dmg: damage a player who gets crushed by it receives
dmgtime: interval to apply dmg to a player who is s in the way
message: death message when a player gets crushed
+message2: death message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
X_AXIS: entity will bob along the X axis.
Y_AXIS: entity will bob along the Y axis.
Normal sliding door entity. By default, the door will activate when player walks close to it or when damage is inflicted to it.
If DOOR_DONT_LINK is not set, the door will be linked with all doors it touches.
-------- KEYS --------
-message: is printed when the door is touched if it is a trigger door and it hasn't been fired yet
+message: is printed when the door is touched if it is a trigger door and it hasn't been fired yet, or death message if dmg is set
+message2: death message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)
angle: determines the opening direction
targetname: if set, no touch field will be spawned and a remote button or trigger field activates the door.
health: if set, door must be shot open
t_width: override WIDTH to move back (or height if going down)
t_length: override LENGTH to move sideways
dmg: damage to inflict when blocked (2 default)
-message: text to display when activating the door
+message: text to display when activating the door, or death message if dmg is set
+message2: death message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)
noise1: sound when opening backwards or closing
noise2: sound when opening sideways
noise3: sound when stopping
sound1: platform starts moving sound
sound2: platform stop sound
message: kill message, when someone gets killed by this plat
+message2: death message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
CRUSH: crush players hit by the platform instantly
-------- NOTES --------
dmg: Do this much dmg every .dmgtime interval when blocked
dmgtime: See above. (0.25s default)
message: kill message when crushed by this
+message2: death message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
X_AXIS: rotate around the X axis
Y_AXIS: rotate around the Y axis
target: targetname of first path_corner to move to at the default speed; ideally, this path_corner shall be exactly where the train starts
-/*QUAKED func_wall (0 .5 .8) ?
-A solid brush entity.
-Behaves just like solid brushes, except that it is a separate entity (a submodel) and can be targeted.
--------- KEYS --------
-targetname: when invoking it by a button etc., it changes the color to the initiator of the action (e.g. the one pressing a button). In Onslaught, this can be used to color control points for team who owns them. In other game types, this can be used as a fun feature.
/*QUAKED info_location (1 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Location for use by the %l escape in "say" messages.
The closest "visible" info_location entity is chosen to find the right location name for a point.
colormap: 1024 + 16 * pantscolor + shirtcolor
velocity: when movetype isn't 0, initial velocity vector
angles: initial looking direction
+modelscale: scaling factor
effects: sum of 1 = BRIGHTFIELD, 4 = BRIGHTLIGHT, 8 = DIMLIGHT, 32 = ADDITIVE, 64 = BLUE, 128 = RED, 512 = FULLBRIGHT, 1024 = FLAME, 2048 = STARDUST, 4096 = NOSHADOW, 8192 = NODEPTHTEST, 32768 = DOUBLESIDED, 8388608 = NOMODELFLAGS (ignores the following coming from a model file), 16777216 = ROCKET, 33554432 = GRENADE, 67108864 = GIB, 134217728 = ROTATE, 268435456 = TRACER, 536870912 = ZOMGIB, 1073741824 = TRACER2, -2147483648 = TRACER3
loddistance1: distance after which to show the first LOD model replacement (default: 1000)
loddistance2: distance after which to show the second LOD model replacement (default: 2000)
lodmodel1: file name of the first LOD model replacement
lodmodel2: file name of the second LOD model replacement
+targetname: when invoking it by a button etc., it changes the color to the initiator of the action (e.g. the one pressing a button). In Onslaught, this can be used to color control points for team who owns them. In other game types, this can be used as a fun feature.
-------- Q3MAP2 KEYS --------
_frame: frame of model to include (set equal to frame if _castshadows is set)
-modelscale: scaling factor (set equal to scale if _castshadows is set)
_castshadows: Allows per-entity control over shadow casting. Defaults to 0 on entities, 1 on world. 0 = no shadow casting. 1 = cast shadows on world. > 1 = cast shadows on entities with _rs (or _receiveshadows) with the corresponding value, AND world. Negative values imply same, but DO NOT cast shadows on world.
+targetname: if targeted by a misc_model, its brushes get inserted into this
+_celshader: Sets the cel shader used for this geometry. Note: omit the "textures/" prefix.
+/*QUAKED func_illusionary (0 .5 .8) ?
+A non-solid brush entity. Use func_wall if you want it solid.
+The keys below actually apply to most brush entities as they are engine features; however, they are described here as they aren't overridden by game code in misc_models. Its q3map2 keys below will work on any brush entity!
+-------- KEYS --------
+movetype: way in which it moves: one of 0 = NONE, 1 = ANGLENOCLIP, 2 = ANGLECLIP, 3 = WALK, 4 = STEP, 5 = FLY, 6 = TOSS, 7 = PUSH, 8 = NOCLIP, 9 = FLYMISSILE, 10 = BOUNCE, 11 = BOUNCEMISSILE
+avelocity: vector giving its angular velocity (useful for spinning models)
+scale: scale factor of the model (range: 0.0625 to 15.9375)
+colormap: 1024 + 16 * pantscolor + shirtcolor
+velocity: when movetype isn't 0, initial velocity vector
+angles: initial looking direction
+effects: sum of 1 = BRIGHTFIELD, 4 = BRIGHTLIGHT, 8 = DIMLIGHT, 32 = ADDITIVE, 64 = BLUE, 128 = RED, 512 = FULLBRIGHT, 1024 = FLAME, 2048 = STARDUST, 4096 = NOSHADOW, 8192 = NODEPTHTEST, 32768 = DOUBLESIDED, 8388608 = NOMODELFLAGS (ignores the following coming from a model file), 16777216 = ROCKET, 33554432 = GRENADE, 67108864 = GIB, 134217728 = ROTATE, 268435456 = TRACER, 536870912 = ZOMGIB, 1073741824 = TRACER2, -2147483648 = TRACER3
+loddistance1: distance after which to show the first LOD model replacement (default: 1000)
+loddistance2: distance after which to show the second LOD model replacement (default: 2000)
+lodtarget1: targetname of the first LOD model entity (can be used instead of lodmodel1 to use a brush model instead)
+lodtarget2: targetname of the second LOD model entity (can be used instead of lodmodel2 to use a brush model instead)
+targetname: when invoking it by a button etc., it changes the color to the initiator of the action (e.g. the one pressing a button). In Onslaught, this can be used to color control points for team who owns them. In other game types, this can be used as a fun feature. Works only with _shirt and _pants textures.
+-------- Q3MAP2 KEYS --------
+_castshadows: Allows per-entity control over shadow casting. Defaults to 0 on entities, 1 on world. 0 = no shadow casting. 1 = cast shadows on world. > 1 = cast shadows on entities with _rs (or _receiveshadows) with the corresponding value, AND world. Negative values imply same, but DO NOT cast shadows on world.
+_receiveshadows: Allows per-entity control over shadow reception. Defaults to 1 on everything (world shadows). 0 = receives NO shadows. > 1 = receive shadows only from corresponding keyed entities (see above) and world. < 1 = receive shadows ONLY from corresponding keyed entities.
_clone: copies brushes from entity with identical _clonename. Still needs a single brush that will get replaced.
_clonename: template name so one can clone from it
min: override automatically found minimum coordinate bounds
_celshader: Sets the cel shader used for this geometry. Note: omit the "textures/" prefix.
-/*QUAKED func_static (0 .5 .8) ?
-A non-solid brush entity. Use func_wall if you want it solid.
+/*QUAKED func_wall (0 .5 .8) ?
+A solid brush entity. Use func_illusionary if you want it solid.
The keys below actually apply to most brush entities as they are engine features; however, they are described here as they aren't overridden by game code in misc_models. Its q3map2 keys below will work on any brush entity!
-------- KEYS --------
movetype: way in which it moves: one of 0 = NONE, 1 = ANGLENOCLIP, 2 = ANGLECLIP, 3 = WALK, 4 = STEP, 5 = FLY, 6 = TOSS, 7 = PUSH, 8 = NOCLIP, 9 = FLYMISSILE, 10 = BOUNCE, 11 = BOUNCEMISSILE
-solid: solidity: one of 0 = NOT, 1 = TRIGGER, 2 = BBOX, 3 = SLIDEBOX, 4 = BSP, 5 = CORPSE
+solid: solidity: one of 1 = TRIGGER, 2 = BBOX, 3 = SLIDEBOX, 4 = BSP, 5 = CORPSE
avelocity: vector giving its angular velocity (useful for spinning models)
scale: scale factor of the model (range: 0.0625 to 15.9375)
colormap: 1024 + 16 * pantscolor + shirtcolor
loddistance2: distance after which to show the second LOD model replacement (default: 2000)
lodtarget1: targetname of the first LOD model entity (can be used instead of lodmodel1 to use a brush model instead)
lodtarget2: targetname of the second LOD model entity (can be used instead of lodmodel2 to use a brush model instead)
+targetname: when invoking it by a button etc., it changes the color to the initiator of the action (e.g. the one pressing a button). In Onslaught, this can be used to color control points for team who owns them. In other game types, this can be used as a fun feature. Works only with _shirt and _pants textures.
-------- Q3MAP2 KEYS --------
-_frame: frame of model to include (set equal to frame if _castshadows is set)
-modelscale: scaling factor (set equal to scale if _castshadows is set)
_castshadows: Allows per-entity control over shadow casting. Defaults to 0 on entities, 1 on world. 0 = no shadow casting. 1 = cast shadows on world. > 1 = cast shadows on entities with _rs (or _receiveshadows) with the corresponding value, AND world. Negative values imply same, but DO NOT cast shadows on world.
_receiveshadows: Allows per-entity control over shadow reception. Defaults to 1 on everything (world shadows). 0 = receives NO shadows. > 1 = receive shadows only from corresponding keyed entities (see above) and world. < 1 = receive shadows ONLY from corresponding keyed entities.
_clone: copies brushes from entity with identical _clonename. Still needs a single brush that will get replaced.
Has the useful effect of automatically returning flags, keys and runes when they touch it.
-------- KEYS --------
dmg: amount of damage to deal (default: 1000)
-message: kill message when someone gets killed by this (default: "was in the wrong place.")
+message: kill message when someone gets killed by this (default: "was in the wrong place")
+message2: kill message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)
/*QUAKED trigger_impulse (.5 .5 .5) ?
-------- KEYS --------
cnt: Number of the checkpoint. 0 for finish line, and at least two other checkpoints have to exist. They MUST be touched in sequential order!
message: Death message, when touching checkpoints in the wrong order.
+message2: Death message when someone gets pushed into this (default: "was thrown into a world of hurt by"). The # character is replaced by the attacker name if present (and it instead does not get appended to the end)
targetname: Name of the checkpoint. info_player_race can target this to assign a spawn to a checkpoint. Also used for triggering a checkpoint by an event.
target: when the checkpoint is passed, these entities are triggered. Useful for forcing items in certain areas using trigger_items
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
-/*QUAKED target_items (0 0 1) ? AND OR ANDNOT
+/*QUAKED target_items (0 0 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) AND OR ANDNOT
Sets the items of any player who triggers this.
For the number fields, not specifying a value means not changing it. To clear armor, you need to explicitly set "armor" to "-1".
You may want to target this by a race checkpoint, a teleporter, or a trigger_multiple with ALLENTS set (so it removes weapons thrown through the field to avoid getting a weapon through it).
-------- KEYS --------
targetname: used to trigger this
-netname: space separated list of items (either weapon short names (like in g_start_weapon_* cvars), or item short names "unlimited_ammo", "invincible" and "strength"
+netname: space separated list of items (either weapon short names (like in g_start_weapon_* cvars), or item short names "unlimited_ammo", "unlimited_weapon_ammo", "unlimited_superweapons", "invincible" and "strength"
message: message to print
ammo_shells: amount of shells
ammo_nails: amount of bullets
OR: the player may keep items not listed
ANDNOT: the items listed will get removed from the player
+/*QUAKED target_spawn (1 0 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) - ONLOAD
+Spawns or modifies an entity when triggered.
+The entity field list is a single string of the form:
+'field' 'value' 'field' 'value' ... 'classname' 'item_bullets' ... 'field' 'value'
+The special "field" name $ calls a void(void) function, for example a spawn function.
+Special function names available are _setmodel and _setsize.
+Field values can use various variable replacements:
+where "E" can be self, activator, target (the entity being created/modified) and pusher.
+Example is a Mario-style question mark block which could throw a new weapon_nex when activated like this:
+"classname" "func_button"
+"angle" "-1"
+"wait" "5"
+"target" "makenex"
+"speed" "1000"
+"lip" "64"
+"classname" "target_spawn"
+"origin" "0 0 448"
+"targetname" "makenex"
+"message" "origin $self.origin owner $activator flags 65536 colormap $activator.colormap classname droppedweapon $ spawnfunc_weapon_nex think thrown_wep_think nextthink $time+0.5 velocity $activator.velocity velocity_z 512 movetype 3"
+-------- KEYS --------
+targetname: used to trigger this
+message: entity field list
+target: when set, target_spawn edits entities, instead of creating new ones
+count: make sure no more than count entities have been created by this (refuse to spawn new ones if exceeded)
+-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
+ONLOAD: create a first entity on map load
+/*QUAKED func_breakable (1 0 0) ? DISABLED INDICATE
+This is a brush model which can be damaged.
+Once all health is consumed it'll disappear and trigger the targeted entity/entities.
+When triggered, it resets to full health, and unbreaks.
+-------- KEYS --------
+health: The damage this trigger can take
+target: The entity/entities to be triggered once this entity gets invisible
+targetname: The name other entities can use to target this entity
+mdl: particle effect name to show when destroyed
+count: particle effect multiplier
+mdl_dead: optional replacement model to show when destroyed
+debris: names of debris models to show when destroyed, separated by spaces
+-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
+DISABLED: do not allow damaging this until it is first activated
+INDICATE: indicate amount of damage already taken by coloring
+/*QUAKED trigger_relay_if (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) NEGATE
+Relays the trigger event if a cvar is set to a specified value.
+-------- KEYS --------
+target: The entity/entities to relay the trigger events to
+targetname: The name other entities can use to target this entity
+netname: The name of the cvar to check
+message: The value of the cvar to check
+count: The count of entities that must be found
+-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
+NEGATE: trigger if the cvar does NOT match the value.
+/*QUAKED weapon_hlac (1 0 .5) (-30 -30 0) (30 30 32) FLOATING
+the Heavy Laser Assault Cannon.
+-------- KEYS --------
+respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 30)
+team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
+-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
+FLOATING: the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling
+/*QUAKED weapon_seeker (1 0 .5) (-30 -30 0) (30 30 32) FLOATING
+the T.A.G. Seeker.
+-------- KEYS --------
+respawntime: time till it respawns (default: 30)
+team: out of items with the same value here, only one (random one) will spawn. Useful to put multiple items on one spot.
+-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
+FLOATING: the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling