+#splint flags
+ -redef \
+ -noeffect \
+ -nullderef \
+ -usedef \
+ -type \
+ -mustfreeonly \
+ -nullstate \
+ -varuse \
+ -mustfreefresh \
+ -compdestroy \
+ -compmempass \
+ -nullpass \
+ -onlytrans \
+ -predboolint \
+ -boolops \
+ -exportlocal \
+ -incondefs \
+ -macroredef \
+ -retvalint \
+ -nullret \
+ -predboolothers \
+ -globstate \
+ -dependenttrans \
+ -branchstate \
+ -compdef \
+ -temptrans \
+ -usereleased \
+ -warnposix \
+ -shiftimplementation \
+ +charindex \
+ -kepttrans \
+ -unqualifiedtrans \
+ +matchanyintegral \
+ -bufferoverflowhigh \
+ +voidabstract \
+ -nullassign \
+ -unrecog \
+ -casebreak \
+ -retvalbool \
+ -retvalother \
+ -mayaliasunique \
+ -realcompare \
+ -observertrans \
+ -shiftnegative \
+ -freshtrans \
+ -abstract \
+ -statictrans \
+ -castfcnptr
#standard rules
default: all
%.o: %.c
rm -f *.o $(GMQCC) $(QCVM) $(TESTSUITE) *.dat
- @ ./splint.sh
+ @ splint $(SPLINTFLAGS) *.c *.h
@makedepend -Y -w 65536 2> /dev/null \
+++ /dev/null
-#these are stupid flags ... i.e to inhibit warnings that are just stupid
- -redef \
- -noeffect \
- -nullderef \
- -usedef \
- -type \
- -mustfreeonly \
- -nullstate \
- -varuse \
- -mustfreefresh \
- -compdestroy \
- -compmempass \
- -nullpass \
- -onlytrans \
- -predboolint \
- -boolops \
- -exportlocal \
- -incondefs \
- -macroredef \
- -retvalint \
- -nullret \
- -predboolothers \
- -globstate \
- -dependenttrans \
- -branchstate \
- -compdef \
- -temptrans \
- -usereleased \
- -warnposix"
-#flags that have no place anywhere else
-#mostly stupid
- -shiftimplementation \
- +charindex \
- -kepttrans \
- -unqualifiedtrans \
- +matchanyintegral \
- -bufferoverflowhigh \
- +voidabstract"
-#these are flags that MAYBE shouldn't be required
-# -nullassign should be surpressed in code with /*@null*/
-# (although that might be odd?)
- -nullassign \
- -unrecog \
- -casebreak \
- -retvalbool \
- -retvalother \
- -mayaliasunique \
- -realcompare \
- -observertrans \
- -shiftnegative \
- -freshtrans \
- -abstract \
- -statictrans"
-#these are flags that shouldn't be required. I.e tofix in code so that
-#these don't need to be here to onhibit the warning
-# remove one flag from here at a time while fixing the code so that
- -castfcnptr"