if(self.waterlevel < WATERLEVEL_WETFEET)
+ if(time < self.last_trace)
+ return;
+ self.last_trace = time + 0.4;
self.angles = '0 0 -90';
- Damage (self, world, world, 1, DEATH_DROWN, self.origin, '0 0 0');
+ Damage (self, world, world, 2, DEATH_DROWN, self.origin, '0 0 0');
if(random() < 0.5)
self.velocity_y += random() * 50;
self.dmg_time = time;
- if(sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker))
+ if(sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker) && deathtype != DEATH_DROWN)
spamsound (self, CH_PAIN, "misc/bodyimpact1.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); // FIXME: PLACEHOLDER
if(self.damageforcescale < 1 && self.damageforcescale > 0)
self.velocity += force;
- Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, force, 2, bound(0, damage, 200) / 16, self, attacker);
- if (damage > 50)
- Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, force * -0.1, 3, 1, self, attacker);
- if (damage > 100)
- Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, force * -0.2, 3, 1, self, attacker);
+ if(deathtype != DEATH_DROWN)
+ {
+ Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, force, 2, bound(0, damage, 200) / 16, self, attacker);
+ if (damage > 50)
+ Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, force * -0.1, 3, 1, self, attacker);
+ if (damage > 100)
+ Violence_GibSplash_At(hitloc, force * -0.2, 3, 1, self, attacker);
+ }
if(self.health <= 0)
RandomSelection_Add(world, 0, self.target2, 1, 1);
self.target = RandomSelection_chosen_string;
- }
+ }
WaypointSprite_SpawnFixed("Monsters", self.origin + '0 0 60', self, sprite, RADARICON_HERE, '1 0.5 0');
if(self.target == "")
- print("monster_swarm entity without a valid target, monsters will try to follow waypoints instead.\n");
+ print("Warning: monster_swarm entity without a valid target\n");
void spawnturret(entity spawnedby, entity own, string turet, vector orig)
if(spawnedby.classname != STR_PLAYER)
- print("Warning: A non-player entity tried to spawn a turret.\n");
+ print("Warning: A non-player entity tried to spawn a turret\n");
- case "turret_plasma": spawnfunc_turret_plasma(); break;
- case "turret_mlrs": spawnfunc_turret_mlrs(); break;
- case "turret_phaser": spawnfunc_turret_phaser(); break;
- case "turret_hellion": spawnfunc_turret_hellion(); break;
- case "turret_walker": spawnfunc_turret_walker(); break;
- case "turret_flac": spawnfunc_turret_flac(); break;
- case "turret_tesla": spawnfunc_turret_tesla(); break;
- case "turret_fusionreactor": spawnfunc_turret_fusionreactor(); break;
+ case "plasma": spawnfunc_turret_plasma(); break;
+ case "mlrs": spawnfunc_turret_mlrs(); break;
+ case "phaser": spawnfunc_turret_phaser(); break;
+ case "hellion": spawnfunc_turret_hellion(); break;
+ case "walker": spawnfunc_turret_walker(); break;
+ case "flac": spawnfunc_turret_flac(); break;
+ case "tesla": spawnfunc_turret_tesla(); break;
+ case "fusionreactor": spawnfunc_turret_fusionreactor(); break;
self = oldself;
if(n_knights) RandomSelection_Add(world, 0, "knight", 1, 1);
if(n_shamblers) RandomSelection_Add(world, 0, "shambler", 0.2, 0.2);
if(n_tarbabies) RandomSelection_Add(world, 0, "spawn", 0.2, 0.2);
- if(n_wizards && flyspawns_count > 0) RandomSelection_Add(world, 0, "scrag", 1, 1);
- if(n_fish && waterspawns_count > 0) RandomSelection_Add(world, 0, "fish", 0.2, 0.2);
+ if(n_wizards && flyspawns_count) RandomSelection_Add(world, 0, "scrag", 1, 1);
+ if(n_fish && waterspawns_count) RandomSelection_Add(world, 0, "fish", 0.2, 0.2);
return RandomSelection_chosen_string;
n_players += 1;
Send_CSQC_Centerprint_Generic(head, CPID_KH_MSG, strcat(buildmsg, healmsg, countmsg, startmsg), 5, 0);
- // no start ammo, so player must rely on monster droppings (TODO: random drops for monsters)
- start_ammo_rockets = 0;
- start_ammo_cells = 0;
- start_ammo_nails = 0;
start_ammo_fuel = 150; // to be nice...
return FALSE;
if(self.ammo_fuel < autocvar_g_td_turret_plasma_cost) break;
self.ammo_fuel -= autocvar_g_td_turret_plasma_cost;
- spawnturret(self, self, "turret_plasma", trace_endpos);
+ spawnturret(self, self, "plasma", trace_endpos);
sprint(self, "Spawned 1 plasma turret", "\n");
return TRUE;
if(self.ammo_fuel < autocvar_g_td_turret_mlrs_cost) break;
self.ammo_fuel -= autocvar_g_td_turret_mlrs_cost;
- spawnturret(self, self, "turret_mlrs", trace_endpos);
+ spawnturret(self, self, "mlrs", trace_endpos);
sprint(self, "Spawned 1 MLRS turret", "\n");
return TRUE;
if(self.ammo_fuel < autocvar_g_td_turret_walker_cost) break;
self.ammo_fuel -= autocvar_g_td_turret_walker_cost;
- spawnturret(self, self, "turret_walker", trace_endpos);
+ spawnturret(self, self, "walker", trace_endpos);
sprint(self, "Spawned 1 walker turret", "\n");
return TRUE;
if(self.ammo_fuel < autocvar_g_td_tower_buff_cost) break;
self.ammo_fuel -= autocvar_g_td_tower_buff_cost;
- spawnturret(self, self, "turret_fusionreactor", trace_endpos);
+ spawnturret(self, self, "fusionreactor", trace_endpos);
sprint(self, "Spawned 1 tower buff turret\n");
return TRUE;