set g_start_ammo_rockets 0
set g_start_ammo_cells 0
set g_start_ammo_fuel 0
-set g_warmup_start_health 200 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
+set g_warmup_start_health 100 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
set g_warmup_start_armor 100 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
set g_warmup_start_ammo_shells 50 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
set g_warmup_start_ammo_nails 150 "starting values when being in warmup-stage"
set g_pickup_weapons_anyway 1
set g_pickup_shells 15
set g_pickup_shells_weapon 15
-set g_pickup_shells_max 90
+set g_pickup_shells_max 60
set g_pickup_nails 80
set g_pickup_nails_weapon 80
set g_pickup_nails_max 320
set g_pickup_rockets 40
set g_pickup_rockets_weapon 40
set g_pickup_rockets_max 160
-set g_pickup_cells 50
-set g_pickup_cells_weapon 50
-set g_pickup_cells_max 200
+set g_pickup_cells 30
+set g_pickup_cells_weapon 30
+set g_pickup_cells_max 180
set g_pickup_fuel 50
set g_pickup_fuel_weapon 50
set g_pickup_fuel_jetpack 100
set g_pickup_fuel_max 100
-set g_pickup_armorsmall 10
+set g_pickup_armorsmall 5
set g_pickup_armorsmall_max 200
set g_pickup_armorsmall_anyway 1
set g_pickup_armormedium 25
set g_pickup_armorlarge 100
set g_pickup_armorlarge_max 200
set g_pickup_armorlarge_anyway 1
-set g_pickup_healthsmall 10
+set g_pickup_healthsmall 5
set g_pickup_healthsmall_max 250
set g_pickup_healthsmall_anyway 1
set g_pickup_healthmedium 25
set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short 0
set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_medium 0
set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long 0
-set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup 10
+set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup 30
set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon 0
set g_pickup_respawntimejitter_ammo 0
// }}}
set g_balance_health_regenlinear 5
set g_balance_pause_health_regen 5
set g_balance_pause_health_regen_spawn 0
-set g_balance_health_rot 0
-set g_balance_health_rotlinear 4
-set g_balance_pause_health_rot 3
+set g_balance_health_rot 0.05
+set g_balance_health_rotlinear 2
+set g_balance_pause_health_rot 0.5
set g_balance_pause_health_rot_spawn 5
set g_balance_health_regenstable 100
set g_balance_health_rotstable 150
set g_balance_health_limit 999
set g_balance_armor_regen 0
set g_balance_armor_regenlinear 0
-set g_balance_armor_rot 0
+set g_balance_armor_rot 0.05
set g_balance_armor_rotlinear 2
-set g_balance_pause_armor_rot 3
+set g_balance_pause_armor_rot 1
set g_balance_pause_armor_rot_spawn 5
set g_balance_armor_regenstable 100
set g_balance_armor_rotstable 100
set g_balance_laser_secondary_force_other_scale 1
// }}}
// {{{ shotgun
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets 12
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage 5
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets 14
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage 4
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_force 15
-set g_balance_shotgun_primary_spread 0.11
+set g_balance_shotgun_primary_spread 0.12
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_refire 0.75
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_animtime 0.2
set g_balance_shotgun_primary_ammo 1
set g_balance_uzi_burst 3 // # of bullets in a burst (if set to 2 or more)
set g_balance_uzi_burst_animtime 0.3
set g_balance_uzi_burst_refire 0.06 // refire between burst bullets
-set g_balance_uzi_burst_refire2 0.75 // refire after burst
+set g_balance_uzi_burst_refire2 0.45 // refire after burst
set g_balance_uzi_burst_spread 0.03
set g_balance_uzi_burst_damage 25
set g_balance_uzi_burst_force 20
set g_balance_minelayer_lifetime_countdown 0.5
set g_balance_minelayer_refire 1.5
set g_balance_minelayer_animtime 0.4
-set g_balance_minelayer_ammo 5
+set g_balance_minelayer_ammo 4
set g_balance_minelayer_health 15
set g_balance_minelayer_limit 4 // 0 disables the limit
set g_balance_minelayer_protection 1 // don't explode if the mine would hurt the owner or a team mate
set g_balance_crylink_primary_bounces 1
set g_balance_crylink_primary_refire 0.5
set g_balance_crylink_primary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_crylink_primary_ammo 4
+set g_balance_crylink_primary_ammo 3
set g_balance_crylink_primary_bouncedamagefactor 0.5
set g_balance_crylink_primary_joindelay 0
set g_balance_crylink_primary_joinspread 0.4
set g_balance_nex_primary_force 400
set g_balance_nex_primary_refire 1.5
set g_balance_nex_primary_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_nex_primary_ammo 5
+set g_balance_nex_primary_ammo 6
set g_balance_nex_primary_damagefalloff_mindist 0 // 1000 For tZork ;3
set g_balance_nex_primary_damagefalloff_maxdist 0 // 3000
set g_balance_nex_primary_damagefalloff_halflife 0 // 1500
set g_balance_nex_charge 1
set g_balance_nex_charge_mindmg 40
-set g_balance_nex_charge_start 0.5
+set g_balance_nex_charge_start 0
set g_balance_nex_charge_rate 0.3
set g_balance_nex_charge_animlimit 0.5
set g_balance_nex_charge_limit 1
set g_balance_hagar_primary_radius 70
set g_balance_hagar_primary_spread 0.08
set g_balance_hagar_primary_speed 2000
-set g_balance_hagar_primary_lifetime 0.12
+set g_balance_hagar_primary_lifetime 30
set g_balance_hagar_primary_refire 0.15
set g_balance_hagar_primary_ammo 1
set g_balance_hagar_secondary 1
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_lifetime 30
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_refire 1.1
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_animtime 0.3
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_ammo 3
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_ammo 4
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_health 30 // 5 hitpoints above maximum laser value -- this way lasers can't blow it up, but grenadelauncher still can most the time.
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_damageforcescale 4
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_detonatedelay 0.05 // positive: timer till detonation is allowed, negative: "security device" that prevents ANY remote detonation if it could hurt its owner, zero: detonatable at any time
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guiderate 130 // max degrees per second
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guiderate 110 // max degrees per second
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guideratedelay 0.01 // immediate
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidegoal 512 // goal distance for (non-laser) guiding (higher = less control, lower = erratic)
-set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidedelay 0.15 // delay before guiding kicks in
+set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidedelay 0.2 // delay before guiding kicks in
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidestop 0 // stop guiding when firing again
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_damage 70
set g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_edgedamage 35