set bot_ai_aimskill_offset 0.3 "Amount of error induced to the bots aim"
set bot_ai_aimskill_think 1 "Aiming velocity. Use values below 1 for slower aiming"
set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_distances "300 850" "Define close and far distances in any order. Based on the distance to the enemy bots will choose different weapons"
-set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_far "vaporizer vortex rifle electro rocketlauncher grenadelauncher hagar hlac crylink laser machinegun fireball seeker shotgun tuba minelayer" "Desired weapons for far distances ordered by priority"
-set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_mid "vaporizer rocketlauncher vortex fireball seeker grenadelauncher electro machinegun crylink hlac hagar shotgun laser rifle tuba minelayer" "Desired weapons for middle distances ordered by priority"
-set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_close "vaporizer shotgun vortex machinegun hlac tuba seeker hagar crylink grenadelauncher electro rocketlauncher laser fireball rifle minelayer" "Desired weapons for close distances ordered by priority"
+set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_far "vaporizer vortex rifle electro devastator grenadelauncher hagar hlac crylink laser machinegun fireball seeker shotgun tuba minelayer" "Desired weapons for far distances ordered by priority"
+set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_mid "vaporizer devastator vortex fireball seeker mortar electro machinegun crylink hlac hagar shotgun blaster rifle tuba minelayer arc shockwave" "Desired weapons for middle distances ordered by priority"
+set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_close "vaporizer shotgun vortex machinegun hlac tuba seeker hagar crylink mortar electro rocketlauncher blaster fireball rifle minelayer arc shockwave" "Desired weapons for close distances ordered by priority"
set bot_ai_weapon_combo 1 "Enable bots to do weapon combos"
set bot_ai_weapon_combo_threshold 0.4 "Try to make a combo N seconds after the last attack"
set bot_ai_friends_aware_pickup_radius "500" "Bots will not pickup items if a team mate is this distance near the item"