-d (Mabus) darkplaces loading: test zlib support with entirely pk3'd id1 data (should crash because of zlib not being setup early enough - fix this) (Mabus)
-d (RenegadeC) darkplaces sound: make sound engine restart ambients after a restart (RenegadeC)
-d (Toddd) darkplaces client: fix gl_flashblend, it's still drawing rtdlights even when gl_flashblend is on (Toddd)
+-d (Urre) darkplaces server: add DP_HALFLIFE_SPRITE extension (Urre)
-d (Vermeulen) darkplaces renderer: bloom effect (Vermeulen)
-d (Zenex) darkplaces general: make all text parsing routines support Mac newlines; \r with no \n (Zenex)
-d (flum) darkplaces client: corona on your own muzzleflash is annoying when looking down because it can be seen, disable corona on all muzzleflashes (flum)
0 darkplaces renderer: make sure that the texture fragment allocator can upload a full size block that uses the entire image, this may involve width/height comparisons needing a + 1 (fuh)
0 darkplaces renderer: reverse corona traceline direction so that a player in solid can see coronas (Urre)
0 darkplaces server: PF_vectorvectors is broken, given a v_forward from makevectors (not using roll) it does not give the same v_right and v_up vectors (VorteX)
-0 darkplaces server: add DP_HALFLIFESPRITE extension (Urre)
0 darkplaces server: add DP_QC_STRTOKEN extension with these functions: float strtokens(string s, string separator) = #;string strtoken(string s, string separator, float index) = #; (FrikaC)
0 darkplaces server: add DP_QC_WRITESTRING2 extension, same as writestring but does not write trailing 0 (shadowalker)
0 darkplaces server: add DP_SV_DRAWONLYTOTEAM extension (Supajoe)