cl_rollangle 0 // amount of view tilt when strafing, default is 2.0
v_kicktime 0 // how long damage kicks of the view last, default is 0 seconds
-gl_polyblend 0.5 // whether to use screen tints, default is 1
+gl_polyblend 0 // whether to use screen tints, this has now been replaced by a better system in CSQC
r_motionblur 0 // motion blur value, default is 0
r_damageblur 0 // motion blur when damaged, default is 0
seta hud_showbinds 1 "the way to show the keys to press in HUD messages: 0 displays commands, 1 bound keys, 2 both"
seta hud_showbinds_limit 2 "maximum number of bound keys to show for a command. 0 for unlimited"
+seta hud_damage_factor 0.05 "(damage * factor) = how much to add to the alpha value"
+seta hud_damage_fade_rate 1 "how much to subtract from the alpha value each second"
+seta hud_damage_maxalpha 2 "how much to limit the alpha value to"
+seta hud_damage_pain_treshold 0.1 "how much alpha to ignore (must be bigger than the hud_damage_factor so that e.g. rot is ignored)"
+seta hud_damage_pain_treshold_lower 1 "how much we lower pain_treshold with when nearing 0 health (if pain_treshold gets negative then we always draw a flash at alpha = fabs(pain_treshold)"
+seta hud_damage_pain_treshold_lower_health 50 "at which health we start lowering pain_treshold"
+seta hud_damage_pain_treshold_pulsating_min 0.6 "minimum value when calculating the pulse: max(pulsating_min, fabs(sin(PI * time / period))"
+seta hud_damage_pain_treshold_pulsating_period 0.8 "one pulse every X seconds"
// scoreboard
seta scoreboard_columns default
seta scoreboard_border_thickness 1 "scoreboard border thickness"
float pickup_crosshair_time, pickup_crosshair_size;
+float myhealth, myhealth_prev;
+float myhealth_flash;
void CSQC_UpdateView(float w, float h)
entity e;
drawpic(reticle_pos, "gfx/reticle_nex", reticle_size, '1 1 1', f * cvar("cl_reticle_item_nex"), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
+ // improved polyblend
+ float myhealth_flash_temp;
+ myhealth = getstati(STAT_HEALTH);
+ // fade out
+ myhealth_flash = max(0, myhealth_flash - cvar("hud_damage_fade_rate") * frametime);
+ // add new damage
+ myhealth_flash = bound(0, myhealth_flash + max(0, myhealth_prev - myhealth) * cvar("hud_damage_factor"), cvar("hud_damage_maxalpha"));
+ float pain_treshold, pain_treshold_lower, pain_treshold_lower_health;
+ pain_treshold = cvar("hud_damage_pain_treshold");
+ pain_treshold_lower = cvar("hud_damage_pain_treshold_lower");
+ pain_treshold_lower_health = cvar("hud_damage_pain_treshold_lower_health");
+ if(pain_treshold_lower && myhealth < pain_treshold_lower_health)
+ {
+ pain_treshold = pain_treshold - max(cvar("hud_damage_pain_treshold_pulsating_min"), fabs(sin(M_PI * time / cvar("hud_damage_pain_treshold_pulsating_period")))) * pain_treshold_lower * (1 - max(0, myhealth)/pain_treshold_lower_health);
+ }
+ myhealth_flash_temp = bound(0, myhealth_flash - pain_treshold, 1);
+ if(myhealth_prev < 1)
+ {
+ if(myhealth >= 1)
+ {
+ myhealth_flash = 0; // just spawned, clear the flash immediately
+ myhealth_flash_temp = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myhealth_flash += cvar("hud_damage_fade_rate") * frametime; // dead
+ }
+ }
+ if(spectatee_status == -1)
+ {
+ myhealth_flash = 0; // observing
+ myhealth_flash_temp = 0;
+ }
+ myhealth_prev = myhealth;
+ drawpic(reticle_pos, "gfx/blood", reticle_size, '1 0 0', bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// Draw the mouse cursor
// NOTE: drawpic must happen after R_RenderScene for some reason
//drawpic(getmousepos(), "gfx/cursor.tga", '11 14 0', '1 1 1', 1, 0);