static int gamma_forcenextframe = false;
static float cachegamma, cachebrightness, cachecontrast, cacheblack[3], cachegrey[3], cachewhite[3], cachecontrastboost;
static int cachecolorenable, cachehwgamma;
+int vid_gammaramps_serial = 0; // so other subsystems can poll if gamma parameters have changed
+void VID_BuildGammaTables(unsigned short *ramps, int rampsize)
+ if (cachecolorenable)
+ {
+ BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, invpow(0.5, 1 - cachegrey[0]), cachewhite[0], cacheblack[0], cachecontrastboost, ramps, rampsize);
+ BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, invpow(0.5, 1 - cachegrey[1]), cachewhite[1], cacheblack[1], cachecontrastboost, ramps + rampsize, rampsize);
+ BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, invpow(0.5, 1 - cachegrey[2]), cachewhite[2], cacheblack[2], cachecontrastboost, ramps + rampsize*2, rampsize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, cachegamma, cachecontrast, cachebrightness, cachecontrastboost, ramps, rampsize);
+ BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, cachegamma, cachecontrast, cachebrightness, cachecontrastboost, ramps + rampsize, rampsize);
+ BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, cachegamma, cachecontrast, cachebrightness, cachecontrastboost, ramps + rampsize*2, rampsize);
+ }
+ // LordHavoc: this code came from Ben Winslow and Zinx Verituse, I have
+ // immensely butchered it to work with variable framerates and fit in with
+ // the rest of darkplaces.
+ if (v_psycho.integer)
+ {
+ int x, y;
+ float t;
+ static float n[3], nd[3], nt[3];
+ static int init = true;
+ unsigned short *ramp;
+ gamma_forcenextframe = true;
+ if (init)
+ {
+ init = false;
+ for (x = 0;x < 3;x++)
+ {
+ n[x] = lhrandom(0, 1);
+ nd[x] = (rand()&1)?-0.25:0.25;
+ nt[x] = lhrandom(1, 8.2);
+ }
+ }
+ for (x = 0;x < 3;x++)
+ {
+ nt[x] -= cl.realframetime;
+ if (nt[x] < 0)
+ {
+ nd[x] = -nd[x];
+ nt[x] += lhrandom(1, 8.2);
+ }
+ n[x] += nd[x] * cl.realframetime;
+ n[x] -= floor(n[x]);
+ }
+ for (x = 0, ramp = ramps;x < 3;x++)
+ for (y = 0, t = n[x] - 0.75f;y < rampsize;y++, t += 0.75f * (2.0f / rampsize))
+ *ramp++ = (unsigned short)(cos(t*(M_PI*2.0)) * 32767.0f + 32767.0f);
+ }
void VID_UpdateGamma(qboolean force, int rampsize)
cvar_t *c;
float f;
int wantgamma;
+ qboolean gamma_changed = false;
// LordHavoc: don't mess with gamma tables if running dedicated
if (cls.state == ca_dedicated)
BOUNDCVAR(v_color_white_b, 1, 5);
- if (force || v_psycho.integer)
- gamma_forcenextframe = true;
-#define GAMMACHECK(cache, value) if (cache != (value)) gamma_forcenextframe = true;cache = (value)
- GAMMACHECK(cachehwgamma , wantgamma);
+#define GAMMACHECK(cache, value) if (cache != (value)) gamma_changed = true;cache = (value)
+ if(v_psycho.integer)
+ gamma_changed = true;
GAMMACHECK(cachegamma , v_gamma.value);
GAMMACHECK(cachecontrast , v_contrast.value);
GAMMACHECK(cachebrightness , v_brightness.value);
GAMMACHECK(cachewhite[0] , v_color_white_r.value);
GAMMACHECK(cachewhite[1] , v_color_white_g.value);
GAMMACHECK(cachewhite[2] , v_color_white_b.value);
+ if(gamma_changed)
+ ++vid_gammaramps_serial;
+ GAMMACHECK(cachehwgamma , wantgamma);
- if (!gamma_forcenextframe)
+ if (!force && !gamma_forcenextframe && !gamma_changed)
gamma_forcenextframe = false;
VID_GetGamma(vid_systemgammaramps, vid_gammarampsize);
- if (cachecolorenable)
- {
- BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, invpow(0.5, 1 - cachegrey[0]), cachewhite[0], cacheblack[0], cachecontrastboost, vid_gammaramps, rampsize);
- BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, invpow(0.5, 1 - cachegrey[1]), cachewhite[1], cacheblack[1], cachecontrastboost, vid_gammaramps + vid_gammarampsize, rampsize);
- BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, invpow(0.5, 1 - cachegrey[2]), cachewhite[2], cacheblack[2], cachecontrastboost, vid_gammaramps + vid_gammarampsize*2, rampsize);
- }
- else
- {
- BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, cachegamma, cachecontrast, cachebrightness, cachecontrastboost, vid_gammaramps, rampsize);
- BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, cachegamma, cachecontrast, cachebrightness, cachecontrastboost, vid_gammaramps + vid_gammarampsize, rampsize);
- BuildGammaTable16(1.0f, cachegamma, cachecontrast, cachebrightness, cachecontrastboost, vid_gammaramps + vid_gammarampsize*2, rampsize);
- }
- // LordHavoc: this code came from Ben Winslow and Zinx Verituse, I have
- // immensely butchered it to work with variable framerates and fit in with
- // the rest of darkplaces.
- if (v_psycho.integer)
- {
- int x, y;
- float t;
- static float n[3], nd[3], nt[3];
- static int init = true;
- unsigned short *ramp;
- gamma_forcenextframe = true;
- if (init)
- {
- init = false;
- for (x = 0;x < 3;x++)
- {
- n[x] = lhrandom(0, 1);
- nd[x] = (rand()&1)?-0.25:0.25;
- nt[x] = lhrandom(1, 8.2);
- }
- }
- for (x = 0;x < 3;x++)
- {
- nt[x] -= cl.realframetime;
- if (nt[x] < 0)
- {
- nd[x] = -nd[x];
- nt[x] += lhrandom(1, 8.2);
- }
- n[x] += nd[x] * cl.realframetime;
- n[x] -= floor(n[x]);
- }
- for (x = 0, ramp = vid_gammaramps;x < 3;x++)
- for (y = 0, t = n[x] - 0.75f;y < vid_gammarampsize;y++, t += 0.75f * (2.0f / vid_gammarampsize))
- *ramp++ = (unsigned short)(cos(t*(M_PI*2.0)) * 32767.0f + 32767.0f);
- }
+ VID_BuildGammaTables(vid_gammaramps, vid_gammarampsize);
// set vid_hardwaregammasupported to true if VID_SetGamma succeeds, OR if vid_hwgamma is >= 2 (forced gamma - ignores driver return value)
Cvar_SetValueQuick(&vid_hardwaregammasupported, VID_SetGamma(vid_gammaramps, vid_gammarampsize) || cachehwgamma >= 2);