-extern void R_UpdateFogColor(void);
+extern void R_UpdateFog(void);
void R_ClearScreen(qboolean fogcolor)
float clearcolor[4];
// clear to black
- if (fogcolor)
+ if (fogcolor && r_fog_clear.integer)
- R_UpdateFogColor();
- if (r_fog_clear.integer)
- VectorCopy(r_refdef.fogcolor, clearcolor);
+ R_UpdateFog();
+ VectorCopy(r_refdef.fogcolor, clearcolor);
// clear depth is 1.0
// LordHavoc: we use a stencil centered around 128 instead of 0,
PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = r_refdef.view.isoverlay;
+ PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = r_refdef.fog_density;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_COLOR:
+ PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)[0] = r_refdef.fog_red;
+ PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)[1] = r_refdef.fog_green;
+ PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)[2] = r_refdef.fog_blue;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_COLOR_R:
+ PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)[0] = r_refdef.fog_red;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_COLOR_G:
+ PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)[1] = r_refdef.fog_green;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_COLOR_B:
+ PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_RETURN)[2] = r_refdef.fog_blue;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_ALPHA:
+ PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = r_refdef.fog_alpha;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_START:
+ PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = r_refdef.fog_start;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_END:
+ PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = r_refdef.fog_end;
+ break;
+ PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = r_refdef.fog_height;
+ break;
+ PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = r_refdef.fog_fadedepth;
+ break;
VM_Warning("VM_CL_R_GetView : unknown parm %i\n", c);
r_refdef.view.isoverlay = !k;
+ r_refdef.fog_density = k;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_COLOR:
+ r_refdef.fog_red = f[0];
+ r_refdef.fog_green = f[1];
+ r_refdef.fog_blue = f[2];
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_COLOR_R:
+ r_refdef.fog_red = k;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_COLOR_G:
+ r_refdef.fog_green = k;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_COLOR_B:
+ r_refdef.fog_blue = k;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_ALPHA:
+ r_refdef.fog_alpha = k;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_START:
+ r_refdef.fog_start = k;
+ break;
+ case VF_FOG_END:
+ r_refdef.fog_end = k;
+ break;
+ r_refdef.fog_height = k;
+ break;
+ r_refdef.fog_fadedepth = k;
+ break;
VM_Warning("VM_CL_R_SetView : unknown parm %i\n", c);
// we need to update any RENDER_VIEWMODEL entities at this point because
// csqc supplies its own view matrix
// now draw stuff!
#define VF_PERSPECTIVE 200 //(float)
#define VF_CLEARSCREEN 201 //(float)
+#define VF_FOG_DENSITY 202 //(float)
+#define VF_FOG_COLOR 203 //(vector)
+#define VF_FOG_COLOR_R 204 //(float)
+#define VF_FOG_COLOR_G 205 //(float)
+#define VF_FOG_COLOR_B 206 //(float)
+#define VF_FOG_ALPHA 207 //(float)
+#define VF_FOG_START 208 //(float)
+#define VF_FOG_END 209 //(float)
+#define VF_FOG_HEIGHT 210 //(float)
+#define VF_FOG_FADEDEPTH 211 //(float)
#define RF_VIEWMODEL 1 // The entity is never drawn in mirrors. In engines with realtime lighting, it casts no shadows.
#define RF_EXTERNALMODEL 2 // The entity is appears in mirrors but not in the normal view. It does still cast shadows in engines with realtime lighting.
#define RF_DEPTHHACK 4 // The entity appears closer to the view than normal, either by scaling it wierdly or by just using a depthrange. This will usually be found in conjunction with RF_VIEWMODEL
cvar_t r_fog_clear = {0, "r_fog_clear", "1", "clears renderbuffer with fog color before render starts"};
cvar_t r_drawfog = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_drawfog", "1", "allows one to disable fog rendering"};
cvar_t r_transparentdepthmasking = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_transparentdepthmasking", "0", "enables depth writes on transparent meshes whose materially is normally opaque, this prevents seeing the inside of a transparent mesh"};
+cvar_t r_transparent_sortmindist = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_transparent_sortmindist", "0", "lower distance limit for transparent sorting"};
cvar_t r_transparent_sortmaxdist = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_transparent_sortmaxdist", "32768", "upper distance limit for transparent sorting"};
cvar_t r_transparent_sortarraysize = {CVAR_SAVE, "r_transparent_sortarraysize", "4096", "number of distance-sorting layers"};
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable(&r_transparent_sortmindist);
matrix4x4_t r_waterscrollmatrix;
-void R_UpdateFogColor(void) // needs to be called before HDR subrender too, as that changes colorscale!
+void R_UpdateFog(void) // needs to be called before HDR subrender too, as that changes colorscale!
- if (r_refdef.fog_density)
- {
- r_refdef.fogcolor[0] = r_refdef.fog_red;
- r_refdef.fogcolor[1] = r_refdef.fog_green;
- r_refdef.fogcolor[2] = r_refdef.fog_blue;
- Vector4Set(r_refdef.fogplane, 0, 0, 1, -r_refdef.fog_height);
- r_refdef.fogplaneviewdist = DotProduct(r_refdef.fogplane, r_refdef.view.origin) + r_refdef.fogplane[3];
- r_refdef.fogplaneviewabove = r_refdef.fogplaneviewdist >= 0;
- r_refdef.fogheightfade = -0.5f/max(0.125f, r_refdef.fog_fadedepth);
- {
- vec3_t fogvec;
- VectorCopy(r_refdef.fogcolor, fogvec);
- // color.rgb *= ContrastBoost * SceneBrightness;
- VectorScale(fogvec, r_refdef.view.colorscale, fogvec);
- r_refdef.fogcolor[0] = bound(0.0f, fogvec[0], 1.0f);
- r_refdef.fogcolor[1] = bound(0.0f, fogvec[1], 1.0f);
- r_refdef.fogcolor[2] = bound(0.0f, fogvec[2], 1.0f);
- }
- }
-void R_UpdateVariables(void)
- R_Textures_Frame();
- r_refdef.scene.ambient = r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 64.0f);
- r_refdef.farclip = r_farclip_base.value;
- if (r_refdef.scene.worldmodel)
- r_refdef.farclip += r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->radius * r_farclip_world.value * 2;
- r_refdef.nearclip = bound (0.001f, r_nearclip.value, r_refdef.farclip - 1.0f);
- if (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer < 0 || r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer > 1)
- Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_shadow_frontsidecasting, 1);
- r_refdef.polygonfactor = 0;
- r_refdef.polygonoffset = 0;
- r_refdef.shadowpolygonfactor = r_refdef.polygonfactor + r_shadow_polygonfactor.value * (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer ? 1 : -1);
- r_refdef.shadowpolygonoffset = r_refdef.polygonoffset + r_shadow_polygonoffset.value * (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer ? 1 : -1);
- r_refdef.scene.rtworld = r_shadow_realtime_world.integer != 0;
- r_refdef.scene.rtworldshadows = r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows.integer && vid.stencil;
- r_refdef.scene.rtdlight = r_shadow_realtime_dlight.integer != 0 && !gl_flashblend.integer && r_dynamic.integer;
- r_refdef.scene.rtdlightshadows = r_refdef.scene.rtdlight && r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows.integer && vid.stencil;
- r_refdef.lightmapintensity = r_refdef.scene.rtworld ? r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps.value : 1;
- {
- r_refdef.lightmapintensity *= r_fakelight_intensity.value;
- }
- if (r_showsurfaces.integer)
- {
- r_refdef.scene.rtworld = false;
- r_refdef.scene.rtworldshadows = false;
- r_refdef.scene.rtdlight = false;
- r_refdef.scene.rtdlightshadows = false;
- r_refdef.lightmapintensity = 0;
- }
+ // Nehahra fog
if (gamemode == GAME_NEHAHRA)
if (gl_fogenable.integer)
+ // fog parms
r_refdef.fog_alpha = bound(0, r_refdef.fog_alpha, 1);
r_refdef.fog_start = max(0, r_refdef.fog_start);
r_refdef.fog_end = max(r_refdef.fog_start + 0.01, r_refdef.fog_end);
- // R_UpdateFogColor(); // why? R_RenderScene does it anyway
if (r_refdef.fog_density && r_drawfog.integer)
r_refdef.fogenabled = true;
r_refdef.fogenabled = false;
+ // fog color
+ if (r_refdef.fog_density)
+ {
+ r_refdef.fogcolor[0] = r_refdef.fog_red;
+ r_refdef.fogcolor[1] = r_refdef.fog_green;
+ r_refdef.fogcolor[2] = r_refdef.fog_blue;
+ Vector4Set(r_refdef.fogplane, 0, 0, 1, -r_refdef.fog_height);
+ r_refdef.fogplaneviewdist = DotProduct(r_refdef.fogplane, r_refdef.view.origin) + r_refdef.fogplane[3];
+ r_refdef.fogplaneviewabove = r_refdef.fogplaneviewdist >= 0;
+ r_refdef.fogheightfade = -0.5f/max(0.125f, r_refdef.fog_fadedepth);
+ {
+ vec3_t fogvec;
+ VectorCopy(r_refdef.fogcolor, fogvec);
+ // color.rgb *= ContrastBoost * SceneBrightness;
+ VectorScale(fogvec, r_refdef.view.colorscale, fogvec);
+ r_refdef.fogcolor[0] = bound(0.0f, fogvec[0], 1.0f);
+ r_refdef.fogcolor[1] = bound(0.0f, fogvec[1], 1.0f);
+ r_refdef.fogcolor[2] = bound(0.0f, fogvec[2], 1.0f);
+ }
+ }
+void R_UpdateVariables(void)
+ R_Textures_Frame();
+ r_refdef.scene.ambient = r_ambient.value * (1.0f / 64.0f);
+ r_refdef.farclip = r_farclip_base.value;
+ if (r_refdef.scene.worldmodel)
+ r_refdef.farclip += r_refdef.scene.worldmodel->radius * r_farclip_world.value * 2;
+ r_refdef.nearclip = bound (0.001f, r_nearclip.value, r_refdef.farclip - 1.0f);
+ if (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer < 0 || r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer > 1)
+ Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_shadow_frontsidecasting, 1);
+ r_refdef.polygonfactor = 0;
+ r_refdef.polygonoffset = 0;
+ r_refdef.shadowpolygonfactor = r_refdef.polygonfactor + r_shadow_polygonfactor.value * (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer ? 1 : -1);
+ r_refdef.shadowpolygonoffset = r_refdef.polygonoffset + r_shadow_polygonoffset.value * (r_shadow_frontsidecasting.integer ? 1 : -1);
+ r_refdef.scene.rtworld = r_shadow_realtime_world.integer != 0;
+ r_refdef.scene.rtworldshadows = r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows.integer && vid.stencil;
+ r_refdef.scene.rtdlight = r_shadow_realtime_dlight.integer != 0 && !gl_flashblend.integer && r_dynamic.integer;
+ r_refdef.scene.rtdlightshadows = r_refdef.scene.rtdlight && r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows.integer && vid.stencil;
+ r_refdef.lightmapintensity = r_refdef.scene.rtworld ? r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps.value : 1;
+ {
+ r_refdef.lightmapintensity *= r_fakelight_intensity.value;
+ }
+ if (r_showsurfaces.integer)
+ {
+ r_refdef.scene.rtworld = false;
+ r_refdef.scene.rtworldshadows = false;
+ r_refdef.scene.rtdlight = false;
+ r_refdef.scene.rtdlightshadows = false;
+ r_refdef.lightmapintensity = 0;
+ }
- R_UpdateFogColor();
+ R_UpdateFog();
// don't let sound skip if going slow
if (r_refdef.scene.extraupdate)
meshqueue_t **trans_hash = NULL;
meshqueue_t ***trans_hashpointer = NULL;
extern cvar_t r_transparent_sortarraysize;
+extern cvar_t r_transparent_sortmindist;
extern cvar_t r_transparent_sortmaxdist;
float mqt_viewplanedist;
// check for bad cvars
if (r_transparent_sortarraysize.integer < 1 || r_transparent_sortarraysize.integer > 32768)
Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_transparent_sortarraysize, bound(1, r_transparent_sortarraysize.integer, 32768));
- if (r_transparent_sortmaxdist.integer < 1 || r_transparent_sortmaxdist.integer > 32768)
- Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_transparent_sortmaxdist, bound(1, r_transparent_sortmaxdist.integer, 32768));
+ if (r_transparent_sortmindist.integer < 1 || r_transparent_sortmindist.integer >= r_transparent_sortmaxdist.integer)
+ Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_transparent_sortmindist, 0);
+ if (r_transparent_sortmaxdist.integer < r_transparent_sortmindist.integer || r_transparent_sortmaxdist.integer > 32768)
+ Cvar_SetValueQuick(&r_transparent_sortmaxdist, bound(r_transparent_sortmindist.integer, r_transparent_sortmaxdist.integer, 32768));
// update hash array
if (trans_sortarraysize != r_transparent_sortarraysize.integer)
maxhashindex = trans_sortarraysize - 1;
for (i = 0, mqt = mqt_array; i < mqt_count; i++, mqt++)
- hashindex = bound(0, (int)(min(mqt->dist, r_transparent_sortmaxdist.integer) * distscale), maxhashindex);
+ hashindex = bound(0, (int)(bound(0, mqt->dist - r_transparent_sortmindist.integer, r_transparent_sortmaxdist.integer) * distscale), maxhashindex);
// link to tail of hash chain (to preserve render order)
mqt->next = NULL;
*trans_hashpointer[hashindex] = mqt;
extern cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag;
extern cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag;
extern cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture;
+extern cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_unstickplayers;
+extern cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_unstickentities;
extern cvar_t sv_gravity;
extern cvar_t sv_idealpitchscale;
extern cvar_t sv_jumpstep;
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag", "1", "prevents monsters, items, and most other objects from being stuck to the floor when pushed around by damage, and other situations in mods"};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag", "1", "prevents very short moves from clearing onground (which may make the player stick to the floor at high netfps)"};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture", "1", "enables mods to get accurate trace_texture results on q1bsp by using a surface-hitting traceline implementation rather than the standard solidbsp method, q3bsp always reports texture accurately"};
+cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_unstickplayers = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_unstickplayers", "1", "big hack to try and fix the rare case of MOVETYPE_WALK entities getting stuck in the world clipping hull."};
+cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_unstickentities = {0, "sv_gameplayfix_unstickentities", "1", "hack to check if entities are crossing world collision hull and try to move them to the right position"};
cvar_t sv_gravity = {CVAR_NOTIFY, "sv_gravity","800", "how fast you fall (512 = roughly earth gravity)"};
cvar_t sv_idealpitchscale = {0, "sv_idealpitchscale","0.8", "how much to look up/down slopes and stairs when not using freelook"};
cvar_t sv_jumpstep = {CVAR_NOTIFY, "sv_jumpstep", "0", "whether you can step up while jumping (sv_gameplayfix_stepwhilejumping must also be 1)"};
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_unstickplayers);
+ Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gameplayfix_unstickentities);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_gravity);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_idealpitchscale);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&sv_jumpstep);
if (sv.frametime <= 0)
- SV_CheckStuck (ent);
+ if (sv_gameplayfix_unstickplayers.integer)
+ SV_CheckStuck (ent);
applygravity = !SV_CheckWater (ent) && PRVM_serveredictfloat(ent, movetype) == MOVETYPE_WALK && ! ((int)PRVM_serveredictfloat(ent, flags) & FL_WATERJUMP);
Toss, bounce, and fly movement. When onground, do nothing.
void SV_Physics_Toss (prvm_edict_t *ent)
trace_t trace;
if (trace.bmodelstartsolid)
// try to unstick the entity
- SV_UnstickEntity(ent);
+ if (sv_gameplayfix_unstickentities.integer)
+ SV_UnstickEntity(ent);
if(!SV_PushEntity (&trace, ent, move, false, true))
return; // teleported
if (ent->priv.server->free)
void() droptofloor
static void VM_SV_droptofloor (void)
prvm_edict_t *ent;
end[2] -= 256;
if (sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect.integer)
- SV_UnstickEntity(ent);
+ if (sv_gameplayfix_unstickentities.integer)
+ SV_UnstickEntity(ent);
trace = SV_TraceBox(PRVM_serveredictvector(ent, origin), PRVM_serveredictvector(ent, mins), PRVM_serveredictvector(ent, maxs), end, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent));
if (trace.startsolid && sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid.integer)
if (trace.startsolid)
Con_DPrintf("droptofloor at %f %f %f - COULD NOT FIX BADLY PLACED ENTITY\n", PRVM_serveredictvector(ent, origin)[0], PRVM_serveredictvector(ent, origin)[1], PRVM_serveredictvector(ent, origin)[2]);
- SV_UnstickEntity(ent);
+ if (sv_gameplayfix_unstickentities.integer)
+ SV_UnstickEntity(ent);
PRVM_serveredictfloat(ent, flags) = (int)PRVM_serveredictfloat(ent, flags) | FL_ONGROUND;
PRVM_serveredictedict(ent, groundentity) = 0;
Con_DPrintf("droptofloor at %f %f %f - FIXED BADLY PLACED ENTITY\n", PRVM_serveredictvector(ent, origin)[0], PRVM_serveredictvector(ent, origin)[1], PRVM_serveredictvector(ent, origin)[2]);
VectorCopy (trace.endpos, PRVM_serveredictvector(ent, origin));
- SV_UnstickEntity(ent);
+ if (sv_gameplayfix_unstickentities.integer)
+ SV_UnstickEntity(ent);
PRVM_serveredictfloat(ent, flags) = (int)PRVM_serveredictfloat(ent, flags) | FL_ONGROUND;
PRVM_serveredictedict(ent, groundentity) = PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(trace.ent);