set g_invasion_zombies_only 0 "only spawn zombies"
set g_invasion_spawn_delay 0.25
set g_invasion_spawnpoint_spawn_delay 0.5
-set g_invasion_teams 0 "number of teams in invasion (note: use mapinfo to set this)"
-set g_invasion_team_spawns 1 "use team spawns in teamplay invasion mode"
set g_invasion_type 0 "type of invasion mode - 0: round-based, 1: hunting, 2: complete the stage (note: use mapinfo to set this)"
// ======
set g_monsters_lineofsight 1
set g_monsters_owners 1
set g_monsters_playerclip_collisions 1
-set g_monsters_teams 1
set g_monsters_score_kill 0
set g_monsters_score_spawned 0
set g_monsters_sounds 1
seta cl_loddistance1 1024
seta cl_loddistance2 3072
seta cl_playerdetailreduction 4 "the higher, the less detailed player models are displayed (LOD)"
-seta cl_modeldetailreduction 1 "the higher, the less detailed certain map models are displayed (LOD)"
+seta cl_modeldetailreduction 1 "higher values will reduce the detail of non-player and non-weapon models (LOD)"
seta cl_casings_maxcount 100 "maximum amount of shell casings (must be at least 1)"
seta cl_gibs_maxcount 100 "maximum amount of gibs (must be at least 1)"