jmp_buf host_abortframe;
+// random seed
+cvar_t sv_random_seed = {0, "sv_random_seed", "", "random seed; when set, on every map start this random seed is used to initialize the random number generator. Don't touch it unless for benchmarking or debugging"};
// pretend frames take this amount of time (in seconds), 0 = realtime
cvar_t host_framerate = {0, "host_framerate","0", "locks frame timing to this value in seconds, 0.05 is 20fps for example, note that this can easily run too fast, use host_maxfps if you want to limit your framerate instead, or sys_ticrate to limit server speed"};
// shows time used by certain subsystems
Cmd_AddCommand("saveconfig", Host_SaveConfig_f, "save settings to config.cfg immediately (also automatic when quitting)");
Cmd_AddCommand("loadconfig", Host_LoadConfig_f, "reset everything and reload configs");
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_random_seed);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&host_framerate);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&host_speeds);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&slowmo);
// keep the random time dependent
- rand();
+ if(!*sv_random_seed.string)
+ rand();
cl.islocalgame = NetConn_IsLocalGame();
cvar_t sv_ratelimitlocalplayer = {0, "sv_ratelimitlocalplayer", "0", "whether to apply rate limiting to the local player in a listen server (only useful for testing)"};
cvar_t sv_maxrate = {CVAR_SAVE | CVAR_NOTIFY, "sv_maxrate", "10000", "upper limit on client rate cvar, should reflect your network connection quality"};
+extern cvar_t sv_random_seed;
static cvar_t sv_cullentities_pvs = {0, "sv_cullentities_pvs", "1", "fast but loose culling of hidden entities"}; // fast but loose
static cvar_t sv_cullentities_trace = {0, "sv_cullentities_trace", "0", "somewhat slow but very tight culling of hidden entities, minimizes network traffic and makes wallhack cheats useless"}; // tends to get false negatives, uses a timeout to keep entities visible a short time after becoming hidden
static cvar_t sv_cullentities_stats = {0, "sv_cullentities_stats", "0", "displays stats on network entities culled by various methods for each client"};
// level's data which is no longer valiud
cls.signon = 0;
+ if(*sv_random_seed.string)
+ {
+ srand(sv_random_seed.integer);
+ Con_Printf("NOTE: random seed is %d; use for debugging/benchmarking only!\nUnset sv_random_seed to get real random numbers again.\n", sv_random_seed.integer);
+ }
SV_VM_Setup(); = true;