int i;
rmeshstate_t m;
model_t *model;
- float *v, lightdirection[3], surfnormal[3], planenormal[3], planedist, floororigin[3], v2[3], offset[3], dist1, dist2, frac;
+ float *v, planenormal[3], planedist, dist, projection[3], floororigin[3], surfnormal[3], lightdirection[3], v2[3];
- VectorCopy(ent->origin, v2);
- v2[2] -= 65536.0f;
+ lightdirection[0] = 0.5;
+ lightdirection[1] = 0.2;
+ lightdirection[2] = -1;
+ VectorNormalizeFast(lightdirection);
+ VectorMA(ent->origin, 65536.0f, lightdirection, v2);
if (CL_TraceLine(ent->origin, v2, floororigin, surfnormal, 0, false, NULL) == 1)
R_FillColors(varray_color, model->numverts, 0, 0, 0, 0.5);
// put a light direction in the entity's coordinate space
- lightdirection[0] = 0.3;
- lightdirection[1] = 0.1;
- lightdirection[2] = -1;
- Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&ent->inversematrix, lightdirection, offset);
- VectorNormalizeFast(offset);
- VectorScale(offset, 65536.0f, offset);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&ent->inversematrix, lightdirection, projection);
+ VectorNormalizeFast(projection);
// put the plane's normal in the entity's coordinate space
Matrix4x4_Transform3x3(&ent->inversematrix, surfnormal, planenormal);
// put the plane's distance in the entity's coordinate space
VectorSubtract(floororigin, ent->origin, floororigin);
- planedist = DotProduct(floororigin, surfnormal) + 1;
+ planedist = DotProduct(floororigin, surfnormal) + 2;
- //Con_Printf("sn: %f %f %f pn: %f %f %f pd: %f\n", surfnormal[0], surfnormal[1], surfnormal[2], planenormal[0], planenormal[1], planenormal[2], planedist);
- {
- //int count1 = 0, count2 = 0, count3 = 0;
+ dist = -1.0f / DotProduct(projection, planenormal);
+ VectorScale(projection, dist, projection);
for (i = 0, v = varray_vertex;i < model->numverts;i++, v += 4)
- v2[0] = v[0] + offset[0];
- v2[1] = v[1] + offset[1];
- v2[2] = v[2] + offset[2];
- dist1 = DotProduct(v, planenormal) - planedist;
- dist2 = DotProduct(v2, planenormal) - planedist;
- //if (dist1 > 0)
- // count1++;
- //if (dist2 > 0)
- // count2++;
- //if (dist1 > 0 != dist2 > 0)
- // count3++;
- if (dist1 > 0 && dist2 < 0)
+ dist = DotProduct(v, planenormal) - planedist;
+ if (dist > 0)
//if (i & 1)
- {
- // clipped
- frac = dist1 / (dist1 - dist2);
- VectorMA(v, frac, offset, v);
- }
- }
- //Con_Printf("counts %d %d %d\n", count1, count2, count3);
+ VectorMA(v, dist, projection, v);
R_Mesh_Draw(model->numverts, model->numtris, model->mdlmd2data_indices);