// loads all objects from the database file
string file_read, file_name;
- float file_get;
+ float file_get, i;
file_name = strcat("sandbox/storage_", autocvar_g_sandbox_storage_name, "_", GetMapname(), ".txt");
file_get = fopen(file_name, FILE_READ);
entity e;
e = sandbox_ObjectSpawn(TRUE);
sandbox_ObjectPort_Load(e, file_read, TRUE);
+ if(e.material)
+ {
+ // since objects are being loaded for the first time, precache material sounds for each
+ for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) // 5 sounds in total
+ precache_sound(strcat("object/impact_", e.material, "_", ftos(i), ".ogg"));
+ }
if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info > 0)
print(strcat("^3SANDBOX - SERVER: ^7successfully loaded storage file ^3", file_name, "\n"));