity this, string desc)
+ {
+ string current = this.description;
+ if (current && current != desc) strunzone(current);
+ this.description = strzone(desc);
+ string currentWrapped = this.descriptionWrapped;
+ if (currentWrapped) strunzone(currentWrapped);
+ string wrapped = "";
+ for (int i = 0, n = tokenizebyseparator(desc, "\n"); i < n; ++i) {
+ string line = "";
+ for (getWrappedLine_remaining = argv(i); getWrappedLine_remaining; ) {
+ string s = getWrappedLine(1, this.realFontSize, draw_TextWidth_WithColors);
+ line = sprintf("%s\n%s", line, s);
+ }
+ wrapped = strcat(wrapped, line);
+ }
+ this.descriptionWrapped = strzone(wrapped);
+ this.nItems = tokenizebyseparator(wrapped, "\n");
+ }
++ METHOD(XonoticGuideDescription, drawListBoxItem, void(entity this, int i, vector absSize, bool isSelected, bool isFocused)) {
+ tokenizebyseparator(this.descriptionWrapped, "\n");
+ draw_Text(this.realUpperMargin * eY, argv(i), this.realFontSize, '1 1 1', 1, 0);
+ }
--- /dev/null
- METHOD(XonoticEntryList, drawListBoxItem, void(entity, int, vector, bool, bool))
- METHOD(XonoticEntryList, keyDown, float(entity, float, float, float))
- METHOD(XonoticEntryList, refilter, void(entity))
- METHOD(XonoticEntryList, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector))
- METHOD(XonoticEntryList, setSelected, void(entity, int))
+#include "datasource.qc"
+#include "listbox.qc"
+CLASS(XonoticEntryList, XonoticListBox)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, alphaBG, float, 0)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, itemAbsSize, vector, '0 0 0')
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, origin, vector, '0 0 0')
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, realFontSize, vector, '0 0 0')
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, realUpperMargin1, float, 0)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, realUpperMargin2, float, 0)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, rowsPerItem, float, 4)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, stringFilterBox, entity, NULL)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, stringFilter, string, string_null)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, typeToSearchString, string, string_null)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, typeToSearchTime, float, 0)
++ METHOD(XonoticEntryList, drawListBoxItem, void(entity, int, vector, bool, bool));
++ METHOD(XonoticEntryList, keyDown, float(entity, float, float, float));
++ METHOD(XonoticEntryList, refilter, void(entity));
++ METHOD(XonoticEntryList, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector));
++ METHOD(XonoticEntryList, setSelected, void(entity, int));
+ ATTRIB(XonoticEntryList, source, DataSource, NULL)
+ CONSTRUCTOR(XonoticEntryList, DataSource _source) {
+ CONSTRUCT(XonoticEntryList);
+ this.source = _source;
+ this.configureXonoticListBox(this);
+ this.refilter(this);
+ }
+string XonoticEntryList_cb_name, XonoticEntryList_cb_icon;
+void XonoticEntryList_cb(string _name, string _icon) {
+ XonoticEntryList_cb_name = _name;
+ XonoticEntryList_cb_icon = _icon;
+void XonoticEntryList_drawListBoxItem(entity this, int i, vector absSize, bool isSelected, bool isFocused)
+ if (!this.source) return;
+ if (!this.source.getEntry(i, XonoticEntryList_cb)) return;
+ string name = XonoticEntryList_cb_name;
+ string icon = XonoticEntryList_cb_icon;
+ if (isSelected) {
+ } else if (isFocused) {
+ this.focusedItemAlpha = getFadedAlpha(this.focusedItemAlpha, SKINALPHA_LISTBOX_FOCUSED, SKINFADEALPHA_LISTBOX_FOCUSED);
+ draw_Fill('0 0 0', '1 1 0', SKINCOLOR_LISTBOX_FOCUSED, this.focusedItemAlpha);
+ }
+ vector sz = draw_PictureSize(icon);
+ if (!sz) sz = '1 1 0';
+ float szr = sz.x / sz.y;
+ if (strstrofs(icon, "map", 0) >= 0) szr = 4 / 3;
+ float asr = this.itemAbsSize.x / this.itemAbsSize.y;
+ sz.y = 1; sz.x = szr / asr;
+ draw_Picture('0 0 0', icon, sz, '1 1 1', SKINALPHA_LISTBOX_SELECTED);
+ string s = draw_TextShortenToWidth(strdecolorize(name), 1 - sz.x - 2 * this.realFontSize.x, 0, this.realFontSize);
+ draw_Text(this.realUpperMargin1 * eY + (sz.x + 0.5 * this.realFontSize.x) * eX, s, this.realFontSize, '1 1 1', SKINALPHA_TEXT, 0);
+float XonoticEntryList_keyDown(entity this, float scan, float ascii, float shift)
+ if (this.nItems <= 0) {
+ return super.keyDown(this, scan, ascii, shift);
+ } else if ((ascii >= 32 || scan == K_BACKSPACE) && this.source.indexOf) {
+ string save;
+ if (scan == K_BACKSPACE) {
+ save = substring(this.typeToSearchString, 0, strlen(this.typeToSearchString) - 1);
+ } else {
+ string ch = chr(ascii);
+ save = (time > this.typeToSearchTime) ? ch : strcat(this.typeToSearchString, ch);
+ }
+ if (this.typeToSearchString) strunzone(this.typeToSearchString);
+ this.typeToSearchString = strzone(save);
+ this.typeToSearchTime = time + 0.5;
+ if (strlen(this.typeToSearchString)) {
+ int idx = this.source.indexOf(this.typeToSearchString);
+ if (idx >= 0) this.setSelected(this, idx);
+ }
+ } else if (shift & S_CTRL && scan == 'f') {
+ this.parent.setFocus(this.parent, this.stringFilterBox);
+ } else if (shift & S_CTRL && scan == 'u') {
+ this.stringFilterBox.setText(this.stringFilterBox, "");
+ if (this.stringFilter) strunzone(this.stringFilter);
+ this.stringFilter = string_null;
+ this.refilter(this);
+ }
+ return super.keyDown(this, scan, ascii, shift);
+void XonoticEntryList_refilter(entity this)
+ if (!this.source) {
+ this.nItems = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ this.nItems = this.source.reload(this.stringFilter);
+ for (int i = 0, n = this.nItems; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (this.source.getEntry(i, XonoticEntryList_cb)) {
+ draw_PreloadPicture(XonoticEntryList_cb_icon);
+ }
+ }
+void XonoticEntryList_resizeNotify(entity this, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize)
+ this.itemAbsSize = '0 0 0';
+ super.resizeNotify(this, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize);
+ this.realFontSize_y = this.fontSize / (this.itemAbsSize_y = (absSize.y * this.itemHeight));
+ this.realFontSize_x = this.fontSize / (this.itemAbsSize_x = (absSize.x * (1 - this.controlWidth)));
+ this.realUpperMargin1 = 0.5 * (1 - 2.5 * this.realFontSize.y);
+ this.realUpperMargin2 = this.realUpperMargin1 + 1.5 * this.realFontSize.y;
+void XonoticEntryList_setSelected(entity this, int i)
+ super.setSelected(this, i);
+ this.onChange(this, this.onChangeEntity);
--- /dev/null
- METHOD(XonoticTopicList, clickListBoxItem, void(entity, float, vector))
- METHOD(XonoticTopicList, drawListBoxItem, void(entity, int, vector, bool, bool))
- METHOD(XonoticTopicList, keyDown, bool(entity, float, float, float))
- METHOD(XonoticTopicList, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector))
- METHOD(XonoticTopicList, setSelected, void(entity, int))
+#include "datasource.qc"
+#include "listbox.qc"
+CLASS(XonoticTopicList, XonoticListBox)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticTopicList, columnIconOrigin, float, 0)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticTopicList, columnIconSize, float, 0)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticTopicList, columnNameOrigin, float, 0)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticTopicList, columnNameSize, float, 0)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticTopicList, realFontSize, vector, '0 0 0')
+ ATTRIB(XonoticTopicList, realUpperMargin, float, 0)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticTopicList, rowsPerItem, float, 3)
++ METHOD(XonoticTopicList, clickListBoxItem, void(entity, float, vector));
++ METHOD(XonoticTopicList, drawListBoxItem, void(entity, int, vector, bool, bool));
++ METHOD(XonoticTopicList, keyDown, bool(entity, float, float, float));
++ METHOD(XonoticTopicList, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector));
++ METHOD(XonoticTopicList, setSelected, void(entity, int));
+ ATTRIB(XonoticTopicList, source, DataSource, NULL)
+ CONSTRUCTOR(XonoticTopicList, DataSource _source) {
+ CONSTRUCT(XonoticTopicList);
+ this.source = _source;
+ this.nItems = _source.reload("");
+ this.configureXonoticListBox(this);
+ }
+void XonoticTopicList_clickListBoxItem(entity this, float i, vector where)
+ m_play_click_sound(MENU_SOUND_SELECT);
+string XonoticTopicList_cb_name, XonoticTopicList_cb_icon;
+void XonoticTopicList_cb(string _name, string _icon) {
+ XonoticTopicList_cb_name = _name;
+ XonoticTopicList_cb_icon = _icon;
+void XonoticTopicList_drawListBoxItem(entity this, int i, vector absSize, bool isSelected, bool isFocused)
+ if (!this.source) return;
+ if (!this.source.getEntry(i, XonoticTopicList_cb)) return;
+ string icon = XonoticTopicList_cb_icon;
+ string name = XonoticTopicList_cb_name;
+ if (isSelected) {
+ } else if (isFocused) {
+ this.focusedItemAlpha = getFadedAlpha(this.focusedItemAlpha, SKINALPHA_LISTBOX_FOCUSED, SKINFADEALPHA_LISTBOX_FOCUSED);
+ draw_Fill('0 0 0', '1 1 0', SKINCOLOR_LISTBOX_FOCUSED, this.focusedItemAlpha);
+ }
+ draw_Picture(this.columnIconOrigin * eX, icon, this.columnIconSize * eX + eY, '1 1 1', SKINALPHA_LISTBOX_SELECTED);
+ vector save_fontscale = draw_fontscale;
+ float f = draw_CondensedFontFactor(name, false, this.realFontSize, 1);
+ draw_fontscale.x *= f;
+ vector fs = this.realFontSize;
+ fs.x *= f;
+ draw_Text(this.realUpperMargin * eY + this.columnNameOrigin * eX, name, fs, '1 1 1', SKINALPHA_TEXT, 0);
+ draw_fontscale = save_fontscale;
+bool XonoticTopicList_keyDown(entity this, float scan, float ascii, float shift)
+ if (scan == K_ENTER || scan == K_KP_ENTER) {
+ m_play_click_sound(MENU_SOUND_EXECUTE);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return super.keyDown(this, scan, ascii, shift);
+void XonoticTopicList_resizeNotify(entity this, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize)
+ this.itemAbsSize = '0 0 0';
+ super.resizeNotify(this, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize);
+ this.realFontSize_y = this.fontSize / (this.itemAbsSize_y = (absSize.y * this.itemHeight));
+ this.realFontSize_x = this.fontSize / (this.itemAbsSize_x = (absSize.x * (1 - this.controlWidth)));
+ this.realUpperMargin = 0.5 * (1 - this.realFontSize.y);
+ this.columnIconOrigin = 0;
+ this.columnIconSize = this.itemAbsSize.y / this.itemAbsSize.x;
+ this.columnNameOrigin = this.columnIconOrigin + this.columnIconSize + (0.5 * this.realFontSize.x);
+ this.columnNameSize = 1 - this.columnIconSize - (1.5 * this.realFontSize.x);
+void XonoticTopicList_setSelected(entity this, int i)
+ super.setSelected(this, i);
+ this.onChange(this, this.onChangeEntity);
#include "tab.qc"
CLASS(XonoticMediaTab, XonoticTab)
- METHOD(XonoticMediaTab, fill, void(entity))
+ METHOD(XonoticMediaTab, fill, void(entity));
ATTRIB(XonoticMediaTab, intendedWidth, float, 0.9)
ATTRIB(XonoticMediaTab, rows, float, 23)
- ATTRIB(XonoticMediaTab, columns, float, 3)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticMediaTab, columns, float, 4)
ATTRIB(XonoticMediaTab, name, string, "Media")
entity makeXonoticMediaTab();