void R_DrawAliasModelCallback (const void *calldata1, int calldata2)
int c, fullbright, layernum, firstpass;
- float tint[3], fog, ifog, colorscale;
+ float tint[3], fog, ifog, colorscale, ambientcolor4f[4];
vec3_t diff;
qbyte *bcolor;
rmeshstate_t m;
aliasmesh_t *mesh = ent->model->aliasdata_meshes + calldata2;
aliaslayer_t *layer;
aliasskin_t *skin;
+ rcachearrayrequest_t request;
ifog = 1 - fog;
firstpass = true;
- memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
skin = R_FetchAliasSkin(ent, mesh);
for (layernum = 0, layer = skin->data_layers;layernum < skin->num_layers;layernum++, layer++)
|| ((layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_DIFFUSE) && (r_shadow_realtime_world.integer && r_ambient.integer <= 0 && r_fullbright.integer == 0 && !(ent->effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT))))
+ memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
if (!firstpass || (ent->effects & EF_ADDITIVE))
m.blendfunc1 = GL_SRC_ALPHA;
colorscale *= 0.25f;
m.texrgbscale[0] = 4;
- R_Mesh_State(&m);
c_alias_polys += mesh->num_triangles;
- R_Mesh_GetSpace(mesh->num_vertices);
- if (layer->texture != NULL)
- R_Mesh_CopyTexCoord2f(0, mesh->data_texcoord2f, mesh->num_vertices);
+ if (gl_mesh_copyarrays.integer)
+ {
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
+ R_Mesh_GetSpace(mesh->num_vertices);
+ if (layer->texture != NULL)
+ R_Mesh_CopyTexCoord2f(0, mesh->data_texcoord2f, mesh->num_vertices);
+ R_Model_Alias_GetMesh_Array3f(ent, mesh, MODELARRAY_VERTEX, varray_vertex3f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m.pointervertexcount = mesh->num_vertices;
+ memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request));
+ request.data_size = mesh->num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]);
+ request.id_pointer2 = mesh->data_aliasvertex3f;
+ request.id_number1 = layernum;
+ request.id_number2 = 0;
+ request.id_number3 = CRC_Block((void *)ent->frameblend, sizeof(ent->frameblend));
+ if (R_Mesh_CacheArray(&request))
+ R_Model_Alias_GetMesh_Array3f(ent, mesh, MODELARRAY_VERTEX, request.data);
+ m.pointer_vertex = request.data;
+ m.pointer_texcoord[0] = layer->texture != NULL ? mesh->data_texcoord2f : NULL;
+ }
if (layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_FOG)
colorscale *= fog;
- R_Model_Alias_GetMesh_Array3f(ent, mesh, MODELARRAY_VERTEX, varray_vertex3f);
GL_Color(fogcolor[0] * colorscale, fogcolor[1] * colorscale, fogcolor[2] * colorscale, ent->alpha);
fullbright = false;
colorscale *= ifog;
- R_Model_Alias_GetMesh_Array3f(ent, mesh, MODELARRAY_VERTEX, varray_vertex3f);
if (fullbright || !(layer->flags & ALIASLAYER_DIFFUSE) || r_fullbright.integer || (ent->effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT))
GL_Color(tint[0] * colorscale, tint[1] * colorscale, tint[2] * colorscale, ent->alpha);
else if (r_shadow_realtime_world.integer)
- R_Model_Alias_GetMesh_Array3f(ent, mesh, MODELARRAY_NORMAL, aliasvert_normal3f);
- R_LightModel(ent, mesh->num_vertices, varray_vertex3f, aliasvert_normal3f, varray_color4f, tint[0] * colorscale, tint[1] * colorscale, tint[2] * colorscale, false);
+ if (R_LightModel(ambientcolor4f, ent, tint[0] * colorscale, tint[1] * colorscale, tint[2] * colorscale, ent->alpha, false))
+ {
+ GL_UseColorArray();
+ if (gl_mesh_copyarrays.integer)
+ {
+ R_Model_Alias_GetMesh_Array3f(ent, mesh, MODELARRAY_NORMAL, aliasvert_normal3f);
+ R_LightModel_CalcVertexColors(ambientcolor4f, mesh->num_vertices, varray_vertex3f, aliasvert_normal3f, varray_color4f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // request color4f cache
+ request.data_size = mesh->num_vertices * sizeof(float[4]);
+ request.id_pointer1 = ent;
+ request.id_number2 = 2;
+ request.id_number3 = CRC_Block((void *)ent->frameblend, sizeof(ent->frameblend)) + CRC_Block((void *)&ent->entlightstime, sizeof(ent->entlightstime));
+ if (R_Mesh_CacheArray(&request))
+ {
+ // save off the color pointer before we blow away the request
+ m.pointer_color = request.data;
+ // request normal3f cache
+ request.data_size = mesh->num_vertices * sizeof(float[3]);
+ request.id_pointer1 = NULL;
+ request.id_number2 = 3;
+ request.id_number3 = CRC_Block((void *)ent->frameblend, sizeof(ent->frameblend));
+ if (R_Mesh_CacheArray(&request))
+ R_Model_Alias_GetMesh_Array3f(ent, mesh, MODELARRAY_NORMAL, request.data);
+ R_LightModel_CalcVertexColors(ambientcolor4f, mesh->num_vertices, m.pointer_vertex, request.data, m.pointer_color);
+ }
+ else
+ m.pointer_color = request.data;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ GL_Color(ambientcolor4f[0], ambientcolor4f[1], ambientcolor4f[2], ambientcolor4f[3]);
+ if (!gl_mesh_copyarrays.integer)
+ R_Mesh_State(&m);
R_Mesh_Draw(mesh->num_vertices, mesh->num_triangles, mesh->data_element3i);
void R_DrawZymoticModelMeshCallback (const void *calldata1, int calldata2)
- float fog, ifog, colorscale;
+ float fog, ifog, colorscale, ambientcolor4f[4];
vec3_t diff;
int i, *renderlist, *elements;
rtexture_t *texture;
ZymoticTransformVerts(numverts, varray_vertex3f, ent->model->zymdata_vertbonecounts, ent->model->zymdata_verts);
R_Mesh_CopyTexCoord2f(0, ent->model->zymdata_texcoords, ent->model->zymnum_verts);
ZymoticCalcNormal3f(numverts, varray_vertex3f, aliasvert_normal3f, ent->model->zymnum_shaders, ent->model->zymdata_renderlist);
- R_LightModel(ent, numverts, varray_vertex3f, aliasvert_normal3f, varray_color4f, ifog * colorscale, ifog * colorscale, ifog * colorscale, false);
+ if (R_LightModel(ambientcolor4f, ent, ifog * colorscale, ifog * colorscale, ifog * colorscale, ent->alpha, false))
+ {
+ GL_UseColorArray();
+ R_LightModel_CalcVertexColors(ambientcolor4f, numverts, varray_vertex3f, aliasvert_normal3f, varray_color4f);
+ }
+ else
+ GL_Color(ambientcolor4f[0], ambientcolor4f[1], ambientcolor4f[2], ambientcolor4f[3]);
R_Mesh_Draw(numverts, numtriangles, elements);
c_alias_polys += numtriangles;
-void R_LightModel(const entity_render_t *ent, int numverts, float *vertices, float *normals, float *colors, float colorr, float colorg, float colorb, int worldcoords)
+typedef struct
- int i, j, nearlights = 0, maxnearlights = r_modellights.integer;
- float color[3], basecolor[3], v[3], t, *av, *avn, *avc, a, f, dist2, mscale, dot, stylescale, intensity, ambientcolor[3];
- struct
- {
- vec3_t origin;
- //vec_t cullradius2;
- vec3_t light;
- // how much this light would contribute to ambient if replaced
- vec3_t ambientlight;
- vec_t subtract;
- vec_t falloff;
- vec_t offset;
- // used for choosing only the brightest lights
- vec_t intensity;
- }
- nearlight[MAX_DLIGHTS], *nl;
+ vec3_t origin;
+ //vec_t cullradius2;
+ vec3_t light;
+ // how much this light would contribute to ambient if replaced
+ vec3_t ambientlight;
+ vec_t subtract;
+ vec_t falloff;
+ vec_t offset;
+ // used for choosing only the brightest lights
+ vec_t intensity;
+static int nearlights;
+static nearlight_t nearlight[MAX_DLIGHTS];
+int R_LightModel(float *ambient4f, const entity_render_t *ent, float colorr, float colorg, float colorb, float colora, int worldcoords)
+ int i, j, maxnearlights;
+ float v[3], f, mscale, stylescale, intensity, ambientcolor[3];
+ nearlight_t *nl;
mlight_t *sl;
rdlight_t *rd;
mleaf_t *leaf;
- a = ent->alpha;
+ nearlights = 0;
+ maxnearlights = r_modellights.integer;
+ if (r_fullbright.integer || (ent->effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT))
+ {
+ // highly rare
+ ambient4f[0] = colorr;
+ ambient4f[1] = colorg;
+ ambient4f[2] = colorb;
+ ambient4f[3] = colora;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (r_shadow_realtime_world.integer)
+ {
+ // user config choice
+ ambient4f[0] = r_ambient.value * (2.0f / 128.0f) * colorr;
+ ambient4f[1] = r_ambient.value * (2.0f / 128.0f) * colorg;
+ ambient4f[2] = r_ambient.value * (2.0f / 128.0f) * colorb;
+ ambient4f[3] = colora;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (maxnearlights == 0)
+ {
+ // user config choice
+ R_CompleteLightPoint (ambient4f, ent->origin, true, NULL);
+ ambient4f[0] *= colorr;
+ ambient4f[1] *= colorg;
+ ambient4f[2] *= colorb;
+ ambient4f[3] = colora;
+ return false;
+ }
+ leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf(ent->origin, cl.worldmodel);
+ if (!leaf || leaf->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID || !cl.worldmodel->lightdata)
+ ambient4f[0] = ambient4f[1] = ambient4f[2] = 1;
+ else
+ {
+ ambient4f[0] = ambient4f[1] = ambient4f[2] = r_ambient.value * (2.0f / 128.0f);
+ if (!cl.worldmodel->numlights)
+ RecursiveLightPoint (ambient4f, cl.worldmodel->nodes, ent->origin[0], ent->origin[1], ent->origin[2], ent->origin[2] - 65536);
+ }
// scale of the model's coordinate space, to alter light attenuation to match
// make the mscale squared so it can scale the squared distance results
mscale = ent->scale * ent->scale;
- if (r_fullbright.integer || (ent->effects & EF_FULLBRIGHT))
- basecolor[0] = basecolor[1] = basecolor[2] = 1.0f;
- else if (r_shadow_realtime_world.integer)
- basecolor[0] = basecolor[1] = basecolor[2] = r_ambient.value * (2.0f / 128.0f);
- else if (maxnearlights == 0)
- R_CompleteLightPoint (basecolor, ent->origin, true, NULL);
- else
+ nl = &nearlight[0];
+ for (i = 0;i < ent->numentlights;i++)
- leaf = Mod_PointInLeaf(ent->origin, cl.worldmodel);
- if (!leaf || leaf->contents == CONTENTS_SOLID || !cl.worldmodel->lightdata)
- basecolor[0] = basecolor[1] = basecolor[2] = 1;
+ sl = cl.worldmodel->lights + ent->entlights[i];
+ stylescale = d_lightstylevalue[sl->style] * (1.0f / 65536.0f);
+ VectorSubtract (ent->origin, sl->origin, v);
+ f = ((1.0f / (DotProduct(v, v) * sl->falloff + sl->distbias)) - sl->subtract) * stylescale;
+ VectorScale(sl->light, f, ambientcolor);
+ intensity = DotProduct(ambientcolor, ambientcolor);
+ if (f < 0)
+ intensity *= -1.0f;
+ if (nearlights < maxnearlights)
+ j = nearlights++;
- basecolor[0] = basecolor[1] = basecolor[2] = r_ambient.value * (2.0f / 128.0f);
- if (!cl.worldmodel->numlights)
- RecursiveLightPoint (basecolor, cl.worldmodel->nodes, ent->origin[0], ent->origin[1], ent->origin[2], ent->origin[2] - 65536);
- }
- nl = &nearlight[0];
- for (i = 0;i < ent->numentlights;i++)
- {
- sl = cl.worldmodel->lights + ent->entlights[i];
- stylescale = d_lightstylevalue[sl->style] * (1.0f / 65536.0f);
- VectorSubtract (ent->origin, sl->origin, v);
- f = ((1.0f / (DotProduct(v, v) * sl->falloff + sl->distbias)) - sl->subtract) * stylescale;
- VectorScale(sl->light, f, ambientcolor);
- intensity = DotProduct(ambientcolor, ambientcolor);
- if (f < 0)
- intensity *= -1.0f;
- if (nearlights < maxnearlights)
- j = nearlights++;
- else
+ for (j = 0;j < maxnearlights;j++)
- for (j = 0;j < maxnearlights;j++)
+ if (nearlight[j].intensity < intensity)
- if (nearlight[j].intensity < intensity)
- {
- if (nearlight[j].intensity > 0)
- VectorAdd(basecolor, nearlight[j].ambientlight, basecolor);
- break;
- }
+ if (nearlight[j].intensity > 0)
+ VectorAdd(ambient4f, nearlight[j].ambientlight, ambient4f);
+ break;
- if (j >= maxnearlights)
- {
- // this light is less significant than all others,
- // add it to ambient
- if (intensity > 0)
- VectorAdd(basecolor, ambientcolor, basecolor);
- }
+ }
+ if (j >= maxnearlights)
+ {
+ // this light is less significant than all others,
+ // add it to ambient
+ if (intensity > 0)
+ VectorAdd(ambient4f, ambientcolor, ambient4f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nl = nearlight + j;
+ nl->intensity = intensity;
+ // transform the light into the model's coordinate system
+ if (worldcoords)
+ VectorCopy(sl->origin, nl->origin);
- {
- nl = nearlight + j;
- nl->intensity = intensity;
- // transform the light into the model's coordinate system
- if (worldcoords)
- VectorCopy(sl->origin, nl->origin);
- else
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, sl->origin, nl->origin);
- // integrate mscale into falloff, for maximum speed
- nl->falloff = sl->falloff * mscale;
- VectorCopy(ambientcolor, nl->ambientlight);
- nl->light[0] = sl->light[0] * stylescale * colorr * 4.0f;
- nl->light[1] = sl->light[1] * stylescale * colorg * 4.0f;
- nl->light[2] = sl->light[2] * stylescale * colorb * 4.0f;
- nl->subtract = sl->subtract;
- nl->offset = sl->distbias;
- }
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, sl->origin, nl->origin);
+ // integrate mscale into falloff, for maximum speed
+ nl->falloff = sl->falloff * mscale;
+ VectorCopy(ambientcolor, nl->ambientlight);
+ nl->light[0] = sl->light[0] * stylescale * colorr * 4.0f;
+ nl->light[1] = sl->light[1] * stylescale * colorg * 4.0f;
+ nl->light[2] = sl->light[2] * stylescale * colorb * 4.0f;
+ nl->subtract = sl->subtract;
+ nl->offset = sl->distbias;
- if (!r_shadow_realtime_dlight.integer)
+ }
+ if (!r_shadow_realtime_dlight.integer)
+ {
+ for (i = 0;i < r_numdlights;i++)
- for (i = 0;i < r_numdlights;i++)
+ rd = r_dlight + i;
+ VectorCopy(rd->origin, v);
+ if (v[0] < ent->mins[0]) v[0] = ent->mins[0];if (v[0] > ent->maxs[0]) v[0] = ent->maxs[0];
+ if (v[1] < ent->mins[1]) v[1] = ent->mins[1];if (v[1] > ent->maxs[1]) v[1] = ent->maxs[1];
+ if (v[2] < ent->mins[2]) v[2] = ent->mins[2];if (v[2] > ent->maxs[2]) v[2] = ent->maxs[2];
+ VectorSubtract (v, rd->origin, v);
+ if (DotProduct(v, v) < rd->cullradius2)
- rd = r_dlight + i;
- VectorCopy(rd->origin, v);
- if (v[0] < ent->mins[0]) v[0] = ent->mins[0];if (v[0] > ent->maxs[0]) v[0] = ent->maxs[0];
- if (v[1] < ent->mins[1]) v[1] = ent->mins[1];if (v[1] > ent->maxs[1]) v[1] = ent->maxs[1];
- if (v[2] < ent->mins[2]) v[2] = ent->mins[2];if (v[2] > ent->maxs[2]) v[2] = ent->maxs[2];
- VectorSubtract (v, rd->origin, v);
- if (DotProduct(v, v) < rd->cullradius2)
+ if (CL_TraceLine(ent->origin, rd->origin, NULL, NULL, 0, false, NULL) != 1)
+ continue;
+ VectorSubtract (ent->origin, rd->origin, v);
+ f = ((1.0f / (DotProduct(v, v) + LIGHTOFFSET)) - rd->subtract);
+ VectorScale(rd->light, f, ambientcolor);
+ intensity = DotProduct(ambientcolor, ambientcolor);
+ if (f < 0)
+ intensity *= -1.0f;
+ if (nearlights < maxnearlights)
+ j = nearlights++;
+ else
- if (CL_TraceLine(ent->origin, rd->origin, NULL, NULL, 0, false, NULL) != 1)
- continue;
- VectorSubtract (ent->origin, rd->origin, v);
- f = ((1.0f / (DotProduct(v, v) + LIGHTOFFSET)) - rd->subtract);
- VectorScale(rd->light, f, ambientcolor);
- intensity = DotProduct(ambientcolor, ambientcolor);
- if (f < 0)
- intensity *= -1.0f;
- if (nearlights < maxnearlights)
- j = nearlights++;
- else
+ for (j = 0;j < maxnearlights;j++)
- for (j = 0;j < maxnearlights;j++)
+ if (nearlight[j].intensity < intensity)
- if (nearlight[j].intensity < intensity)
- {
- if (nearlight[j].intensity > 0)
- VectorAdd(basecolor, nearlight[j].ambientlight, basecolor);
- break;
- }
+ if (nearlight[j].intensity > 0)
+ VectorAdd(ambient4f, nearlight[j].ambientlight, ambient4f);
+ break;
- if (j >= maxnearlights)
- {
- // this light is less significant than all others,
- // add it to ambient
- if (intensity > 0)
- VectorAdd(basecolor, ambientcolor, basecolor);
- }
+ }
+ if (j >= maxnearlights)
+ {
+ // this light is less significant than all others,
+ // add it to ambient
+ if (intensity > 0)
+ VectorAdd(ambient4f, ambientcolor, ambient4f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nl = nearlight + j;
+ nl->intensity = intensity;
+ // transform the light into the model's coordinate system
+ if (worldcoords)
+ VectorCopy(rd->origin, nl->origin);
- nl = nearlight + j;
- nl->intensity = intensity;
- // transform the light into the model's coordinate system
- if (worldcoords)
- VectorCopy(rd->origin, nl->origin);
- else
- {
- Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, rd->origin, nl->origin);
- /*
- Con_Printf("%i %s : %f %f %f : %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n"
- , rd - r_dlight, ent->model->name
- , rd->origin[0], rd->origin[1], rd->origin[2]
- , nl->origin[0], nl->origin[1], nl->origin[2]
- , ent->inversematrix.m[0][0], ent->inversematrix.m[0][1], ent->inversematrix.m[0][2], ent->inversematrix.m[0][3]
- , ent->inversematrix.m[1][0], ent->inversematrix.m[1][1], ent->inversematrix.m[1][2], ent->inversematrix.m[1][3]
- , ent->inversematrix.m[2][0], ent->inversematrix.m[2][1], ent->inversematrix.m[2][2], ent->inversematrix.m[2][3]
- , ent->inversematrix.m[3][0], ent->inversematrix.m[3][1], ent->inversematrix.m[3][2], ent->inversematrix.m[3][3]);
- */
- }
- // integrate mscale into falloff, for maximum speed
- nl->falloff = mscale;
- VectorCopy(ambientcolor, nl->ambientlight);
- nl->light[0] = rd->light[0] * colorr * 4.0f;
- nl->light[1] = rd->light[1] * colorg * 4.0f;
- nl->light[2] = rd->light[2] * colorb * 4.0f;
- nl->subtract = rd->subtract;
- nl->offset = LIGHTOFFSET;
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&ent->inversematrix, rd->origin, nl->origin);
+ /*
+ Con_Printf("%i %s : %f %f %f : %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n"
+ , rd - r_dlight, ent->model->name
+ , rd->origin[0], rd->origin[1], rd->origin[2]
+ , nl->origin[0], nl->origin[1], nl->origin[2]
+ , ent->inversematrix.m[0][0], ent->inversematrix.m[0][1], ent->inversematrix.m[0][2], ent->inversematrix.m[0][3]
+ , ent->inversematrix.m[1][0], ent->inversematrix.m[1][1], ent->inversematrix.m[1][2], ent->inversematrix.m[1][3]
+ , ent->inversematrix.m[2][0], ent->inversematrix.m[2][1], ent->inversematrix.m[2][2], ent->inversematrix.m[2][3]
+ , ent->inversematrix.m[3][0], ent->inversematrix.m[3][1], ent->inversematrix.m[3][2], ent->inversematrix.m[3][3]);
+ */
+ // integrate mscale into falloff, for maximum speed
+ nl->falloff = mscale;
+ VectorCopy(ambientcolor, nl->ambientlight);
+ nl->light[0] = rd->light[0] * colorr * 4.0f;
+ nl->light[1] = rd->light[1] * colorg * 4.0f;
+ nl->light[2] = rd->light[2] * colorb * 4.0f;
+ nl->subtract = rd->subtract;
+ nl->offset = LIGHTOFFSET;
- basecolor[0] *= colorr;
- basecolor[1] *= colorg;
- basecolor[2] *= colorb;
- avc = colors;
- if (nearlights)
+ ambient4f[0] *= colorr;
+ ambient4f[1] *= colorg;
+ ambient4f[2] *= colorb;
+ ambient4f[3] = colora;
+ return nearlights != 0;
+void R_LightModel_CalcVertexColors(const float *ambientcolor4f, int numverts, const float *vertex3f, const float *normal3f, float *color4f)
+ int i, j;
+ float color[4], v[3], dot, dist2, f;
+ nearlight_t *nl;
+ // directional shading code here
+ for (i = 0;i < numverts;i++, vertex3f += 3, normal3f += 3, color4f += 4)
- GL_UseColorArray();
- av = vertices;
- avn = normals;
- for (i = 0;i < numverts;i++)
+ VectorCopy4(ambientcolor4f, color);
+ for (j = 0, nl = &nearlight[0];j < nearlights;j++, nl++)
- VectorCopy(basecolor, color);
- for (j = 0, nl = &nearlight[0];j < nearlights;j++, nl++)
+ VectorSubtract(vertex3f, nl->origin, v);
+ // first eliminate negative lighting (back side)
+ dot = DotProduct(normal3f, v);
+ if (dot > 0)
- VectorSubtract(av, nl->origin, v);
- // directional shading
- dot = DotProduct(avn,v);
- if (dot > 0)
+ // we'll need this again later to normalize the dotproduct
+ dist2 = DotProduct(v,v);
+ // do the distance attenuation math
+ f = (1.0f / (dist2 * nl->falloff + nl->offset)) - nl->subtract;
+ if (f > 0)
- // the vertex normal faces the light
- // do the distance attenuation
- dist2 = DotProduct(v,v);
- f = (1.0f / (dist2 * nl->falloff + nl->offset)) - nl->subtract;
- if (f > 0)
- {
- //#if SLOWMATH
- t = 1.0f / sqrt(dist2);
- //#else
- //*((int *)&t) = 0x5f3759df - ((* (int *) &dist2) >> 1);
- //t = t * (1.5f - (dist2 * 0.5f * t * t));
- //#endif
- // dot * t is dotproduct with a normalized v.
- // (the result would be -1 to +1, but we already
- // eliminated the <= 0 case, so it is 0 to 1)
- // the hardness variables are for backlighting/shinyness
- // these have been hardwired at * 0.5 + 0.5 to match
- // the quake map lighting utility's equations
- f *= dot * t;// * 0.5f + 0.5f;// * hardness + hardnessoffset;
- VectorMA(color, f, nl->light, color);
- }
+ // we must divide dot by sqrt(dist2) to compensate for
+ // the fact we did not normalize v before doing the
+ // dotproduct, the result is in the range 0 to 1 (we
+ // eliminated negative numbers already)
+ f *= dot / sqrt(dist2);
+ // blend in the lighting
+ VectorMA(color, f, nl->light, color);
- VectorCopy(color, avc);
- avc[3] = a;
- avc += 4;
- av += 3;
- avn += 3;
+ VectorCopy4(color, color4f);
- else
- GL_Color(basecolor[0], basecolor[1], basecolor[2], a);
void R_UpdateEntLights(entity_render_t *ent)