seta crosshair_hitindication_speed 5
// hit testing/tracing for special effects for the crosshair
-set g_trueaim_minrange 44 "TrueAim minimum range (TrueAim adjusts shots so they hit the crosshair point even though the gun is not at the screen center)"
seta crosshair_hittest 1 "do a crosshair hit evaluation, applying effects from the _blur and _scale cvars"
seta crosshair_hittest_blur_teammate 0 "blur the crosshair if the shot is obstructed by a teammate"
seta crosshair_hittest_blur_wall 1 "blur the crosshair if the shot is obstructed by a wall or object"
WarpZone_Accumulator_AddInverseTransform(acc, wz.warpzone_transform, wz.warpzone_shift);
-float autocvar_cl_warpzone_usetrace = 1;
vector WarpZone_camera_transform(entity this, vector org, vector ang)
vector vf, vr, vu;
vf = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(this, vf);
vr = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(this, vr);
vu = WarpZone_TransformVelocity(this, vu);
- if(autocvar_cl_warpzone_usetrace)
- traceline(this.warpzone_targetorigin, org, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL);
- else
- trace_endpos = this.warpzone_targetorigin;
+ traceline(this.warpzone_targetorigin, org, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL);
v_forward = vf;
v_right = vr;
v_up = vu;
set snd_cdautopause 0
+// sound randomization
+snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time -0.1
+snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics 1
// aliases:
alias +fire +attack
alias -fire -attack
con_notifyalign 0
con_textsize 10
+locs_enable 0 // we uses our own replacement of certain % codes in chat messages
seta sbar_info_pos 0 "Y-axis distance from lower right corner for engine info prints"
// scoreboard
set cl_jetpack_attenuation 2 "jetpack sound attenuation"
-set cl_warpzone_usetrace 1 "do not touch"
set cl_effects_lightningarc_simple 0
set cl_effects_lightningarc_segmentlength 64
set cl_effects_lightningarc_drift_start 0.45
// polygonoffset for submodel SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS (only a hack for quake1, we don't need that)
r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset 0
r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor 0
// decals: need a higher polygonoffset than default to not compete with _decal surfaces too much
r_polygonoffset_decals_offset -28
r_polygonoffset_decals_factor 0
+// this is mainly for _decal entities (their shaders should use "polygonoffset" shader parameter) - this is "good enough" as it seems, but smaller than the decals one so these don't zfight decals
+mod_q3shader_default_polygonoffset -14
+mod_q3shader_default_polygonfactor 0
// loading screen
scr_loadingscreen_background 0
scr_loadingscreen_barcolor "0 0.5 1"
_cl_playermodel "models/player/erebus.iqm"
-locs_enable 0
pausable 0
set samelevel 0 "when 1, always play the same level over and over again"
// UTF-8
utf8_enable 1
-// this is mainly for _decal entities (their shaders should use "polygonoffset" shader parameter) - this is "good enough" as it seems, but smaller than the decals one so these don't zfight decals
-mod_q3shader_default_polygonoffset -14
-mod_q3shader_default_polygonfactor 0
// session locking
locksession 1
seta snd_channel8volume 1 "QuakeC controlled background music volume"
seta snd_channel9volume 1 "QuakeC controlled ambient sound volume"
-// sound randomization
-snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time -0.1
-snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics 1
set debug_deglobalization_logging 0 "bitfield: 1 logs usage of the old functions which use globals implicitly, 2 logs usage of the new wrappers; support for this can be disabled at compile time for better performance"
set debug_deglobalization_clear 0 "make the new wrappers set globals to NaN after use, this helps find bugs but can result in crashes; support for this can be disabled at compile time for better performance"
set g_shootfromeye 1 "shots are fired from your eye/crosshair; visual gun position can still be influenced by cl_gunalign 1 and 2"
set g_shootfromcenter 0 "weapon gets moved to the center, shots still come from the barrel of your weapon; visual gun position can still be influenced by cl_gunalign 1 and 2"
set g_shootfromfixedorigin "" "if set to a string like 0 y z, the gun is moved to the given y and z coordinates. If set to a string like x y z, the whole shot origin is used"
+set g_trueaim_minrange 44 "TrueAim minimum range (TrueAim adjusts shots so they hit the crosshair point even though the gun is not at the screen center)"
set g_weapon_stay 0 "1: ghost weapons can be picked up but give no ammo, thrown guns have ammo 2: ghost weapons can be picked up and refill ammo to one pickup size, thrown guns have no ammo (to prevent infinite ammo abuse)"
set g_weapon_throwable 1 "if set to 1, weapons can be dropped"
set g_powerups -1 "if set to 0 no powerups will spawn, if 1 they will spawn in all game modes, -1 is game mode default"