self.goalstack29 = self.goalstack30;
self.goalstack30 = self.goalstack31;
self.goalstack31 = world;
- };
+ }
+float navigation_waypoint_will_link(vector v, vector org, entity ent, float walkfromwp, float bestdist)
+ float dist;
+ dist = vlen(v - org);
+ if (bestdist > dist)
+ {
+ traceline(v, org, TRUE, ent);
+ if (trace_fraction == 1)
+ {
+ if (walkfromwp)
+ {
+ if (tracewalk(ent, v, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, org, bot_navigation_movemode))
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (tracewalk(ent, org, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, v, bot_navigation_movemode))
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
// find the spawnfunc_waypoint near a dynamic goal such as a dropped weapon
-entity navigation_findnearestwaypoint(entity ent, float walkfromwp)
+entity navigation_findnearestwaypoint_withdist(entity ent, float walkfromwp, float bestdist)
- local entity waylist, w, best;
- local vector v, org, pm1, pm2;
+ entity waylist, w, best;
- float dist, bestdist;
++ float dist;
+ vector v, org, pm1, pm2;
pm1 = ent.origin + ent.mins;
pm2 = ent.origin + ent.maxs;
waylist = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
player = find(player, classname, "player");
- };
+ }
+float botframe_autowaypoints_fixdown(vector v)
+ tracebox(v, PL_MIN, PL_MAX, v + '0 0 -64', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, world);
+ if(trace_fraction >= 1)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+float botframe_autowaypoints_createwp(vector v, entity p, .entity fld)
+ entity w;
+ w = find(world, classname, "waypoint");
+ while (w)
+ {
+ // if a matching spawnfunc_waypoint already exists, don't add a duplicate
+ if (boxesoverlap(v - '32 32 32', v + '32 32 32', w.absmin, w.absmax))
+ //if (boxesoverlap(v - '4 4 4', v + '4 4 4', w.absmin, w.absmax))
+ return 0;
+ w = find(w, classname, "waypoint");
+ }
+ waypoint_schedulerelink(p.fld = waypoint_spawn(v, v, 0));
+ return 1;
+// return value:
+// 1 = WP created
+// 0 = no action needed
+// -1 = temp fail, try from world too
+// -2 = permanent fail, do not retry
+float botframe_autowaypoints_fix_from(entity p, float walkfromwp, entity wp, .entity fld)
+ // make it possible to go from p to wp, if we can
+ // if wp is world, nearest is chosen
+ entity w;
+ vector porg;
+ float t, tmin, tmax;
+ vector o;
+ vector save;
+ if(!botframe_autowaypoints_fixdown(p.origin))
+ return -2;
+ porg = trace_endpos;
+ if(wp)
+ {
+ // if any WP w fulfills wp -> w -> porg, then switch from wp to w
+ // if wp -> porg, then OK
+ float maxdist;
+ if(navigation_waypoint_will_link(wp.origin, porg, p, walkfromwp, 1050))
+ {
+ // we may find a better one
+ maxdist = vlen(wp.origin - porg);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // accept any "good"
+ maxdist = 2100;
+ }
+ float bestdist;
+ bestdist = maxdist;
+ w = find(world, classname, "waypoint");
+ while (w)
+ {
+ if(w != wp && !(w.wpflags & WAYPOINTFLAG_NORELINK))
+ {
+ float d;
+ d = vlen(wp.origin - w.origin) + vlen(w.origin - porg);
+ if(d < bestdist)
+ if(navigation_waypoint_will_link(wp.origin, w.origin, p, walkfromwp, 1050))
+ if(navigation_waypoint_will_link(w.origin, porg, p, walkfromwp, 1050))
+ {
+ bestdist = d;
+ p.fld = w;
+ }
+ }
+ w = find(w, classname, "waypoint");
+ }
+ if(bestdist < maxdist)
+ {
+ print("update chain to new nearest WP ", etos(p.fld), "\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(bestdist < 2100)
+ {
+ // we know maxdist < 2100
+ // so wp -> porg is still valid
+ // all is good
+ p.fld = wp;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // otherwise, no existing WP can fix our issues
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ save = p.origin;
+ setorigin(p, porg);
+ w = navigation_findnearestwaypoint(p, walkfromwp);
+ setorigin(p, save);
+ if(w)
+ {
+ p.fld = w;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ tmin = 0;
+ tmax = 1;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if(tmax - tmin < 0.001)
+ {
+ // did not get a good candidate
+ return -1;
+ }
+ t = (tmin + tmax) * 0.5;
+ o = antilag_takebackorigin(p, time - t);
+ if(!botframe_autowaypoints_fixdown(o))
+ return -1;
+ o = trace_endpos;
+ if(wp)
+ {
+ if(!navigation_waypoint_will_link(wp.origin, o, p, walkfromwp, 1050))
+ {
+ // we cannot walk from wp.origin to o
+ // get closer to tmax
+ tmin = t;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ save = p.origin;
+ setorigin(p, o);
+ w = navigation_findnearestwaypoint(p, walkfromwp);
+ setorigin(p, save);
+ if(!w)
+ {
+ // we cannot walk from any WP to o
+ // get closer to tmax
+ tmin = t;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // if we get here, o is valid regarding waypoints
+ // check if o is connected right to the player
+ // we break if it succeeds, as that means o is a good waypoint location
+ if(navigation_waypoint_will_link(o, porg, p, walkfromwp, 1050))
+ break;
+ // o is no good, we need to get closer to the player
+ tmax = t;
+ }
+ print("spawning a waypoint for connecting to ", etos(wp), "\n");
+ botframe_autowaypoints_createwp(o, p, fld);
+ return 1;
+// automatically create missing waypoints
+.entity botframe_autowaypoints_lastwp0, botframe_autowaypoints_lastwp1;
+void botframe_autowaypoints_fix(entity p, float walkfromwp, .entity fld)
+ float r;
+ r = botframe_autowaypoints_fix_from(p, walkfromwp, p.fld, fld);
+ if(r != -1)
+ return;
+ r = botframe_autowaypoints_fix_from(p, walkfromwp, world, fld);
+ if(r != -1)
+ return;
+ print("emergency: got no good nearby WP to build a link from, starting a new chain\n");
+ if(!botframe_autowaypoints_fixdown(p.origin))
+ return; // shouldn't happen, caught above
+ botframe_autowaypoints_createwp(trace_endpos, p, fld);
+void botframe_autowaypoints()
+ entity p;
+ entity wp0, wp1;
+ {
+ if(p.deadflag)
+ continue;
+ // going back is broken, so only fix waypoints to walk TO the player
+ //botframe_autowaypoints_fix(p, FALSE, botframe_autowaypoints_lastwp0);
+ botframe_autowaypoints_fix(p, TRUE, botframe_autowaypoints_lastwp1);
+ //te_explosion(p.botframe_autowaypoints_lastwp0.origin);
+ }