set sv_timeout_leadtime 4 "how long the players will be informed that a timeout was called before it starts, in seconds"
set sv_timeout_resumetime 3 "how long the remaining timeout-time will be after a player called the timein command"
-set g_allow_oldnexbeam 0 "If enabled, clients are allowed to use old v2.3 Nexgun beam"
-seta cl_particles_oldnexbeam 0 "Uses the old v2.3 Nexgun beam instead of the new beam, only works if server allows it (g_allow_oldnexbeam 1)"
+set g_allow_oldvortexbeam 0 "If enabled, clients are allowed to use old v2.3 Vortex beam"
+seta cl_particles_oldvortexbeam 0 "Uses the old v2.3 Vortex beam instead of the new beam, only works if server allows it (g_allow_oldvortexbeam 1)"
set g_telefrags 1 "telefragging, i.e. killing someone who stands in the way of someone who is teleporting"
set g_telefrags_teamplay 1 "never telefrag team mates"
set g_jump_grunt 0 "Do you make a grunting noise every time you jump? Is it the same grunting noise every time?"
-seta cl_weaponpriority "minstanex vortex fireball mortar machinegun hagar rifle arc electro devastator crylink minelayer shotgun hlac tuba blaster porto seeker hook" "weapon priority list"
+seta cl_weaponpriority "vaporizer vortex fireball mortar machinegun hagar rifle arc electro devastator crylink minelayer shotgun hlac tuba blaster porto seeker hook" "weapon priority list"
seta cl_weaponpriority_useforcycling 0 "when set, weapon cycling by the mouse wheel makes use of the weapon priority list (the special value 2 uses the weapon ID list for cycling)"
seta cl_weaponpriority0 "devastator mortar hagar seeker fireball" "use impulse 200 for prev gun from this list, 210 for best gun, 220 for next gun. Default value: explosives"
-seta cl_weaponpriority1 "minstanex vortex crylink hlac arc electro blaster shockwave" "use impulse 201 for prev gun from this list, 211 for best gun, 221 for next gun. Default value: energy"
-seta cl_weaponpriority2 "minstanex vortex rifle" "use impulse 202 for prev gun from this list, 212 for best gun, 222 for next gun. Default value: hitscan exact"
-seta cl_weaponpriority3 "minstanex vortex rifle machinegun shotgun" "use impulse 203 for prev gun from this list, 213 for best gun, 223 for next gun. Default value: hitscan all"
+seta cl_weaponpriority1 "vaporizer vortex crylink hlac arc electro blaster shockwave" "use impulse 201 for prev gun from this list, 211 for best gun, 221 for next gun. Default value: energy"
+seta cl_weaponpriority2 "vaporizer vortex rifle" "use impulse 202 for prev gun from this list, 212 for best gun, 222 for next gun. Default value: hitscan exact"
+seta cl_weaponpriority3 "vaporizer vortex rifle machinegun shotgun" "use impulse 203 for prev gun from this list, 213 for best gun, 223 for next gun. Default value: hitscan all"
seta cl_weaponpriority4 "mortar minelayer hlac hagar crylink seeker shotgun" "use impulse 204 for prev gun from this list, 214 for best gun, 224 for next gun. Default value: spam weapons"
seta cl_weaponpriority5 "blaster shockwave hook porto" "use impulse 205 for prev gun from this list, 215 for best gun, 225 for next gun. Default value: weapons for moving"
seta cl_weaponpriority6 "" "use impulse 206 for prev gun from this list, 216 for best gun, 226 for next gun"
float autocvar_cl_orthoview;
float autocvar_cl_orthoview_nofog;
float autocvar_cl_particlegibs;
-float autocvar_cl_particles_oldnexbeam;
+float autocvar_cl_particles_oldvortexbeam;
float autocvar_cl_particles_quality;
float autocvar_cl_projectiles_sloppy;
float autocvar_cl_readpicture_force;
charge = sqrt(charge); // divide evenly among trail spacing and alpha
particles_alphamin = particles_alphamax = particles_fade = charge;
- if (autocvar_cl_particles_oldnexbeam && (getstati(STAT_ALLOW_OLDNEXBEAM) || isdemo()))
+ if (autocvar_cl_particles_oldvortexbeam && (getstati(STAT_ALLOW_OLDVORTEXBEAM) || isdemo()))
WarpZone_TrailParticles_WithMultiplier(world, particleeffectnum("TE_TEI_G3"), shotorg, endpos, 1, PARTICLES_USEALPHA | PARTICLES_USEFADE);
WarpZone_TrailParticles_WithMultiplier(world, particleeffectnum("nex_beam"), shotorg, endpos, 1, PARTICLES_USEALPHA | PARTICLES_USEFADE);
// 40 empty?
const float STAT_ARC_HEAT = 41;
const float STAT_PRESSED_KEYS = 42;
-const float STAT_ALLOW_OLDNEXBEAM = 43; // this stat could later contain some other bits of info, like, more server-side particle config
+const float STAT_ALLOW_OLDVORTEXBEAM = 43; // this stat could later contain some other bits of info, like, more server-side particle config
const float STAT_FUEL = 44;
const float STAT_NB_METERSTART = 45;
const float STAT_SHOTORG = 46; // compressShotOrigin
float autocvar_ekg;
#define autocvar_fraglimit cvar("fraglimit")
#define autocvar_fraglimit_override cvar("fraglimit_override")
-float autocvar_g_allow_oldnexbeam;
+float autocvar_g_allow_oldvortexbeam;
float autocvar_g_antilag;
float autocvar_g_antilag_nudge;
float autocvar_g_balance_armor_blockpercent;
self.stat_game_starttime = game_starttime;
self.stat_round_starttime = round_starttime;
- self.stat_allow_oldnexbeam = autocvar_g_allow_oldnexbeam;
+ self.stat_allow_oldvortexbeam = autocvar_g_allow_oldvortexbeam;
self.stat_leadlimit = autocvar_leadlimit;
.string message2;
-.float stat_allow_oldnexbeam;
+.float stat_allow_oldvortexbeam;
// reset to 0 on weapon switch
// may be useful to all weapons
addstat(STAT_SWITCHINGWEAPON, AS_INT, switchingweapon);
addstat(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME, AS_FLOAT, stat_game_starttime);
addstat(STAT_ROUNDSTARTTIME, AS_FLOAT, stat_round_starttime);
- addstat(STAT_ALLOW_OLDNEXBEAM, AS_INT, stat_allow_oldnexbeam);
+ addstat(STAT_ALLOW_OLDVORTEXBEAM, AS_INT, stat_allow_oldvortexbeam);
addstat(STAT_STRENGTH_FINISHED, AS_FLOAT, strength_finished);