#include <server/command/vote.qh>
#include <server/client.qh>
#include <server/gamelog.qh>
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <server/damage.qh>
#include <server/world.qh>
#include <server/items/items.qh>
#include <server/race.qh>
#include <server/world.qh>
#include <server/gamelog.qh>
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <server/items/spawning.qh>
#include <server/weapons/common.qh>
#include <common/mapobjects/triggers.qh>
#include <server/client.qh>
#include <server/world.qh>
#include <server/gamelog.qh>
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <server/race.qh>
#include <common/ent_cs.qh>
#include <common/mapobjects/triggers.qh>
#include "sv_sandbox.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
string autocvar_g_sandbox;
int autocvar_g_sandbox_info;
bool autocvar_g_sandbox_readonly;
#include <server/client.qh>
#include "../server/anticheat.qh"
#include <common/stats.qh>
+ #include <server/intermission.qh>
#include "../server/scores.qh"
#include <server/world.qh>
#include "../server/weapons/accuracy.qh"
#include <server/handicap.qc>
#include <server/hook.qc>
#include <server/impulse.qc>
+#include <server/intermission.qc>
#include <server/ipban.qc>
#include <server/main.qc>
#include <server/mapvoting.qc>
#include <server/handicap.qh>
#include <server/hook.qh>
#include <server/impulse.qh>
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <server/ipban.qh>
#include <server/main.qh>
#include <server/mapvoting.qh>
#include <common/stats.qh>
#include "cheats.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include "miscfunctions.qh"
#include "world.qh"
#include "damage.qh"
#include "handicap.qh"
#include "hook.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include "command/common.qh"
#include "command/vote.qh"
#include "clientkill.qh"
#pragma once
#include "utils.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <common/replicate.qh>
#include <common/sounds/all.qh>
int nJoinAllowed(entity this, entity ignore);
-void FixIntermissionClient(entity e);
void checkSpectatorBlock(entity this);
void PlayerUseKey(entity this);
#include <common/weapons/_all.qh>
#include <common/stats.qh>
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <server/world.qh>
#include <server/miscfunctions.qh>
#include "../world.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <common/util.qh>
#include <lib/csqcmodel/sv_model.qh>
#include "../world.qh"
#include "../ipban.qh"
#include "../teamplay.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include "../bot/api.qh"
bool shuffleteams_on_reset_map;
void shuffleteams();
-string GotoMap(string m);
void race_deleteTime(string map, float pos);
// used by common/command/generic.qc:GenericCommand_dumpcommands to list all commands into a .txt file
#include "common.qh"
#include "../damage.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include "../world.qh"
#include "../teamplay.qh"
#include "../race.qh"
Net_LinkEntity(missile, false, 0, GrapplingHookSend);
-void GrappleHookInit()
+// NOTE: using PRECACHE here to make sure it's called after everything else
.float hook_state;
.int state;
-void GrappleHookInit();
vector hook_shotorigin[4];
--- /dev/null
+#include "mapvoting.qh"
+#include <common/mapinfo.qh>
+#include <common/util.qh>
+#include <server/bot/api.qh>
+#include <server/campaign.qh>
+#include <server/client.qh>
+#include <server/mapvoting.qh>
+#include <server/scores_rules.qh>
+#include <server/world.qh>
+string GetGametype()
+ return MapInfo_Type_ToString(MapInfo_LoadedGametype);
+string GetMapname()
+ return mapname;
+float Map_Count, Map_Current;
+string Map_Current_Name;
+// NOTE: this now expects the map list to be already tokenized and the count in Map_Count
+int GetMaplistPosition()
+ string map = GetMapname();
+ int idx = autocvar_g_maplist_index;
+ if(idx >= 0)
+ {
+ if(idx < Map_Count)
+ {
+ if(map == argv(idx))
+ {
+ return idx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(int pos = 0; pos < Map_Count; ++pos)
+ {
+ if(map == argv(pos))
+ return pos;
+ }
+ // resume normal maplist rotation if current map is not in g_maplist
+ return idx;
+bool MapHasRightSize(string map)
+ int minplayers = max(0, floor(autocvar_minplayers));
+ if (teamplay)
+ minplayers = max(0, floor(autocvar_minplayers_per_team) * AvailableTeams());
+ if (autocvar_g_maplist_check_waypoints
+ && (currentbots || autocvar_bot_number || player_count < minplayers))
+ {
+ string checkwp_msg = strcat("checkwp ", map);
+ if(!fexists(strcat("maps/", map, ".waypoints")))
+ {
+ LOG_TRACE(checkwp_msg, ": no waypoints");
+ return false;
+ }
+ LOG_TRACE(checkwp_msg, ": has waypoints");
+ }
+ if(autocvar_g_maplist_ignore_sizes)
+ return true;
+ // open map size restriction file
+ string opensize_msg = strcat("opensize ", map);
+ float fh = fopen(strcat("maps/", map, ".sizes"), FILE_READ);
+ int player_limit = ((autocvar_g_maplist_sizes_count_maxplayers) ? GetPlayerLimit() : 0);
+ int pcount = ((player_limit > 0) ? min(player_count, player_limit) : player_count); // bind it to the player limit so that forced spectators don't influence the limits
+ if(!autocvar_g_maplist_sizes_count_bots)
+ pcount -= currentbots;
+ if(fh >= 0)
+ {
+ opensize_msg = strcat(opensize_msg, ": ok, ");
+ int mapmin = stoi(fgets(fh));
+ int mapmax = stoi(fgets(fh));
+ fclose(fh);
+ if(pcount < mapmin)
+ {
+ LOG_TRACE(opensize_msg, "not enough");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(mapmax && pcount > mapmax)
+ {
+ LOG_TRACE(opensize_msg, "too many");
+ return false;
+ }
+ LOG_TRACE(opensize_msg, "right size");
+ return true;
+ }
+ LOG_TRACE(opensize_msg, ": not found");
+ return true;
+string Map_Filename(int position)
+ return strcat("maps/", argv(position), ".bsp");
+void Map_MarkAsRecent(string m)
+ cvar_set("g_maplist_mostrecent", strwords(cons(m, autocvar_g_maplist_mostrecent), max(0, autocvar_g_maplist_mostrecent_count)));
+bool Map_IsRecent(string m)
+ return strhasword(autocvar_g_maplist_mostrecent, m);
+bool Map_Check(int position, float pass)
+ string filename;
+ string map_next;
+ map_next = argv(position);
+ if(pass <= 1)
+ {
+ if(Map_IsRecent(map_next))
+ return false;
+ }
+ filename = Map_Filename(position);
+ if(MapInfo_CheckMap(map_next))
+ {
+ if(pass == 2)
+ return true;
+ if(MapHasRightSize(map_next))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ LOG_DEBUG( "Couldn't select '", filename, "'..." );
+ return false;
+void Map_Goto_SetStr(string nextmapname)
+ if(getmapname_stored != "")
+ strunzone(getmapname_stored);
+ if(nextmapname == "")
+ getmapname_stored = "";
+ else
+ getmapname_stored = strzone(nextmapname);
+void Map_Goto_SetFloat(float position)
+ cvar_set("g_maplist_index", ftos(position));
+ Map_Goto_SetStr(argv(position));
+void Map_Goto(float reinit)
+ MapInfo_LoadMap(getmapname_stored, reinit);
+// return codes of map selectors:
+// -1 = temporary failure (that is, try some method that is guaranteed to succeed)
+// -2 = permanent failure
+float MaplistMethod_Iterate() // usual method
+ float pass, i;
+ LOG_TRACE("Trying MaplistMethod_Iterate");
+ for(pass = 1; pass <= 2; ++pass)
+ {
+ for(i = 1; i < Map_Count; ++i)
+ {
+ float mapindex;
+ mapindex = (i + Map_Current) % Map_Count;
+ if(Map_Check(mapindex, pass))
+ return mapindex;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+float MaplistMethod_Repeat() // fallback method
+ LOG_TRACE("Trying MaplistMethod_Repeat");
+ if(Map_Check(Map_Current, 2))
+ return Map_Current;
+ return -2;
+float MaplistMethod_Random() // random map selection
+ float i, imax;
+ LOG_TRACE("Trying MaplistMethod_Random");
+ imax = 42;
+ for(i = 0; i <= imax; ++i)
+ {
+ float mapindex;
+ mapindex = (Map_Current + floor(random() * (Map_Count - 1) + 1)) % Map_Count; // any OTHER map
+ if(Map_Check(mapindex, 1))
+ return mapindex;
+ }
+ return -1;
+float MaplistMethod_Shuffle(float exponent) // more clever shuffling
+// the exponent sets a bias on the map selection:
+// the higher the exponent, the less likely "shortly repeated" same maps are
+ float i, j, imax, insertpos;
+ LOG_TRACE("Trying MaplistMethod_Shuffle");
+ imax = 42;
+ for(i = 0; i <= imax; ++i)
+ {
+ string newlist;
+ // now reinsert this at another position
+ insertpos = (random() ** (1 / exponent)); // ]0, 1]
+ insertpos = insertpos * (Map_Count - 1); // ]0, Map_Count - 1]
+ insertpos = ceil(insertpos) + 1; // {2, 3, 4, ..., Map_Count}
+ LOG_TRACE("SHUFFLE: insert pos = ", ftos(insertpos));
+ // insert the current map there
+ newlist = "";
+ for(j = 1; j < insertpos; ++j) // i == 1: no loop, will be inserted as first; however, i == 1 has been excluded above
+ newlist = strcat(newlist, " ", argv(j));
+ newlist = strcat(newlist, " ", argv(0)); // now insert the just selected map
+ for(j = insertpos; j < Map_Count; ++j) // i == Map_Count: no loop, has just been inserted as last
+ newlist = strcat(newlist, " ", argv(j));
+ newlist = substring(newlist, 1, strlen(newlist) - 1);
+ cvar_set("g_maplist", newlist);
+ Map_Count = tokenizebyseparator(autocvar_g_maplist, " ");
+ // NOTE: the selected map has just been inserted at (insertpos-1)th position
+ Map_Current = insertpos - 1; // this is not really valid, but this way the fallback has a chance of working
+ if(Map_Check(Map_Current, 1))
+ return Map_Current;
+ }
+ return -1;
+void Maplist_Init()
+ float i = Map_Count = 0;
+ if(autocvar_g_maplist != "")
+ {
+ Map_Count = tokenizebyseparator(autocvar_g_maplist, " ");
+ for (i = 0; i < Map_Count; ++i)
+ {
+ if (Map_Check(i, 2))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == Map_Count)
+ {
+ bprint( "Maplist contains no usable maps! Resetting it to default map list.\n" );
+ cvar_set("g_maplist", MapInfo_ListAllAllowedMaps(MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags() | MAPINFO_FLAG_NOAUTOMAPLIST));
+ if(autocvar_g_maplist_shuffle)
+ ShuffleMaplist();
+ if(!server_is_dedicated)
+ localcmd("\nmenu_cmd sync\n");
+ Map_Count = tokenizebyseparator(autocvar_g_maplist, " ");
+ }
+ if(Map_Count == 0)
+ error("empty maplist, cannot select a new map");
+ Map_Current = bound(0, GetMaplistPosition(), Map_Count - 1);
+ strcpy(Map_Current_Name, argv(Map_Current)); // will be automatically freed on exit thanks to DP
+ // this may or may not be correct, but who cares, in the worst case a map
+ // isn't chosen in the first pass that should have been
+string GetNextMap()
+ Maplist_Init();
+ float nextMap = -1;
+ if(nextMap == -1)
+ if(autocvar_g_maplist_shuffle > 0)
+ nextMap = MaplistMethod_Shuffle(autocvar_g_maplist_shuffle + 1);
+ if(nextMap == -1)
+ if(autocvar_g_maplist_selectrandom)
+ nextMap = MaplistMethod_Random();
+ if(nextMap == -1)
+ nextMap = MaplistMethod_Iterate();
+ if(nextMap == -1)
+ nextMap = MaplistMethod_Repeat();
+ if(nextMap >= 0)
+ {
+ Map_Goto_SetFloat(nextMap);
+ return getmapname_stored;
+ }
+ return "";
+float DoNextMapOverride(float reinit)
+ if(autocvar_g_campaign)
+ {
+ CampaignPostIntermission();
+ alreadychangedlevel = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(autocvar_quit_when_empty)
+ {
+ if(player_count <= currentbots)
+ {
+ localcmd("quit\n");
+ alreadychangedlevel = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(autocvar_quit_and_redirect != "")
+ {
+ redirection_target = strzone(autocvar_quit_and_redirect);
+ alreadychangedlevel = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!reinit && autocvar_samelevel) // if samelevel is set, stay on same level
+ {
+ localcmd("restart\n");
+ alreadychangedlevel = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(autocvar_nextmap != "")
+ {
+ string m;
+ m = GameTypeVote_MapInfo_FixName(autocvar_nextmap);
+ cvar_set("nextmap",m);
+ if(!m || gametypevote)
+ return false;
+ if(autocvar_sv_vote_gametype)
+ {
+ Map_Goto_SetStr(m);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(MapInfo_CheckMap(m))
+ {
+ Map_Goto_SetStr(m);
+ Map_Goto(reinit);
+ alreadychangedlevel = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!reinit && autocvar_lastlevel)
+ {
+ cvar_settemp_restore();
+ localcmd("set lastlevel 0\ntogglemenu 1\n");
+ alreadychangedlevel = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void GotoNextMap(float reinit)
+ //string nextmap;
+ //float n, nummaps;
+ //string s;
+ if (alreadychangedlevel)
+ return;
+ alreadychangedlevel = true;
+ string nextMap = GetNextMap();
+ if(nextMap == "")
+ error("Everything is broken - cannot find a next map. Please report this to the developers.");
+ Map_Goto(reinit);
+void ShuffleMaplist()
+ cvar_set("g_maplist", shufflewords(autocvar_g_maplist));
+string GotoMap(string m)
+ m = GameTypeVote_MapInfo_FixName(m);
+ if (!m)
+ return "The map you suggested is not available on this server.";
+ if (!autocvar_sv_vote_gametype)
+ if(!MapInfo_CheckMap(m))
+ return "The map you suggested does not support the current game mode.";
+ cvar_set("nextmap", m);
+ cvar_set("timelimit", "-1");
+ if(mapvote_initialized || alreadychangedlevel)
+ {
+ if(DoNextMapOverride(0))
+ return "Map switch initiated.";
+ else
+ return "Hm... no. For some reason I like THIS map more.";
+ }
+ else
+ return "Map switch will happen after scoreboard.";
+When the player presses attack or jump, change to the next level
+.float autoscreenshot;
+void IntermissionThink(entity this)
+ FixIntermissionClient(this);
+ float server_screenshot = (autocvar_sv_autoscreenshot && CS(this).cvar_cl_autoscreenshot);
+ float client_screenshot = (CS(this).cvar_cl_autoscreenshot == 2);
+ if( (server_screenshot || client_screenshot)
+ && ((this.autoscreenshot > 0) && (time > this.autoscreenshot)) )
+ {
+ this.autoscreenshot = -1;
+ if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) { stuffcmd(this, sprintf("\nscreenshot screenshots/autoscreenshot/%s-%s.jpg; echo \"^5A screenshot has been taken at request of the server.\"\n", GetMapname(), strftime(false, "%s"))); }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (time < intermission_exittime)
+ return;
+ if(!mapvote_initialized)
+ if (time < intermission_exittime + 10 && !(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_HOOK(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_USE(this)))
+ return;
+ MapVote_Start();
+void FixIntermissionClient(entity e)
+ if(!e.autoscreenshot) // initial call
+ {
+ e.autoscreenshot = time + 0.8; // used for autoscreenshot
+ SetResourceExplicit(e, RES_HEALTH, -2342);
+ // first intermission phase; voting phase has positive health (used to decide whether to send SVC_FINALE or not)
+ for (int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
+ {
+ .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
+ if(e.(weaponentity))
+ {
+ e.(weaponentity).effects = EF_NODRAW;
+ if (e.(weaponentity).weaponchild)
+ e.(weaponentity).weaponchild.effects = EF_NODRAW;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ stuffcmd(e, "\nscr_printspeed 1000000\n");
+ RandomSelection_Init();
+ FOREACH_WORD(autocvar_sv_intermission_cdtrack, true, {
+ RandomSelection_AddString(it, 1, 1);
+ });
+ if (RandomSelection_chosen_string != "")
+ {
+ stuffcmd(e, sprintf("\ncd loop %s\n", RandomSelection_chosen_string));
+ }
+ msg_entity = e;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#pragma once
+float intermission_running;
+float intermission_exittime;
+float alreadychangedlevel;
+string GetGametype();
+string GetMapname();
+void IntermissionThink(entity this);
+void FixIntermissionClient(entity e);
+void GotoNextMap(float reinit);
+bool Map_IsRecent(string m);
+string GetNextMap();
+void ShuffleMaplist();
+void Map_Goto_SetStr(string nextmapname);
+void Map_Goto(float reinit);
+void Map_MarkAsRecent(string m);
+float DoNextMapOverride(float reinit);
+string GotoMap(string m);
-.float remove_except_protected_forbidden;
void remove_except_protected(entity e)
/** print(), but only print if the server is not local */
void dedicated_print(string input);
+.float remove_except_protected_forbidden;
+void remove_except_protected(entity e);
void remove_safely(entity e);
void remove_unsafely(entity e);
#include <common/weapons/_all.qh>
#include <common/stats.qh>
#include <server/gamelog.qh>
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <server/miscfunctions.qh>
#include "world.qh"
#include "command/cmd.qh"
#include "world.qh"
#include <server/gamelog.qh>
#include "ipban.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <server/items/items.qh>
#include <server/mutators/_mod.qh>
#include <server/spawnpoints.qh>
#include <server/client.qh>
#include <server/world.qh>
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <server/items/items.qh>
#include <server/mutators/_mod.qh>
#include <common/weapons/_all.qh>
#include <common/stats.qh>
#include <server/damage.qh>
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <server/world.qh>
#include <server/miscfunctions.qh>
#include <server/weapons/common.qh>
#include "command/common.qh"
#include <common/weapons/_all.qh>
#include "client.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <server/world.qh>
#include <server/miscfunctions.qh>
#include <server/mutators/_mod.qh>
#include "../common/util.qh"
#include "../lib/warpzone/common.qh"
#include "../lib/warpzone/util_server.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <server/utils.qh>
#include <server/command/vote.qh>
#include "weaponstats.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
#include <common/weapons/_all.qh>
#include <common/stats.qh>
#include <server/miscfunctions.qh>
#include <server/gamelog.qh>
#include <server/damage.qh>
#include "ipban.qh"
+#include <server/intermission.qh>
+#include <server/main.qh>
#include "mapvoting.qh"
#include <server/mutators/_mod.qh>
#include "race.qh"
-string redirection_target;
float world_initialized;
void SetDefaultAlpha()
-void default_delayedinit(entity this)
+void GameplayMode_DelayedInit(entity this)
cache_mutatormsg = strzone("");
cache_lastmutatormsg = strzone("");
- InitializeEntity(NULL, default_delayedinit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE_FALLBACK);
+ InitializeEntity(NULL, GameplayMode_DelayedInit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE_FALLBACK);
-void Map_MarkAsRecent(string m);
-float world_already_spawned;
+bool world_already_spawned;
server_is_dedicated = boolean(stof(cvar_defstring("is_dedicated")));
- GrappleHookInit();
-string GetGametype()
- return MapInfo_Type_ToString(MapInfo_LoadedGametype);
-string GetMapname()
- return mapname;
-float Map_Count, Map_Current;
-string Map_Current_Name;
-// NOTE: this now expects the map list to be already tokenized and the count in Map_Count
-int GetMaplistPosition()
- string map = GetMapname();
- int idx = autocvar_g_maplist_index;
- if(idx >= 0)
- {
- if(idx < Map_Count)
- {
- if(map == argv(idx))
- {
- return idx;
- }
- }
- }
- for(int pos = 0; pos < Map_Count; ++pos)
- {
- if(map == argv(pos))
- return pos;
- }
- // resume normal maplist rotation if current map is not in g_maplist
- return idx;
-bool MapHasRightSize(string map)
- int minplayers = max(0, floor(autocvar_minplayers));
- if (teamplay)
- minplayers = max(0, floor(autocvar_minplayers_per_team) * AvailableTeams());
- if (autocvar_g_maplist_check_waypoints
- && (currentbots || autocvar_bot_number || player_count < minplayers))
- {
- string checkwp_msg = strcat("checkwp ", map);
- if(!fexists(strcat("maps/", map, ".waypoints")))
- {
- LOG_TRACE(checkwp_msg, ": no waypoints");
- return false;
- }
- LOG_TRACE(checkwp_msg, ": has waypoints");
- }
- if(autocvar_g_maplist_ignore_sizes)
- return true;
- // open map size restriction file
- string opensize_msg = strcat("opensize ", map);
- float fh = fopen(strcat("maps/", map, ".sizes"), FILE_READ);
- int player_limit = ((autocvar_g_maplist_sizes_count_maxplayers) ? GetPlayerLimit() : 0);
- int pcount = ((player_limit > 0) ? min(player_count, player_limit) : player_count); // bind it to the player limit so that forced spectators don't influence the limits
- if(!autocvar_g_maplist_sizes_count_bots)
- pcount -= currentbots;
- if(fh >= 0)
- {
- opensize_msg = strcat(opensize_msg, ": ok, ");
- int mapmin = stoi(fgets(fh));
- int mapmax = stoi(fgets(fh));
- fclose(fh);
- if(pcount < mapmin)
- {
- LOG_TRACE(opensize_msg, "not enough");
- return false;
- }
- if(mapmax && pcount > mapmax)
- {
- LOG_TRACE(opensize_msg, "too many");
- return false;
- }
- LOG_TRACE(opensize_msg, "right size");
- return true;
- }
- LOG_TRACE(opensize_msg, ": not found");
- return true;
-string Map_Filename(float position)
- return strcat("maps/", argv(position), ".bsp");
-void Map_MarkAsRecent(string m)
- cvar_set("g_maplist_mostrecent", strwords(cons(m, autocvar_g_maplist_mostrecent), max(0, autocvar_g_maplist_mostrecent_count)));
-float Map_IsRecent(string m)
- return strhasword(autocvar_g_maplist_mostrecent, m);
-float Map_Check(float position, float pass)
- string filename;
- string map_next;
- map_next = argv(position);
- if(pass <= 1)
- {
- if(Map_IsRecent(map_next))
- return 0;
- }
- filename = Map_Filename(position);
- if(MapInfo_CheckMap(map_next))
- {
- if(pass == 2)
- return 1;
- if(MapHasRightSize(map_next))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- else
- LOG_DEBUG( "Couldn't select '", filename, "'..." );
- return 0;
-void Map_Goto_SetStr(string nextmapname)
- if(getmapname_stored != "")
- strunzone(getmapname_stored);
- if(nextmapname == "")
- getmapname_stored = "";
- else
- getmapname_stored = strzone(nextmapname);
-void Map_Goto_SetFloat(float position)
- cvar_set("g_maplist_index", ftos(position));
- Map_Goto_SetStr(argv(position));
-void Map_Goto(float reinit)
- MapInfo_LoadMap(getmapname_stored, reinit);
-// return codes of map selectors:
-// -1 = temporary failure (that is, try some method that is guaranteed to succeed)
-// -2 = permanent failure
-float MaplistMethod_Iterate() // usual method
- float pass, i;
- LOG_TRACE("Trying MaplistMethod_Iterate");
- for(pass = 1; pass <= 2; ++pass)
- {
- for(i = 1; i < Map_Count; ++i)
- {
- float mapindex;
- mapindex = (i + Map_Current) % Map_Count;
- if(Map_Check(mapindex, pass))
- return mapindex;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-float MaplistMethod_Repeat() // fallback method
- LOG_TRACE("Trying MaplistMethod_Repeat");
- if(Map_Check(Map_Current, 2))
- return Map_Current;
- return -2;
-float MaplistMethod_Random() // random map selection
- float i, imax;
- LOG_TRACE("Trying MaplistMethod_Random");
- imax = 42;
- for(i = 0; i <= imax; ++i)
- {
- float mapindex;
- mapindex = (Map_Current + floor(random() * (Map_Count - 1) + 1)) % Map_Count; // any OTHER map
- if(Map_Check(mapindex, 1))
- return mapindex;
- }
- return -1;
-float MaplistMethod_Shuffle(float exponent) // more clever shuffling
-// the exponent sets a bias on the map selection:
-// the higher the exponent, the less likely "shortly repeated" same maps are
- float i, j, imax, insertpos;
- LOG_TRACE("Trying MaplistMethod_Shuffle");
- imax = 42;
- for(i = 0; i <= imax; ++i)
- {
- string newlist;
- // now reinsert this at another position
- insertpos = (random() ** (1 / exponent)); // ]0, 1]
- insertpos = insertpos * (Map_Count - 1); // ]0, Map_Count - 1]
- insertpos = ceil(insertpos) + 1; // {2, 3, 4, ..., Map_Count}
- LOG_TRACE("SHUFFLE: insert pos = ", ftos(insertpos));
- // insert the current map there
- newlist = "";
- for(j = 1; j < insertpos; ++j) // i == 1: no loop, will be inserted as first; however, i == 1 has been excluded above
- newlist = strcat(newlist, " ", argv(j));
- newlist = strcat(newlist, " ", argv(0)); // now insert the just selected map
- for(j = insertpos; j < Map_Count; ++j) // i == Map_Count: no loop, has just been inserted as last
- newlist = strcat(newlist, " ", argv(j));
- newlist = substring(newlist, 1, strlen(newlist) - 1);
- cvar_set("g_maplist", newlist);
- Map_Count = tokenizebyseparator(autocvar_g_maplist, " ");
- // NOTE: the selected map has just been inserted at (insertpos-1)th position
- Map_Current = insertpos - 1; // this is not really valid, but this way the fallback has a chance of working
- if(Map_Check(Map_Current, 1))
- return Map_Current;
- }
- return -1;
-void Maplist_Init()
- float i = Map_Count = 0;
- if(autocvar_g_maplist != "")
- {
- Map_Count = tokenizebyseparator(autocvar_g_maplist, " ");
- for (i = 0; i < Map_Count; ++i)
- {
- if (Map_Check(i, 2))
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i == Map_Count)
- {
- bprint( "Maplist contains no usable maps! Resetting it to default map list.\n" );
- cvar_set("g_maplist", MapInfo_ListAllAllowedMaps(MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags() | MAPINFO_FLAG_NOAUTOMAPLIST));
- if(autocvar_g_maplist_shuffle)
- ShuffleMaplist();
- if(!server_is_dedicated)
- localcmd("\nmenu_cmd sync\n");
- Map_Count = tokenizebyseparator(autocvar_g_maplist, " ");
- }
- if(Map_Count == 0)
- error("empty maplist, cannot select a new map");
- Map_Current = bound(0, GetMaplistPosition(), Map_Count - 1);
- strcpy(Map_Current_Name, argv(Map_Current)); // will be automatically freed on exit thanks to DP
- // this may or may not be correct, but who cares, in the worst case a map
- // isn't chosen in the first pass that should have been
-string GetNextMap()
- Maplist_Init();
- float nextMap = -1;
- if(nextMap == -1)
- if(autocvar_g_maplist_shuffle > 0)
- nextMap = MaplistMethod_Shuffle(autocvar_g_maplist_shuffle + 1);
- if(nextMap == -1)
- if(autocvar_g_maplist_selectrandom)
- nextMap = MaplistMethod_Random();
- if(nextMap == -1)
- nextMap = MaplistMethod_Iterate();
- if(nextMap == -1)
- nextMap = MaplistMethod_Repeat();
- if(nextMap >= 0)
- {
- Map_Goto_SetFloat(nextMap);
- return getmapname_stored;
- }
- return "";
-float DoNextMapOverride(float reinit)
- if(autocvar_g_campaign)
- {
- CampaignPostIntermission();
- alreadychangedlevel = true;
- return true;
- }
- if(autocvar_quit_when_empty)
- {
- if(player_count <= currentbots)
- {
- localcmd("quit\n");
- alreadychangedlevel = true;
- return true;
- }
- }
- if(autocvar_quit_and_redirect != "")
- {
- redirection_target = strzone(autocvar_quit_and_redirect);
- alreadychangedlevel = true;
- return true;
- }
- if (!reinit && autocvar_samelevel) // if samelevel is set, stay on same level
- {
- localcmd("restart\n");
- alreadychangedlevel = true;
- return true;
- }
- if(autocvar_nextmap != "")
- {
- string m;
- m = GameTypeVote_MapInfo_FixName(autocvar_nextmap);
- cvar_set("nextmap",m);
- if(!m || gametypevote)
- return false;
- if(autocvar_sv_vote_gametype)
- {
- Map_Goto_SetStr(m);
- return false;
- }
- if(MapInfo_CheckMap(m))
- {
- Map_Goto_SetStr(m);
- Map_Goto(reinit);
- alreadychangedlevel = true;
- return true;
- }
- }
- if(!reinit && autocvar_lastlevel)
- {
- cvar_settemp_restore();
- localcmd("set lastlevel 0\ntogglemenu 1\n");
- alreadychangedlevel = true;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void GotoNextMap(float reinit)
- //string nextmap;
- //float n, nummaps;
- //string s;
- if (alreadychangedlevel)
- return;
- alreadychangedlevel = true;
- string nextMap = GetNextMap();
- if(nextMap == "")
- error("Everything is broken - cannot find a next map. Please report this to the developers.");
- Map_Goto(reinit);
-When the player presses attack or jump, change to the next level
-.float autoscreenshot;
-void IntermissionThink(entity this)
- FixIntermissionClient(this);
- float server_screenshot = (autocvar_sv_autoscreenshot && CS(this).cvar_cl_autoscreenshot);
- float client_screenshot = (CS(this).cvar_cl_autoscreenshot == 2);
- if( (server_screenshot || client_screenshot)
- && ((this.autoscreenshot > 0) && (time > this.autoscreenshot)) )
- {
- this.autoscreenshot = -1;
- if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(this)) { stuffcmd(this, sprintf("\nscreenshot screenshots/autoscreenshot/%s-%s.jpg; echo \"^5A screenshot has been taken at request of the server.\"\n", GetMapname(), strftime(false, "%s"))); }
- return;
- }
- if (time < intermission_exittime)
- return;
- if(!mapvote_initialized)
- if (time < intermission_exittime + 10 && !(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_JUMP(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_HOOK(this) || PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_USE(this)))
- return;
- MapVote_Start();
-void FixIntermissionClient(entity e)
- if(!e.autoscreenshot) // initial call
- {
- e.autoscreenshot = time + 0.8; // used for autoscreenshot
- SetResourceExplicit(e, RES_HEALTH, -2342);
- // first intermission phase; voting phase has positive health (used to decide whether to send SVC_FINALE or not)
- for (int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot)
- {
- .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot];
- if(e.(weaponentity))
- {
- e.(weaponentity).effects = EF_NODRAW;
- if (e.(weaponentity).weaponchild)
- e.(weaponentity).weaponchild.effects = EF_NODRAW;
- }
- }
- {
- stuffcmd(e, "\nscr_printspeed 1000000\n");
- RandomSelection_Init();
- FOREACH_WORD(autocvar_sv_intermission_cdtrack, true, {
- RandomSelection_AddString(it, 1, 1);
- });
- if (RandomSelection_chosen_string != "")
- {
- stuffcmd(e, sprintf("\ncd loop %s\n", RandomSelection_chosen_string));
- }
- msg_entity = e;
- }
- }
go to the next level for deathmatch
only called if a time or frag limit has expired
FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), { it.winning = 0; });
-void ShuffleMaplist()
- cvar_set("g_maplist", shufflewords(autocvar_g_maplist));
int fragsleft_last;
float WinningCondition_Scores(float limit, float leadlimit)
-string GotoMap(string m)
- m = GameTypeVote_MapInfo_FixName(m);
- if (!m)
- return "The map you suggested is not available on this server.";
- if (!autocvar_sv_vote_gametype)
- if(!MapInfo_CheckMap(m))
- return "The map you suggested does not support the current game mode.";
- cvar_set("nextmap", m);
- cvar_set("timelimit", "-1");
- if(mapvote_initialized || alreadychangedlevel)
- {
- if(DoNextMapOverride(0))
- return "Map switch initiated.";
- else
- return "Hm... no. For some reason I like THIS map more.";
- }
- else
- return "Map switch will happen after scoreboard.";
bool autocvar_sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe = true;
void RunThink(entity this)
.string fog;
-float intermission_running;
-float intermission_exittime;
-float alreadychangedlevel;
+string redirection_target;
string cache_mutatormsg;
string cache_lastmutatormsg;
float WinningCondition_Scores(float limit, float leadlimit);
void SetWinners(.float field, float value);
-void IntermissionThink(entity this);
-void GotoNextMap(float reinit);
void ReadyRestart();
-string GetGametype();
void DumpStats(float final);
-float Map_IsRecent(string m);
-string GetNextMap();
-void ShuffleMaplist();
-void Map_Goto_SetStr(string nextmapname);
-void Map_Goto(float reinit);
-void Map_MarkAsRecent(string m);
-float DoNextMapOverride(float reinit);
void CheckRules_World();
float RedirectionThink();
-string GetMapname();
IntrusiveList g_moveables;
STATIC_INIT(g_moveables) { g_moveables = IL_NEW(); }