_This article looks complete, [old methodology](#old-methodology) isn't a very complete section due to the obsolescence._
-## _Table of Contents_
-> 1. [Modeling requirements](#modeling-requirements)
-> 2. [Introduction to export a weapon](#introduction-to-export-a-weapon)
-> 3. [Textures and UV map](#textures-and-uv-map)
-> 4. [Starting to export](#starting-to-export)
+# _Table of Contents_
+> ### 1. [Modeling requirements](#modeling-requirements)
+> ### 2. [Introduction to export a weapon](#introduction-to-export-a-weapon)
+> ### 3. [Textures and UV map](#textures-and-uv-map)
+> ### 4. [Starting to export](#starting-to-export)
> > 4.1. [Modifiers](#modifiers)<br/>
> > 4.2. [Bones and animations](#bones-and-animations)<br/>
> > 4.3. [Textures and materials](#textures-and-materials)
-> 5. [New methodology](#new-methodology)
+> ### 5. [New methodology](#new-methodology)
> > 5.1. [SMD (includes IQM converter and dpmodel guide)](#smd-includes-iqm-converter-and-dpmodel-guide)
-> 6. [Export troubleshooting](#export-troubleshooting)
-> 7. [Old methodology](#old-methodology)
+> ### 6. [Export troubleshooting](#export-troubleshooting)
+> ### 7. [Old methodology](#old-methodology)
> > 7.1. [MD3](#md3)<br/>
> > 7.2. [IQM](#iqm)