log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# This is the main index - the entry point to the entire site
def main_index(request):
+ """
+ This is the main entry point to the entire site.
+ """
log.debug("testing logging; entered MainHandler.index()")
return {'project':'xonstat'}
-# This is the player views area - only views pertaining to Xonotic players
-# and their related information goes here
def player_index(request):
+ """
+ Provides a list of all the current players.
+ """
players = DBSession.query(Player)
log.debug("testing logging; entered PlayerHandler.index()")
return {'players':players}
def player_info(request):
+ """
+ Provides detailed information on a specific player
+ """
player_id = request.matchdict['id']
player = DBSession.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=player_id).one()
def player_game_index(request):
+ """
+ Provides an index of the games in which a particular
+ player was involved. This is ordered by game_id, with
+ the most recent game_ids first. Paginated.
+ """
player_id = request.matchdict['player_id']
if 'page' in request.matchdict:
def player_weapon_stats(request):
+ """
+ List the accuracy statistics for the given player_id in a particular
+ game.
+ """
game_id = request.matchdict['game_id']
pgstat_id = request.matchdict['pgstat_id']
return {'pwstats':pwstats, 'pgstat':pgstat, 'game':game}
-# This is the game views area - only views pertaining to Xonotic
-# games and their related information goes here
def game_index(request):
+ """
+ Provides a list of current games, with the associated game stats.
+ These games are ordered by game_id, with the most current ones first.
+ Paginated.
+ """
if 'page' in request.matchdict:
current_page = request.matchdict['page']
def game_info(request):
+ """
+ List the game stats (scoreboard) for a particular game. Paginated.
+ """
game_id = request.matchdict['id']
notfound = False
-# This is the server views area - only views pertaining to Xonotic
-# servers and their related information goes here
def server_info(request):
+ """
+ List the stored information about a given server.
+ """
server_id = request.matchdict['id']
server = DBSession.query(Server).filter_by(server_id=server_id).one()
def server_game_index(request):
+ """
+ List the games played on a given server. Paginated.
+ """
server_id = request.matchdict['server_id']
current_page = request.matchdict['page']
-# This is the map views area - only views pertaining to Xonotic
-# maps and their related information goes here
def map_info(request):
+ """
+ List the information stored about a given map.
+ """
map_id = request.matchdict['id']
gmap = DBSession.query(Map).filter_by(map_id=map_id).one()
return {'gmap':gmap}
-# This is the stats views area - only views pertaining to Xonotic
-# statistics and its related information goes here
def get_or_create_server(session=None, name=None):
+ """
+ Find a server by name or create one if not found. Parameters:
+ session - SQLAlchemy database session factory
+ name - server name of the server to be found or created
+ """
# find one by that name, if it exists
server = session.query(Server).filter_by(name=name).one()
return server
def get_or_create_map(session=None, name=None):
+ """
+ Find a map by name or create one if not found. Parameters:
+ session - SQLAlchemy database session factory
+ name - map name of the map to be found or created
+ """
# find one by the name, if it exists
gmap = session.query(Map).filter_by(name=name).one()
return gmap
def create_game(session=None, start_dt=None, game_type_cd=None,
server_id=None, map_id=None, winner=None):
+ """
+ Creates a game. Parameters:
+ session - SQLAlchemy database session factory
+ start_dt - when the game started (datetime object)
+ game_type_cd - the game type of the game being played
+ server_id - server identifier of the server hosting the game
+ map_id - map on which the game was played
+ winner - the team id of the team that won
+ """
game = Game(start_dt=start_dt, game_type_cd=game_type_cd,
server_id=server_id, map_id=map_id, winner=winner)
return game
-# search for a player and if found, create a new one (w/ hashkey)
def get_or_create_player(session=None, hashkey=None, nick=None):
+ """
+ Finds a player by hashkey or creates a new one (along with a
+ corresponding hashkey entry. Parameters:
+ session - SQLAlchemy database session factory
+ hashkey - hashkey of the player to be found or created
+ nick - nick of the player (in case of a first time create)
+ """
# if we have a bot
if re.search('^bot#\d+$', hashkey):
player = session.query(Player).filter_by(player_id=1).one()
def create_player_game_stat(session=None, player=None,
game=None, player_events=None):
+ """
+ Creates game statistics for a given player in a given game. Parameters:
+ session - SQLAlchemy session factory
+ player - Player record of the player who owns the stats
+ game - Game record for the game to which the stats pertain
+ player_events - dictionary for the actual stats that need to be transformed
+ """
# in here setup default values (e.g. if game type is CTF then
# set kills=0, score=0, captures=0, pickups=0, fckills=0, etc
def create_player_weapon_stats(session=None, player=None,
game=None, pgstat=None, player_events=None):
+ """
+ Creates accuracy records for each weapon used by a given player in a
+ given game. Parameters:
+ session - SQLAlchemy session factory object
+ player - Player record who owns the weapon stats
+ game - Game record in which the stats were created
+ pgstat - Corresponding PlayerGameStat record for these weapon stats
+ player_events - dictionary containing the raw weapon values that need to be
+ transformed
+ """
pwstats = []
for (key,value) in player_events.items():
def parse_body(request):
+ """
+ Parses the POST request body for a stats submission
+ """
# storage vars for the request body
game_meta = {}
player_events = {}
def create_player_stats(session=None, player=None, game=None,
+ """
+ Creates player game and weapon stats according to what type of player
+ """
if 'joins' in player_events and 'matches' in player_events\
and 'scoreboardvalid' in player_events:
pgstat = create_player_game_stat(session=session,
def stats_submit(request):
+ """
+ Entry handler for POST stats submissions.
+ """
session = DBSession()