float strafe_waterlevel;
- // get the player waterlevel without affecting the player entity
+ // get the player waterlevel without affecting the player entity, this way we can fetch waterlevel even if client prediction is disabled
// store old values
void old_contentstransition(int, int) = strafeplayer.contentstransition;
static float turnspeed;
static float turnaccel;
static bool fwd = true;
- static float strafe_dt_time = 0;
- static int strafe_dt_count = 0;
- static float strafe_dt_sum = 0;
- static float strafe_dt_avg = 0;
+ static float dt_update = 0;
+ static int dt_time = 0;
+ static float dt_sum = 0;
+ static float dt = 0;
// physics
bool onground = islocal ? IS_ONGROUND(strafeplayer) : !(strafeplayer.anim_implicit_state & ANIMIMPLICITSTATE_INAIR);
float bestspeed;
float maxaccel_phys = onground ? PHYS_ACCELERATE(strafeplayer) : PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer);
float maxaccel = !autocvar__hud_configure ? maxaccel_phys : 1;
- float frametime_phys;
float vel_angle = vectoangles(strafeplayer.velocity).y - (vectoangles(strafeplayer.velocity).y > 180 ? 360 : 0); // change the range from 0° - 360° to -180° - 180° to match how view_angle represents angles
float view_angle = PHYS_INPUT_ANGLES(strafeplayer).y;
float angle;
// determine frametime
if((csqcplayer_status == CSQCPLAYERSTATUS_PREDICTED) && (input_timelength > 0))
- frametime_phys = input_timelength;
- else
- frametime_phys = ticrate;
+ {
+ float dt_client = input_timelength;
- if(frametime_phys > .05) // server splits frames longer than 50 ms into two moves
- frametime_phys /= 2; // doesn't ensure frames are smaller than 50 ms, just splits large frames in half, matches server behaviour
+ if(dt_client > .05) // server splits frames longer than 50 ms into two moves
+ dt_client /= 2; // doesn't ensure frames are smaller than 50 ms, just splits large frames in half, matches server behaviour
- // calculate average frametime
- strafe_dt_sum += frametime_phys;
- ++strafe_dt_count;
+ // calculate average frametime
+ dt_sum += dt_client*dt_client;
+ dt_time += dt_client;
- if(((time - strafe_dt_time) > autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_fps_update) || (strafe_dt_time == 0))
+ if(((time - dt_update) > autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_fps_update) || (dt_update == 0))
+ {
+ dt = dt_sum / dt_time;
+ dt_update = time;
+ dt_time = dt_sum = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
- strafe_dt_avg = strafe_dt_sum / strafe_dt_count;
- strafe_dt_time = time;
- strafe_dt_count = strafe_dt_sum = 0;
+ dt = ticrate;
+ dt_update = dt_time = dt_sum = 0;
// determine whether the player is pressing forwards or backwards keys
// calculate the maximum air strafe speed and acceleration
float strafity = 1 - (90 - fabs(wishangle)) / 45;
- if(PHYS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED(strafeplayer) != 0){
+ if(PHYS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED(strafeplayer) != 0)
+ {
maxspeed = GeomLerp(PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer), strafity, PHYS_MAXAIRSTRAFESPEED(strafeplayer));
maxspeed = min(maxspeed, PHYS_MAXAIRSPEED(strafeplayer) * maxspeed_mod);
if(turnspeed == 0) turnspeed = maxspeed;
else turnspeed = min(turnspeed, maxspeed);
- if(PHYS_AIRSTRAFEACCELERATE(strafeplayer) != 0) {
+ if(PHYS_AIRSTRAFEACCELERATE(strafeplayer) != 0)
+ {
maxaccel = GeomLerp(PHYS_AIRACCELERATE(strafeplayer), strafity, PHYS_AIRSTRAFEACCELERATE(strafeplayer));
turnaccel = maxaccel;
- maxaccel *= strafe_dt_avg * movespeed;
- bestspeed = max(movespeed - maxaccel, 0);
+ maxaccel *= dt * movespeed;
+ bestspeed = max(movespeed - maxaccel, 0); // target speed to gain maximum acceleration
- float strafespeed = speed; // speed minus friction
+ float frictionspeed; // speed lost from friction
+ float strafespeed; // speed minus friction
- if((strafespeed > 0) && onground){
+ if((speed > 0) && onground)
+ {
float strafefriction = IS_ONSLICK(strafeplayer) ? PHYS_FRICTION_SLICK(strafeplayer) : PHYS_FRICTION(strafeplayer);
- float f = 1 - strafe_dt_avg * strafefriction * max(PHYS_STOPSPEED(strafeplayer) / strafespeed, 1);
- if(f <= 0)
- strafespeed = 0;
- else
- strafespeed *= f;
+ frictionspeed = speed * dt * strafefriction * max(PHYS_STOPSPEED(strafeplayer) / speed, 1);
+ strafespeed = max(speed - frictionspeed, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ frictionspeed = 0;
+ strafespeed = speed;
- minspeed = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_minspeed < 0 ? bestspeed + (speed - strafespeed) : autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_minspeed;
+ minspeed = autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_minspeed < 0 ? bestspeed + frictionspeed : autocvar_hud_panel_strafehud_switch_minspeed;
// get current strafing angle ranging from -180° to +180°
// best angle to strafe at
bestangle = (strafespeed > bestspeed ? acos(bestspeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG * (direction < 0 ? -1 : 1) : 0);
- prebestangle = (strafespeed > movespeed ? acos(movespeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG * (direction < 0 ? -1 : 1) : 0);
+ prebestangle = (strafespeed > movespeed ? acos(movespeed / strafespeed) * RAD2DEG * (direction < 0 ? -1 : 1) : 0); // in case of ground friction we may decelerate if the acceleration is smaller than the speed loss from friction
odd_bestangle = -bestangle - wishangle;
bestangle -= wishangle;
prebestangle -= wishangle;
else if(mirror_offset == 0) gradient_start = 1;
else gradient_start = 0;
- switch(gradient_start){
+ switch(gradient_start)
+ {
case 0: // no offset required
gradient_offset = gradient_mirror_offset = 0;