#include "stdafx.h"
#include <gtk/gtkgl.h>
+#include <pango/pangoft2.h>
#include "glwidget.h"
#include "qgl.h"
return gdk_gl_drawable_gl_begin (gldrawable, glcontext);
-GLuint font_list_base;
-static gchar font_string[] = "courier 8";
-static gint font_height;
-void gtk_glwidget_create_font (GtkWidget *widget)
+// Think about rewriting this font stuff to use OpenGL display lists and glBitmap().
+// Bit maps together with display lists may offer a performance increase, but
+// they would not allow antialiased fonts.
+static const char font_string[] = "Monospace";
+static const int font_height = 10;
+static int font_ascent = -1;
+static int font_descent = -1;
+static int y_offset_bitmap_render_pango_units = -1;
+static PangoContext *ft2_context = NULL;
+static int _debug_font_created = 0;
+// Units are pixels. Returns a positive value [most likely].
+int gtk_glwidget_font_ascent()
+ if (!_debug_font_created) {
+ Error("Programming error: gtk_glwidget_font_ascent() called but font does not exist; "
+ "you should have called gtk_glwidget_create_font() first");
+ }
+ return font_ascent;
+// Units are pixels. Returns a positive value [most likely].
+int gtk_glwidget_font_descent()
+ if (!_debug_font_created) {
+ Error("Programming error: gtk_glwidget_font_descent() called but font does not exist; "
+ "you should have called gtk_glwidget_create_font() first");
+ }
+ return font_descent;
+void gtk_glwidget_create_font()
PangoFontDescription *font_desc;
- PangoFont *font;
- PangoFontMetrics *font_metrics;
+ PangoLayout *layout;
+ PangoRectangle log_rect;
+ int font_ascent_pango_units;
+ int font_descent_pango_units;
+ if (_debug_font_created) {
+ Error("Programming error: gtk_glwidget_create_font() was already called; "
+ "you must call gtk_glwidget_destroy_font() before creating font again");
+ }
+ _debug_font_created = 1;
- font_list_base = qglGenLists (256);
+ // This call is deprecated so we'll have to fix it sometime.
+ ft2_context = pango_ft2_get_context(72, 72);
- font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string (font_string);
+ font_desc = pango_font_description_from_string(font_string);
+ pango_font_description_set_size(font_desc, font_height * PANGO_SCALE);
+ pango_context_set_font_description(ft2_context, font_desc);
+ pango_font_description_free(font_desc);
- font = gdk_gl_font_use_pango_font (font_desc, 0, 256, font_list_base);
+ layout = pango_layout_new(ft2_context);
- if(font != NULL)
- {
- font_metrics = pango_font_get_metrics (font, NULL);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ PangoLayoutIter *iter;
+ iter = pango_layout_get_iter(layout);
+ font_ascent_pango_units = pango_layout_iter_get_baseline(iter);
+ pango_layout_iter_free(iter);
+ // I don't believe that's standard preprocessor syntax?
+ PangoLayoutIter *iter;
+ iter = pango_layout_get_iter(layout);
+ font_ascent_pango_units = pango_layout_iter_get_baseline(iter);
+ pango_layout_iter_free(iter);
+ font_ascent_pango_units = pango_layout_get_baseline(layout);
- font_height = pango_font_metrics_get_ascent (font_metrics) +
- pango_font_metrics_get_descent (font_metrics);
- font_height = PANGO_PIXELS (font_height);
+ pango_layout_get_extents(layout, NULL, &log_rect);
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(layout));
+ font_descent_pango_units = log_rect.height - font_ascent_pango_units;
+ font_ascent = PANGO_PIXELS_CEIL(font_ascent_pango_units);
+ font_descent = PANGO_PIXELS_CEIL(font_descent_pango_units);
+ y_offset_bitmap_render_pango_units = (font_ascent * PANGO_SCALE) - font_ascent_pango_units;
- pango_font_metrics_unref (font_metrics);
+void gtk_glwidget_destroy_font()
+ if (!_debug_font_created) {
+ Error("Programming error: gtk_glwidget_destroy_font() called when font "
+ "does not exist");
- pango_font_description_free (font_desc);
+ font_ascent = -1;
+ font_descent = -1;
+ y_offset_bitmap_render_pango_units = -1;
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(ft2_context));
+ _debug_font_created = 0;
+// Renders the input text at the current location with the current color.
+// The X position of the current location is used to place the left edge of the text image,
+// where the text image bounds are defined as the logical extents of the line of text.
+// The Y position of the current location is used to place the bottom of the text image.
+// You should offset the Y position by the amount returned by gtk_glwidget_font_descent()
+// if you want to place the baseline of the text image at the current Y position.
+// Note: A problem with this function is that if the lower left corner of the text falls
+// just a hair outside of the viewport (meaning the current raster position is invalid),
+// then no text will be rendered. The solution to this is a very hacky one. You can search
+// Google for "glDrawPixels clipping".
void gtk_glwidget_print_string(const char *s)
- qglListBase(font_list_base);
- qglCallLists(strlen(s), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (unsigned char *)s);
+ // The idea for this code initially came from the font-pangoft2.c example that comes with GtkGLExt.
+ PangoLayout *layout;
+ PangoRectangle log_rect;
+ FT_Bitmap bitmap;
+ unsigned char *begin_bitmap_buffer;
+ GLfloat color[4];
+ GLint previous_unpack_alignment;
+ GLboolean previous_blend_enabled;
+ GLint previous_blend_func_src;
+ GLint previous_blend_func_dst;
+ GLfloat previous_red_bias;
+ GLfloat previous_green_bias;
+ GLfloat previous_blue_bias;
+ GLfloat previous_alpha_scale;
+ if (!_debug_font_created) {
+ Error("Programming error: gtk_glwidget_print_string() called but font does not exist; "
+ "you should have called gtk_glwidget_create_font() first");
+ }
+ layout = pango_layout_new(ft2_context);
+ pango_layout_set_width(layout, -1); // -1 no wrapping. All text on one line.
+ pango_layout_set_text(layout, s, -1); // -1 null-terminated string.
+ pango_layout_get_extents(layout, NULL, &log_rect);
+ if (log_rect.width > 0 && log_rect.height > 0) {
+ bitmap.rows = font_ascent + font_descent;
+ bitmap.width = PANGO_PIXELS_CEIL(log_rect.width);
+ bitmap.pitch = -bitmap.width; // Rendering it "upside down" for OpenGL.
+ begin_bitmap_buffer = (unsigned char *) g_malloc(bitmap.rows * bitmap.width);
+ memset(begin_bitmap_buffer, 0, bitmap.rows * bitmap.width);
+ bitmap.buffer = begin_bitmap_buffer + (bitmap.rows - 1) * bitmap.width; // See pitch above.
+ bitmap.num_grays = 0xff;
+ bitmap.pixel_mode = FT_PIXEL_MODE_GRAY;
+ pango_ft2_render_layout_subpixel(&bitmap, layout, -log_rect.x,
+ y_offset_bitmap_render_pango_units);
+ qglGetFloatv(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, color);
+ // Save state. I didn't see any OpenGL push/pop operations for these.
+ // Question: Is saving/restoring this state necessary? Being safe.
+ qglGetIntegerv(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, &previous_unpack_alignment);
+ previous_blend_enabled = qglIsEnabled(GL_BLEND);
+ qglGetIntegerv(GL_BLEND_SRC, &previous_blend_func_src);
+ qglGetIntegerv(GL_BLEND_DST, &previous_blend_func_dst);
+ qglGetFloatv(GL_RED_BIAS, &previous_red_bias);
+ qglGetFloatv(GL_GREEN_BIAS, &previous_green_bias);
+ qglGetFloatv(GL_BLUE_BIAS, &previous_blue_bias);
+ qglGetFloatv(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, &previous_alpha_scale);
+ qglPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+ qglEnable(GL_BLEND);
+ qglPixelTransferf(GL_RED_BIAS, color[0]);
+ qglPixelTransferf(GL_GREEN_BIAS, color[1]);
+ qglPixelTransferf(GL_BLUE_BIAS, color[2]);
+ qglPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, color[3]);
+ qglDrawPixels(bitmap.width, bitmap.rows,
+ GL_ALPHA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, begin_bitmap_buffer);
+ g_free(begin_bitmap_buffer);
+ // Restore state in reverse order of how we set it.
+ qglPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, previous_alpha_scale);
+ qglPixelTransferf(GL_BLUE_BIAS, previous_blue_bias);
+ qglPixelTransferf(GL_GREEN_BIAS, previous_green_bias);
+ qglPixelTransferf(GL_RED_BIAS, previous_red_bias);
+ qglBlendFunc(previous_blend_func_src, previous_blend_func_dst);
+ if (!previous_blend_enabled) { qglDisable(GL_BLEND); }
+ qglPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, previous_unpack_alignment);
+ }
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(layout));
void gtk_glwidget_print_char(char s)
- qglListBase(font_list_base);
- qglCallLists(1, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (unsigned char *) &s);
+ char str[2];
+ str[0] = s;
+ str[1] = '\0';
+ gtk_glwidget_print_string(str);
- AdditionalIncludeDirectories=""$(SolutionDir)\include";"$(SolutionDir)\libs";"$(SolutionDir)\..\STLPort\stlport";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\glib-2.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\glib-2.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\gtk-2.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\gtkglext-1.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\gtk-2.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\cairo";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\pango-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\atk-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\gtkglext-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\libxml2\include""\r
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories=""$(SolutionDir)\include";"$(SolutionDir)\libs";"$(SolutionDir)\..\STLPort\stlport";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\glib-2.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\glib-2.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\gtk-2.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\gtkglext-1.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\gtk-2.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\cairo";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\pango-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\atk-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\gtkglext-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\libxml2\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\fontconfig-dev_2.8.0-2_win32\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\freetype-dev_2.4.2-1_win32\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\freetype-dev_2.4.2-1_win32\include\freetype2""\r
- AdditionalDependencies="intl.lib user32.lib shell32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib l_net.lib cmdlib.lib mathlib.lib Wsock32.lib libxml2.lib glib-2.0.lib gobject-2.0.lib gdk-win32-2.0.lib gtk-win32-2.0.lib gtkglext-win32-1.0.lib gdkglext-win32-1.0.lib pango-1.0.lib"\r
+ AdditionalDependencies="intl.lib user32.lib shell32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib l_net.lib cmdlib.lib mathlib.lib Wsock32.lib libxml2.lib glib-2.0.lib gobject-2.0.lib gdk-win32-2.0.lib gtk-win32-2.0.lib gtkglext-win32-1.0.lib gdkglext-win32-1.0.lib pango-1.0.lib pangoft2-1.0.lib"\r
- AdditionalIncludeDirectories=""$(SolutionDir)\include";"$(SolutionDir)\libs";"$(SolutionDir)\..\STLPort\stlport";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\glib-2.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\glib-2.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\gtk-2.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\gtkglext-1.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\gtk-2.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\cairo";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\pango-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\atk-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\gtkglext-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\libxml2\include""\r
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories=""$(SolutionDir)\include";"$(SolutionDir)\libs";"$(SolutionDir)\..\STLPort\stlport";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\glib-2.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\glib-2.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\gtk-2.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\lib\gtkglext-1.0\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\gtk-2.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\cairo";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\pango-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\atk-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\gtk2\include\gtkglext-1.0";"$(SolutionDir)\..\libxml2\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\fontconfig-dev_2.8.0-2_win32\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\freetype-dev_2.4.2-1_win32\include";"$(SolutionDir)\..\freetype-dev_2.4.2-1_win32\include\freetype2""\r
- AdditionalDependencies="intl.lib user32.lib shell32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib l_net.lib cmdlib.lib mathlib.lib Wsock32.lib libxml2.lib glib-2.0.lib gobject-2.0.lib gdk-win32-2.0.lib gtk-win32-2.0.lib gtkglext-win32-1.0.lib gdkglext-win32-1.0.lib pango-1.0.lib"\r
+ AdditionalDependencies="intl.lib user32.lib shell32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib l_net.lib cmdlib.lib mathlib.lib Wsock32.lib libxml2.lib glib-2.0.lib gobject-2.0.lib gdk-win32-2.0.lib gtk-win32-2.0.lib gtkglext-win32-1.0.lib gdkglext-win32-1.0.lib pango-1.0.lib pangoft2-1.0.lib"\r
- RelativePath="..\..\src\glib\makefile.msc"\r
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\gtk+\gdk\win32\makefile.msc"\r
- RelativePath="..\..\src\gtk+\gdk\makefile.msc"\r
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\gtk+\gtk\makefile.msc"\r
- RelativePath="..\..\src\gtk+\gdk\win32\makefile.msc"\r
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\glib\makefile.msc"\r
- RelativePath="..\..\src\gtk+\gtk\makefile.msc"\r
+ RelativePath="..\..\src\gtk+\gdk\makefile.msc"\r
while ((step * m_fScale) < 4.0f) // make sure major grid spacing is at least 4 pixels on the screen
step *= 8;
//Sys_Printf("step after: %i\n", step);
- while ((stepx * m_fScale) < 32.0f) // text step x must be at least 32
+ while ((stepx * m_fScale) < 40.0f) // text step x must be at least 40 pixels
stepx *= 2;
- while ((stepy * m_fScale) < 32.0f) // text step y must be at least 32
+ while ((stepy * m_fScale) < 40.0f) // text step y must be at least 40 pixels
stepy *= 2;
if ( g_qeglobals.d_savedinfo.show_coordinates)
- float offx = m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h - 6 / m_fScale, offy = m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w + 1 / m_fScale;
- for (x=xb-((int)xb)%stepx; x<=xe ; x+=stepx)
- {
- qglRasterPos2f (x, offx);
- sprintf (text, "%i",(int)x);
- gtk_glwidget_print_string(text);
- }
- for (y=yb-((int)yb)%stepy; y<=ye ; y+=stepy)
- {
- qglRasterPos2f (offy, y);
- sprintf (text, "%i",(int)y);
- gtk_glwidget_print_string(text);
- }
+ // Pixels between top of label for vertical grid line and top of grid view window.
+ // Note: There is currently a bug where the top few pixels of the grid view are hidden
+ // under the border. So you should add about 5 to the desired value here. However,
+ // the font ascent reaches higher than all digits, so you can subtract a few from the final
+ // number.
+ const int pixelsTopCushion = 4;
+ // Pixels between left of label and
+ // - left of grid view window (for horizontal grid line label) or
+ // - drawn vertical grid line (for vertical grid line label).
+ const int pixelsLeftCushion = 2; // IMPORTANT! Must be at least 1 otherwise labels might not be drawn
+ // because the origin of the text might be off screen due to rounding.
+ // Pixels between baseline of horizontal grid line label and drawn horizontal grid line.
+ const int pixelsButtomCushion = 2;
+ float yPosLabelsTop = m_vOrigin[nDim2] + h - (gtk_glwidget_font_ascent() + pixelsTopCushion) / m_fScale;
+ float xPosLabelsLeft = m_vOrigin[nDim1] - w + pixelsLeftCushion / m_fScale;
+ float leftCushion = pixelsLeftCushion / m_fScale;
+ float bottomOffset = (pixelsButtomCushion - gtk_glwidget_font_descent()) / m_fScale;
+ // This renders the numbers along varying X on top of the grid view (labels vertical grid lines).
+ for (x = xb - ((int) xb) % stepx; x <= xe; x += stepx) {
+ qglRasterPos2f(x + leftCushion, yPosLabelsTop);
+ sprintf(text, "%i", (int) x);
+ gtk_glwidget_print_string(text);
+ }
+ // This renders the numbers along varying Y on the left of the grid view (labels horizontal grid lines).
+ for (y = yb - ((int) yb) % stepy; y <= ye; y += stepy) {
+ qglRasterPos2f(xPosLabelsLeft, y + bottomOffset);
+ sprintf(text, "%i", (int) y);
+ gtk_glwidget_print_string(text);
+ }
if (Active())