#include "cl_damagetext.qh"
CLASS(DamageText, Object)
- ATTRIB(DamageText, m_color, vector, autocvar_cl_damagetext_color);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, m_color_friendlyfire, vector, autocvar_cl_damagetext_friendlyfire_color);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, m_size, float, autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_min);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, alpha, float, autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_start);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, fade_rate, float, 0);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, m_shrink_rate, float, 0);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, m_group, int, 0);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, m_friendlyfire, bool, false);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, m_healthdamage, int, 0);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, m_armordamage, int, 0);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, m_potential_damage, int, 0);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, m_deathtype, int, 0);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, hit_time, float, 0);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, text, string, string_null);
- ATTRIB(DamageText, m_screen_coords, bool, false);
- STATIC_ATTRIB(DamageText, screen_count, int, 0);
- void DamageText_draw2d(DamageText this) {
- float since_hit = time - this.hit_time;
- // can't use `dt = hit_time - prev_update_time` because shrinking wouldn't be linear
- float size = this.m_size - since_hit * this.m_shrink_rate * this.m_size;
- float alpha_ = this.alpha - since_hit * this.fade_rate;
- if (alpha_ <= 0 || size <= 0) {
- IL_REMOVE(g_damagetext, this);
- delete(this);
- return;
- }
- vector screen_pos;
- if (this.m_screen_coords) {
- screen_pos = this.origin + since_hit * autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_velocity;
- } else {
- vector forward, right, up;
- MAKE_VECTORS(view_angles, forward, right, up);
- vector world_offset = since_hit * autocvar_cl_damagetext_velocity_world + autocvar_cl_damagetext_offset_world;
- vector world_pos = this.origin + world_offset.x * forward + world_offset.y * right + world_offset.z * up;
- screen_pos = project_3d_to_2d(world_pos) + since_hit * autocvar_cl_damagetext_velocity_screen + autocvar_cl_damagetext_offset_screen;
- }
- screen_pos.y += size / 2;
- // strip trailing spaces
- string dtext = this.text;
- int j = strlen(dtext) - 1;
- while (substring(dtext, j, 1) == " " && j >= 0)
- --j;
- if (j < strlen(dtext) - 1)
- dtext = substring(dtext, 0, j + 1);
- // strip leading spaces
- j = 0;
- while (substring(dtext, j, 1) == " " && j < strlen(dtext))
- ++j;
- if (j > 0)
- dtext = substring(dtext, j, strlen(dtext) - j);
- // Center damage text
- screen_pos.x -= stringwidth(dtext, true, hud_fontsize * 2) * 0.5;
- if (screen_pos.z >= 0) {
- screen_pos.z = 0;
- vector rgb;
- if (this.m_friendlyfire) {
- rgb = this.m_color_friendlyfire;
- } else {
- rgb = this.m_color;
- }
- if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_color_per_weapon) {
- Weapon w = DEATH_WEAPONOF(this.m_deathtype);
- if (w != WEP_Null) rgb = w.wpcolor;
- }
- vector drawfontscale_save = drawfontscale;
- drawfontscale = (size / autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_max) * '1 1 0';
- screen_pos.y -= drawfontscale.x * size / 2;
- drawcolorcodedstring2_builtin(screen_pos, this.text, autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_max * '1 1 0', rgb, alpha_, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
- drawfontscale = drawfontscale_save;
- }
- }
- ATTRIB(DamageText, draw2d, void(DamageText), DamageText_draw2d);
- void DamageText_update(DamageText this, vector _origin, bool screen_coords, int _health, int _armor, int _potential_damage, int _deathtype) {
- this.m_healthdamage = _health;
- this.m_armordamage = _armor;
- this.m_potential_damage = _potential_damage;
- this.m_deathtype = _deathtype;
- this.hit_time = time;
- setorigin(this, _origin);
- this.m_screen_coords = screen_coords;
- if (this.m_screen_coords) {
- this.alpha = autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_alpha_start;
- } else {
- this.alpha = autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_start;
- }
- int health = rint(this.m_healthdamage / DAMAGETEXT_PRECISION_MULTIPLIER);
- int armor = rint(this.m_armordamage / DAMAGETEXT_PRECISION_MULTIPLIER);
- int total = rint((this.m_healthdamage + this.m_armordamage) / DAMAGETEXT_PRECISION_MULTIPLIER);
- int potential = rint(this.m_potential_damage / DAMAGETEXT_PRECISION_MULTIPLIER);
- int potential_health = rint((this.m_potential_damage - this.m_armordamage) / DAMAGETEXT_PRECISION_MULTIPLIER);
- bool redundant = almost_equals_eps(this.m_healthdamage + this.m_armordamage, this.m_potential_damage, 5);
- string s = autocvar_cl_damagetext_format;
- s = strreplace("{armor}", (
- (this.m_armordamage == 0 && autocvar_cl_damagetext_format_hide_redundant)
- ? ""
- : sprintf("%d", armor)
- ), s);
- s = strreplace("{potential}", (
- (redundant && autocvar_cl_damagetext_format_hide_redundant)
- ? ""
- : sprintf("%d", potential)
- ), s);
- s = strreplace("{potential_health}", (
- (redundant && autocvar_cl_damagetext_format_hide_redundant)
- ? ""
- : sprintf("%d", potential_health)
- ), s);
- s = strreplace("{health}", (
- (health == potential_health || !autocvar_cl_damagetext_format_verbose)
- ? sprintf("%d", health)
- : sprintf("%d (%d)", health, potential_health)
- ), s);
- s = strreplace("{total}", (
- (total == potential || !autocvar_cl_damagetext_format_verbose)
- ? sprintf("%d", total)
- : sprintf("%d (%d)", total, potential)
- ), s);
- // futureproofing: remove any remaining (unknown) format strings in case we add new ones in the future
- // so players can use them on new servers and still have working damagetext on old ones
- while (true) {
- int opening_pos = strstrofs(s, "{", 0);
- if (opening_pos == -1) break;
- int closing_pos = strstrofs(s, "}", opening_pos);
- if (closing_pos == -1 || closing_pos <= opening_pos) break;
- s = strcat(
- substring(s, 0, opening_pos),
- substring_range(s, closing_pos + 1, strlen(s))
- );
- }
- strcpy(this.text, s);
- this.m_size = map_bound_ranges(potential,
- autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_min_damage, autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_max_damage,
- autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_min, autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_max);
- }
- CONSTRUCTOR(DamageText, int _group, vector _origin, bool _screen_coords, int _health, int _armor, int _potential_damage, int _deathtype, bool _friendlyfire) {
- CONSTRUCT(DamageText);
- this.m_group = _group;
- this.m_friendlyfire = _friendlyfire;
- this.m_screen_coords = _screen_coords;
- if (_screen_coords) {
- if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_alpha_lifetime)
- this.fade_rate = 1 / autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_alpha_lifetime;
- if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_size_lifetime)
- this.m_shrink_rate = 1 / autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_size_lifetime;
- } else {
- if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_lifetime)
- this.fade_rate = 1 / autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_lifetime;
- this.m_shrink_rate = 0;
- }
- DamageText_update(this, _origin, _screen_coords, _health, _armor, _potential_damage, _deathtype);
- IL_PUSH(g_damagetext, this);
- }
- DESTRUCTOR(DamageText) {
- strfree(this.text);
- --DamageText_screen_count;
- }
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, m_color, vector, autocvar_cl_damagetext_color);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, m_color_friendlyfire, vector, autocvar_cl_damagetext_friendlyfire_color);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, m_size, float, autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_min);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, alpha, float, autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_start);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, fade_rate, float, 0);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, m_shrink_rate, float, 0);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, m_group, int, 0);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, m_friendlyfire, bool, false);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, m_healthdamage, int, 0);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, m_armordamage, int, 0);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, m_potential_damage, int, 0);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, m_deathtype, int, 0);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, hit_time, float, 0);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, text, string, string_null);
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, m_screen_coords, bool, false);
+ STATIC_ATTRIB(DamageText, screen_count, int, 0);
+ void DamageText_draw2d(DamageText this)
+ {
+ float since_hit = time - this.hit_time;
+ // can't use `dt = hit_time - prev_update_time` because shrinking wouldn't be linear
+ float size = this.m_size - since_hit * this.m_shrink_rate * this.m_size;
+ float alpha_ = this.alpha - since_hit * this.fade_rate;
+ bool haslifetime = (autocvar_cl_damagetext_lifetime < 0 // negative ignores lifetime
+ || (since_hit < autocvar_cl_damagetext_lifetime));
+ if (alpha_ <= 0 || size <= 0 || !haslifetime)
+ {
+ IL_REMOVE(g_damagetext, this);
+ delete(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ vector screen_pos;
+ if (this.m_screen_coords)
+ screen_pos = this.origin + since_hit * autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_velocity;
+ else
+ {
+ vector forward, right, up;
+ MAKE_VECTORS(view_angles, forward, right, up);
+ vector world_offset = since_hit * autocvar_cl_damagetext_velocity_world
+ + autocvar_cl_damagetext_offset_world;
+ vector world_pos = this.origin
+ + world_offset.x * forward
+ + world_offset.y * right
+ + world_offset.z * up;
+ screen_pos = project_3d_to_2d(world_pos)
+ + (since_hit * autocvar_cl_damagetext_velocity_screen)
+ + autocvar_cl_damagetext_offset_screen;
+ }
+ screen_pos.y += size / 2;
+ // strip trailing spaces
+ string dtext = this.text;
+ int j = strlen(dtext) - 1;
+ while (substring(dtext, j, 1) == " " && j >= 0)
+ --j;
+ if (j < strlen(dtext) - 1)
+ dtext = substring(dtext, 0, j + 1);
+ // strip leading spaces
+ j = 0;
+ while (substring(dtext, j, 1) == " " && j < strlen(dtext))
+ ++j;
+ if (j > 0)
+ dtext = substring(dtext, j, strlen(dtext) - j);
+ // Center damage text
+ screen_pos.x -= stringwidth(dtext, true, hud_fontsize * 2) * 0.5;
+ if (screen_pos.z >= 0)
+ {
+ screen_pos.z = 0;
+ vector rgb;
+ if (this.m_friendlyfire)
+ rgb = this.m_color_friendlyfire;
+ else
+ rgb = this.m_color;
+ if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_color_per_weapon)
+ {
+ Weapon w = DEATH_WEAPONOF(this.m_deathtype);
+ if (w != WEP_Null) rgb = w.wpcolor;
+ }
+ vector drawfontscale_save = drawfontscale;
+ drawfontscale = (size / autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_max) * '1 1 0';
+ screen_pos.y -= drawfontscale.x * size / 2;
+ drawcolorcodedstring2_builtin(screen_pos, this.text,
+ autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_max * '1 1 0',
+ rgb, alpha_, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ drawfontscale = drawfontscale_save;
+ }
+ }
+ ATTRIB(DamageText, draw2d, void(DamageText), DamageText_draw2d);
+ void DamageText_update(DamageText this, vector _origin, bool screen_coords,
+ int _health, int _armor, int _potential_damage, int _deathtype)
+ {
+ this.m_healthdamage = _health;
+ this.m_armordamage = _armor;
+ this.m_potential_damage = _potential_damage;
+ this.m_deathtype = _deathtype;
+ this.hit_time = time;
+ setorigin(this, _origin);
+ this.m_screen_coords = screen_coords;
+ if (this.m_screen_coords)
+ this.alpha = autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_alpha_start;
+ else
+ this.alpha = autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_start;
+ int health = rint(this.m_healthdamage
+ int armor = rint(this.m_armordamage
+ int total = rint((this.m_healthdamage + this.m_armordamage)
+ int potential = rint(this.m_potential_damage
+ int potential_health = rint((this.m_potential_damage - this.m_armordamage)
+ bool redundant = almost_equals_eps(this.m_healthdamage + this.m_armordamage,
+ this.m_potential_damage, 5);
+ string s = autocvar_cl_damagetext_format;
+ s = strreplace("{armor}", (
+ (this.m_armordamage == 0 && autocvar_cl_damagetext_format_hide_redundant)
+ ? ""
+ : sprintf("%d", armor)
+ ), s);
+ s = strreplace("{potential}", (
+ (redundant && autocvar_cl_damagetext_format_hide_redundant)
+ ? ""
+ : sprintf("%d", potential)
+ ), s);
+ s = strreplace("{potential_health}", (
+ (redundant && autocvar_cl_damagetext_format_hide_redundant)
+ ? ""
+ : sprintf("%d", potential_health)
+ ), s);
+ s = strreplace("{health}", (
+ (health == potential_health || !autocvar_cl_damagetext_format_verbose)
+ ? sprintf("%d", health)
+ : sprintf("%d (%d)", health, potential_health)
+ ), s);
+ s = strreplace("{total}", (
+ (total == potential || !autocvar_cl_damagetext_format_verbose)
+ ? sprintf("%d", total)
+ : sprintf("%d (%d)", total, potential)
+ ), s);
+ // futureproofing: remove any remaining (unknown) format strings
+ // in case we add new ones in the future so players can use them
+ // on new servers and still have working damagetext on old ones
+ while (true)
+ {
+ int opening_pos = strstrofs(s, "{", 0);
+ if (opening_pos == -1) break;
+ int closing_pos = strstrofs(s, "}", opening_pos);
+ if (closing_pos == -1 || closing_pos <= opening_pos) break;
+ s = strcat(
+ substring(s, 0, opening_pos),
+ substring_range(s, closing_pos + 1, strlen(s))
+ );
+ }
+ strcpy(this.text, s);
+ this.m_size = map_bound_ranges(potential,
+ autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_min_damage, autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_max_damage,
+ autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_min, autocvar_cl_damagetext_size_max);
+ }
+ CONSTRUCTOR(DamageText, int _group, vector _origin, bool _screen_coords,
+ int _health, int _armor, int _potential_damage, int _deathtype, bool _friendlyfire)
+ {
+ CONSTRUCT(DamageText);
+ this.m_group = _group;
+ this.m_friendlyfire = _friendlyfire;
+ this.m_screen_coords = _screen_coords;
+ if (_screen_coords)
+ {
+ if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_alpha_lifetime)
+ this.fade_rate = 1 / autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_alpha_lifetime;
+ if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_size_lifetime)
+ this.m_shrink_rate = 1 / autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_size_lifetime;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_lifetime)
+ this.fade_rate = 1 / autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_lifetime;
+ this.m_shrink_rate = 0;
+ }
+ DamageText_update(this, _origin, _screen_coords,
+ _health, _armor, _potential_damage, _deathtype);
+ IL_PUSH(g_damagetext, this);
+ }
+ DESTRUCTOR(DamageText)
+ {
+ strfree(this.text);
+ --DamageText_screen_count;
+ }
-float current_alpha(entity damage_text) {
- // alpha doesn't change - actual alpha is always calculated from the initial value
- return damage_text.alpha - (time - damage_text.hit_time) * damage_text.fade_rate;
+float current_alpha(entity damage_text)
+ // alpha doesn't change - actual alpha is always calculated from the initial value
+ return damage_text.alpha - (time - damage_text.hit_time) * damage_text.fade_rate;
NET_HANDLE(damagetext, bool isNew)
- make_pure(this);
- int server_entity_index = ReadByte();
- int deathtype = ReadInt24_t();
- int flags = ReadByte();
- bool friendlyfire = flags & DTFLAG_SAMETEAM;
- int health, armor, potential_damage;
- if (flags & DTFLAG_BIG_HEALTH) health = ReadInt24_t();
- else health = ReadShort();
- if (flags & DTFLAG_NO_ARMOR) armor = 0;
- else if (flags & DTFLAG_BIG_ARMOR) armor = ReadInt24_t();
- else armor = ReadShort();
- if (flags & DTFLAG_NO_POTENTIAL) potential_damage = health + armor;
- else if (flags & DTFLAG_BIG_POTENTIAL) potential_damage = ReadInt24_t();
- else potential_damage = ReadShort();
- return = true;
- if (!isNew) return;
- if (autocvar_cl_damagetext == 0) return;
- if (friendlyfire) {
- if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_friendlyfire == 0) return;
- if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_friendlyfire == 1 && health == 0 && armor == 0) return;
- }
- int client_entity_index = server_entity_index - 1;
- entity entcs = entcs_receiver(client_entity_index);
- bool can_use_3d = entcs && entcs.has_origin;
- bool too_close = vdist(entcs.origin - view_origin, <, autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_close_range);
- bool prefer_in_view = autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_out_of_view && !projected_on_screen(project_3d_to_2d(entcs.origin));
- bool prefer_2d = spectatee_status != -1 && autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d && (too_close || prefer_in_view);
- if (can_use_3d && !prefer_2d) {
- // world coords
- IL_EACH(g_damagetext, it.m_group == server_entity_index, {
- if (current_alpha(it) > autocvar_cl_damagetext_accumulate_alpha_rel * autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_start) {
- DamageText_update(it, entcs.origin, false, it.m_healthdamage + health, it.m_armordamage + armor, it.m_potential_damage + potential_damage, deathtype);
- return;
- }
- });
- ++DamageText_screen_count; //3D DamageTexts can later be changed into 2D, increment this just in case
- NEW(DamageText, server_entity_index, entcs.origin, false, health, armor, potential_damage, deathtype, friendlyfire);
- } else if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d && spectatee_status != -1) {
- // screen coords only
- vector screen_pos = vec2(vid_conwidth * autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_pos.x, vid_conheight * autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_pos.y);
- IL_EACH(g_damagetext, it.m_group == server_entity_index, {
- DamageText_update(it, screen_pos, true, it.m_healthdamage + health, it.m_armordamage + armor, it.m_potential_damage + potential_damage, deathtype);
- return;
- });
- // offset when hitting multiple enemies, dmgtext would overlap
- screen_pos += autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_overlap_offset * DamageText_screen_count++;
- NEW(DamageText, server_entity_index, screen_pos, true, health, armor, potential_damage, deathtype, friendlyfire);
- }
+ make_pure(this);
+ int server_entity_index = ReadByte();
+ int deathtype = ReadInt24_t();
+ int flags = ReadByte();
+ bool friendlyfire = flags & DTFLAG_SAMETEAM;
+ int health, armor, potential_damage;
+ if (flags & DTFLAG_BIG_HEALTH) health = ReadInt24_t();
+ else health = ReadShort();
+ if (flags & DTFLAG_NO_ARMOR) armor = 0;
+ else if (flags & DTFLAG_BIG_ARMOR) armor = ReadInt24_t();
+ else armor = ReadShort();
+ if (flags & DTFLAG_NO_POTENTIAL) potential_damage = health + armor;
+ else if (flags & DTFLAG_BIG_POTENTIAL) potential_damage = ReadInt24_t();
+ else potential_damage = ReadShort();
+ return = true;
+ if (!isNew) return;
+ if (autocvar_cl_damagetext == 0) return;
+ if (friendlyfire)
+ {
+ if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_friendlyfire == 0)
+ return;
+ if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_friendlyfire == 1
+ && health == 0 && armor == 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ int client_entity_index = server_entity_index - 1;
+ entity entcs = entcs_receiver(client_entity_index);
+ bool can_use_3d = entcs && entcs.has_origin;
+ bool too_close = vdist(entcs.origin - view_origin, <, autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_close_range);
+ bool prefer_in_view = autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_out_of_view && !projected_on_screen(project_3d_to_2d(entcs.origin));
+ bool prefer_2d = spectatee_status != -1 && autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d && (too_close || prefer_in_view);
+ vector position;
+ bool is2d;
+ entity entDT = NULL; // which DT to update
+ // check if this entity already has a DamageText for it
+ IL_EACH(g_damagetext, it.m_group == server_entity_index, {
+ // if the time window where damage accumulates closes,
+ // disown the parent entity from this DamageText
+ // and (likely) give the entity a new DT afterwards
+ // this should only cancel damage accumulation for this DT
+ if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_accumulate_lifetime > 0 // negative never disowns
+ && (time - it.hit_time > autocvar_cl_damagetext_accumulate_lifetime))
+ {
+ it.m_group = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ health += it.m_healthdamage;
+ armor += it.m_armordamage;
+ potential_damage += it.m_potential_damage;
+ entDT = it;
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ if (can_use_3d && !prefer_2d)
+ {
+ // world coords
+ is2d = false;
+ position = entcs.origin;
+ float threshold = autocvar_cl_damagetext_accumulate_alpha_rel
+ * autocvar_cl_damagetext_alpha_start;
+ if (entDT && current_alpha(entDT) > threshold)
+ goto updateDT;
+ // 3D DamageTexts can later be changed into 2D,
+ // increment this here just in case
+ ++DamageText_screen_count;
+ goto spawnnewDT;
+ }
+ else if (autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d && spectatee_status != -1)
+ {
+ // screen coords only
+ is2d = true;
+ position = vec2(vid_conwidth * autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_pos.x,
+ vid_conheight * autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_pos.y);
+ if (entDT)
+ goto updateDT;
+ // offset when hitting multiple enemies, dmgtext would overlap
+ position += autocvar_cl_damagetext_2d_overlap_offset * DamageText_screen_count++;
+ goto spawnnewDT;
+ }
+ return;
+ DamageText_update(entDT, position, is2d, health, armor, potential_damage, deathtype);
+ return;
+ NEW(DamageText, server_entity_index, position, is2d,
+ health, armor, potential_damage, deathtype, friendlyfire);
+ return;
bool write_damagetext(entity this, entity client, int sf)
- entity attacker = this.realowner;
- entity hit = this.enemy;
- int flags = this.dent_net_flags;
- int deathtype = this.dent_net_deathtype;
- float health = this.dent_net_health;
- float armor = this.dent_net_armor;
- float potential_damage = this.dent_net_potential;
- if (!(
- (SV_DAMAGETEXT_PLAYERS() && client == attacker) ||
- (SV_DAMAGETEXT_SPECTATORS_ONLY() && IS_SPEC(client) && client.enemy == attacker) ||
- )) return false;
+ entity attacker = this.realowner;
+ entity hit = this.enemy;
+ int flags = this.dent_net_flags;
+ int deathtype = this.dent_net_deathtype;
+ float health = this.dent_net_health;
+ float armor = this.dent_net_armor;
+ float potential_damage = this.dent_net_potential;
+ if (!(
+ (SV_DAMAGETEXT_PLAYERS() && client == attacker) ||
+ (SV_DAMAGETEXT_SPECTATORS_ONLY() && IS_SPEC(client) && client.enemy == attacker) ||
+ )) return false;
- WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, damagetext);
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, etof(hit));
- WriteInt24_t(MSG_ENTITY, deathtype);
- WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, flags);
+ WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, damagetext);
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, etof(hit));
+ WriteInt24_t(MSG_ENTITY, deathtype);
+ WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, flags);
- // we need to send a few decimal places to minimize errors when accumulating damage
- // sending them multiplied saves bandwidth compared to using WriteCoord,
- // however if the multiplied damage would be too much for (signed) short, we send an int24
- if (!(flags & DTFLAG_NO_ARMOR))
- {
- }
- if (!(flags & DTFLAG_NO_POTENTIAL))
- {
- else WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, potential_damage * DAMAGETEXT_PRECISION_MULTIPLIER);
- }
- return true;
+ // we need to send a few decimal places to minimize errors when accumulating damage
+ // sending them multiplied saves bandwidth compared to using WriteCoord,
+ // however if the multiplied damage would be too much for (signed) short, we send an int24
+ if (!(flags & DTFLAG_NO_ARMOR))
+ {
+ }
+ if (!(flags & DTFLAG_NO_POTENTIAL))
+ {
+ else WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, potential_damage * DAMAGETEXT_PRECISION_MULTIPLIER);
+ }
+ return true;
MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(damagetext, PlayerDamaged) {
- entity attacker = M_ARGV(0, entity);
- entity hit = M_ARGV(1, entity); if (hit == attacker) return;
- float health = M_ARGV(2, float);
- float armor = M_ARGV(3, float);
- int deathtype = M_ARGV(5, int);
- float potential_damage = M_ARGV(6, float);
- if(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype) == WEP_VAPORIZER) return;
+ entity attacker = M_ARGV(0, entity);
+ entity hit = M_ARGV(1, entity); if (hit == attacker) return;
+ float health = M_ARGV(2, float);
+ float armor = M_ARGV(3, float);
+ int deathtype = M_ARGV(5, int);
+ float potential_damage = M_ARGV(6, float);
+ if(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype) == WEP_VAPORIZER) return;
- int flags = 0;
- if (SAME_TEAM(hit, attacker)) flags |= DTFLAG_SAMETEAM;
- if (potential_damage >= DAMAGETEXT_SHORT_LIMIT) flags |= DTFLAG_BIG_POTENTIAL;
- if (!armor) flags |= DTFLAG_NO_ARMOR;
- if (almost_equals_eps(armor + health, potential_damage, 5)) flags |= DTFLAG_NO_POTENTIAL;
+ int flags = 0;
+ if (SAME_TEAM(hit, attacker)) flags |= DTFLAG_SAMETEAM;
+ if (potential_damage >= DAMAGETEXT_SHORT_LIMIT) flags |= DTFLAG_BIG_POTENTIAL;
+ if (!armor) flags |= DTFLAG_NO_ARMOR;
+ if (almost_equals_eps(armor + health, potential_damage, 5)) flags |= DTFLAG_NO_POTENTIAL;
- entity net_text = new_pure(net_damagetext);
- net_text.realowner = attacker;
- net_text.enemy = hit;
- net_text.dent_net_flags = flags;
- net_text.dent_net_deathtype = deathtype;
- net_text.dent_net_health = health;
- net_text.dent_net_armor = armor;
- net_text.dent_net_potential = potential_damage;
+ entity net_text = new_pure(net_damagetext);
+ net_text.realowner = attacker;
+ net_text.enemy = hit;
+ net_text.dent_net_flags = flags;
+ net_text.dent_net_deathtype = deathtype;
+ net_text.dent_net_health = health;
+ net_text.dent_net_armor = armor;
+ net_text.dent_net_potential = potential_damage;
- setthink(net_text, SUB_Remove);
- net_text.nextthink = (time > 10) ? (time + 0.5) : 10; // allow a buffer from start time for clients to load in
+ setthink(net_text, SUB_Remove);
+ net_text.nextthink = (time > 10) ? (time + 0.5) : 10; // allow a buffer from start time for clients to load in
- Net_LinkEntity(net_text, false, 0, write_damagetext);
+ Net_LinkEntity(net_text, false, 0, write_damagetext);