- if(sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker))
- if(this.health < 25 || !(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype).spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_CANCLIMB) || take > 20 || attacker != this)
- if(this.health > 1)
- // exclude pain sounds for laserjumps as long as you aren't REALLY low on health and would die of the next two
+ if (sound_allowed(MSG_BROADCAST, attacker)
+ // exclude pain sounds for laserjumps as long as you aren't REALLY low on health and would die of the next two
+ && (this.health < 25 || !(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype).spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_CANCLIMB) || take > 20 || attacker != this)
+ && this.health > 1)
if(deathtype == DEATH_FALL.m_id)
PlayerSound(this, playersound_fall, CH_PAIN, VOL_BASE, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND);
- [\t ]*
- [^{}\n].*\n
- \{
- (?<block> # the more options here and inside, the fewer results because some overlap
- [^{}]*
- |
- [^{}]*
- \{
- (?&block)*
- \}
- [^{}]*
- |
- (?:
+ (?<then_indent>
+ [\t ]*
+ )
+ (?<then>
+ [^{}\n].*\n
+ |
+ \{
+ (?<block>
- \{
+ |
+ \{
+ (?&block)*
+ |
+ (?:
+ [^{}]*
+ \{
+ [^{}]*
+ \}
+ [^{}]*
+ )+
- )+
- \}
+ \}
+ )
""", regex.VERBOSE)
-# TODO remove <then> and rerun to see overlapping
# TODO try removing \n from nested exprs
def count_indents(whitespace: str):
- print("counting: >{}<".format(whitespace))
- print("type:", type(whitespace))
count = 0.0
for c in whitespace:
- print(ord(c))
if c == '\t':
count += 1.0
elif c == ' ':
count += 0.25
- print("WARNING - non whitespace: >{}<".format(c))
+ assert False
if not count.is_integer():
- print("WARNING - not integer")
+ print("WARNING - non-integer sized indent")
return count
print("first comm:", first_comment)
print("other conds:", other_conds)
print("other comms:", other_comments)
- print("then:", then) # TODO check for comments
+ print("then:", then)
if then.startswith("if"):
print("WARNING - then if", count_indents(indent), count_indents(then_indent))
+ if then.startswith("//") or then.startswith("/*"):
+ print("WARNING - then comment", count_indents(indent), count_indents(then_indent))
#print("captures expr1:", match.captures('expr1'))
#print("captures expr2:", match.captures('expr2'))
#if logical_ops: # TODO per cond