// taunts and voices
-seta sv_taunt 1 "allow taunts on the server"
-seta sv_autotaunt 1 "allow autotaunts on the server"
+set sv_taunt 1 "allow taunts on the server"
+set sv_autotaunt 1 "allow autotaunts on the server"
// server settings
hostname "Xonotic $g_xonoticversion Server"
set sv_jumpspeedcap_max_disable_on_ramps 0 "disable upper baseline velocity bound on ramps to preserve the old rampjump style"
set sv_track_canjump 0 "track if the player released the jump key between 2 jumps to decide if they are able to jump or not"
-seta sv_precacheplayermodels 1
-seta sv_precacheweapons 0
-seta sv_precacheitems 0
+set sv_precacheplayermodels 1
+set sv_precacheweapons 0
+set sv_precacheitems 0
set sv_spectator_speed_multiplier 1.5
-seta sv_spectate 1 "if set to 1, new clients are allowed to spectate or observe the game, if set to 0 joining clients spawn as players immediately (no spectating)"
-seta sv_defaultcharacter 0 "master switch, if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all player models, skins and colors is taken from the sv_defaultplayermodel, sv_defaultplayerskin and sv_defaultplayercolors variables"
-seta sv_defaultcharacterskin 0 "if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all skins is taken from the sv_defaultplayerskin variables"
-seta sv_defaultplayermodel "models/player/erebus.iqm" "default model selection, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1; you may append a :<skinnumber> suffix to model names; you can specify multiple, separated by space, and a random one will be chosen"
-seta sv_defaultplayerskin 0 "each model has 1 or more skins (combination of model and skin = character), set which skin of the model you wish the default character to have, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1; can be overridden by :<skinnumber> suffix in sv_defaultplayermodel"
-seta sv_defaultplayermodel_red "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
-seta sv_defaultplayerskin_red 0
-seta sv_defaultplayermodel_blue "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
-seta sv_defaultplayerskin_blue 0
-seta sv_defaultplayermodel_yellow "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
-seta sv_defaultplayerskin_yellow 0
-seta sv_defaultplayermodel_pink "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
-seta sv_defaultplayerskin_pink 0
-seta sv_defaultplayercolors "" "set to 16*shirt+pants to force a color, note: it does NOT depend on defaultcharacter! Set to \"\" to disable"
+set sv_spectate 1 "if set to 1, new clients are allowed to spectate or observe the game, if set to 0 joining clients spawn as players immediately (no spectating)"
+set sv_defaultcharacter 0 "master switch, if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all player models, skins and colors is taken from the sv_defaultplayermodel, sv_defaultplayerskin and sv_defaultplayercolors variables"
+set sv_defaultcharacterskin 0 "if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all skins is taken from the sv_defaultplayerskin variables"
+set sv_defaultplayermodel "models/player/erebus.iqm" "default model selection, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1; you may append a :<skinnumber> suffix to model names; you can specify multiple, separated by space, and a random one will be chosen"
+set sv_defaultplayerskin 0 "each model has 1 or more skins (combination of model and skin = character), set which skin of the model you wish the default character to have, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1; can be overridden by :<skinnumber> suffix in sv_defaultplayermodel"
+set sv_defaultplayermodel_red "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
+set sv_defaultplayerskin_red 0
+set sv_defaultplayermodel_blue "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
+set sv_defaultplayerskin_blue 0
+set sv_defaultplayermodel_yellow "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
+set sv_defaultplayerskin_yellow 0
+set sv_defaultplayermodel_pink "" "\"\" means see sv_defaultplayermodel"
+set sv_defaultplayerskin_pink 0
+set sv_defaultplayercolors "" "set to 16*shirt+pants to force a color, note: it does NOT depend on defaultcharacter! Set to \"\" to disable"
set sv_autoscreenshot 0 "if set to 1, the server forces all clients to create a local screenshot once the map ended"
net_messagetimeout 30
net_connecttimeout 30
sv_jumpstep 1 // step up stairs while jumping, makes it easier to reach ledges
-seta sv_shownames_cull_distance 2500 "distance after which to not send origin/health/armor of another player"
+set sv_shownames_cull_distance 2500 "distance after which to not send origin/health/armor of another player"
set bot_config_file bots.txt "Name and path of the bot configuration file"
set bot_number 0 "Minimum number of bots"
-seta bot_usemodelnames 0 "Use player model names for bot names"
+set bot_usemodelnames 0 "Use player model names for bot names"
set bot_nofire 0 "When set, bots never fire. Mainly for testing in g_waypointeditor mode"
-seta bot_prefix [BOT] "Prefix in front of the bot names"
-seta bot_suffix "" "Suffix behind the bot names"
-seta skill_auto 0 "when 1, \"skill\" gets adjusted to match the best player on the map"
+set bot_prefix [BOT] "Prefix in front of the bot names"
+set bot_suffix "" "Suffix behind the bot names"
+set skill_auto 0 "when 1, \"skill\" gets adjusted to match the best player on the map"
set bot_debug_tracewalk 0 "Enable visual indicators for short-term navigation. Green: Goal Reached / Yellow: Obstacle found / Red: Unsolvable obstacle found"
set bot_debug_goalstack 0 "Visualize the current path that each bot is following. Use with as few bots as possible."
set bot_wander_enable 1 "Have bots wander around if they are unable to reach any useful goal. Disable only for debugging purposes."
set g_casings 2 "specifies which casings (0: none, 1: only shotgun casings, 2: shotgun and machine gun casings) are sent to the client"
set g_norecoil 0 "if set to 1 shooting weapons won't make you crosshair to move upwards (recoil)"
set g_maplist_mostrecent "" "contains the name of the maps that were most recently played"
-seta g_maplist_mostrecent_count 3 "number of most recent maps that are blocked from being played again"
-seta g_maplist "" "the list of maps to be cycled among (is autogenerated if empty)"
-seta g_maplist_index 0 "this is used internally for saving position in maplist cycle"
-seta g_maplist_selectrandom 0 "if 1, a random map will be chosen as next map - DEPRECATED in favor of g_maplist_shuffle"
-seta g_maplist_shuffle 1 "new randomization method: like selectrandom, but avoid playing the same maps in short succession. This works by taking out the first element and inserting it into g_maplist with a bias to the end of the list"
+set g_maplist_mostrecent_count 3 "number of most recent maps that are blocked from being played again"
+set g_maplist "" "the list of maps to be cycled among (is autogenerated if empty)"
+set g_maplist_index 0 "this is used internally for saving position in maplist cycle"
+set g_maplist_selectrandom 0 "if 1, a random map will be chosen as next map - DEPRECATED in favor of g_maplist_shuffle"
+set g_maplist_shuffle 1 "new randomization method: like selectrandom, but avoid playing the same maps in short succession. This works by taking out the first element and inserting it into g_maplist with a bias to the end of the list"
set g_maplist_check_waypoints 0 "when 1, maps are skipped if there currently are bots, but the map has no waypoints"
set g_items_mindist 4000 "starting distance for the fading of items"
set g_cloaked 0 "display all players mostly invisible"
set g_player_alpha 1
set g_player_brightness 0 "set to 2 for brighter players"
-seta g_balance_cloaked_alpha 0.25
+set g_balance_cloaked_alpha 0.25
set g_playerclip_collisions 1 "0 = disable collision testing against playerclips, might be useful on some defrag maps"
set g_botclip_collisions 1 "0 = disable collision testing against botclips, might be useful on some defrag maps"
set g_respawn_waves 0 "respawn in waves (every n seconds), intended to decrease overwhelming base attacks"
// overtime
-seta timelimit_overtime 2 "duration in minutes of one added overtime, added to the timelimit"
-seta timelimit_overtimes 0 "how many overtimes to add at max"
-seta timelimit_suddendeath 5 "number of minutes suddendeath mode lasts after all overtimes were added and still no winner was found"
+set timelimit_overtime 2 "duration in minutes of one added overtime, added to the timelimit"
+set timelimit_overtimes 0 "how many overtimes to add at max"
+set timelimit_suddendeath 5 "number of minutes suddendeath mode lasts after all overtimes were added and still no winner was found"
// common team values
set g_tdm 0 "Team Deathmatch: the team who kills their opponents most often wins"
set g_tdm_on_dm_maps 0 "when this is set, all DM maps automatically support TDM"
-seta teamplay_mode 4 "default teamplay setting in team games. 1 = no friendly fire, self damage. 2 = friendly fire and self damage enabled. 3 = no friendly fire, but self damage enabled. 4 = obey the cvars g_mirrordamage*, g_friendlyfire* and g_teamdamage*"
-seta g_mirrordamage 0.7 "for teamplay_mode 4: mirror damage factor"
-seta g_mirrordamage_virtual 1 "for teamplay_mode 4: do not actually apply mirror damage, just show graphics effect for it"
-seta g_mirrordamage_onlyweapons 0 "for teamplay_mode 4: only apply mirror damage if the attack was from a weapon"
-seta g_friendlyfire 0.5 "for teamplay_mode 4: friendly fire factor"
-seta g_friendlyfire_virtual 1 "for teamplay_mode 4: do not actually apply friendly fire, just show graphics effect for it"
-seta g_friendlyfire_virtual_force 1 "for teamplay_mode 4: apply force even though damage was made virtual only"
-seta g_teamdamage_threshold 40 "for teamplay_mode 4: threshold over which to apply mirror damage"
-seta g_teamdamage_resetspeed 20 "for teamplay_mode 4: how fast player's teamdamage count decreases"
-seta g_balance_teams 1 "automatically balance out players entering instead of asking them for their preferred team"
-seta g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 1 "prevent players from changing to larger teams"
+set teamplay_mode 4 "default teamplay setting in team games. 1 = no friendly fire, self damage. 2 = friendly fire and self damage enabled. 3 = no friendly fire, but self damage enabled. 4 = obey the cvars g_mirrordamage*, g_friendlyfire* and g_teamdamage*"
+set g_mirrordamage 0.7 "for teamplay_mode 4: mirror damage factor"
+set g_mirrordamage_virtual 1 "for teamplay_mode 4: do not actually apply mirror damage, just show graphics effect for it"
+set g_mirrordamage_onlyweapons 0 "for teamplay_mode 4: only apply mirror damage if the attack was from a weapon"
+set g_friendlyfire 0.5 "for teamplay_mode 4: friendly fire factor"
+set g_friendlyfire_virtual 1 "for teamplay_mode 4: do not actually apply friendly fire, just show graphics effect for it"
+set g_friendlyfire_virtual_force 1 "for teamplay_mode 4: apply force even though damage was made virtual only"
+set g_teamdamage_threshold 40 "for teamplay_mode 4: threshold over which to apply mirror damage"
+set g_teamdamage_resetspeed 20 "for teamplay_mode 4: how fast player's teamdamage count decreases"
+set g_balance_teams 1 "automatically balance out players entering instead of asking them for their preferred team"
+set g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 1 "prevent players from changing to larger teams"
set g_balance_teams_scorefactor 0.25 "at the end of the game, take score into account instead of team size by this amount (beware: values over 0.5 mean that a x:0 score imbalance will cause ALL new players to prefer the losing team at the end, despite numbers)"
set g_changeteam_banned 0 "not allowed to change team"
set g_changeteam_fragtransfer 0 "% of frags you get to keep when you change teams (rounded down)"
set sv_eventlog_console 1
set sv_eventlog_files 0
set sv_eventlog_files_timestamps 1
-seta sv_eventlog_files_counter 0
+set sv_eventlog_files_counter 0
set sv_eventlog_files_nameprefix xonotic
set sv_eventlog_files_namesuffix .log
alias sv_fbskin_off "sv_defaultcharacter 0; sv_defaultplayerskin 0; sv_defaultplayercolors \"\""
-seta sv_servermodelsonly 1
+set sv_servermodelsonly 1
sv_curl_defaulturl "http://www.xonotic.org/contentdownload/getmap.php?file="
set sv_curl_serverpackages_auto 1 "automatically add packs with *.serverpackage files to sv_curl_serverpackages"
set g_waypoints_for_items 0 "make waypoints out of items, values: 0 = never, 1 = unless the mapper prevents it by worldspawn.spawnflags & 1, 2 = always"
-seta g_maplist_votable 6 "number of maps that are shown in the map voting at the end of a match"
-seta g_maplist_votable_keeptwotime 15 "show only 2 options after this amount of time during map vote screen"
-seta g_maplist_votable_timeout 30 "timeout for the map voting; must be below 50 seconds!"
-seta g_maplist_votable_suggestions 2
-seta g_maplist_votable_suggestions_override_mostrecent 0
-seta g_maplist_votable_nodetail 1 "nodetail only shows total count instead of all vote counts per map, so votes don't influence others that much"
-seta g_maplist_votable_abstain 0 "when 1, you can abstain from your vote"
-seta g_maplist_votable_screenshot_dir "maps levelshots" "where to look for map screenshots"
+set g_maplist_votable 6 "number of maps that are shown in the map voting at the end of a match"
+set g_maplist_votable_keeptwotime 15 "show only 2 options after this amount of time during map vote screen"
+set g_maplist_votable_timeout 30 "timeout for the map voting; must be below 50 seconds!"
+set g_maplist_votable_suggestions 2
+set g_maplist_votable_suggestions_override_mostrecent 0
+set g_maplist_votable_nodetail 1 "nodetail only shows total count instead of all vote counts per map, so votes don't influence others that much"
+set g_maplist_votable_abstain 0 "when 1, you can abstain from your vote"
+set g_maplist_votable_screenshot_dir "maps levelshots" "where to look for map screenshots"
set sv_vote_gametype 0 "show a vote screen for gametypes before map vote screen"
set sv_vote_gametype_keeptwotime 10 "show only 2 options after this amount of time during gametype vote screen"
set sv_waypointsprite_deadlifetime 1
set sv_waypointsprite_limitedrange 5120
+// FIXME probably client
seta g_waypointsprite_uppercase 1
set g_waypointsprite_normdistance 512
set g_waypointsprite_minscale 0.5
set g_full_getstatus_responses 0 "this currently breaks qstat"
// "Gentle mode": show no blood
-seta sv_gentle 0 "force gentle mode for everyone, also remove references to acts of killing from the messages"
+set sv_gentle 0 "force gentle mode for everyone, also remove references to acts of killing from the messages"
set g_jetpack 0 "Jetpack mutator"
set g_hitplots 0 "when set to 1, hitplots are stored by the server to provide a means of proving that a triggerbot was used"
-seta g_hitplots_individuals "" "the individuals, by IP, that should have their hitplots recorded"
+set g_hitplots_individuals "" "the individuals, by IP, that should have their hitplots recorded"
set bot_navigation_ignoreplayers 0 // FIXME remove this once the issue is solved
set bot_sound_monopoly 0 "when enabled, only bots can make any noise"