float ctf_CaptureShield_Customize()
- if not(other.ctf_captureshielded)
- return FALSE;
- if(self.team == other.team)
- return FALSE;
+ if not(other.ctf_captureshielded) { return FALSE; }
+ if(self.team == other.team) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE;
void ctf_CaptureShield_Touch()
- if not(other.ctf_captureshielded)
- return;
- if(self.team == other.team)
- return;
- vector mymid;
- vector othermid;
- mymid = (self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5;
- othermid = (other.absmin + other.absmax) * 0.5;
+ if not(other.ctf_captureshielded) { return; }
+ if(self.team == other.team) { return; }
+ vector mymid = (self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5;
+ vector othermid = (other.absmin + other.absmax) * 0.5;
Damage(other, self, self, 0, DEATH_HURTTRIGGER, mymid, normalize(othermid - mymid) * ctf_captureshield_force);
Send_CSQC_Centerprint_Generic(other, CPID_CTF_CAPTURESHIELD, "^3You are ^4shielded^3 from the flag\n^3for ^1too many unsuccessful attempts^3 to capture.\n\n^3Get some defensive scores before trying again.", 5, 0);
void ctf_CaptureShield_Spawn(entity flag)
- entity e;
- e = spawn();
- e.enemy = self;
- e.team = self.team;
- e.touch = ctf_CaptureShield_Touch;
- e.customizeentityforclient = ctf_CaptureShield_Customize;
- e.classname = "ctf_captureshield";
- e.effects = EF_ADDITIVE;
- e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
- e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
- e.avelocity = '7 0 11';
- setorigin(e, self.origin);
- setmodel(e, "models/ctf/shield.md3");
- e.scale = 0.5;
- setsize(e, e.scale * e.mins, e.scale * e.maxs);
+ entity shield = spawn();
+ shield.enemy = self;
+ shield.team = self.team;
+ shield.touch = ctf_CaptureShield_Touch;
+ shield.customizeentityforclient = ctf_CaptureShield_Customize;
+ shield.classname = "ctf_captureshield";
+ shield.effects = EF_ADDITIVE;
+ shield.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
+ shield.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
+ shield.avelocity = '7 0 11';
+ shield.scale = 0.5;
+ setorigin(shield, self.origin);
+ setmodel(shield, "models/ctf/shield.md3");
+ setsize(shield, shield.scale * shield.mins, shield.scale * shield.maxs);
flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
flag.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
flag.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
+ flag.health = flag.max_flag_health;
flag.velocity = ('0 0 200' + ('0 100 0' * crandom()) + ('100 0 0' * crandom()));
- flag.pain_finished = time + autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime; // replace this later
flag.ctf_droptime = time;
flag.ctf_dropperid = player.playerid;
// messages and sounds
Send_KillNotification(player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_LOSTFLAG, MSG_INFO);
- sound(flag, CH_TRIGGER, flag.noise4, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ sound(flag, CH_TRIGGER, flag.snd_flag_dropped, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
ctf_EventLog("dropped", player.team, player);
// scoring
+ if(autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime || (autocvar_g_ctf_flag_take_damage && autocvar_g_ctf_flag_health))
+ {
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateMaxHealth(flag.wps_flagdropped, flag.max_flag_health);
+ WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(flag.wps_flagdropped, flag.health);
+ }
// captureshield
ctf_CaptureShield_Update(player, 0); // shield only
// messages and sounds
Send_KillNotification(player.netname, player.flagcarried.netname, cap_message, INFO_CAPTUREFLAG, MSG_INFO);
- sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.noise2, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); // "ctf/*_capture.wav"
+ sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.snd_flag_capture, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); // "ctf/*_capture.wav"
ctf_EventLog("capture", player.flagcarried.team, player);
// scoring
// messages and sounds
Send_KillNotification (player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_RETURNFLAG, MSG_INFO);
- sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.noise1, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.snd_flag_returned, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
ctf_EventLog("return", flag.team, player);
// scoring
// messages and sounds
Send_KillNotification (player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_GOTFLAG, MSG_INFO);
- sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.snd_flag_taken, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
ctf_EventLog("steal", flag.team, player);
verbosename = ((autocvar_g_ctf_flag_pickup_verbosename) ? strcat("(", player.netname, ")") : ""); // replace TRUE with an autocvar for it.
void ctf_Handle_Pickup_Dropped(entity flag, entity player) // make sure this works
// declarations
- float returnscore = bound(0, (flag.pain_finished - time) / autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime, 1); // can this be division by zero?
+ float returnscore = bound(0, (flag.pain_finished - time) / autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime, 1); // can this be division by zero? FIXME
entity tmp_player; // temporary entity which the FOR_EACH_PLAYER loop uses to scan players
string verbosename; // holds the name of the player OR no name at all for printing in the centerprints
// set up the flag
flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
flag.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
+ flag.health = flag.max_flag_health;
flag.solid = SOLID_NOT;
flag.angles = '0 0 0';
//flag.ctf_pickuptime = time; // don't update pickuptime since this isn't a real steal.
// messages and sounds
Send_KillNotification (player.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_PICKUPFLAG, MSG_INFO);
- sound (player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ sound (player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.snd_flag_taken, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
ctf_EventLog("pickup", flag.team, player);
verbosename = ((autocvar_g_ctf_flag_pickup_verbosename) ? strcat("(", player.netname, ")") : "");
// Main Flag Functions
// ===================
+void ctf_CheckFlagReturn(entity flag)
+ if(flag.wps_flagdropped) { WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(flag.wps_flagdropped, flag.health); }
+ if((flag.health <= 0) || (time > flag.ctf_droptime + autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime))
+ {
+ bprint("The ", flag.netname, " has returned to base\n");
+ sound(flag, CH_TRIGGER, flag.snd_flag_respawn, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ ctf_EventLog("returned", flag.team, world);
+ ctf_RespawnFlag(flag);
+ }
+void ctf_FlagDamage(entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force)
+ if(autocvar_g_ctf_flag_take_damage)
+ {
+ self.health = self.health - damage;
+ ctf_CheckFlagReturn(self);
+ }
void ctf_FlagThink()
// declarations
entity tmp_entity;
- self.nextthink = time + 0.2; // only 5 fps, more is unnecessary.
+ self.nextthink = time + FLAG_THINKRATE; // only 5 fps, more is unnecessary.
// captureshield
if(self == ctf_worldflaglist) // only for the first flag
if(!trace_startsolid) // can we resize it without getting stuck?
setsize(self, FLAG_MIN, FLAG_MAX); }
- //if(self.owner.classname == "player" || (self.owner.deadflag) || (self.owner.flagcarried != self)) {
- // dprint("CANNOT HAPPEN - player dead and STILL had a flag!\n");
- // ctf_Handle_Drop(self.owner);
- // return; }
// main think method
- switch(self.ctf_status)
+ switch(self.ctf_status)
case FLAG_BASE: // nothing to do here
- if(time > self.ctf_droptime + autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime)
+ if(autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime)
- bprint("The ", self.netname, " has returned to base\n");
- sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise3, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
- ctf_EventLog("returned", self.team, world);
- ctf_RespawnFlag(self);
- }
+ self.health -= ((self.max_flag_health / autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime) * FLAG_THINKRATE);
+ ctf_CheckFlagReturn(self);
+ }
if((self.owner) && (self.speedrunning) && (ctf_captimerecord) && (time >= self.ctf_pickuptime + ctf_captimerecord))
bprint("The ", self.netname, " became impatient after ", ftos_decimals(ctf_captimerecord, 2), " seconds and returned itself\n");
- sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise3, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
- self.owner.impulse = 141; // returning!
+ sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, self.snd_flag_respawn, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ ctf_EventLog("returned", self.team, world);
+ ctf_RespawnFlag(tmp_entity);
tmp_entity = self;
self = self.owner;
- ctf_RespawnFlag(tmp_entity);
+ self.impulse = CHIMPULSE_SPEEDRUN; // move the player back to the waypoint they set
self = tmp_entity;
|| ((trace_dpstartcontents | trace_dphitcontents) & (DPCONTENTS_SLIME | DPCONTENTS_LAVA | DPCONTENTS_NODROP)))
{ // The flag fell off the map or into lava/slime, respawn it since players can't get to it
bprint("The ", self.netname, " has returned to base\n");
- sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise3, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
+ sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, self.snd_flag_respawn, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE);
ctf_EventLog("returned", self.team, world);
if(other.team == self.team)
ctf_Handle_Return(self, other); // other just returned his own flag
- else if((!other.flagcarried) && ((other.playerid != self.ctf_dropperid) || (time > self.ctf_droptime + autocvar_g_balance_ctf_delay_collect)))
+ else if((!other.flagcarried) && ((other.playerid != self.ctf_dropperid) || (time > self.ctf_droptime + autocvar_g_ctf_flag_collect_delay)))
ctf_Handle_Pickup_Dropped(self, other); // other just picked up a dropped enemy flag
setorigin(flag, flag.ctf_spawnorigin); // replace with flag.ctf_spawnorigin
flag.movetype = ((flag.noalign) ? MOVETYPE_NONE : MOVETYPE_TOSS);
flag.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
+ flag.health = flag.max_flag_health;
flag.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
flag.velocity = '0 0 0';
flag.angles = flag.mangle;
flag.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
flag.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
flag.damageforcescale = autocvar_g_ctf_flag_damageforcescale;
+ flag.max_flag_health = ((autocvar_g_ctf_flag_take_damage && autocvar_g_ctf_flag_health) ? autocvar_g_ctf_flag_health : 100);
+ flag.health = flag.max_flag_health;
+ flag.event_damage = ctf_FlagDamage;
flag.velocity = '0 0 0';
flag.mangle = flag.angles;
flag.reset = ctf_Reset;
if(autocvar_g_ctf_dynamiclights) { flag.effects |= ((teamnumber) ? EF_RED : EF_BLUE); }
// sound
- if(!flag.noise) { flag.noise = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_taken.wav" : "ctf/blue_taken.wav"); }
- if(!flag.noise1) { flag.noise1 = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_returned.wav" : "ctf/blue_returned.wav"); }
- if(!flag.noise2) { flag.noise2 = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_capture.wav" : "ctf/blue_capture.wav"); } // blue team scores by capturing the red flag
- if(!flag.noise3) { flag.noise3 = "ctf/flag_respawn.wav"; } // if there is ever a team-based sound for this, update the code to match.
- if(!flag.noise4) { flag.noise4 = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_dropped.wav" : "ctf/blue_dropped.wav"); }
+ if(!flag.snd_flag_taken) { flag.snd_flag_taken = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_taken.wav" : "ctf/blue_taken.wav"); }
+ if(!flag.snd_flag_returned) { flag.snd_flag_returned = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_returned.wav" : "ctf/blue_returned.wav"); }
+ if(!flag.snd_flag_capture) { flag.snd_flag_capture = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_capture.wav" : "ctf/blue_capture.wav"); } // blue team scores by capturing the red flag
+ if(!flag.snd_flag_respawn) { flag.snd_flag_respawn = "ctf/flag_respawn.wav"; } // if there is ever a team-based sound for this, update the code to match.
+ if(!flag.snd_flag_dropped) { flag.snd_flag_dropped = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_dropped.wav" : "ctf/blue_dropped.wav"); }
+ if(!flag.snd_flag_touch) { flag.snd_flag_touch = "ctf/flag_touch.wav"; } // again has no team-based sound
// precache
- precache_sound(flag.noise);
- precache_sound(flag.noise1);
- precache_sound(flag.noise2);
- precache_sound(flag.noise3);
- precache_sound(flag.noise4);
+ precache_sound(flag.snd_flag_taken);
+ precache_sound(flag.snd_flag_returned);
+ precache_sound(flag.snd_flag_capture);
+ precache_sound(flag.snd_flag_respawn);
+ precache_sound(flag.snd_flag_dropped);
+ precache_sound(flag.snd_flag_touch);
flag.dropped_origin = flag.origin;
flag.noalign = TRUE;
flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
- print("^1|^3||||^1| This map was loaded with flags using MOVETYPE_NONE\n");
else // drop to floor, automatically find a platform and set that as spawn origin
self = flag;
flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
- print("^1|^3||||^1| This map was loaded with flags using MOVETYPE_TOSS\n");
InitializeEntity(flag, ctf_DelayedFlagSetup, INITPRIO_SETLOCATION);
self.items |= ((flag.items & IT_KEY2) ? IT_RED_FLAG_LOST : IT_BLUE_FLAG_LOST); // lost: the flag is dropped somewhere on the map
+ if(self.wps_flagcarrier) { WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(self.wps_flagcarrier, self.health); }
return 0;
/*QUAKED spawnfunc_item_flag_team1 (0 0.5 0.8) (-48 -48 -37) (48 48 37)
-CTF flag for team one (Red). Multiple flags are allowed.
+CTF flag for team one (Red).
"angle" Angle the flag will point (minus 90 degrees)...
-"model" model to use, note this needs red and blue as skins 0 and 1 (default models/ctf/flag.md3)...
-"noise" sound played when flag is picked up (default ctf/take.wav)...
-"noise1" sound played when flag is returned by a teammate (default ctf/return.wav)...
-"noise2" sound played when flag is captured (default ctf/redcapture.wav)...
-"noise3" sound played when flag is lost in the field and respawns itself (default ctf/respawn.wav)... */
+"model" model to use, note this needs red and blue as skins 0 and 1...
+"noise" sound played when flag is picked up...
+"noise1" sound played when flag is returned by a teammate...
+"noise2" sound played when flag is captured...
+"noise3" sound played when flag is lost in the field and respawns itself...
+"noise4" sound played when flag is dropped by a player...
+"noise5" sound played when flag touches the ground... */
void spawnfunc_item_flag_team1()
if(!g_ctf) { remove(self); return; }
/*QUAKED spawnfunc_item_flag_team2 (0 0.5 0.8) (-48 -48 -37) (48 48 37)
-CTF flag for team two (Blue). Multiple flags are allowed.
+CTF flag for team two (Blue).
"angle" Angle the flag will point (minus 90 degrees)...
-"model" model to use, note this needs red and blue as skins 0 and 1 (default models/ctf/flag.md3)...
-"noise" sound played when flag is picked up (default ctf/take.wav)...
-"noise1" sound played when flag is returned by a teammate (default ctf/return.wav)...
-"noise2" sound played when flag is captured (default ctf/redcapture.wav)...
-"noise3" sound played when flag is lost in the field and respawns itself (default ctf/respawn.wav)... */
+"model" model to use, note this needs red and blue as skins 0 and 1...
+"noise" sound played when flag is picked up...
+"noise1" sound played when flag is returned by a teammate...
+"noise2" sound played when flag is captured...
+"noise3" sound played when flag is lost in the field and respawns itself...
+"noise4" sound played when flag is dropped by a player...
+"noise5" sound played when flag touches the ground... */
void spawnfunc_item_flag_team2()
if(!g_ctf) { remove(self); return; }