<a href="${request.route_url("map_info", id=map.map_id)}" name="Map info page for ${map.name}">${map.name}</a> on <a href="${request.route_url("server_info", id=server.server_id)}" name="Server info page for ${server.name}">${server.name}</a> (<a href="${request.route_url('game_info', id=game.game_id)}" name="Permalink for game #${game.game_id}">permalink</a> for this game)\r
-<div align="center">\r
## show scoreboard using a def from another file\r
${scoreboard(game.game_type_cd, pgstats[game.game_id])}\r
% endfor\r
% endif\r
##### SCOREBOARD #####
${scoreboard(game.game_type_cd, pgstats)}
-<br />
-<br />
##### ACCURACY #####
% for pgstat in pgstats:
% if pgstat.player_game_stat_id in pwstats:
-<a name="accuracy-${pgstat.player_game_stat_id}" />Accuracy for ${pgstat.nick_html_colors()}:
+Accuracy for <a href="${request.route_url('player_info', id=pgstat.player_id)}" title="Go to the player detail page for this player">${pgstat.nick_html_colors()}</a>:
<br />
<br />
+<% i = 1 %>\r
% for (player_id, nick, score) in top_players:\r
+ <td>${i}</td>\r
% if player_id != '-':\r
- <td><a href="${request.route_url('player_info', id=player_id)}" title="Go to the player info page for this player">${player_id}</a></td>\r
+ <td><a href="${request.route_url('player_info', id=player_id)}" title="Go to the player info page for this player">${nick}</a></td>\r
% else:\r
- <td>${player_id}</td>\r
- % endif\r
+ % endif\r
+ <% i = i+1 %>\r
% endfor\r
+<% i = 1 %>\r
% for (server_id, name, count) in top_servers:\r
+ <td>${i}</td>\r
% if server_id != '-':\r
- <td><a href="${request.route_url('server_info', id=server_id)}" title="Go to the server info page for this server">${server_id}</a></td>\r
+ <td><a href="${request.route_url('server_info', id=server_id)}" title="Go to the server info page for ${name}">${name}</a></td>\r
% else:\r
- <td>${server_id}</td>\r
- % endif\r
+ % endif\r
+ <% i = i+1 %>\r
% endfor\r
<th>Times Played</th>\r
+<% i = 1 %>\r
% for (map_id, name, count) in top_maps:\r
+ <td>${i}</td>\r
% if map_id != '-':\r
- <td><a href="${request.route_url('map_info', id=map_id)}" title="Go to the map info page for this map">${map_id}</a></td>\r
+ <td><a href="${request.route_url('map_info', id=map_id)}" title="Go to the map info page for ${name}">${name}</a></td>\r
% else:\r
- <td>${map_id}</td>\r
- % endif\r
+ % endif\r
+ <% i = i+1 %>\r
% endfor\r
</div> <!-- END LEADERBOARD -->\r
<th>Game #</th>\r
+ <th>Type</th>\r
% for (game, server, map) in recent_games:\r
% if game != '-':\r
- <td>${game.game_id}</td>\r
- <td>${server.name}</td>\r
- <td>${map.name}</td>\r
- <td>${game.start_dt}</td>\r
+ <td><a href="${request.route_url('game_info', id=game.game_id)}" title="View detailed information about this game">${game.game_id}</a></td>\r
+ <td>${game.game_type_cd}</td>\r
+ <td><a href="${request.route_url('server_info', id=server.server_id)}" title="Go to the detail page for this server">${server.name}</a></td>\r
+ <td><a href="${request.route_url('map_info', id=map.map_id)}" title="Go to the map detail page for this map">${map.name}</a></td>\r
+ <td>${game.start_dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M')}</td>\r
% else:\r
+ <td>-</td>\r
% endif\r
% endfor\r
##### STATS #####
% if game_stats:
<h2>Overall Game Stats</h2>
-<table class="accuracy-table" border="1" cellpadding="3" align="center">
+<table class="accuracy-table" border="1" cellpadding="3">
<td class="header-cell">Playing Time</td><td>${game_stats['total_alivetime']}</td>
<td class="header-cell">Drops</td><td>${game_stats['total_drops']}</td>
##### RECENT GAMES (v2) ####
% if recent_games:
<h2>Recent Games</h2>
-<table class="accuracy-table" border="1" cellpadding="3" align="center">
+<table border="1" cellpadding="3">
<tr class='table-header'>
<td>Game Type</td>