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+;Adds a white border and a faint glow, based on the alpha channel
+;Input: fileIn borderGrow borderFeather objectShrink objectFeather glowBlur
+(define (whiteborder fileIn glowBlur borderGrow borderFeather objectShrink objectFeather)
+ (let*
+ (
+ (image (car (gimp-file-load 1 fileIn fileIn)))
+ (bottomLayer (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image)))
+ (middleLayer (car (gimp-layer-new-from-drawable bottomLayer image)))
+ (topLayer (car (gimp-layer-new-from-drawable bottomLayer image)))
+ (borderColor '(255 255 255))
+ (borderGlow '(223 223 223))
+ )
+ ;add layers
+ (gimp-image-add-layer image middleLayer -1)
+ (gimp-image-add-layer image topLayer -1)
+ ;bottom layer: create extended glow siluette of the object
+ (gimp-context-set-foreground borderGlow)
+ (gimp-selection-layer-alpha bottomLayer)
+ (gimp-selection-grow image (- borderGrow 1))
+ (gimp-selection-feather image borderFeather)
+ (gimp-edit-fill bottomLayer 0)
+ (gimp-selection-none image)
+ (plug-in-gauss-rle 1 image bottomLayer glowBlur 1 1)
+ ;middle layer: create extended siluette of the object
+ (gimp-context-set-foreground borderColor)
+ (gimp-selection-layer-alpha middleLayer)
+ (gimp-selection-grow image borderGrow)
+ (gimp-selection-feather image borderFeather)
+ (gimp-edit-fill middleLayer 0)
+ ;top layer: reduce border of the object on the top layer
+ (gimp-selection-layer-alpha topLayer)
+ (gimp-selection-shrink image objectShrink)
+ (gimp-selection-feather image objectFeather)
+ (gimp-selection-invert image)
+ (gimp-edit-clear topLayer)
+ ;merge and save
+ (set! bottomLayer (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers image 1)))
+ (gimp-file-save 1 image bottomLayer fileIn fileIn)
+ (gimp-image-delete image)
+ )
--- /dev/null
+#Requires Gimp and ~/.gimp*/scripts/whiteborder.scm
+#Adds a white border and a faint glow to the specified images, based on their alpha channel.
+#WARNING: Overwrites existing image files.
+gimp -d -f -i \
+-b '(whiteborder "ammo_bullets.png" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "ammo_cells.png" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "ammo_fuel.png" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "ammo_rocket.png" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "ammo_shells.png" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "armor.png" 16 3 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "health.png" 16 3 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponcampingrifle.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponcrylink.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponelectro.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponfireball.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weapongrenadelauncher.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponhagar.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weapon_hlacmod_renameit.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponhlac.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponhook.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponlaser.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponminstanex.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponnex.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponporto.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponrocketlauncher.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponseeker.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponshotgun.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weapontuba.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(whiteborder "weaponuzi.tga" 16 2 4 1 3)' \
+-b '(gimp-quit 0)'