--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX;
+use File::Temp;
+# change these to match your system, or define them in ~/.xonotic-map-compiler
+# (just copy paste this part to the file ~/.xonotic-map-compiler)
+ # Path to Xonotic (where the data directory is in)
+ our $XONOTICDIR = '.';
+ # Path to your q3map2 program. You find it in your GtkRadiant/install
+ # directory.
+ our $Q3MAP2 = './netradiant/install/q3map2.x86';
+ # General flags for q3map2 (for example -threads 4)
+ our $Q3MAP2FLAGS = '-fs_forbiddenpath xonotic*-data*.pk3* -fs_forbiddenpath xonotic*-nexcompat*.pk3*';
+ # Default flags for the -bsp stage
+ our $BSPFLAGS = '-meta -maxarea -samplesize 8 -mv 1000000 -mi 6000000';
+ # Default flags for the -vis stage
+ our $VISFLAGS = '';
+ # Default flags for the -light stage
+ our $LIGHTFLAGS = '-lightmapsearchpower 3 -deluxe -patchshadows -randomsamples -samples 4 -lightmapsize 512 -fast -fastbounce -dirty -bouncegrid -fill';
+ # Default flags for the -minimap stage
+ our $MINIMAPFLAGS = '';
+ # Default order of commands
+ our $ORDER = 'vis,light';
+# end of user changable part
+do "$ENV{HOME}/.xonotic-map-compiler";
+sub Usage()
+ print <<EOF;
+$0 mapname [-bsp bspflags...] [-vis visflags...] [-light lightflags...] [-minimap minimapflags]
+ exit 1;
+my $options =
+ bsp => [split /\s+/, $BSPFLAGS],
+ vis => [split /\s+/, $VISFLAGS],
+ light => [split /\s+/, $LIGHTFLAGS],
+ minimap => [split /\s+/, $MINIMAPFLAGS],
+ scale => [], # can't have defaults atm
+ order => [split /\s*,\s*/, $ORDER],
+ maps => [],
+ scalefactor => 1,
+ bsp_timeout => 0,
+ vis_timeout => 0,
+ light_timeout => 0,
+ minimap_timeout => 0,
+ scale_timeout => 0
+my $curmode = 'maps';
+ $_ = shift @ARGV;
+ my $enterflags = undef;
+ if($_ eq '-bsp')
+ {
+ $enterflags = 'bsp';
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-vis')
+ {
+ $enterflags = 'vis';
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-light')
+ {
+ $enterflags = 'light';
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-minimap')
+ {
+ $enterflags = 'minimap';
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-map')
+ {
+ $curmode = 'maps';
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-scale')
+ {
+ $options->{scalefactor} = @ARGV ? shift(@ARGV) : 1;
+ $enterflags = 'scale';
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-novis')
+ {
+ $options->{vis} = undef;
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-nolight')
+ {
+ $options->{light} = undef;
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-nominimap')
+ {
+ $options->{minimap} = undef;
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-noshaderlist')
+ {
+ $options->{noshaderlist} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-bsp_timeout')
+ {
+ $options->{bsp_timeout} = shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-vis_timeout')
+ {
+ $options->{vis_timeout} = shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-light_timeout')
+ {
+ $options->{light_timeout} = shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-minimap_timeout')
+ {
+ $options->{minimap_timeout} = shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-scale_timeout')
+ {
+ $options->{scale_timeout} = shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-order')
+ {
+ $options->{order} = [split /\s*,\s*/, shift @ARGV];
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-sRGB')
+ {
+ push @{$options->{bsp}}, "-sRGBtex", "-sRGBcolor";
+ push @{$options->{light}}, "-sRGBtex", "-sRGBcolor", "-sRGBlight"
+ if defined $options->{light};
+ }
+ elsif($_ eq '-nosRGB')
+ {
+ push @{$options->{bsp}}, "-nosRGBtex", "-nosRGBcolor";
+ push @{$options->{light}}, "-nosRGBtex", "-nosRGBcolor", "-nosRGBlight"
+ if defined $options->{light};
+ }
+ elsif($_ =~ /^--no(-.*)/)
+ {
+ if($curmode eq 'maps')
+ {
+ $curmode = 'bsp';
+ }
+ my $flag = $1;
+ @{$options->{$curmode}} = grep { (($_ eq $flag) ... /^-/) !~ /^[0-9]+$/ } @{$options->{$curmode}};
+ # so, e.g. --no-samplesize removes "-samplesize" and a following "3"
+ }
+ elsif($_ =~ /^-(-.*)/)
+ {
+ if($curmode eq 'maps')
+ {
+ $curmode = 'bsp';
+ }
+ push @{$options->{$curmode}}, $1;
+ }
+ elsif($_ =~ /^-/ and $curmode eq 'maps')
+ {
+ $curmode = 'bsp';
+ push @{$options->{$curmode}}, $_;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push @{$options->{$curmode}}, $_;
+ }
+ if(defined $enterflags)
+ {
+ $curmode = $enterflags;
+ if($ARGV[0] eq '+')
+ {
+ shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $options->{$curmode} = [];
+ }
+ }
+my $linkdir = File::Temp::tempdir("xonotic-map-compiler.XXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1);
+sub q3map2(@)
+ my $mode = $_[0];
+ my $timeout = undef;
+ $timeout = $options->{bsp_timeout} if $mode eq '-bsp';
+ $timeout = $options->{vis_timeout} if $mode eq '-vis';
+ $timeout = $options->{light_timeout} if $mode eq '-light';
+ $timeout = $options->{minimap_timeout} if $mode eq '-minimap';
+ $timeout = $options->{scale_timeout} if $mode eq '-scale';
+ die "Invalid call: not a standard q3map2 stage" if not defined $timeout;
+ my @args = ($Q3MAP2, split(/\s+/, $Q3MAP2FLAGS), '-game', 'xonotic', '-fs_basepath', $XONOTICDIR, '-fs_basepath', $linkdir, '-v', @_);
+ print "\$ @args\n";
+ defined(my $pid = fork())
+ or die "fork: $!";
+ if($pid) # parent
+ {
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { warn "SIGALRM caught\n"; kill TERM => $pid; };
+ alarm $timeout
+ if $timeout;
+ if(waitpid($pid, 0) != $pid)
+ {
+ die "waitpid: did not return our child process $pid: $!";
+ }
+ alarm 0;
+ return ($? == 0);
+ }
+ else # child
+ {
+ exec @args
+ or die "exec: $!";
+ }
+(my $mapdir = getcwd()) =~ s!/[^/]*(?:$)!!;
+$mapdir = "/" if $mapdir eq "";
+symlink "$mapdir", "$linkdir/data";
+my ($prescale, $postscale) = ($options->{scalefactor} =~ /^([0-9.]+)(?::([0-9.]+))?$/);
+$prescale = 1 if not defined $prescale;
+$postscale = 1 if not defined $postscale;
+for my $m(@{$options->{maps}})
+ $m =~ s/\.(?:map|bsp)$//;
+ if($prescale != 1)
+ {
+ unshift @{$options->{bsp}}, "-keeplights";
+ }
+ my %shaders = map { m!/([^/.]*)\.shader(?:$)! ? ($1 => 1) : () } glob "../scripts/*.shader";
+ my $restore_shaderlist = sub { };
+ if(!$options->{noshaderlist})
+ {
+ my $previous_shaderlist = undef;
+ my $shaderlist = "";
+ if(open my $fh, "<", "$XONOTICDIR/data/scripts/shaderlist.txt")
+ {
+ while(<$fh>)
+ {
+ $shaderlist .= $_;
+ }
+ # we may have to restore the file on exit
+ $previous_shaderlist = $shaderlist
+ if "$XONOTICDIR/data" eq $mapdir;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # possibly extract the shader list from a pk3?
+ local $ENV{N} = $XONOTICDIR;
+ $shaderlist = `cd "\$N" && for X in "\$N"/data/data*.pk3; do Y=\$X; done; unzip -p "\$Y" scripts/shaderlist.txt`;
+ }
+ my $shaderlist_new = "";
+ for(split /\r?\n|\r/, $shaderlist)
+ {
+ delete $shaders{$_};
+ $shaderlist_new .= "$_\n";
+ }
+ if(%shaders)
+ {
+ for(sort keys %shaders)
+ {
+ $shaderlist_new .= "$_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $shaderlist_new = undef;
+ }
+ $restore_shaderlist = sub
+ {
+ if(defined $shaderlist_new)
+ {
+ if(defined $previous_shaderlist)
+ {
+ open my $fh, ">", "$mapdir/scripts/shaderlist.txt";
+ print $fh $previous_shaderlist;
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unlink "$mapdir/scripts/shaderlist.txt";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if(defined $shaderlist_new)
+ {
+ mkdir "$mapdir/scripts";
+ open my $fh, ">", "$mapdir/scripts/shaderlist.txt";
+ print $fh $shaderlist_new;
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ }
+ local $SIG{INT} = sub
+ {
+ print "SIGINT caught, cleaning up...\n";
+ $restore_shaderlist->();
+ exit 0;
+ };
+ eval
+ {
+ unlink <$m/lm_*>; # delete old external lightmaps
+ q3map2 '-bsp', @{$options->{bsp}}, "$m.map"
+ or die "-bsp: $?";
+ if($prescale != 1)
+ {
+ q3map2 '-scale', @{$options->{scale}}, $prescale, "$m.bsp"
+ or die "-scale: $?";
+ rename "${m}_s.bsp", "$m.bsp"
+ or die "rename ${m}_s.bsp $m.bsp: $!";
+ }
+ my @o = @{$options->{order}};
+ push @o, qw/light vis/;
+ my %o = ();
+ for(@o)
+ {
+ next if $o{$_}++;
+ if($_ eq 'light')
+ {
+ if(defined $options->{light})
+ {
+ q3map2 '-light', @{$options->{light}}, "$m.map"
+ or die "-light: $?";
+ }
+ }
+ if($_ eq 'vis')
+ {
+ if(defined $options->{vis})
+ {
+ q3map2 '-vis', @{$options->{vis}}, "$m.map"
+ or die "-vis: $?";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($postscale != 1)
+ {
+ q3map2 '-scale', @{$options->{scale}}, $postscale, "$m.bsp"
+ or die "-scale: $?";
+ rename "${m}_s.bsp", "$m.bsp"
+ or die "rename ${m}_s.bsp $m.bsp: $!";
+ }
+ if(defined $options->{minimap})
+ {
+ q3map2 '-minimap', @{$options->{minimap}}, "$m.map"
+ or die "-minimap: $?";
+ }
+ unlink "$m.srf";
+ unlink "$m.prt";
+ $restore_shaderlist->();
+ 1;
+ }
+ or do
+ {
+ $restore_shaderlist->();
+ die $@;
+ };