-d darkplaces renderer: check out qe1 textures and make sure they load in all the e1 maps, report of crashing in most but not all maps (Linny Amore)
-d darkplaces renderer: figure out what's wrong with gloss rendering vertex calculations, which may be GF2 related (QorpsE)
-d darkplaces renderer: make gl_picmip affect only maps, models, and sprites by setting their TEXF_PICMIP flag (-Zenex, Urre)
--d darkplaces renderer: make gl_texture_anisotropy take effect immediately like gl_texturemode rather than needing an r_restart (-metlslime, zinx)
-d darkplaces: add ogg music playback using optional library after adding wav music playback (-Joseph Caporale, Static_Fiend, Akuma)
-d darkplaces: add wav music playback (-Joseph Caporale, Static_Fiend)
-d dpmod: make grapple off-hand (joe hill)
d darkplaces renderer: examine the surface rendering code to make sure it has no bugs regarding texture selection for any of the passes (sublim3)
d darkplaces renderer: figure out the 'inverted bumps' bug on some texture orientations (see crate tops at end of e1m1, tenebrae1 does not suffer this problem somehow) (U8Poo)
d darkplaces renderer: fix a crash when changing level while using qe1 textures (Todd)
+d darkplaces renderer: make gl_texture_anisotropy take effect immediately like gl_texturemode rather than needing an r_restart (metlslime, zinx)
d darkplaces server: figure out what is wrong with dedicated server console on win32 and fix it (and tell Willis)
d darkplaces server: figure out what's making monsters act like notarget is on while underwater (romi)
d darkplaces server: figure out why zombies are disappearing when not entirely submerged in some hipnotic maps (romi)