return false;
+int R_CullBoxCustomPlanes(const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int numplanes, const mplane_t *planes)
+ int i;
+ const mplane_t *p;
+ for (i = 0;i < numplanes;i++)
+ {
+ p = planes + i;
+ switch(p->signbits)
+ {
+ default:
+ case 0:
+ if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist)
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist)
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist)
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*maxs[2] < p->dist)
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist)
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*maxs[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist)
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ if (p->normal[0]*maxs[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist)
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ if (p->normal[0]*mins[0] + p->normal[1]*mins[1] + p->normal[2]*mins[2] < p->dist)
+ return true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
static void R_UpdateEntityLighting(entity_render_t *ent)
static void R_View_SetFrustum(void)
+ double slopex, slopey;
// break apart the view matrix into vectors for various purposes
Matrix4x4_ToVectors(&r_view.matrix, r_view.forward, r_view.left, r_view.up, r_view.origin);
VectorNegate(r_view.left, r_view.right);
- VectorMAM(1, r_view.forward, 1.0 / -r_view.frustum_x, r_view.left, r_view.frustum[0].normal);
- VectorMAM(1, r_view.forward, 1.0 / r_view.frustum_x, r_view.left, r_view.frustum[1].normal);
- VectorMAM(1, r_view.forward, 1.0 / -r_view.frustum_y, r_view.up, r_view.frustum[2].normal);
- VectorMAM(1, r_view.forward, 1.0 / r_view.frustum_y, r_view.up, r_view.frustum[3].normal);
+ slopex = 1.0 / r_view.frustum_x;
+ slopey = 1.0 / r_view.frustum_y;
+ VectorMA(r_view.forward, -slopex, r_view.left, r_view.frustum[0].normal);
+ VectorMA(r_view.forward, slopex, r_view.left, r_view.frustum[1].normal);
+ VectorMA(r_view.forward, -slopey, r_view.up , r_view.frustum[2].normal);
+ VectorMA(r_view.forward, slopey, r_view.up , r_view.frustum[3].normal);
VectorCopy(r_view.forward, r_view.frustum[4].normal);
+ // calculate frustum corners, which are used to calculate deformed frustum planes for shadow caster culling
+ VectorMAMAMAM(1, r_view.origin, 1024, r_view.forward, -1024 * slopex, r_view.left, -1024 * slopey, r_view.up, r_view.frustumcorner[0]);
+ VectorMAMAMAM(1, r_view.origin, 1024, r_view.forward, 1024 * slopex, r_view.left, -1024 * slopey, r_view.up, r_view.frustumcorner[1]);
+ VectorMAMAMAM(1, r_view.origin, 1024, r_view.forward, -1024 * slopex, r_view.left, 1024 * slopey, r_view.up, r_view.frustumcorner[2]);
+ VectorMAMAMAM(1, r_view.origin, 1024, r_view.forward, 1024 * slopex, r_view.left, 1024 * slopey, r_view.up, r_view.frustumcorner[3]);
// LordHavoc: note to all quake engine coders, Quake had a special case
// for 90 degrees which assumed a square view (wrong), so I removed it,
// Quake2 has it disabled as well.
// current light's cull box (copied out of an rtlight or calculated by GetLightInfo)
vec3_t r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins;
vec3_t r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs;
+// current light's culling planes
+int r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes;
+mplane_t r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[12+6+6]; // see R_Shadow_ComputeShadowCasterCullingPlanes
rtexturepool_t *r_shadow_texturepool;
rtexture_t *r_shadow_attenuation2dtexture;
memset(rtlight, 0, sizeof(*rtlight));
// copy the properties
+ rtlight->matrix_lighttoworld = tempmatrix;
Matrix4x4_Invert_Simple(&rtlight->matrix_worldtolight, &tempmatrix);
Matrix4x4_OriginFromMatrix(&tempmatrix, rtlight->shadoworigin);
rtlight->radius = Matrix4x4_ScaleFromMatrix(&tempmatrix);
+void R_Shadow_ComputeShadowCasterCullingPlanes(rtlight_t *rtlight)
+ int i, j;
+ mplane_t plane;
+ // reset the count of frustum planes
+ // see r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes definition for how much this array
+ // can hold
+ r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes = 0;
+#if 1
+ // generate a deformed frustum that includes the light origin, this is
+ // used to cull shadow casting surfaces that can not possibly cast a
+ // shadow onto the visible light-receiving surfaces, which can be a
+ // performance gain
+ //
+ // if the light origin is onscreen the result will be 4 planes exactly
+ // if the light origin is offscreen on only one axis the result will
+ // be exactly 5 planes (split-side case)
+ // if the light origin is offscreen on two axes the result will be
+ // exactly 4 planes (stretched corner case)
+ for (i = 0;i < 4;i++)
+ {
+ // quickly reject standard frustum planes that put the light
+ // origin outside the frustum
+ if (PlaneDiff(rtlight->shadoworigin, &r_view.frustum[i]) < -0.03125)
+ continue;
+ // copy the plane
+ r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes++] = r_view.frustum[i];
+ }
+ // if all the standard frustum planes were accepted, the light is onscreen
+ // otherwise we need to generate some more planes below...
+ if (r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes < 4)
+ {
+ // at least one of the stock frustum planes failed, so we need to
+ // create one or two custom planes to enclose the light origin
+ for (i = 0;i < 4;i++)
+ {
+ // create a plane using the view origin and light origin, and a
+ // single point from the frustum corner set
+ TriangleNormal(r_view.origin, r_view.frustumcorner[i], rtlight->shadoworigin, plane.normal);
+ VectorNormalize(plane.normal);
+ plane.dist = DotProduct(r_view.origin, plane.normal);
+ // see if this plane is backwards and flip it if so
+ for (j = 0;j < 4;j++)
+ if (j != i && DotProduct(r_view.frustumcorner[j], plane.normal) - plane.dist < -0.03125)
+ break;
+ if (j < 4)
+ {
+ VectorNegate(plane.normal, plane.normal);
+ plane.dist *= -1;
+ // flipped plane, test again to see if it is now valid
+ for (j = 0;j < 4;j++)
+ if (j != i && DotProduct(r_view.frustumcorner[j], plane.normal) - plane.dist < -0.03125)
+ break;
+ // if the plane is still not valid, then it is dividing the
+ // frustum and has to be rejected
+ if (j < 4)
+ continue;
+ }
+ // we have created a valid plane, compute extra info
+ PlaneClassify(&plane);
+ // copy the plane
+ r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes++] = plane;
+#if 1
+ // if we've found 5 frustum planes then we have constructed a
+ // proper split-side case and do not need to keep searching for
+ // planes to enclose the light origin
+ if (r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes == 5)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ for (i = 0;i < r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes;i++)
+ {
+ plane = r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[i];
+ Con_Printf("light %p plane #%i %f %f %f : %f (%f %f %f %f %f)\n", rtlight, i, plane.normal[0], plane.normal[1], plane.normal[2], plane.dist, PlaneDiff(r_view.frustumcorner[0], &plane), PlaneDiff(r_view.frustumcorner[1], &plane), PlaneDiff(r_view.frustumcorner[2], &plane), PlaneDiff(r_view.frustumcorner[3], &plane), PlaneDiff(rtlight->shadoworigin, &plane));
+ }
+#if 0
+ // now add the light-space box planes if the light box is rotated, as any
+ // caster outside the oriented light box is irrelevant (even if it passed
+ // the worldspace light box, which is axial)
+ if (rtlight->matrix_lighttoworld.m[0][0] != 1 || rtlight->matrix_lighttoworld.m[1][1] != 1 || rtlight->matrix_lighttoworld.m[2][2] != 1)
+ {
+ for (i = 0;i < 6;i++)
+ {
+ vec3_t v;
+ VectorClear(v);
+ v[i >> 1] = (i & 1) ? -1 : 1;
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(&rtlight->matrix_lighttoworld, v, plane.normal);
+ VectorSubtract(plane.normal, rtlight->shadoworigin, plane.normal);
+ plane.dist = VectorNormalizeLength(plane.normal);
+ plane.dist += DotProduct(plane.normal, rtlight->shadoworigin);
+ r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes++] = plane;
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ // add the world-space reduced box planes
+ for (i = 0;i < 6;i++)
+ {
+ VectorClear(plane.normal);
+ plane.normal[i >> 1] = (i & 1) ? -1 : 1;
+ plane.dist = (i & 1) ? -r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[i >> 1] : r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[i >> 1];
+ r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes++] = plane;
+ }
+#if 0
+ {
+ int j, oldnum;
+ vec3_t points[8];
+ vec_t bestdist;
+ // reduce all plane distances to tightly fit the rtlight cull box, which
+ // is in worldspace
+ VectorSet(points[0], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[0], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[1], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[2]);
+ VectorSet(points[1], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[0], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[1], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[2]);
+ VectorSet(points[2], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[0], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[1], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[2]);
+ VectorSet(points[3], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[0], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[1], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[2]);
+ VectorSet(points[4], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[0], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[1], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[2]);
+ VectorSet(points[5], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[0], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[1], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[2]);
+ VectorSet(points[6], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins[0], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[1], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[2]);
+ VectorSet(points[7], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[0], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[1], r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs[2]);
+ oldnum = r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes;
+ r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes = 0;
+ for (j = 0;j < oldnum;j++)
+ {
+ // find the nearest point on the box to this plane
+ bestdist = DotProduct(r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[j].normal, points[0]);
+ for (i = 1;i < 8;i++)
+ {
+ dist = DotProduct(r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[j].normal, points[i]);
+ if (bestdist > dist)
+ bestdist = dist;
+ }
+ Con_Printf("light %p %splane #%i %f %f %f : %f < %f\n", rtlight, r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[j].dist < bestdist + 0.03125 ? "^2" : "^1", j, r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[j].normal[0], r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[j].normal[1], r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[j].normal[2], r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[j].dist, bestdist);
+ // if the nearest point is near or behind the plane, we want this
+ // plane, otherwise the plane is useless as it won't cull anything
+ if (r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[j].dist < bestdist + 0.03125)
+ {
+ PlaneClassify(&r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[j]);
+ r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes++] = r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes[j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
void R_Shadow_DrawWorldShadow(int numsurfaces, int *surfacelist, const unsigned char *trispvs)
if (R_Shadow_ScissorForBBox(r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins, r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs))
+ R_Shadow_ComputeShadowCasterCullingPlanes(rtlight);
// make a list of lit entities and shadow casting entities
numlightentities = 0;
numshadowentities = 0;
vec3_t org;
if (!BoxesOverlap(ent->mins, ent->maxs, r_shadow_rtlight_cullmins, r_shadow_rtlight_cullmaxs))
+ // skip the object entirely if it is not within the valid
+ // shadow-casting region (which includes the lit region)
+ if (R_CullBoxCustomPlanes(ent->mins, ent->maxs, r_shadow_rtlight_numfrustumplanes, r_shadow_rtlight_frustumplanes))
+ continue;
if (!(model = ent->model))
if (r_viewcache.entityvisible[i] && model->DrawLight && (ent->flags & RENDER_LIGHT))