typedef struct gltextureunit_s
+ const void *pointer_texcoord;
+ size_t pointer_texcoord_offset;
+ int pointer_texcoord_buffer;
int t1d, t2d, t3d, tcubemap;
int arrayenabled;
unsigned int arraycomponents;
- const void *pointer_texcoord;
int rgbscale, alphascale;
int combinergb, combinealpha;
// FIXME: add more combine stuff
float color4f[4];
int lockrange_first;
int lockrange_count;
+ int vertexbufferobject;
+ int elementbufferobject;
+ qboolean pointer_color_enabled;
const void *pointer_vertex;
const void *pointer_color;
+ size_t pointer_vertex_offset;
+ size_t pointer_color_offset;
+ int pointer_vertex_buffer;
+ int pointer_color_buffer;
+static void GL_BindVBO(int bufferobject)
+ if (gl_state.vertexbufferobject != bufferobject)
+ {
+ gl_state.vertexbufferobject = bufferobject;
+ qglBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, bufferobject);
+ }
+static void GL_BindEBO(int bufferobject)
+ if (gl_state.elementbufferobject != bufferobject)
+ {
+ gl_state.elementbufferobject = bufferobject;
+ qglBindBufferARB(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, bufferobject);
+ }
void GL_SetupTextureState(void)
unsigned int i;
unit->arrayenabled = false;
unit->arraycomponents = 0;
unit->pointer_texcoord = NULL;
+ unit->pointer_texcoord_buffer = 0;
+ unit->pointer_texcoord_offset = 0;
unit->rgbscale = 1;
unit->alphascale = 1;
unit->combinergb = GL_MODULATE;
for (i = 0;i < backendarrayunits;i++)
+ GL_BindVBO(0);
qglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float[2]), NULL);CHECKGLERROR
gl_state.color4f[0] = gl_state.color4f[1] = gl_state.color4f[2] = gl_state.color4f[3] = 1;
gl_state.lockrange_first = 0;
gl_state.lockrange_count = 0;
- gl_state.pointer_vertex = NULL;
- gl_state.pointer_color = NULL;
gl_state.cullface = GL_FRONT; // quake is backwards, this culls back faces
gl_state.cullfaceenable = true;
+ if (gl_support_arb_vertex_buffer_object)
+ {
+ qglBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);
+ }
qglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float[3]), NULL);CHECKGLERROR
void GL_Color(float cr, float cg, float cb, float ca)
- if (gl_state.pointer_color || gl_state.color4f[0] != cr || gl_state.color4f[1] != cg || gl_state.color4f[2] != cb || gl_state.color4f[3] != ca)
+ if (gl_state.pointer_color_enabled || gl_state.color4f[0] != cr || gl_state.color4f[1] != cg || gl_state.color4f[2] != cb || gl_state.color4f[3] != ca)
gl_state.color4f[0] = cr;
gl_state.color4f[1] = cg;
int paranoidblah = 0;
void R_Mesh_Draw(int firstvertex, int numvertices, int numtriangles, const int *elements)
+ int bufferobject = 0;
+ size_t offset = 0;
unsigned int numelements = numtriangles * 3;
if (numvertices < 3 || numtriangles < 1)
unsigned int i, j, size;
const int *p;
+ // note: there's no validation done here on buffer objects because it
+ // is somewhat difficult to get at the data, and gl_paranoid can be
+ // used without buffer objects if the need arises
+ // (the data could be gotten using glMapBuffer but it would be very
+ // slow due to uncachable video memory reads)
if (!qglIsEnabled(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY))
Con_Print("R_Mesh_Draw: vertex array not enabled\n");
- for (j = 0, size = numvertices * 3, p = (int *)((float *)gl_state.pointer_vertex + firstvertex * 3);j < size;j++, p++)
- paranoidblah += *p;
- if (gl_state.pointer_color)
+ if (gl_state.pointer_vertex)
+ for (j = 0, size = numvertices * 3, p = (int *)((float *)gl_state.pointer_vertex + firstvertex * 3);j < size;j++, p++)
+ paranoidblah += *p;
+ if (gl_state.pointer_color_enabled)
if (!qglIsEnabled(GL_COLOR_ARRAY))
Con_Print("R_Mesh_Draw: color array set but not enabled\n");
- for (j = 0, size = numvertices * 4, p = (int *)((float *)gl_state.pointer_color + firstvertex * 4);j < size;j++, p++)
- paranoidblah += *p;
+ if (gl_state.pointer_color && gl_state.pointer_color_enabled)
+ for (j = 0, size = numvertices * 4, p = (int *)((float *)gl_state.pointer_color + firstvertex * 4);j < size;j++, p++)
+ paranoidblah += *p;
for (i = 0;i < backendarrayunits;i++)
if (!qglIsEnabled(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY))
Con_Print("R_Mesh_Draw: texcoord array set but not enabled\n");
- for (j = 0, size = numvertices * gl_state.units[i].arraycomponents, p = (int *)((float *)gl_state.units[i].pointer_texcoord + firstvertex * gl_state.units[i].arraycomponents);j < size;j++, p++)
- paranoidblah += *p;
+ if (gl_state.units[i].pointer_texcoord && gl_state.units[i].arrayenabled)
+ for (j = 0, size = numvertices * gl_state.units[i].arraycomponents, p = (int *)((float *)gl_state.units[i].pointer_texcoord + firstvertex * gl_state.units[i].arraycomponents);j < size;j++, p++)
+ paranoidblah += *p;
for (i = 0;i < (unsigned int) numtriangles * 3;i++)
for (j = 0;j < backendarrayunits;j++)
- if (gl_state.units[j].pointer_texcoord)
+ if (gl_state.units[j].pointer_texcoord && gl_state.units[j].arrayenabled)
if (backendarrayunits > 1)
- if (gl_state.pointer_color)
+ if (gl_state.pointer_color && gl_state.pointer_color_enabled)
p = ((const GLfloat *)(gl_state.pointer_color)) + elements[i] * 4;
qglColor4f(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
else if (gl_mesh_drawrangeelements.integer && qglDrawRangeElements != NULL)
- qglDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, firstvertex, firstvertex + numvertices, numelements, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, elements);
+ GL_BindEBO(bufferobject);
+ qglDrawRangeElements(GL_TRIANGLES, firstvertex, firstvertex + numvertices, numelements, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, bufferobject ? (void *)offset : elements);
- qglDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, numelements, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, elements);
+ GL_BindEBO(bufferobject);
+ qglDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, numelements, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, bufferobject ? (void *)offset : elements);
void R_Mesh_VertexPointer(const float *vertex3f)
- if (gl_state.pointer_vertex != vertex3f)
+ int bufferobject = 0;
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ if (gl_state.pointer_vertex != vertex3f || gl_state.pointer_vertex_buffer != bufferobject || gl_state.pointer_vertex_offset != offset)
gl_state.pointer_vertex = vertex3f;
+ gl_state.pointer_vertex_buffer = bufferobject;
+ gl_state.pointer_vertex_offset = offset;
- qglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float[3]), gl_state.pointer_vertex);
+ GL_BindVBO(bufferobject);
+ qglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float[3]), bufferobject ? (void *)offset : vertex3f);CHECKGLERROR
void R_Mesh_ColorPointer(const float *color4f)
- if (gl_state.pointer_color != color4f)
+ int bufferobject = 0;
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ if (color4f || bufferobject)
- if (!gl_state.pointer_color)
+ // caller wants color array enabled
+ if (!gl_state.pointer_color_enabled)
+ gl_state.pointer_color_enabled = true;
- else if (!color4f)
+ if (gl_state.pointer_color != color4f || gl_state.pointer_color_buffer != bufferobject || gl_state.pointer_color_offset != offset)
+ gl_state.pointer_color = color4f;
+ gl_state.pointer_color_buffer = bufferobject;
+ gl_state.pointer_color_offset = offset;
+ GL_BindVBO(bufferobject);
+ qglColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float[4]), bufferobject ? (void *)offset : color4f);CHECKGLERROR
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // caller wants color array disabled
+ if (gl_state.pointer_color_enabled)
+ {
+ gl_state.pointer_color_enabled = false;
// when color array is on the glColor gets trashed, set it again
qglColor4f(gl_state.color4f[0], gl_state.color4f[1], gl_state.color4f[2], gl_state.color4f[3]);CHECKGLERROR
- gl_state.pointer_color = color4f;
- qglColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float[4]), gl_state.pointer_color);CHECKGLERROR
void R_Mesh_TexCoordPointer(unsigned int unitnum, unsigned int numcomponents, const float *texcoord)
+ int bufferobject = 0;
+ size_t offset;
gltextureunit_t *unit = gl_state.units + unitnum;
// update array settings
- if (texcoord)
+ if (texcoord || bufferobject)
- // texcoord array
- if (unit->pointer_texcoord != texcoord || unit->arraycomponents != numcomponents)
- {
- unit->pointer_texcoord = texcoord;
- unit->arraycomponents = numcomponents;
- GL_ClientActiveTexture(unitnum);
- qglTexCoordPointer(unit->arraycomponents, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float) * unit->arraycomponents, unit->pointer_texcoord);CHECKGLERROR
- }
// texture array unit is enabled, enable the array
if (!unit->arrayenabled)
+ // texcoord array
+ if (unit->pointer_texcoord != texcoord || unit->pointer_texcoord_buffer != bufferobject || unit->pointer_texcoord_offset != offset || unit->arraycomponents != numcomponents)
+ {
+ unit->pointer_texcoord = texcoord;
+ unit->pointer_texcoord_buffer = bufferobject;
+ unit->pointer_texcoord_offset = offset;
+ unit->arraycomponents = numcomponents;
+ GL_ClientActiveTexture(unitnum);
+ GL_BindVBO(bufferobject);
+ qglTexCoordPointer(unit->arraycomponents, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float) * unit->arraycomponents, bufferobject ? (void *)offset : texcoord);CHECKGLERROR
+ }