--- /dev/null
+ q3map_surfaceLight 800\r
+ {\r
+ map models/race/checkpoint/light.tga\r
+ tcMod scroll 22.5 0.2\r
+ tcmod scale 0.003 0.003\r
+ }\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ qer_editorimage textures/race/cliff02.tga\r
+ \r
+ q3map_nonplanar\r
+ q3map_shadeangle 120\r
+ q3map_globalTexture\r
+ q3map_lightmapsampleoffset 10\r
+ q3map_alphaMod dotproduct2 ( 0 0 0.80 )\r
+ {\r
+ map textures/race/cliff02.tga // Primary\r
+ tcmod scale 2 2\r
+ rgbGen identity\r
+ }\r
+ {\r
+ map textures/race/ground.tga // Secondary\r
+ tcmod scale 2 2\r
+ rgbGen identity\r
+ alphaGen vertex\r
+ }\r
+ {\r
+ map $lightmap\r
+ blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO\r
+ rgbGen identity\r
+ }\r
+ qer_editorimage textures/race/track02.tga\r
+ {\r
+ map $lightmap\r
+ rgbGen identity\r
+ }\r
+ {\r
+ map textures/race/track02.tga\r
+ }\r
+ qer_editorimage textures/race/tunel01.tga\r
+ {\r
+ map $lightmap\r
+ rgbGen identity\r
+ }\r
+ {\r
+ map textures/race/tunel01.tga\r
+ }\r
+qer_editorimage textures/race/cloud1.tga\r
+ {\r
+ map textures/race/cloud1.tga\r
+ tcMod scroll 0.03 0\r
+ blendfunc blend\r
+ }\r
+qer_editorimage textures/race/cloud2.tga\r
+ {\r
+ map textures/race/cloud2.tga\r
+ tcMod scroll 0.021 0\r
+ blendfunc blend\r
+ }\r
+qer_editorimage textures/race/cloud3.tga\r
+ {\r
+ map textures/race/cloud3.tga\r
+ tcMod scroll 0.011 0\r
+ blendfunc blend\r
+ }\r
+qer_editorimage textures/race/arrow.tga\r
+ {\r
+ map textures/race/arrow.tga\r
+ tcMod scroll 0 2\r
+ blendfunc add\r
+ }\r
+ qer_editorimage env/med-troubadour-gray/med-troubadour-gray_up.tga\r
+ surfaceparm noimpact\r
+ surfaceparm nolightmap\r
+ surfaceparm sky\r
+ surfaceparm nomarks\r
+ q3map_sunExt .5 .5 .7 100 0 86 3 16\r
+ q3map_skylight 150 3\r
+ skyparms env/med-troubadour-gray/med-troubadour-gray - -\r
\ No newline at end of file